We’re Wired With God’s Power | Victoria Osteen
We’re Wired With God’s Power
When you make Jesus the Lord of your life, you become fully connected to your source of power. All you have to do is switch it on!
Every time we go through something difficult and don’t give up, we see that God is good and faithful and that we can trust Him. We also learn that we are stronger than we may have thought we were and that all problems eventually come to an end.
Can you imagine
living in a big beautiful house all wired with electricity, well able to run your refrigerator, well able to run your air conditioning, your all of your lights, you can plug in all your small appliances, all the modern things that we have.
Can you imagine living in a home like that, but not being able to run any of that stuff?
It’s all wired with power and electricity, but you didn’t go out to the breaker box and flip on the switch.
Wouldn’t that be crazy? I can’t even imagine how they lived without power.
It’d be difficult to to imagine because we have gotten so used to having our appliances plugged in.
Listen, I bet nobody in here pretty much would go out of their house without charging their phone, would they?
And I don’t know if you’re like me, if my phone runs out of battery, I’m looking for someone with a charger.
I’m gonna plug into that power because I don’t wanna be disconnected. I want my phone fully charged.
It would be crazy to live without power when it’s available to you.
But do you know so many people are living in a house, and they’re never switching on the power.
They’re never switching on the breaker box. You see, god has wired you with power.
You are fully wired with power. But you gotta turn it on.
How do we turn on this power?
Listen to what it says in Romans ten, nine, Now you have to understand this verse is so key to the power of god in you.
It not only tells you how to get wired But it tells you how to flow in the power.
It says, if you will declare with your mouth that Jesus is lord, And if you will believe with your heart that god raised him from the dead, then you will be saved.
With the heart Man believes with the mouth, man makes confessions unto righteousness.
You see, when you make Jesus the lord of your life by saying, I believe God sent his son.
He died on the cross for me.
He rose again on the third day so that I can be free from sin that I am on my way to heaven guess what happens?
You go from a house, a temple that has no wiring to being fully wired. You’re fully wired.
But to switch on that power that is in you, It says it’s with the heart man believes and with the mouth he confesses.
You see, that is the switch that turns on the power. I talked to a man the other day.
And he told me Victoria, I’ve had seven strokes The doctor has found three lesioned areas on my brain.
He said I found myself walking with a cane,
uh, could hardly get around. He said, I’m a pastor of a church.
He said I began to realize my life is just powerless, and I
I began to say, god, what is going on? Why do I deserve this? What is wrong?
And he said, Victoria, I felt in my heart.
And I saw in the spirit, I felt like I saw this sewage swirling around of thoughts.
And I had been thinking this these poisonous thoughts and confessing these poisonous thoughts about myself for so long that it drained the power right out of me.
He said it was just like a sewage of thoughts. I had been so critical on myself.
I’d been confessing how I wasn’t good enough, how You know, I didn’t have the favor of god that nothing goes right for me.
And he said that confession made me believe it. And he said, I had no power.
He said, I found SiriusXM, one twenty eight. He said, and I began to listen to Joel.
I began to listen to the word that he preached.
I began to transition my thinking little by little.
He said I stopped those negative words, and I began to confess and believe the right thing over my life.
He said, I’m not walking with the cane anymore, Victoria.
He said I’m able to get around.
He said, now what I confess, and now what I believe are the promises of god.
You see, that man was fully wired. He just wasn’t using the power correctly.
He wasn’t flipping on the switch.
He wasn’t believing in his heart and confessing out of his mouth.
Now, if I asked you today, do you believe that Jesus Christ gave his life so that you could be saved?
Many of you, most of you would say, yeah,
I do. Let me tell you about it.
Well, it was a little girl, and it was when I was in Sunday school.
Or you would tell me when I was a young man, I met god, and he saved me.
You could tell me a beautiful testimony. I bet I couldn’t talk you out of being safe.
In fact, if I tried, you’d probably save it
to her. Just leave me alone. You know what? I am safe. I am saved.
