Ways to Increase Your Peace – Pt 1 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

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Ways to Increase Your Peace – Pt 1 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

What is upsetting you today? God offers us His peace, but it’s up to us to actually allow His peace to take hold. Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer discusses ways to increase your peace and enjoy life to the fullest.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

hey thanks for watching Joyce’s YouTube channel we pray you find encouragement and exactly what you’re looking for here did you know that these videos that you watch for free are available with the help of our Joyce Meyer Ministries Partners as a result people are learning how to apply God’s word to their lives and come out of some really dark places if God’s using these teachings to bring you closer to him let me encourage you to join us and become a partner today join the team that is sending his word
around the world you can do big things together with us scan our QR code now and begin sharing the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ everywhere this program is made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries what are you trying to make happen that only God can make happen I’m Joyce Meyer and I believe that God can heal you everywhere you [Music] hurt thank you for joining me today on Enjoying Everyday Life I really am glad that you’ve decided to spend this time with me studying God’s word I believe it
always helps us every single time we hear it and I think you’re going to have a better day because you’re starting it with God’s word today I want to talk about some ways that you can increase your peace now I spent the larger part of the first maybe 45 to 50 years of my life finding something to be upset about most of the time and I finally got hungry enough for peace that I was willing to do whatever I needed to do to have it my husband Dave was very peaceful and I finally realized if he could have that kind of Peace then I
could have that kind of peace I grew up in a atmosphere turmoil which maybe many of you did too very dysfunctional home a lot of arguing a lot of strife all the time and I had such a lack of peace in my life that I actually thought that that kind of dysfunctional atmosphere was normal and so I just put up with it for a long time before I realized that it was something that Jesus had actually bequeathed to us before he died and left the Earth and I needed to access that in my life and I just wonder how many of
you watching today are upset about something you’re worried about something something is stealing your peace you know I have finally after having peace I have come to the point where I don’t think that life is worth much if you don’t have peace I mean what do we really want in life other than to have peace peace and joy and enjoy our days I you know there’s there’s something to worry about every single day if you want to and sometimes many things we have a I always say every storm is not in the
forecast and so we get up some days thinking it’s going to be a great day and it turns out not to be and maybe you’re having a day like that but you know what the word of God and a decision on your part can calm you down peace is possible peace is been defined as a quiet heart I’ve been hearing that a lot lately and I really like that a quiet heart 1 Peter 3 3 and 4 let not yours be the mere adorning external adorning with elaborate in weaving and knotting of the hair the wearing of jewelry or the
changes of clothes so he’s saying don’t be so concerned about what you look like and what you’re wearing and how your hair is fixed but let it be the Inward adorning and beauty of the Hidden person of the heart with The Incorruptible and unfading charm of a gentle and a peaceful Spirit which is not anxious or rough up but is very precious in the sight of God so a quiet heart a gentle and a peaceful spirit is very precious in the sight of God well one thing I found that’s been helping me and uh the Bible talks about it I just never
really paid too much attention to it or put it to practice but the Bible says to be ever filled with the spirit speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs and making melody in your heart unto the Lord and so I’ve discovered that I’m not a great singer but I can hum and so one of the things that I’ve been doing is just keeping a little melody in my heart throughout the day and humming and maybe singing a few words every now and then when nobody’s listening and you know what as long as
you’re doing that you won’t be able to put your mind on things to worry about and I have really found it helping me a lot and so if you can’t sing you might want to hum and if you can sing then go ahead and sing but let’s keep a song at our heart so the devil can’t fill our minds full of things to worry about Philippians 46 and 7 one of my favorite scriptures and when I do start to worry about something this is the first scripture I go to I’ll get my Bible out and I’ll actually read it
or I’ll meditate on it or confess it out loud don’t fret or have any anxiety about anything but in every circumstance and in everything by prayer and petition definite requests with Thanksgiving you know a person who is really thankful doesn’t tend to be upset as much or have as much anxiety continue to make your wants known to God and God’s peace shall be yours so let me suggest that the moment you start to worry about something anything your kids your marriage your job your finances the weather the future whatever it
