Waiting On God’s Timing, Part 2 – Dr. Charles Stanley

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I’m saying your days of life are over.
Your days of toiling are over.
Your days of being without answers are over your days of being. Looking back in your past are over.
God’s gonna have you now with a bright future, you’re not going to only have commitment now to the word of God, but creation is going to come out of the word of God.
Not only creation comes out, success is gonna come out and you are gonna be impactful in that neighborhood.
God can do things we never thought he could do if we are willing to decree a thing and it shall be established.
You won’t decree things, you won’t say things over them Children. This is the glory of God.
This is the Eden way you will act. You’re gonna start taking your kingdom authority and rearranging this earth.
See when the Kingdom comes, everything changes, right God for that powerful stuff, right?
I could preach that. Yeah. See the kingdom comes with its own power.
It doesn’t need to get outside nothing. It comes with its own money.
It comes with its own power, it comes with its own joy, it comes with its own peace.
And when you preach the kingdom, right?
God will demonstrate it because it comes with power.
Look what he said over and Mark Mark chapter one and verse 20 no, no, 16 and verse 20.
Pardon me? And they went forth and they preached how many places everywhere the Lord working with them.
What confirming them, confirming them, confirming them. No, no, no, no, you just preach it.
He gonna come in and confirm it and this pre this kingdom is what the enemy does not want preached.
He does not want it preached because it changes everything.
When the kingdom is preached, a new government comes in.
If you know you have ownership of this earth, then you’re gonna look at the stuff that goes on in it and say, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait.
And it’s not the people. It’s the devil behind it.
Whether they’re Democrats or Republicans your mouth because we get, we get real hung up on that.
Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. It’s time for the church.
Come on, it ain’t time for the Democrats and I got some news for you.
It ain’t time for the Republican. It’s time for the church.
It’s time for the government of God to take over.
See what now I’m not coming against the administration and so forth.
I’m not doing that. I’m just saying, wait a minute, the church is putting their hope in a man who can come in there.
That, that ain’t the deal. Matter of fact, God doesn’t like that at all.
He’s a judge and he put you down here as his justices, Damon.
Amen. Now go over there to James.
James chapter one verse 21. The devil is a liar.
So is his mother-in-law? Look what it says.
Therefore, therefore, lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness and receive with meekness.
What then graft the word of God, which is what able to do what now is able to save your, what not your spirit.
Because see if I pass a bill, uh a a ministry or a company on to you that’s got 5000 employees and your soul is damaged you, I’ll come back in a year and you’ll have three employees and swart did it.
You know what I mean? Now, I’m just saying no, no, no, no.
God has a plan that he’s got to first get your soul saved.
Look what he said. Now this is a saved soul.
Look at, look at uh Proverbs Proverbs 28 1, the wicked flee when no man is pursuing, but the righteous are bold as a line.
Well, let’s see how bold a line is. Look at Proverbs 30 30 over in Proverbs 30 30.
He says a line which is strongest among bees what did he do?
He turns not away from any, any at the face of a fiery furnace.
They said this, the God that we serve. Come on, didn’t they say that?
David said, wait a minute, who is this uncircumcised Philistine?
And I’m telling you right now, what we’ve been doing is backing up.
No, no, we’re gonna run to the battle.
We, we got lion in us, the lion of the tribe of Judah is in us waiting for us to open our mouths and decree a thing.
Now I’m telling you this right now, this Bible right here.
This thing has it get inside of it.
It has the words in it that is able to restore your soul.
So I’m saying to you, God said something.
You can, I I said it from hearing from the spirit of God, you can be a millionaire.
You can take it or leave it. See, I’ll take that.
Now. I didn’t say you can have to limit yourself to a million.
That’s the million is the baseline.
I tell you, I’m thinking about starting a millionaire’s club that as people come to the club that we gonna give, give them a millionaire’s p you know, some for some tooth.
But anyway, so I’m just saying, no, are you with me here?
No, He says, and we read two scriptures. Look at Proverbs chapter 25 28.
He said, he that has no rule of his own spirit.
Is like a city uh that has broken down without walls.
So what happens is you give people all of a sudden charge over your stuff and something happens, one man gave this man charge over his business while he got him.
He was a homeless guy. He got him, took him in, nursed him so forth and really took care of him.
