Using The Cistern Secret to Overcome Sin, Temptation & Apostasy | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Using The Cistern Secret to Overcome Sin, Temptation & Apostasy | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

The Message of the Week – Part III of The Double Joy Scripture – Everyone wants joy, happiness – But only God’s Word reveals the way to live in a life of true joy. Learn the keys of the ‘Double Joy’ Scripture that will ensure both joy and fulfilling of your deepest desires.

To get Jonathan’s newest prophetic book: The Josiah Manifesto – or his other bestsellers: The Return Of The Gods, The Harbinger II, The Oracle, The Paradigm, The Book of Mysteries, The Harbinger, & more – Go to Amazon or anywhere books are sold.

Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

Rejoice in the good, rejoice in what god gave you, rejoice in what you have, rejoice in what is legitimately yours, rejoice in what is a blessing for god, drink waters from your own system.
If you’re complaining about Ministering or doing god’s will or giving up for god, that’s not you’re not rejoicing in it.
You’re not delighting you’re complaining in it, and that is not leading you to joy.
And you’re not and, you know, and you’re saying, listen.
I’m doing it because I have to, but I don’t really delight in it.
What you’re saying is I really don’t wanna do it. What you’re saying? You see, I’m like a slave.
I have to do it. So the things I do in god, the things I do, I have to do what’s good, but I only because I to.
You’re saying I really don’t want to. That’s not it. If you’re doing you’re in god.
You’re doing his will. You’re doing what’s right or you’re not doing. You’re not going into that sin.
But you’re not rejoicing in it.
As you’re doing as a drag, you’re not you’re you’re you’re you’re not getting it.
It’s not wholly to do good and be miserable about doing good. It’s not holy to do good without joy.
If you do, then what if you do without joy? What are you saying?
You’re saying I don’t really wanna do it. Duteronomy 28, listen to this principle. Verse 47.
Because he’s speaking his because you did not serve the lord your god. With joy.
And a glad heart for the abundance of all things, all the blessings.
Therefore, you shall serve your enemies whom the lord will send against you in hunger thirst, nakedness, and the lack of all things.
What’s the same? Very important principle.
If you don’t want to rejoice in serving god, You’re gonna end up serving the enemy.
If you don’t rejoice in doing right, you’re gonna end up in rejoicing in unrighteousness, and what’s gonna happen is as you rejoice in sin, it he says you’re gonna end up.
You’re hungry. You’re gonna be naked. You’re gonna be suffering all wants.
You’re gonna be without lack because the more you serve what’s not good, the more you don’t have.
The more you are not full.
When you serve that, when you rejoice in what is bad, it ends up in emptiness.
Again, those things doesn’t pornography doesn’t make your life richer. Makes your life poorer.
Adult tree doesn’t make your life richer. Makes it poorer. So, oh, same with all these things.
And it’s not just the dramatic things like that. It’s the little things as well. Whatever’s done have gone.
You know, there are denominations that have gone largely wholesale into apostasy.
And I’m not saying everybody because lot of times those denominations, there are some churches that have broken away or they hold true, but there’s all there are there, and you and you wonder why.
Have you gone to their services?
I’m not, and I’m not talking about any one particular student, but they tend to be the very same denominations that have stopped delighting in god and have stopped rejoicing in god.
You go to the services. It tends to be like a funeral service.
You know, it’s a, you know, you know, it it, you know, proverb says he who strays from the path will end up in the congregation of the dead, or Eclacia all or the church of the dead.
Well, that’s what’s happened in many of those churches.
It’s the same denomination and most into apostasy with their stands tend to be the most dead in their worship.
They’re pat you know, you know, they’re passionate about their apostasy and their causes, but not about god.
So that tells you it.
If you don’t delight in god, that’s what you end up that’s what I’m gonna have.
That’s traumatic, but it happens. It’s the principle.
If you don’t rejoice in god, you rejoice in the ways of the enemy. Delight yourself in god.
Delight yourself in the lord. Be rooted and grounded in love.
Then you will the more you delight yourself in god, the less you will be tempted in sin.
And to the degree that you delight, that same degree, you’ll be overcoming sin.
Now listen to this. Proverbs. Listen to this. Proverbs 5.
It’s talking to where it says my son is talking to for the lips of an adulterous, and you can read a daltor in the same way, drips honey, meaning smooth.
Smoother than is her speech, but in the end, she’s as bitter as wormwood.
Sharp as a two edged sword, her feet go down to death.
Her steps take hold of Sheel like hell. She doesn’t ponder the path of life. Her ways are unstable.
She doesn’t know it. Now then my son, listen to me, And do not depart from the words of my mouth.
Keep your way far from her.
Don’t go near the door of her house, or you will give your strength to others and your years to the cruel one.
And strangers will be filled with your strength.
And your hard earned goods will go to the house of an alien, and you will groan at the end of your life.
What’s that? It’s an example of delighting in what is not of god adultery. And what’s it saying?
He said, well, at the beginning, it seems sweet.
But because it’s wrong, it’s gonna end up working against you harming you.
The more you delight in it, the more it will destroy your life.
Now this is written thousands of years ago. And I’ve seen it happen today in the 21st century.
I’ve seen it in people’s lives. Same thing happened. It is just as true now.
One form or the other, it leads to destruction of lives.
In one form or the other, that’s what happens with adultery.
It says, why will you give yourself to that?
Because what’s gonna happen is you’re gonna what’s it’s gonna take away your life. It’s gonna take away your family.
It’s gonna take away your life. But then it gives the antidote. Now listen.
Drink water from your own cistern, your own well, and freshwater from your own well.
Why should your springs, your life be dispersed above?
Why should your streams of water flow in the streets, your life, your life.
Let them be yours alone and rejoice in the wife of your youth as a loving hind and a graceful doe let her breath satisfy you at all times be exhilarated always with her love It doesn’t say just don’t do wrong.
It doesn’t say just don’t do that sin. It doesn’t say that.
It says it doesn’t just even say be faithful in your marriage. Although, of course, that’s part of it.
It says rejoice in the life of your youth. That’s the key. Rejoice in the good.
Rejoice in what god gave you, rejoice in what you have, rejoice in what is legitimately yours, rejoice in what is a blessing from god, drink waters from your own system.
Not somebody else as well, not that well on the grass that looks greener on the other side, it always does.
It’s an illusion when you get there. Same thing. It’ll destroy your life. Delight in what is good.
Let her satisfy you be exhilarated with her love.
That’s saying there’s something that you have to choose to do before, you know, you wanna overcome the sin, but it’s giving you the key.
You just say, okay, I wanna resist this. We gotta have something to not resist over.
And so, therefore, rejoice in the blessings you have from god.
Let yourself be satisfied by right, but you have to choose to do that. Choose to rejoice.
Choose to be exhilarated. Truth delight thyself. Take pleasure in what is of god.
It may take time, especially if you had problems. I’m not it’s not just marriage. This applies to everything.
It may take time, but practice it You may not feel it yet, but that’s why it says choose to do it.
Exhilarate. Be satisfied. Take pleasure in what is good. And this is this is not just for men.
This is for women. Women rejoice in the husband of your youth. Your life will be blessed.
And it builds you up. Rejoice in what is good. What has god given you? Rejoice in that.
Don’t rejoice in what is not and what’s on the other side. Rejoice.
If you’re being pulled continuously to a particular sin, chances are you’re not really rejoicing in the good god’s given you.
And so you’re kinda rejoicing in to fill you up.
If you know something is wrong, stop delighting in it. Stop Stop playing around with it.
Stop flirting in your mind with it. Stop delighting. When it comes up, cut it off. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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