We wouldn’t let anybody talk us out of that, would we? Why do we let our circumstances?
Why do we let discouragement, talk us out of believing that god was to bless our life.
Why do we let what people say about us?
Define us and tell us that we don’t have favor. We’re not talented. We don’t hold great value.
We wouldn’t let anybody talk us out of being saved.
But we’ll certainly let things talk us out of our destiny, talk us out of the good things God has for us.
Why is that? We may be fully wired because that’s what happened when you gave your heart to Jesus, but you’re not turning on your breaker boxes.
You’re not confessing out of your mouth so you can believe in your heart.
You see, when a circumstance comes against you,
You have to say no. Uh-uh. God says this about me. He says I’m fearfully and wonderfully made.
When you start feeling sick, no. God is my healer. He’s my redeemer. He’s my pearl of great price.
When people are talking about you, when they’re pressing you down? No. No.
I don’t listen to that, and I certainly don’t repeat
what they say. I don’t repeat what the enemy says about me. I repeat what god says about me.
That’s my confession. That’s what I believe in my heart.
And I’m not gonna let anybody talk me out of it.
King David, the psalmist, David, King of Israel. God called him a man after his own heart.
God called him a man after his own heart.
But when you read some of the songs, you see that David was susceptible to discouragement.
He was also susceptible to cutting off the power instead of turning on the power.
In Psalms forty three and forty two, you can read his writings any he begins to talk about his overwhelming feeling.
His soul ridged within him. The armies encamped around him on every side, He begins to talk about all the problems that he has.
You continue to read, and all of a sudden, you see a transition in his prayer.
You see attorney, and he stops, and he challenges that discouraging voice.
He challenges those negative situations. And he says this. He says, why is my soul so downcast?
Why am I so discouraged?
He’s like, I’m a wired man.
I’m gonna flip on the switch. And then he begins to say, I’m gonna put my hope in god.
I’m gonna trust in the god my savior. I’m gonna praise him. Yet again.
You see, he turned on the power.
This is a man that’s That’s a man that served under god, that god loved.
I believe he is there to show us that we can go down the road of discouragement, but we’re fully powered up to charge our batteries to change our situation, to supersize our strength, to stand strong against the power of the enemy.
We have the power in god. Jesus said I’m going to heaven.
He says I’m going to heaven, but I’m leading you my power. And then he said, because
you’re gonna do greater works than I did. Now I’ll tell you, I don’t understand all the theology in that.
But if god says I’m gonna do great works, I’m gonna do great works. I’m gonna do great works.
Discouragement, negative self talk, it’ll hold your prisoner.
It’ll hold you captive. The only way you can break that chain.
Only way that you can break through that is to begin to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart, unto salvation, unto your righteousness because the enemy doesn’t want you to know who you are.
He doesn’t want you to know what god says about you He wants you to hear what other people are saying.
He wants you to be dictated by your circumstances.
Hey, your bills are getting piling up and your finances are getting
a little low. He wants you to sound poor. I’m poor. God, but you know what the
Bible says? He says that the poor say I’m rich.
He says that those people who are weak, You begin to say you’re strong.
Why? Because it’s a principle that’s been established by god.
What you confess out of your mouth and what you believe in your heart will supersize your power.
It will plug you in to the greatness of god.
Afhesians three twenty says, to him who is able to do more than I can think or imagine according to the power that works within me.
It doesn’t say according to god’s power, According to if god is happy with me, it says according to what I release
and increase on the inside of me.
Listen, you’re wired today, and you could flow in great power
You can overcome every obstacle. You can climb every mountain. You can get out of every valley.
You don’t have to be discouraged. You don’t have to be defeated.
You’re not him you’re a victorious because god lives
on the inside of you. Your words or weapons. Use them for yourself, not against yourself.
And I believe you’ll see the power in you come with great strength. Amen. Hey, you, man.
He’s an awesome guy.
Thank you for watching this message.
We’d love to connect with you in the comments, to hear your prayers and your testimonies.
We thank you for supporting this ministry with your donation and your offerings.