And then, um he was doing so well handling the cash and so forth to the manager.
I take my family on a two week vacation.
So they went all the way across America to California wherever they went.
And he got back when he got back, everything was gone.
He had an equipment rental place, everything was gone.
And uh he looked for the man couldn’t find him. Now what happened?
The enemy got in that hole, the walls were down and he got in there and he caused this man to do things that shouldn’t have been done.
Are you with me here? So I’ve learned that it’s sustained performance. I’m looking for that.
I learned it from this company I B M that I worked for.
They won’t promote you because you just had one good year because that might have been luck.
I shouldn’t say that I cancel that. Um But it’s true.
But yeah, but my point to you is is they wait until you did it again with some consistency and then they know that that you are at that level.
Of thinking because they feel like this.
If they pull you in there and they turn some of the business over to you and you got a hole in your soul, then the next thing you know, the devil will steal their business and seal it through a person that they put in there that wasn’t ready to be there.
Uh You follow what I’m saying?
So you’re gonna wait on sustained performance, even if you have a business also, your life is limited by how you see yourself.
Your life is limited by your own self concept, how you see yourself.
And like I said, if you think something is true, even though it’s false, it’s true to you.
And if it’s true to you, but it’s false to God.
People will, people will fight you to protect their era.
Your life is limited by how you see yourself.
They said, Saul stood head and shoulders above everybody else.
Uh We would call it dark, caught tall, dark and handsome and turn out to be the biggest fool you ever seen in your life.
See, when that pressure comes on you from the devil, from the devil, then then I’m gonna tell you something.
It’ll tell you who you are, say amen to that. All right, let me just say this.
Faith is a product of revelation. People who climb to the top using their own efforts.
It’s a work of the senses, but God is giving you knowledge above the senses.
He’s gonna drop it right into your spirit. Say amen to that.
We call it grace, knowledge, say grace, knowledge and it comes by faith.
Now you’re gonna have to somewhere you’re gonna have to convert, get there.
Because if you’re going to manifest the glory of God, you’re gonna have to go up to grace knowledge. Alright.
Last thing. How does your garden grow? How does your garden grow? Psalm 18 28.
For the Lord will light my candle, the Lord will enlighten my darkness.
And what does that mean? That means that I’m running up on a situation here.
I don’t know how to solve this thing. So I’m in the dark.
Who’s gonna light my candle? The Lord is all right.
Go to first Corinthians chapter two starting at verse 10.
But God has revealed them to us by His spirit. For the spirit searches all things, yay.
The what deep things of God.
Look at this neck for what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of a man that’s in Him.
So your spirit knows all about you even.
So the things of God knows no man but who be gone.
So when you come with a situation, you come seeking light and you begin to come to God and searching the avenues of God for His wisdom to solve your problem.
And the thing that you have to remember that inside of you is soil and that soil inside of you is waiting for one thing.
What seed, the seed is the word of God or the seed can be what God dropped in you as a thought.
And you now sow that seed into the soil and sleep and rise night and day in what’s happening?
That seed is going. What grow up? The answer is gonna come forth.
Look at Proverbs and chapter 20 and verse 27. The spirit of man is the what candle?
See, I have the candle of the Lord searching all the what inward parts of the belly.
You can go to bed with a question and wake up with an answer because your spirit never sleeps while you are sleeping.
It is searching and it’s gonna pull up the answer. I don’t care what education level you are.
If you are in the kingdom, you are entitled to an answer.
He said, call on me and I will answer.
So there’s no excuse for anybody being in lack or being in whatever it is.
We all got access to the wisdom of God and the wisdom of God will bring us the power of God.
Lord have mercy. Jesus are y’all with me.
Your millionaire status has come, see, your spirit knows all about you.
So your spirit is gonna have you do this thing in a different way than my spirit is because you have different background, you have different uh gifts you have so forth.
And so on but this, the inside of you is gonna rise up exactly what strategy you’re gonna use to get to your wealthy place.
Let me see if I got one more thing. Oh Hey, y’all are y’all with me?
I’m saying your days of lack are over.
Your days of toiling are over your days of being without answers are over your days of being watch this.
Looking back in your past are over.
