Unlocking The Cosmic Springtime In Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Unlocking The Cosmic Springtime In Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Discover the power of salvation and a new beginning through this inspiring sermon by Jonathan Cahn. Find hope and strength in knowing that God is the springtime of your life, no matter what challenges you may face.

To get Jonathan’s newest prophetic book: The Josiah Manifesto – or his other bestsellers: The Return Of The Gods, The Harbinger II, The Oracle, The Paradigm, The Book of Mysteries, The Harbinger, & more – Go to Amazon or anywhere books are sold.

Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

Every day listen. Take at least take one word from god and get it into your life.
I don’t mean just say it. I don’t mean just read it. Get it into your heart.
Get it into your life, or get it into your action. Get it.
Let it soak in because when it soaks in, when the seed soaks it, that’s when it blossoms.
The tomb gives you the power to take any situation any impossible thing and have it become a miracle in god, a new life miracle.
The garden tomb It doesn’t just it doesn’t just bring it’s not it’s not just like, uh, you can bring life from a garden.
That’s one thing, but it bring life from a tomb. That’s another thing.
He gives you the power to overcome death to actually take any death in this world and bring life from it.
That’s the power of our salvation. To turn everything around Miriam, Miriam Magdalene, she knows what that’s about.
Cause she remember, she was the one who lived in darkness. She was the one who was possessed.
And yet god messiah came to her, delivered her, gave her light.
That’s why she’s at the tomb because she say nothing. Not even death is gonna separate me from him.
And she’s saying I’d rather be with him and the tune than the tune than anywhere else in the world.
I’d rather be rather be him. He saw nothing’s gonna separate me from him.
And so she’s the first one to see it.
There’s a blessing in god that only comes after the end. See, our salvation is not just the beginning.
It’s the beginning that comes after the end.
When everything is broken, when the old is broken, when the old end, that’s when the new comes.
If you were born again, you were born again after the old was finished.
You came to an end of something. You said this is not it. It’s broken.
It’s not the this is not it. And then god was able to do the new thing.
He can only start the new thing in the tomb. When that’s when the blessing comes.
So, you know, sometimes you know, you’re you may be in a place where it just looks hopeless and and darken, but that’s the tomb.
That’s where god has the power to do the thing. And that’s usually when he does it.
God has something that goes after the end.
We have a salvation that goes after the end, and it’s a beginning. What does that mean to you?
What does this mystery mean? Number 1, he is not just the gardener, he’s your gardener.
He’s the one who gave you life. He’s the one who planted you.
He’s the one who said, I want this one come alive.
I he was you’re in the mind of god, from the eternity.
You were in the heart of god, and he said, I want this one to come into existence.
He’s the gardener. He made you alive. And so only he the same one who said that come alive.
Same one is the only one who can come back to you in the tomb and have you come alive again.
Get saved. Get born again. That’s the only one who gave you life can redeem your life.
See, the garden tomb was like a picture of our life that it’s got promise.
It’s a garden promise, but it can’t produce. We needed the gardener to come back into it.
Your life is like the garden tomb you needed the gardener to come back into it.
Listen to the words of the song of Solomon, the bride to the groom.
He says, this is like god to you.
He says, a garden locked, a fountain sealed is my sister, my bride.
He’s saying the bridegroom is saying to the bride.
You’re a garden, but you’re kinda locked up or you are locked up.
We tend to be locked up We tend to be closed so often by nature, closed so as your garden locked is my beloved, my beloved.
The bridegroom’s calling the bride He’s saying it’s the garden lot, but then listen to what he says in Solomon Solomon.
Open up to me. My sister, my beloved, my dove, my flawless one.
Open up to me, says the spirit of god, the spirit of god saying open up to me.
Open up the close part. Open up the part you haven’t let me touch. Open up the wounded part.
Open up the sinful part. Open up the cobra. Open up.
All those partners open up and let me come in because you you were made for me to come in.
You are made to be my garden. Your life is made. I made your life.