See, when you give, I believe God’ll open up the windows of heaven, and you’ll see favor in new ways for your life.
I believe your best days are still out in front of you.
So make sure to like and subscribe to stay inspired all throughout the week.
living in a big beautiful house all wired with electricity, well able to run your refrigerator, well able to run your air conditioning, your all of your lights, you can plug in all your small appliances, all the modern things that we have.
Can you imagine living in a home like that, but not being able to run any of that stuff?
It’s all wired with power and electricity, but you didn’t go out to the breaker box and flip on the switch.
Wouldn’t that be crazy? I can’t even imagine how they lived without power.
It’d be difficult to to imagine because we have gotten so used to having our appliances plugged in.
Listen, I bet nobody in here pretty much would go out of their house without charging their phone, would they?
And I don’t know if you’re like me, if my phone runs out of battery, I’m looking for someone with a charger.
I’m gonna plug into that power because I don’t wanna be disconnected. I want my phone fully charged.
It would be crazy to live without power when it’s available to you.
But do you know so many people are living in a house, and they’re never switching on the power.
They’re never switching on the breaker box. You see, god has wired you with power.
You are fully wired with power. But you gotta turn it on.
How do we turn on this power?
Listen to what it says in Romans ten, nine, Now you have to understand this verse is so key to the power of god in you.
It not only tells you how to get wired But it tells you how to flow in the power.
It says, if you will declare with your mouth that Jesus is lord, And if you will believe with your heart that god raised him from the dead, then you will be saved.
With the heart Man believes with the mouth, man makes confessions unto righteousness.
You see, when you make Jesus the lord of your life by saying, I believe God sent his son.
He died on the cross for me.
He rose again on the third day so that I can be free from sin that I am on my way to heaven guess what happens?
You go from a house, a temple that has no wiring to being fully wired. You’re fully wired.
But to switch on that power that is in you, It says it’s with the heart man believes and with the mouth he confesses.
You see, that is the switch that turns on the power. I talked to a man the other day.
And he told me Victoria, I’ve had seven strokes The doctor has found three lesioned areas on my brain.
He said I found myself walking with a cane,
uh, could hardly get around. He said, I’m a pastor of a church.
He said I began to realize my life is just powerless, and I
I began to say, god, what is going on? Why do I deserve this? What is wrong?
And he said, Victoria, I felt in my heart.
And I saw in the spirit, I felt like I saw this sewage swirling around of thoughts.
And I had been thinking this these poisonous thoughts and confessing these poisonous thoughts about myself for so long that it drained the power right out of me.
He said it was just like a sewage of thoughts. I had been so critical on myself.
I’d been confessing how I wasn’t good enough, how You know, I didn’t have the favor of god that nothing goes right for me.
And he said that confession made me believe it. And he said, I had no power.
He said, I found SiriusXM, one twenty eight. He said, and I began to listen to Joel.
I began to listen to the word that he preached.
I began to transition my thinking little by little.
He said I stopped those negative words, and I began to confess and believe the right thing over my life.
He said, I’m not walking with the cane anymore, Victoria.
He said I’m able to get around.
He said, now what I confess, and now what I believe are the promises of god.
You see, that man was fully wired. He just wasn’t using the power correctly.
He wasn’t flipping on the switch.
He wasn’t believing in his heart and confessing out of his mouth.
Now, if I asked you today, do you believe that Jesus Christ gave his life so that you could be saved?
Many of you, most of you would say, yeah,
I do. Let me tell you about it.
Well, it was a little girl, and it was when I was in Sunday school.
Or you would tell me when I was a young man, I met god, and he saved me.
You could tell me a beautiful testimony. I bet I couldn’t talk you out of being safe.
In fact, if I tried, you’d probably save it
to her. Just leave me alone. You know what? I am safe. I am saved.
We wouldn’t let anybody talk us out of that, would we? Why do we let our circumstances?
Why do we let discouragement, talk us out of believing that god was to bless our life.
Why do we let what people say about us?
Define us and tell us that we don’t have favor. We’re not talented. We don’t hold great value.