is don’t wait too long because the more the longer you wait the more deeply rooted something gets on the inside of you and the harder it is to get rid of but form a habit of the moment the holy spirit makes you aware that you’re worrying go to that scripture be anxious for nothing but in all things what are you going through right now it’s part of all things it’s part of everything it says instead of worrying about it pray about it very specifically pray about it with Thanksgiving means even though you
have a problem what are all the other things that you can be thankful for you know I believe every single one of us have more things in our life that we can be thankful for than we do to worry about we just have to put our mind on the right things Psalm 37 verse one says fret not yourself because of evildoers well the world is certainly full of evildoers today isn’t it and the Bible tells us we’re not to fret over that neither be envious against those who work unrighteousness now why would we be envious against somebody who works
unrighteousness because sometimes it seems like the unrighteous are actually more blessed than those who are trying to do things that are right and you know what I have found out the devil actually can bless people if they’re willing to serve him you say well what makes you think that well when Jesus was being tempted in the wilderness by the enemy during the 40 days and 40 nights this is listed in Luke chapter 4 the devil said to Jesus if you will Bow Down and Worship me just once I’ll give you all this and he
showed him all the kingdoms of the world and all the things in it he said because it’s been turned over to to me and I can give it to whomever I will well who gave it to the devil well Adam did when he sinned because he was the one that had the authority and everything good that God had made belonged to him but through his sin he gave it to the devil so the devil is now telling Jesus it’s mine and I can give it to you don’t compromise with the Enemy because as soon as he’s got you what you think is a blessing is going to
turn into a nightmare for your life and I am fully convinced that nobody I mean nobody no matter how famous you are no matter how much money you have no matter what you own I don’t think anybody can be truly happy with just things if you don’t have God in your life if you do not have Jesus in your life because he is the source of true happiness now you may enjoy the things but when our happiness is based on things and what we own the flesh is interesting you know it doesn’t take very long for it to get tired of
something and it needs something else so you’re constantly needing a new thing it’s almost like somebody on a drugs needing a new fix all the time fret not yourself because of evildoers neither be envious against those who work on righteousness for they shall soon be cut down like the grass you know what there there’s a lot of things that go on that we can say well that’s just not fair and I think that maybe a good way to say it is God may not be fair but he is just and that means that he will
eventually make all wrong things right so you may go through a period of time where it seems to you that life is just not fair and you’re doing everything right but right things aren’t happening to you and you know people that doing them all wrong they seem to be the ones that are blessed but remember in the end in the end the meek shall inherit the earth and this Earth is going to come to an end and of course we say this in every generation but with many of the things going on in our world today a large number of people believe that
Jesus will be coming back for his church pretty soon and we need to put our lives into what’s really important and peace is really important trust lean on and be confident in the Lord and do good I love that what do you do when you’re having a problem trust God and do good trust God and be a blessing to somebody else verse four delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart one of my favorite scriptures I I confess that scripture every day Delight myself in the Lord and He will
give me the desires of my heart we don’t have to chase after things that we want we can ask God for them and then keep our attention on him and trust him to give us what’s right for us at the right time my mother-in-law when I married Dave which has now been 57 years ago gave me a little white King James Bible she wrote this scripture Psalm 375 in the front of the Bible commit your way unto the Lord roll each care of your load on him and he will bring it to pass well of course I had no idea at that time what
that meant but we all have our own way of doing things but you know our ways don’t work unless we’ve gotten those ways from God and so worrying about your problems is one thing that just doesn’t work because no matter how much you worry it’s not going to change your situation so it says commit your way unto the Lord God your will be done and not mine and he will bring it to pass you know Strife is a very dangerous thing and strife is bickering arguing heated disagreement or an angry undercurrent and I think most of us can
say that the world is full of that today but there’s Strife everywhere I mean people are so angry today and I think they’re angry because they know that something is wrong but if they don’t know the Lord they don’t know what to do about it but we don’t have to live like that the Bible tells us that the servant of the Lord must not strive we have to work to keep strife out of our lives and James 4:2 tells us why we have this Strife he said you’re jealous and you covet or you want what other people
