Trusting God When You Don’t Understand | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

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Trusting God When You Don’t Understand | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

Trusting God When You Don’t Understand-3

A 15-minute teaching applying practical principles from God’s Word to everyday life.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Welcome to enjoying everyday life with New York Times best selling author Joyce Meyer.
On today’s program, Joyce will be teaching from her series trust god and do good.
The answer to everything is that simple. Trust god and do good.
It’s so freeing to believe God has everything under control because that means we can spend less time worrying and more time trying to help others.
Now now, here’s Joyce with today’s teaching.
But there’s one thing that is the answer to every problem that ails us, and it’s called trust god.
And do good. If you have a nice big bottle of both of these things in your house, I don’t care what ails you.
You’ve got what you need. To always be well. Now, look, this is a prescription for trust.
Comes from Doctor Jesus. The patient is prescribed for as whosoever.
Take as many as you need for as long as you need. Refills are endless.
But you have to be careful. This stuff has side effects.
I mean, when you start taking trust, well, You have a side effect of peace, joy, stability, confidence, Better life.
And then if you match it up with some do good, See, I think a lot of times we think, well, I’m trusting god, but what are you doing?
While you’re trusting god, are you sowing some good seeds in somebody else’s life?
And believe that even though you can’t fix your own problem, you can help somebody else and through doing that, you’re sowing a seed that will then bring a harvest in your life.
And even something as devastating as the earthquake in Nepal I would go there and preach the same message that I’m preaching to you because I don’t care how bad off you are.
You can always find something that you can do for somebody else and nothing makes the devil any matter than when he’s throwing his best biggest problem at you for you to say, I’m gonna trust god, and I’m gonna help somebody else.
Now this do good stuff has side effects too, and their extreme happiness.
And rewards in heaven. See? Trust god.
They’re right in here. The pills.
And we got do good pills in here too.
I’d say we got a team of people at our office. They can make anything.
I dream up. They’re kinda used to me now.
They just whatever I say I want, they start trying to make it.
You know, when we don’t understand and we start trying to figure out what only god knows, There can only be one result, and that’s confusion.
If I would have started out tonight and said, how many of you are confused right now about something going on in your life?
I would have had a lot of hands go up. But, see, here’s the truth.
You can’t be confused if you refuse to try to figure it out.
I can tell you right now.
Dave is a guy that does not try to figure anything out. He’s just like, god knows.
And he’ll take care of it. I’m casting my care. And I’ve gotten there.
It’s taken me 40 years, but I’ve I have a breakdown every once in a while, but I’m I’m doing good.
You know, in 1st Corinthians, chapter 13, The Bible says that we know in part.
We know in part. We don’t know everything. We’re not intended to know everything.
It wouldn’t even be good for us if we knew everything.
Do you know if you knew right now everything coming up in your future, Most of us would just sign off and say forget it.
Or even if you knew how god intends to use your bless you in the future.
You might get full of pride, and that would ruin it.
So god only reveals things to us a little bit of time as he knows, it’s right.
And there is no such thing. There’s no need for trust if we know everything.
Do you know that god really couldn’t even be your god if you knew everything that he knows?
We need to get satisfied to know the one who knows and not have to know everything.
Can some of you take a step of faith tonight and say, I don’t understand what’s going on in my life, but I am not gonna try to figure it out anymore.
I am gonna trust god, and I am gonna do good. Wow.
I feel the burden’s listing already. Woo. There they go.
See, here’s the thing.
The devil sends out He comes sits real close to your ear.
Well, what
are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? Well, well, that doesn’t make any sense.
Well, uh, had that happen?
Well, look at that person over there.
They don’t they’re not even serving god, and they’re blessed. Just explain that.
If god is so good, how did that happen? If god loves you so much, how did that happen?
And you know what?
I’m gonna show you a scripture a little bit that said that Jesus overheard, but ignored the bad reports that were coming to him.
You know, I may hear the devil, but I don’t have to believe him.
I may hear him, but I don’t have to bow down to him.
And everything that he screams in your ear, you need to just say, I don’t I don’t have to know.
I’m gonna trust god and do good. I’m gonna trust god and do good.
I’m gonna trust god and do good. And I’m always gonna come out on top if I do that. Amen?
You gotta be careful about all the things that the enemy, the lies that he puts in your head that you listen to.
Is anybody tired of being confused all the time?