We wouldn’t let anybody talk us out of being saved.
But we’ll certainly let things talk us out of our destiny, talk us out of the good things God has for us.
Why is that? We may be fully wired because that’s what happened when you gave your heart to Jesus, but you’re not turning on your breaker boxes.
You’re not confessing out of your mouth so you can believe in your heart.
You see, when a circumstance comes against you,
You have to say no. Uh-uh. God says this about me. He says I’m fearfully and wonderfully made.
When you start feeling sick, no. God is my healer. He’s my redeemer. He’s my pearl of great price.
When people are talking about you, when they’re pressing you down? No. No.
I don’t listen to that, and I certainly don’t repeat
what they say. I don’t repeat what the enemy says about me. I repeat what god says about me.
That’s my confession. That’s what I believe in my heart.
And I’m not gonna let anybody talk me out of it.
King David, the psalmist, David, King of Israel. God called him a man after his own heart.
God called him a man after his own heart.
But when you read some of the songs, you see that David was susceptible to discouragement.
He was also susceptible to cutting off the power instead of turning on the power.
In Psalms forty three and forty two, you can read his writings any he begins to talk about his overwhelming feeling.
His soul ridged within him. The armies encamped around him on every side, He begins to talk about all the problems that he has.
You continue to read, and all of a sudden, you see a transition in his prayer.
You see attorney, and he stops, and he challenges that discouraging voice.
He challenges those negative situations. And he says this. He says, why is my soul so downcast?
Why am I so discouraged?
He’s like, I’m a wired man.
I’m gonna flip on the switch. And then he begins to say, I’m gonna put my hope in god.
I’m gonna trust in the god my savior. I’m gonna praise him. Yet again.
You see, he turned on the power.
This is a man that’s That’s a man that served under god, that god loved.
I believe he is there to show us that we can go down the road of discouragement, but we’re fully powered up to charge our batteries to change our situation, to supersize our strength, to stand strong against the power of the enemy.
We have the power in god. Jesus said I’m going to heaven.
He says I’m going to heaven, but I’m leading you my power. And then he said, because
you’re gonna do greater works than I did. Now I’ll tell you, I don’t understand all the theology in that.
But if god says I’m gonna do great works, I’m gonna do great works. I’m gonna do great works.
Discouragement, negative self talk, it’ll hold your prisoner.
It’ll hold you captive. The only way you can break that chain.
Only way that you can break through that is to begin to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart, unto salvation, unto your righteousness because the enemy doesn’t want you to know who you are.
He doesn’t want you to know what god says about you He wants you to hear what other people are saying.
He wants you to be dictated by your circumstances.
Hey, your bills are getting piling up and your finances are getting
a little low. He wants you to sound poor. I’m poor. God, but you know what the
Bible says? He says that the poor say I’m rich.
He says that those people who are weak, You begin to say you’re strong.
Why? Because it’s a principle that’s been established by god.
What you confess out of your mouth and what you believe in your heart will supersize your power.
It will plug you in to the greatness of god.
Afhesians three twenty says, to him who is able to do more than I can think or imagine according to the power that works within me.
It doesn’t say according to god’s power, According to if god is happy with me, it says according to what I release
and increase on the inside of me.
Listen, you’re wired today, and you could flow in great power
You can overcome every obstacle. You can climb every mountain. You can get out of every valley.
You don’t have to be discouraged. You don’t have to be defeated.
You’re not him you’re a victorious because god lives
on the inside of you. Your words or weapons. Use them for yourself, not against yourself.
And I believe you’ll see the power in you come with great strength. Amen. Hey, you, man.
He’s an awesome guy.
Thank you for watching this message.
We’d love to connect with you in the comments, to hear your prayers and your testimonies.
We thank you for supporting this ministry with your donation and your offerings.
See, when you give, I believe God’ll open up the windows of heaven, and you’ll see favor in new ways for your life.
I believe your best days are still out in front of you.
So make sure to like and subscribe to stay inspired all throughout the week.