have and your desires go unfulfilled so you become a murderer because to hate is to murder as far as your hearts are concerned you burn with envy and anger and you’re not able to get the things that you want you can’t get the gratification the contentment and the happiness that you seek so you fight and you War you get into Strife you have not because you ask not I love that you know I don’t know how many years ago it’s been but it’s been a good number of years ago and that scripture actually was one of the
scriptures that was very pivotal for me because there were so many things in my life that I was trying to make happen and what this scripture is telling me is you’re not getting what you want because you’re not asking you’re trying to make it happen yourself what are you trying to make happen that only God can make happen think it over maybe spend a little time thinking about it when the program is over what is actually frustrating you is it the problem you have or is it the fact that you’re not trusting God to
solve the problem you know the minute we trust God peace fills our heart another thing that will steal your peace or a way you can increase your peace is to stay away from reasoning you know God is full of mystery and I’m learning that more and more the longer I walk with God there’s a lot of things that God does that we don’t understand and it’s not our place to understand it’s our place to trust the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13 that right now we know in part but the day will come when we will be we will
know even as we are known someday we’re going to know everything won’t that be wonderful but for now we need to get content with not knowing now I I don’t know about you but I was one of those people that man I had to know and I would reason and figure and think and reason and figure and worry until I came up with something that I thought sounded reasonable and so many times I turned out to be wrong anyway reasoning is us trying to figure out why something happened or what we can do about it and God expects us to
think but the mind of the flesh is sense and reason without the holy spirit it’s not that God never wants you to put your mind to anything and think about it but we need to do it with the Holy Spirit matter of fact there’s a scripture in Isaiah that says come and let us reason together it’s all right if you Ponder things with the Lord and bounce some things back and forth off of him but I always say I know I’ve gone too far when I start to get confused you know if you feel confused right now about something in your life and you
keep saying God I just don’t understand I don’t understand why God why it’s because you’re trying to figure something out that only God has the answer to and he’s not telling you yet and he may not ever tell you you cannot get confused confused if you put your trust in God James 1:22 says be doers of the word obey the message so I’m preaching the word to you today and it’s not going to do you any good just to listen to it if you’re not going to put it to work in your life if you continue in my word then are
you my disciples indeed and you will know the truth and it will make you free I I wish that the writers of that scripture would have said and you will know the truth and if applied to your life it will make you free see it’s not just reading it or knowing it or being able to quote it or having it underlined in your Bible or having a plaque on the wall with a scripture on it that’s going to set you free it’s putting it to work in your life think about how much peace do you have how much peace are you lacking what are
you willing to change in your life in order to have the peace that passes understanding and that means that you can have a big problem and still be totally at peace doesn’t make any sense but you have the peace of God because you put your trust in him be a doer of the word obey the message and not just a listener to it betraying yourselves into deception by reasoning which is contrary to the truth so when we get into reasoning we can easily get ourselves deceived and think we’ve got something figured out when
really we don’t have a clue what’s going on and Romans 8:6 says now the mind of the flesh is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit I love that and it’s death death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin but the mind of the holy spirit the mind of the spirit is life and soul peace both now and forever and boy we love this scripture Proverbs 3 5-8 lean on trusting and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and lean not to your own understanding in it’s so wonderful to not feel that you have to figure
everything out I suffered with that for so long and and if you’re a a Reasoner and one of those people that has to you know you’re just mental you just put your mind on everything and just rotate around and around and around it trying to figure it out why did this happen what can I do to change [Applause] it I spent so much time in my life saying why God why and when God win and God doesn’t want to hear that what he wants to hear is I don’t understand this but I trust you I know that you’re
good and I know that you’re just and even though what’s happening right now seems unfair I believe that you will make it right Joseph said to his brothers what you meant for harm God intended for good I love that they had treated him so bad and yet he wasn’t upset about it maybe somebody has treated you badly maybe they’ve lied about you or betrayed you or rejected you or cheated on you and you know what trust God with it forgive them pray for them and turn the whole situation over to God and let him be your
