Unlocking the Mysteries: Prophetic Vision for America’s Future
Unlocking the Mysteries: Prophetic Vision for America’s Future
Amidst the swirling chaos that engulfs the world, a compelling question arises: what is God’s message to America? Prepare to embark on a captivating journey as Rabbi Jason Sobel and @jonathancahn.official plunge deep into the enigmatic prophecy that catalyzes Jonathan Cahn’s remarkable novel, “The Harbinger.” This prophetic tale, eerily aligned with present-day events, unveils itself with staggering accuracy, leaving spectators breathless and clamoring for answers. Together, these learned rabbis unravel the intricate threads of this otherworldly prophecy, beckoning us to uncover what lies on the horizon for America’s future. Brace yourself for a riveting exploration abundant in mystery, intrigue, and the divine.
Tuesday, August 22, 2023 – The Rabbis’ Messiah From Galilee
Growing up, Galilee didn’t seem like a real place to me or a Jewish place. Yet, in the rabbinic writings it says, “The light will shoot up between heaven and earth and rest in the land of Galilee. For there was the beginning of Israel’s exile and there – Messiah will reveal Himself in that light. He will return to His place and then the whole world will see that King Messiah revealed Himself in the land of Galilee.” Wow! That’s exactly where Messiah Yeshua revealed Himself; the place that was first judged by God, the land of the broken. His grace came there first. When you think of Messiah on the shores of Galilee, remember the people there were broken. God wants to heal the broken. When you mess up and feel completely unworthy as if you can’t even approach God, when you want to run the other way and hide; run to Him. He’s the Messiah of Galilee, the One whose heart is for the fallen and the broken. You’ll find the blessings of His love, grace, healing and miracles in the arms of the Galilean, the Messiah
understanding the times and the seasons is so significant.
I mean, like, when we even what we see even going on in modern times, right, this biblical pattern that every major event in the life of Jesus happened on a biblical holiday.
So it should be no surprise that even in modern these events are still coinciding with key times dates, holidays on the Jewish calendar because it’s still important.
Yeah. Absolutely. He’s the god of all.
In the past year, obviously, America has undergone a lot of quaking, uh, a lot of shaking, probably like never before.
You wrote the book, the harbinger, It’s very prophetic in nature.
And can you just share a little bit about, um, the significance of it and what it’s saying uh, to us for this time and season.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was on the the harbinger too.
I mean, of course, it takes up where harbinger one left off.
I I I always do for for years that I how to write the, uh, a follow-up, the follow-up of the harbinger.
And I held off because I know it could never do it until the time was right until the lord said.
The harbinger too is what has happened since I came out with a harbinger.
Well, have the have the signs continued? Have we continued on this ancient progression?
This mystery uh, which is the harbinger, which we we can get into.
So for those who don’t know the harbinger, um, is America heading toward judgment.
Are we are we following the the ancient template of the last days of Israel as it continues.
So one part is what has happened since the harbinger Another part is that, you know, there’s there’s another part where I when I wrote the harbinger, I did not put everything down.
In fact, most of the stuff I didn’t put down.
There was so much I came And I only put a little portion, which became a harbinger.
So there’s stuff that I didn’t reveal, but I knew it had it would be, uh, at a at its right time.
So another part is called the unrevealed, which are things that I from 9 11 onward that I never revealed that are that is, uh, affecting us now.
And the last part is what is happening now Um, is there so all the shaking and all that we’ve gone through, is there something behind it?
Is there is there a mystery? Is there is there an answer. Is there a reason?
Is there a warning? Um, and there is. And where is it all leading?
And what do we need to know to stand strong in the days ahead?
So That is kind of a a nutshell of the rim of what is gonna be revealed in the harbinger too.
Wow. Now is there a secret uh, a couple of secrets from the book that you can kind of reveal to us and give us some insight that you feel is, like, really pertinent for this moment.
