Wars & Rumors of Wars | Jack Hibbs Special
Wars & Rumors of Wars
And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. – Matthew 24:6-7
Do any of the above verses sound like what we see in our world today? What should you, as a follower of Jesus, do right now?
So listen, I want to get the attention of all of my brothers and sisters right now.
What are we seeing in the world today? We are seeing right now, Japan is scrambling.
They are drafting personnel to execute their naval and amphibious landings regarding war.
Japan right now as I speak to Japan. Same thing, Taiwan, same thing, South Korea, same thing. Why?
Because they are terrified right now. They are doing joint military ventures because they believe China is coming after them.
They also recognize they have said that they see a Russian element to a Chinese invasion of the South Pacific in Europe.
Europe is seeing Russia and its wars and rumors of wars posturing and they’re getting ready for war.
Everybody’s getting ready in the world. India and Pakistan have got actual missiles pointing at each other right now.
It’s a very, very crazy time but Jesus said before he were to return that there would be wars and rumors of wars that there would be pestilence, that’s incurable diseases.
There would be earthquakes in different places of great magnitude is what the word means in strange places in many places that there would be ethnic groups, warring against ethnic groups.
It’s ethnos versus ethnos. All of these things are being set up on the stage On this globe right now.
What does it mean to you?
It means that Jesus gave that teaching in Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13.
And what is known as the all of it discourse, it really focuses most on Israel.
It’s the setup to God dealing with Israel for that seven-year tribulation period of time. So why should we care?
Because Christ coming for the church could be any time.
That’s why we’re the generation that is called to be ready to be watching, to be looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.
So listen, friends get ready, clean up your life this way.
If God is speaking to you about things that He wants you to take care of, take care of it, know this your salvation is in Him alone, just make sure you’re saved.
Make sure that you are a true Christ follower and not a pretender.
Don’t almost be a Christian.
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