Vindicator in this situation and every other situation in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path usually every morning when I wake up one of the first things I say is God I ask you to help me with everything I’m going to do today but a couple days ago I woke up and I was still really about half asleep and I heard myself say Lord I am going to help you with everything you do today well he obviously doesn’t need my help but I guess I was ready to help him run the world we need his help Jesus
said apart from me you can do nothing be not wise in your own eyes I love that because to me that means don’t even think you’re smart enough to figure out your own problems if we ever want peace we have to learn to trust God reasoning brings confusion acknowledge God in all of your plans and it can be as simple as saying each day if I have any plans God that you don’t agree with I’m willing to change it’s not that we don’t make plans I make plans every day I have a plan for when I’m done here in the studio today
what I’m going to do this afternoon but if God’s not happy with those plans I’m more than happy to change them because after Walking with God for 48 years I’ve learned that to be out of God’s will is the worst place in the world that you can be and then lastly I want to say today search for peace find out what your peace Stealers are and we’ll talk more about that tomorrow but find out what your peace Stealers are and start eliminating them from your life because there are certain things that the enemy
uses in every one of our Lives to steal our peace there’s a great scripture in 1 Peter 310 and 11 it says that we are to seek peace pursue it eagerly peace with God peace with ourselves and peace with our fellow man I pray for you in Jesus name that the peace of God will fill your heart and fill your life and you will be so hungry for that peace that you will be willing to do whatever you need to do to have it God bless you we care about you we love you if you have a prayer request something you need us to pray about you can send
it in put it online give us a call and uh thank you for being with us today and I hope you can join us again tomorrow God bless you does it feel like you’re walking through a Minefield of your kids toys and Chaos does looking at your daily schedule make you want to crawl back in bed and maybe try again tomorrow is your mind clouded by the pressures of an out ofc control to-do list disorder in our homes are schedules and our minds can leave us overwhelmed in feeling like we’re spinning our Wheels sometimes
living a simple life just seems impossible I certainly know the feeling because we’ve all been there Joyce experienced this in her life too then she learned how to apply practical biblical principles to overcome these stresses and anxieties that’s why Joyce is sharing those simple principles in her book The Joy of an uncluttered life now you don’t have to change everything all at once this book gives you one simple idea for decluttering your life each day for 100 days it’s kind of like a little Simplicity devotional and all
that decluttering leads to Lasting peace the joy of an uncluttered life is available right now for your gift of any amount call us today at 800709 2895 or visit joy.org and start start your journey toward a more peaceful and joyful life each section of this devotional gives a Bible verse to think about and a simple action step so you can start eliminating the Clutter right away call us right now or visit joy.
org with your gift of any amount don’t get bogged down by the physical and emotional Messes in life Society keeps telling us we need more stuff but that will never fill the hole in our lives that is meant to be filled with God and His holy spirit in this book Joyce says we can complicate and cl Our Lives by ignoring what is truly important to us because she knows if we apply these principles we’ll experience a dramatic increase in peace in joy in our everyday lives we want to get this book into your hands it’s available today for your gift of any amount by
using the information on your screen give what you can just do your best and that gift will also make a difference around the world by helping to provide food Medical Care and so much more to people in need learn how to simplify all the jumbled areas of life and get Joyce’s book The Joy of an uncluttered life with your gift of any amount call us today at 1 00792 or visit Joy me.
org now [Music] [Music] [Music] I can’t tell you how many days I wasted being unhappy because things weren’t going my way it was all what about me what about me I was miserable and I made everyone around me miserable too in my book what about me I want to help you get yourself off your mind and find a new level of satisfaction that you never thought possible it’s time to get out of your own way and discover the power of an unselfish life what About Me by Joyce Meyer order your copy today hey friends fun things are happening with Joy’s
talking out podcast and we are ridiculously excited to tell you about it we love you so much and the waiting for a new episode it’s just too hard it’s too much so we had a brilliant idea let’s get together more often join us along with Joyce and our guests for a new episode every week we have a spot saved on the pink couch just for you every Tuesday starting September 3rd we hope you enjoyed today’s program we are so grateful to our Joyce Meyer Ministries Partners who make this and all we do possible including sharing
ing God’s word and offering help to people in need all over the [Music] world this program has been made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries


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