Oh, sure. And and let me tell you, you know, um, Jason, I was, you know, I was praying in 2019 about what’s the next book, and I had a few things.
Okay. Give me this, this, and, you know, I’d like to do this, but I always very learned what what do you wanna do and what what’s the next thing?
And that’s where I got. Okay. It’s time for the harbor too, and I got a very strong sense.
This is 2019. that 2020 was gonna be a year of great shaking.
And I I I shared about that at the congregation publicly, um, before all these things happened.
And I knew that it was gonna be the the continuation of the harbinger of of the mystery of this, and I had to get this out in that year, you know, so I started writing in January.
And then, uh, by in March, all the shakings began, you know, and then it came out in September.
So That’s that’s, you know, that’s that’s the background there, but there is there is so much.
Do you want me to start with just a little sample, a taste of things that I didn’t reveal from the beginning?
And then I can go to
Okay. Yeah.
Yeah. Well, okay. One of the things, you know, for those who know, the the the template of judgment and warning in the Bible, is that years before the great shakings come upon the land and the and really or or the judgment or destruction, there is a there’s a warning.
Um, there’s a initial strike on the land.
It happened with with the ancient nation of Judah, happened with Israel, years before, well, with America, it it begins with 911.
And 911 was a wake up call. It was limited. It was today.
It was the strike of the enemy, the biblical template.
And from that comes 9 harbingers or 9 warnings, um, that that basically that appeared in the last days of ancient Israel that I’m of now appeared in America starting with 911.
It’s warning the nation calling it back because god is calling the nation back.
So That’s the that’s the beginning of what is revealed in the harbinger, but there’s a lot that I didn’t reveal, uh, from
I think some things you would you would connect with So the one is that the the week that was leading into 911, there was a scripture verse appointed from from, you know, virtually ancient times that’s read in all the synagogues.
And, of course, you know, adjacent and that that this is called the parshes.
And Um, and this is the appointed word that is a point that that every Sabbath, they open up the scriptures.
We open and we read that appointed word. Well, what was the appointed word leading into 911?
It was the word that speaks of the warning of what happens when a nation that has known god turns away from god.
And and as it turns away from god, um, the the judgments begin on the land. um, or the warnings.
And what it specifically says, an enemy will come from far away, a far away land will strike you at your gate, which actually the gate of America’s New York.
Um, it speaks about all sorts of things that are gonna happen.
And then and then it says he will come like an eagle swooping down and eagle swooping down, which is actually how 911, literally.
I mean, the enemy is a sign of judgment in the bible.
The enemy comes in some way like an eagle swooping down. Well, not 11.
It was literally the plane swooping down.
The first plane that began 911, actually when it came, uh, into New York, it had an image on the back, which is an image of an eagle swooping down.
And so it all begins and there’s much more.
We don’t get it, but much more from that, that that This was the very scripture chanted all around the world, all around America, all around New York, and then 911 happened.
Um, and so it’s the beginning of the the warnings of a nation.
And I’ll I’ll I’ll mention one maybe one of other.
I’m going to interrupt you for I think there’s an important point there, which is that yeshua Jesus would weekly read from the tour.
Right? And there’s this idea of living with the times and the seasons.
And so for those that are those of you who are watching that might not be familiar with this, like, oftentimes, what goes on in the weekly tour reading.
Uh, that’s been appointed from ancient times often gives key insights into the times and the seasons, which is really important to understand.
And as I’m sure you’re sure this event happened right around the time of judgment on the Jewish calendar, which is the fall Biblical holidays.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
And and and something linked to that is, you know, in ancient times, when an enemy was coming, and coming to attack a city, the sound that you would hear, hopefully, would be the sound of the watchmen.
Was the sound of the show far below it? Okay.
Well, 9:11 went on the morning of 9:11, all around the northeast of America.
The sound of the show far begins to be heard in the morning and actually because of an because of an ancient ordinance of certain things that have to be done where where in that period, 1st of all, it’s the month of all, where where that is blown, but also on that day, uh, it’s a special time where scriptures concerning judgment and mercy, crying out for mercy, uh, are red.