The lord would say I made it to blossom and to bear fruit and be a blessing to the world.
Be a blessing to me and a to all.
I made your life to be blessed, but it can only happen if you let me come into it and into every part.
Every part, those things, the sorrows, every part, the shame, every part, then it will blossom.
Then it will blossom. Whatever you let him come into, it will come alive. It will blossom.
You were born. You were created to be the guardian of god.
No matter what has happened in your life, no matter how cold the winter, no matter how messed up the garden matter how dead, foreign, junk, defilement doesn’t matter how dark the night, no matter how it is, you’re his guardian, and he’s your gardener, and he will make his garden blossom again.
He brings life from death. There is no tomb from which he cannot bring life.
He’s the god of miracles. There’s no sepulcher, we where he cannot bring a miracle from it.
He is the springtime of your life, not just one when you came to the lord because what happens is you can come to the lord and, you know, and and wow, everything’s new and it’s the springtime.
It’s the power of it, but you can also start kinda falling away from it and you get kinda caught up in the world again and the world doesn’t have any life in it.
So the world you the world you just go to the tomb. That’s it.
But in god, you come from the tomb.
So, you know, the the world goes to winter, you come from winter to spring.
So the thing is you might have been kinda getting old. They might have kinda gotten away from the power.
You gotta get back to the power of springtime. The power. It doesn’t matter what it is.
It’s always springtime new beginning. Newnan.
Who who the one who walks in god, the one who’s walks in the newness of life every day new.
Let him come into the tune. Let him come into whatever that thing is. Let him come in.
Listen to this verse from Song of Solomon. Listen to him. I bride bridegroom.
I have come into my garden, my sister, my bride. You are made to be filled up with him.
That’s why he’s the only one who can fill you.
Only his his is the only love that can really fill you. His is the only present that can fill.
Here’s the only anything that can fill your life, and you will blossom when you’re filled.
When you’re not filled, you can’t blossom. That’s why you need to let him into everything. Another thing.
Another thing. What is it that makes a garden grow? Well, we have the water.
You can say that the spirit, and you need the seeds to go into the soil.
What’s the seeds of god? The seed of god is the word of god.
So what it means is if you’re the guardian, You need to let the word.
The more you let the word come in, the more you’re gonna blossom.
The one who lets the word come in the most is the one who’s gonna blossom the most.
That simple. It’s not about it’s it’s it’s it’s simply that. And what what do you do with a garden?
What do you have to do if it’s hardened? You gotta kinda break it up. You gotta soften it.
You gotta till it. You gotta turn it over.
You gotta kinda shake it up and and get water in it.
Well, sometimes we have to do that with ourselves. The Bible says, break up your fellow ground.
Break up your fellow ground. Meaning it’s easy to get in a rut. It gets hard.
You get in a rut. You’re not growing. You’re not really open. Break it up.
Open up, break up your routine, break up the turn it over, break up soften, and lord come in.
I’m I’m open. I’m open. Change me. I’m open. Every day listen.
Take at least take one word from god and get it into your life.
I don’t mean just say it. I don’t mean just read it. Get it into your heart.
Get it into your life or get it into your action. Get it.
Let it soak in because when it soaks in, when the seed soaks it, that’s when it blossoms.
You gotta give time. You gotta do. Do you wanna blossom? You wanna you wanna bear fruit?
You want a fruitful life? You gotta have the seed. You gotta let it in every day.
You it’ll change you. One last revelation and key from this mystery.
You’re not only his garden, Remember, what we said, you are his helpmate.
You are the helpmate of god. You’re like the eve or the good one, the good eve.
You’re the Hava You’re you’re the helpmate. You are born for him. You’re born to help him.
And, you know, and and the the the mystery, Hava, Eve, me, life giver.
So if Eve is in the image of Adam, Adam must also be if she was she was he must also be a helpmate to god, We were all born to be god’s help made.
How cool is that? You were made to help god out. To help, how can we help god?
God has chosen for you to be a a partner with him. Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and
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