Are you tired of your head hurting because you think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think,
think, think, Can I tell you
a great deliverance for many of you would just be if you just stop thinking so much all the time about everything?
Just get around to enjoying life a little bit. You wanna really make the devil mad.
Trust god and enjoy your life while God is solving your problem. Did you hear me?
While god is solving your problem, you can enjoy your life.
That’s what trust means. Trust means I’m no longer miserable.
Trust means I’m letting go of it, and I’m gonna do what I can do, but I’m not gonna try to do what I cannot do.
Hallelujah. My gosh. I about drove myself crazy for years.
Trying to figure everything out.
And, you know, sometimes when you think you’ve got answers, you still don’t have answers.
You just think you’ve got answers.
Oh, I tell you what, the world is full of mysteries.
The Bible talks about mysteries, the mystery of Christ, the mysteries of the kingdom of god, the mysteries of heaven, The mystery of Christ and me, the hope of glory.
So many mysteries. And why do we get so rattled about the things that we don’t understand?
We should be intrigued by these mysteries.
Pastor Mike told me today that of of all the movies watched, the number one of all time of everybody, their favorite movies are mysteries.
I love mysteries. You you’re drawn in.
You come closer.
But why is it when there’s a mystery in our relationship with god that sometimes we We should be amazed by the mysteries of heaven and the mysteries of the incarnation and the minis and the the mystery of the trinity We should just be like, god, you are so awesome.
Nobody can figure you out.
This is a mystery we are not gonna figure out.
The Bible says when Jesus comes again, We will know him even as we are known right now.
There’s going to be a time in your life when you will know everything, but it is not now.
And if you don’t do anything else on this Friday night, July 31st, 2015, get it through your head that you are gonna go through life not knowing a lot of things and you can get happy Now in the morning, when you wake up and the first thing you start trying to figure something out, Open your mouth and say, I’m gonna trust god and do good.
I’m gonna trust god and do good. 1st Corinthians 1551.
Take notice, I tell you a mystery.
A secret truth, an event decreed by the hidden purpose or counsel of god.
We shall not all fall asleep in death but we shall all be changed and transformed.
Now he’s basically saying that when Christ comes, there will be some that won’t ever die because the ones who are alive on the earth at that time will be caught up in the air.
And those that have already gone before, will rise up and we’ll meet him in the air.
And we’ll all be changed changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye, At the sound of the last trumpet call, for a trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ will be rise imperishable free and immune from decay, and we shall all be changed and transformed.
I’ll tell you, this is shout in scripture.
This is what we get to look forward to. You know what?
Even when Jesus shows up, we’re still gonna have stuff wrong with us.
He doesn’t care that you never reached the place of perfection when he wants is a perfect heart who’s always moving toward him, moving toward him, moving toward him, And I tell people all the time, just get up every day and do the best you can and let god do the rest of what you can’t do And when he returns, whatever is still wrong with you, he’s gonna be changed in the twinkling of an eye.
And you will be like him and see him as he is. You know what?
I don’t worry about stuff that’s wrong with me anymore.
It doesn’t trouble me one bit.
And it makes the devil so mad he’s about to have a nervous breakdown.
You know why I don’t worry with it anymore?
Cause I buy killed myself with worry over it for years years. And you know what?
God finally showed me. You’re no surprise to me.
I knew what I was getting when I got you. Come on.
I mean, do you honestly think that you got saved?
And the next day, god said, I sure didn’t know you were gonna be like this.
God is not surprised by anything that happens in our life.
The people in Nepal were surprised by the earthquake, but god was not surprised.
And you may surprised by some of the things that are going on in your life right now, but god is not surprised.
And he already has prepared your way of escape.
God has already planned the way out, and all you have to do is keep taking some trust and some do good.
I love this message.
Find the joy of trusting God at all times and all things with today’s resource offering, unshakable trust.
To let go of trying to figure everything out and let god be god.
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We all go through hard times, and it’s so easy in those moments to focus on the problem.
But what if you are able to see the trials of your life, the way god sees them, and respond to them the way he teaches us in word.
Joyce Meyer wants to show you how in her new book, blessed in the mess, even in the middle of life’s difficult God’s kindness shines through, blessed in the mess.
Order your copy today at
Thanks for listening to enjoying everyday life.
Joyce Meyer Ministries mission is to share Christ and love people.
Together, we can do so much more.

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