And so it all happened the morning of
And the thing is that the appointed times for when the so far the war this warning is blown, um, is it starts with, uh, dawn and also a sunrise, depending on a how you view it.
So the thing so what happened was it begins the show forest began sounding in Maine at a certain time, and that’s exactly when 9:11, the terrorists began in Maine.
The first move as they’re passing through the airport is the show fires begin sounding.
Then they start sounding in Boston. Well, in Boston, then becomes the the next part of
the enemy comes to Boston. Then the sound, the ancient sound of warning, begins in New York City.
And then and it all and then the planes start coming to New York City, and then it it starts sounding in Washington.
and the planes go to Washington. And so all of these things, I mean, amazing.
And now they have the the the it it the the show fires begin when this is all beginning.
and they they stop. They’re they’re they go for it. The the the the period is is 4 hours.
Basically, they end at 10:30. Well, 9:11 last event, is the north tower comes down at at atjustabout1029, and the show fires are silent.
So all the time this sound of god’s warning, and it’s kind of it’s a sign in itself of a nation that is being warned, but is not hearing the warning of god.
Yeah. Because the sound of the show far, right, during the month of Elul and going into the month of T.
Shre which is begins with the Jewish New Year into Um Kippur. Right?
It’s meant to function as a spiritual alarm clock. Right?
It’s meant to be a wake up call to arouse people out of their slumber to arouse people out of their sleep to say, hey.
The great day of judgment. The great day is coming. Prepare yourself. Rouse yourself.
And, uh, you know, it was so obviously god was it was meant to send a message to wake up.
Yes. And and and absolutely, Jason.
And it it converges because there’s certain days on on the calendar at the end of a little where these certain scriptures about crying out for mercy and speaks about judgment on a nation.
That’s what was read that morning too because it converged to the end. Absolutely.
And I’ll I’ll I’ll just share one more from these early things that I never revealed, you know, and and then we can get to what’s happened since since the harbinger and what’s happening now.
Um, one other thing which is kind of like another version of this kind of appointed word in a very interesting kind of crazy way.
the the key scripture for the harbinger for those who know it, um, in the first book is the bricks have fallen.
It’s Isaiah 910. I’ll just say And it’s about what’s happened when that first attack comes in the nation instead of coming back to god, gets hardens itself and says we’re gonna come back stronger.
Well, this is Isaiah 910. And it’s it’s it’s in view of the attack of the enemy on the land, the beginning of judgement.
Well, the well, there is a bible. It’s called the 1 year bible.
you know, there’s a point there’s an appointed word for every day that if you open up the 1 if it’s called the 1 year Bible, and you open it up to that scripture, the harbor describes a 910 about the judgment beginning, the attack on the on the land.
You look on the top of the page. You’ll see a date. The date is September 11th. Yeah.
September 11th. The actual and so so, Jason, on not all over America, believers opening up the Bible about the attack on the land.
And and and and literally, I mean, it details like a Sycamore tree being struck down, which happened at ground 0.
before it happened and while it happened.
And in fact, the other thing isn’t is that this scripture, the the 1 year Bible came out in the late 1980.
So it was all there for for, like, 16 years every year on on on 11.
Believers are opening up their their bibles to the scripture about the attack on the lad the beginning of judgment?
I mean, who could put that together?
Well, it’s it’s it’s just it’s just incredible.
I mean, that’s why, like, understanding the times and the seasons is so significant.
I mean, like, when we even what we see even going on in modern times. Right?
It’s this biblical pattern that every major event in the life of Jesus happened on a biblical holiday. Right?
So it should be no. Right? He dies on passover.
He rises from the dead, and you’ll have to read first food supports out the rock, the Holy Spirit on on, uh, Shavuot.
So it should be no surprise that even in modern times, these events are still coinciding with key times, dates, holidays on the Jewish calendar.