God’s gonna have you now with a bright future, you’re not gonna only have commitment now to the word of God, but creation is gonna come out of the word of God, not only creation comes out, success is gonna come out And you are gonna be impactful in that neighborhood.
Now, here’s the last thing I wanna tell you job chapter 22 and verse 28, please.
I’m going back to Eden.
Say back to Eden, I’m going back to eating and I’m going back to calling things that be not.
Come on, help me out as though they were. So I’m ready now.
I’m gonna start calling things because I watch Jesus and look, he needed some tax money.
He said, go look in the fish’s mouth. Didn’t he say that? Say amen to this.
They needed a donkey for him to ride in.
He said, go in town, tell him I said loose that donkey and let him go.
I’m saying, you’re gonna start rearranging the earth, you’re gonna stop. They’re turning jails into boarding school. Come on.
Now they’re, they’re turning uh west side into Wall Street. I’m saying you’re gonna lose the blessing.
You’re gonna release the blessing. The blessing of the one Genesis 1 28 he blessed them and he said, now, be fruitful.
Come on and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it. I’m saying, start getting in a habit.
I, you know, I read this tens of years ago and my car wouldn’t start.
It was so cold in, in Chicago, my car was outside, it wouldn’t start.
And I said, man, and I noticed everybody all the way up the street are getting this guy who was a tow truck and he was charging the money.
I say you’re not gonna make no money off of me.
I’ve been reading the fact that I’m supposed to act like God.
Try, I tell that car, car, I’m talking to you.
I got out in the street, I’m talking to you with nobody in the street because it was some 40 degrees below zero or whatever.
Windshill took my hand, put it back in my pocket and went inside, got a cup of tea, watched the ball game for about half an hour.
I said, well, I guess it’s about ready now to give God a chance to work.
I got up, got my back, went back outside and told it.
Then I had one of the people to come tell me and said, Pastor, I got a business Saturday.
I said, how did you get it? He said, I called it in.
I said, you hear me Day Care Center over on 45th.
So and so certain Lawrence Avenue come here and the business came.
Now, look at y’all looking at me like a bunny. I’m just telling you right now.
You better get used to this. This is the glory of God. This is the way you gonna act.
You gonna start taking your kingdom authority and rearranging this earth.
We going to topple governments with words and I’m saying it’s time for it to start now because you got this thing running crazy.
It’s time for us to bring order because the kingdom has come.
Now give God praise women, you won’t speak up, you won’t decree things, you won’t say things over them.
Children say amen to that. And God says whatsoever you desire when you pray, you believe you receive it and you shall have it.
Why you gonna speak to that mountain? See, can you see? That’s what Jesus was preaching.
I’m telling you that you can bring in millions with your mouth.
I’m saying women, women, well, why are we doing the pass? It called the trees.
You don’t believe that it wasn’t deep seated, but we’re gonna get started.
We’re gonna get it into our mind and then go into our spirit so that we can start calling things that be not.
Come on as though they work if I can do it going on a healing meeting on Wednesday night and I could sit up here and begin to call healings out and people begin to text.
I just got to say I just got, my pain is gone so forth.
If I can do that over a distance, why can’t you do something with money? Come on.
Why can’t you call him a business? Why can’t you call him a contract? Why can’t you call in employees?
I’m just saying, come on, let’s get out of the box.
Let’s go crazy for Jesus because God is saying, come on, I need some crazy faith in this last hour.
We’re gonna start acting like God.
You watch and see the glory is gonna be hit and we’re gonna get new teeth, people gonna go home and got new teeth.
You watching? See, come on, I’m expecting, see, I’m expecting he not need but one David toppled, the whole government has to turn around a whole nation.
One person can turn Chicago all the way around.
But do you, you have a lion and you if you don’t have no lion and you turn back when they put pressure on you.
But I’m telling you where we’re going, we’re going to the glory realm, we’re going to a realm that no devil even exist in that realm.
Man. Glory to God. I said glory to God. Now stand up.
Give God one more praise. Some of y’all ain’t impressed with this and you broke and you need to come out of that.
And I’m telling you this is what it’s going to take in the last days.
God did not want Chicago to be like this.
There is no way he have all this poverty, this crime, this shooting, we got to stop this.
We got to decree things. God didn’t mean for this pandemic to shut everybody and people lose businesses.
