Trusting God in the End Times – Episode 3

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Trusting God in the End Times – Episode 3

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This program is brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo dollar Ministries.
Coming up next on changing your world.
He’s able to heal you when you’re sick. He’s able to comfort you when you’re lonely.
He’s able to pay your bills when you don’t know where the money coming from.
He’s able to renew relationships when they’re all messed up.
He able to give you a job when you’re jobless.
He’s able to take care of you when you need protection.
I have made my item that I am gonna serve the almighty god. There ain’t nobody like him.
Adam looked over the place. I can’t buy nobody like my savior.
Jesus Christ.
The West Coast was the first stop, and they did not disappoint.
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Let every heart today.
First Timothy chapter 6, First 9 through 11 in the new King James version.
1st Timothy chapter 6, 9 through the through 11 in the new King James version.
In the last days, preparing you to be a part of the community of Babylon the Great.
Verse 9, he says, but those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare or a trap.
And to many foolish and harmful lust, which drowned me in in destruction and tradition.
For the love of money
This is an issue of trust.
The love of money is when you trust money more than you trust god.
The love of money is not having money. You mean somebody that got money?
Oh, you got a love of money? No. No.
Somebody can have money and trust god more than the money they have.
The level of money is when you trust money more than god.
He said, this is the root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith.
Look at that. And end their greediness, and they pierce themselves through with many sorrow.
But you o man of god free these things and pursue righteousness and godliness and faith and love and gentleness.
Seek him. For he, we’ll take care of you.
It Clees Estee’s chapter 5 verse 10 in the NIV.
It Clees Estee’s chapter 5 verses 10 in the NIV.
Gotta give you these scriptures because when this is over with, you you’re you’re gonna you know, it feels weird when you’ve been blind for a moment, and now you can see, and you’re like, wait a minute.
What just happened? He says whoever loves money never has enough.
Whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income.
This too is meaningless.
Wow. Second Peter, chapter 2, verse 14 to 15 in the ESV translation.
2nd, Peter, chapter 2 verse 14 through 15 in the ESV translation.
He says they have, I, full of adultery, insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls
They have hearts trained and greed.
Acursed children. He’s talking about Babylon, the great.
1st Timothy 3, 1st 23 in NL 1st Timothy 3 versus 23 and NLT.
He said, so a church leader must be a man whose life is above reproach.
He must be faithful to his wife. He must exercise self control, live wisely, and have a good reputation.
He must enjoy having guests in his home, and he must be able to teach.
He must not be a heaven drinker or be violent.
He must be gentle, not quarrelsome,
and not have the love for money.
Matthew 6 verse 24 and the ESV Matthew 6 verse 24 and then ESV.
624. He says no one can serve 2 masters for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one, despise the other.
You cannot serve god and money. Isn’t it interesting?
How when they looked at Mammoth, they thought it was money and didn’t understand it with the spirit that was on money.
So they translated mammon to money.
Mark chapter 4 verse 18 through 19 in the NIV March chapter 4, 18 through 19 in the NIV.
You know, I would love to tune it up a little bit right now and and tell you how this We gotta see stuff, man.
We gotta take these blenders off. 1819. Still others like seeds sewn among thorns.
They hear the word, but the worries of this life the deceitfulness of wealth.
And the desires for other things it comes in and it chokes the word, and it makes the word unfruitful.
The deceitfulness of wealth. That’s mammon.
The deceitfulness of a well and the and the deceitfulness of wealth it you start pursuing it and you give it such a value, it chokes god’s word.
no fruit shows up in your life.
You have a title of crystal but
you’re showing acting like 1. And then Mark chapter 10, verse 23 through 27, and NLT.
Mark 10, 2327, and the NLT.
uh, 23 through 27.
He says Jesus around and said to his disciples, how hard it is for for the rich man to enter the kingdom of god.
This is the rich man who trusts in his riches. The rich man who had mammon over him.
This amazed them. But Jesus said unto them, This is amazing.
Why would the why would the disciples be amazed? Because all
of them had money.
Look at all of the disciples. Doctors, business owners.
All of them had money, but they didn’t love their money.
This amazed them, but Jesus said, again, dear children, it is very hard to enter the
kingdom of god god’s way of doing things.
In fact, it is easier for a camel to
go through the eye of a needle
than for a rich man to who trust in his riches, to enter into god’s way of doing things
the kingdom of god. The disciples were, uh, astounded.
And these guys had money, and they said, then who in the world can be saved?
He wasn’t talking about you having money. He’s talking about you trusting in
And they asked, Jesus looked at them intently and said, humanly speaking, it is impossible.
But not with god, everything is possible with god.
It’s not with mammon, but everything is possible with god.
Let me show you something about fear.
Write this down and don’t ever forget it. Fear is a lie that gives power to the enemy.
Fear is a lie. That gives power to the enemy.
Luke chapter 16 verse 910.
Luke 16, 9. And 10 in the NLT. This is amazing. He says, here’s the lesson.
Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends.
Then when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home.
If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones.
Faithful here is dependable or trustworthy.
But if you are dishonest in little things, You won’t be honest with greater responsibility.
The least or the little thing here that he’s talking about is money.
Money should require the smallest amount of your faith or anything. It’s the little thing.
It’s the least thing. And Meman has got us to turn money into the number one issue, and it’s not the number one issue.
And he is saying, can you be trusted with the least
of what’s in the kingdom of god?
Can you be trusted with the least And for most people in this country, money is not the least.
Money is their number one uno thing where I live for.
And if I don’t have it, I’ll jump out of a building and kill myself.
Money is the smallest issue in the kingdom of god.
And if you can’t trust god in the smallest issue, you won’t trust him with the bigger issues.
You can’t trust god with the with you can’t trust god with money. That’s why they don’t give.
I don’t trust god with money.
And you’re wondering, oh, my goodness, when this bigger issue come Where are you at, god? What’s happening?
What’s going on? It’s real simple.
If you can’t lift £10 Why are you trying to lift £300?
We wanna go and bench press 300.
You need to start with the bar.
Are you gonna be faithful enough to come in and work that bar?
Regardless of who’s watching you, regardless of who’s making fun of you, regardless of who’s laughing at you, will you be faithful working that bar?
And then every month, you add a little bit more. I’m faithful. We’re working that £20.
I’m faithful we’re working at £45. I’m faithful we’re working 245.
You started with the bar.
But you’re growing and you’re being faithful, and you can be trusted because you keep showing up.
But Christian people love to not be faithful when it’s little because we want it when it’s big.
And we got a generation, uh, uh, uh, uh, right now that I don’t want to work up towards nothing.
I wanna start out being your boss.
That ain’t hard work.
The only people who start off on the top are those who are digging a hole.
Do you?
you will never
have any idea What it has cost me and that woman right there to stay in the game.
It’s cost us our whole life.
You can quit You can change churches, you can, you can resign, you can go away.
We don’t have that option. A charge to keep
I have
and a god to glorify.
Who gave his son my soul to save and
fit it for the sky.
To serve this present age, my calling Tupafield. Oh, made it all.
My god. I got to do his will. Yes. Because I promise you.
What comes from god? Is gonna be much better than what you could have gotten serving this spirit of memory.
And these days are running short, ladies and gentlemen. This thing is coming to an end.
You better listen to what I’m saying now.
Look up. Your redemption is drawing now
right now.
And ain’t no way I’m gonna go to heaven looking Jesus in the face, knowing that I trusted his creation
more than I trusted the creation, the creator. Yeah. Ain’t doing it. Ain’t doing it.
I trust my god. The god who died for me,
the god who saved me, the god that shed his blood for me, the god who went to a hell we were supposed to go to, a god who who was whipped with a catanine tells, uh, uh, uh, god, hallelujah, that got up on the third day, a god who who descended on high and took his seat at the right hand of god, the father almighty.