It’s only that the church have been sitting down on their job.
We gotta get up and start decreeing thing and it shall be established.
We’re gonna start speaking to things and they gonna start obeying us.
Jesus said to our God said to Moses speak to the rock. He was not supposed to hit that one.
He is supposed to speak to us because he supposed to go from glory to glory, to glory, come on to glory, to glory.
And when he speaks to that rock, water, come out to feed three million people.
I’m telling you, God can get water out of a rock again in our lives.
God can do things we never thought he could do if we are willing to decree a thing and it shall be established.
Give God praise for Lester Summerall. Summerall spoke to that TV station.
He got a friend of his, he said this TV station over here is preaching, putting out a lot of filth and I’m gonna close it.
He said, come on up here with me, they came up, they pointed their finger at that station, commanded it to close and to sell to them in one month.
I think it was one month the station folded.
And if they came into their hair and he start broadcasting the gospel out of it, I’m telling you some of this stuff on tweets, we can speak to it that the thing won’t even work.
I’m telling you what been put in there was supernaturally come off.
I’m telling you, listen, see y’all looking at me like I’m crazy.
I’m telling you right now, get the binders off your mind and understand that God is a judge.
He wants something to do.
Angels are trying to get something to do, give Him something to do. Bring me some money in here.
Well, praise the Lord.
I trust that you enjoyed that teaching. Now again, that’s manifesting His glory.
God’s glory coming through you, his full potential coming through you to do what you could never do on your own to manifest God’s glory.
That’s the way he created us to be in this earth to manifest Him through us.
Isn’t that a powerful thing? Now, here’s the point.
I want to remember if you are in the kingdom, you are entitled to an answer.
Now, a lot of times we go through situations in life that we need an answer and the Bible says, God is laid up sound wisdom for the righteous where is it laid up?
It’s laid up in the invisible eternal world. So remember if you have a problem, you’re entitled to an answer.
Isn’t that powerful? Praise God? Well, that’s all we have this time.
This is Bill Winston saying we’ll see you next time until then keep walking by faith.
I’m saying your days of lack are over, your days of toiling are over.
Your days of being without answers are over your days of being. Looking back in your past are over.
God’s gonna have you now with a bright future, you’re not going to only have commitment now to the word of God, but creation is going to come out of the word of God, not only creation comes out, success is going to come out and you are gonna be impactful in that neighborhood, God can do things we never thought he could do if we are willing to decree a thing and it shall be established.
You won’t decree things, you won’t say things over them Children. This is the glory of God.
This is the Eden way you will act. You’re gonna start taking your kingdom authority and rearranging this earth.
Today’s dynamic message manifesting His glory is filled with revelations that will transform your life and bring you into the best of God.
But you’ve only heard a portion of the message to get this full series in its entirety on three or CD on MP four or DVD order today.
By calling 1 807 119327 or go online at Bill Winston dot org.
Get your copy of this Powerful Truth today. Hello, this is Bill Winston.
I’m inviting you to our annual Business and Leadership conference.
This conference we’ve been having for years started out first, but we had a man named Peter Daniels.
He came and spoke to us about business and about leadership. It started then and it’s still going.
Now, we believe the unbelievable we ought to be the greatest entrepreneurs in history.
And I believe it’s time for us to win again.
I think it’s time for us to take back the economics.
And I want to invite you whether you come virtual or you’re here in person, you got to be here.
This is gonna be on March the 25th and the 26th.
Now we’re gonna have speakers again that are going to be speaking on topics and giving you principles that can not only have you create businesses but scale businesses quickly.
Now these businesses will bring in a sufficient amount of revenue that we can take part of that and lift the burden of suffering humanity.
That’s what it’s all about of the Kingdom. Kingdom businesses.
Now God’s growing these businesses because it’s all for the kingdom, the good of the kingdom. Praise God.
But we want you to be here. So again, that date is gonna be March the 25th and the 26th.
We’re gonna have various activities. We’re gonna have giveaways. We’re gonna have just an exciting time.
You’ve got to be here again. That’s the Business and leadership conference. Our theme this year is Thy Kingdom Come.
I want you to be here too. God bless you. Bill Winston sang. Keep Walking by faith.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
Now remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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