And that saying
Jesus allowed me to be baptized on the inside of him. So when he died, I died.
And when he got up, I got up. And when he was raised to heaven, I went with him.
When he sat down on the right hand, I sat down with him hallelujah when it comes back again.
Look up for your redemption draws now. Jesus is coming back.
We don’t have the debate about this. All you gotta do is wait and see hallelujah.
But as for me and my house, we will not trust in horses. We will not trust in chariots.
We will not trust in money, but we put our trust in the all the god who is able.
I said he is able.
He’s able to heal you when you’re sick.
He’s able to put you when you loan me.
He’s able to pay your bills when you don’t know where the money coming from.
He’s able to renew relationships when they’re all messed up.
He’s able to give you a job when you’re jobless.
He’s able to take care of you when you need protection.
Made my mind up that I am gonna serve the almighty god. There ain’t nobody like him.
I don’t look all over the place. I can’t buy nobody like my savior. Jesus Christ.
Money couldn’t hear me when I was going through what I went through.
But the mighty hand of god did.
And I’m telling you this same Jesus is ready to take you to a place have never been before.
You’ll have your neighbors wondering what are you doing.
You’ll have them wondering why are these things being attracted to your life?
You’ll have them wondering why am I sweating, trying to pursue this thing, and you’re sitting there in rest.
Having prayed service. And god seemed like he just showing out in your life.
I’m telling you that grace is amazing, hallelujah, and come hell of high uh, I’m gonna stick with Jesus.
Talk about me as much as you please. I’m gonna stick with Jesus.
Take away my car take away my house, put me back in an apartment, put me in a shack, but I’m gonna stay with Jesus because when everything has been said and done, I’m gonna be alright because day in the twinkling of an eye.
We’re gonna be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye.
And the day in crunch shall rise first, and both of us who are alive and remaining shall be caught up shall be caught up to meet the lord in the air.
There is where we will forever be.
This world is not my home. I’m just passing by.
We are citizens it. Look up,
child of god. Your redemption is near.
Thou shall have no other god.
Besides him, and he’ll take care of you.
He’ll take care of you. God knows how to take care of you.
God knows how to open a door that looked like it looked like, looked like, looked like, looked like he knows how to open a door that looked like it was closed He knows how to bring an opportunity that you never thought would come your way.
He knows how to of you. He knows how to take care of you.
They’re gonna talk about you. Let him talk.
I trust god. He is your vindication.
And he’ll make it alright. Y’all excuse me.
I don’t preach myself. Happened.
I don’t treat myself happy.
My redemption,
drawed knife. They’re tired of me playing no church.
I wanna walk with him. I wanna talk with him.
I wanna fellowship with him.
I want them to put me sleep at night and wake me
up early in the morning. You ought to be tired of worrying the stress stop.
Yeah. Oh, if you only knew what was going in heaven right now with your loved ones, you ain’t got a but I guarantee you, one day, you’re gonna see him again.
And you’re gonna know there is nothing in existence that can compete with god.
And money although it is in competition to be in your heart.
Not gonna happen. Why? Cause he’s done too much. Yeah.
He did stuff for you before you even got saved.
You wonder you didn’t die in that wreck because god was watching over you.
You wonder why you’re able to still put food on your table acting like I you because god is watching over you.
And he’s trying to draw you with his goodness.
Who, or what do you trust in the 3 message series, trusting god in the end times, creflo daughter breaks down how to declare dependence on god when so many people choose idols for themselves.
God has got to be your source.
Everything that you ever need in this life has already been made available, but you can only access it by your faith.
Great. Is this unmerited favor. It is provision that keeps increasing over and over and over and over again.
Provision that will show up for who depend on him. It’s grace. That’s god’s part. It’s dependent on him.
That’s man’s part.
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Learn how to genuinely trust in God.
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I gotta give him the glory. He saved us
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The preceding program was brought to in part by the partners and friends of creflo dollar industries.

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