Top 10 Sermon Highlights By Joseph Prince In 2023 | Introducing The Gospel Partner YouTube Channel

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Top 10 Sermon Highlights By Joseph Prince In 2023 | Introducing The Gospel Partner YouTube Channel

As the year draws to a close, we invite you to join us for a countdown of the top 10 most-watched Joseph Prince sermon highlights in 2023!

In this 2-hour video compilation, be blessed by faith-building and powerful excerpts taken from sermons preached by Joseph Prince over the years. Our prayer is that these videos will be a source of encouragement and a timely word for you in whatever challenge you may be going through.

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Now, I want you to see this verse. It says, “As thy days,” Let’s all say it. “As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” Say it again to each other. “As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” Now, this goes opposite of the way the world tells us. You know, when you go to a doctor and you tell them. Have you noticed recently when you go to a doctor, alright, they will tell you, “Oh, this problem, never mind.
” “You know, it’s part of aging.” Don’t put up your hands. Anyone? Right? And anything, you know, you say, “It’s part of aging.” “It’s part of aging.” So it’s very normal, Amen. The world, for the world, it’s normal. As you progress in your days, so shall your infirmities be more. As your days increase, they also increase.
That’s the norm of the world. But this promise in the Bible, and that’s why it’s a promise. And God wants us to lay hold of it. “As your days increase,” notice the word “days,” plural. “As your days increase, so shall your strength be.” You got to repent. You got to change your mind about the way you think.
Your best days are yet ahead. I don’t care how old you are, your best days are still ahead, Amen. Your best days are still ahead. Praise the Lord. So shall your strength be. So shall your strength be. There is a Japanese man by the name of Shigeaki Hanohara-ra-ra, something ra. I’m sorry, but the last one is Hanohara, something like that, ok? And the first part is Shigeaki, okay? Anyway, he’s a doctor and his father is a Christian.
He’s a Methodist pastor. He just passed away a few years ago at the age of 105. So when asked, alright, about his secret, he says, “Every morning, olive oil.” Before I heard about him, our pastors, we learned this in Israel, was it 1990s? We learned about it already, olive oil, okay? He says olive oil. He swears by olive oil.
Another thing, use your stairs. We all use lift, right? He says go up the stairs. Even in his old age, he go up the stairs. He says he go up the stairs two steps at one time. Try one first, ok? Amen, Amen. And if you read online and all that, they won’t tell you that he will tell you it’s his faith. But it is faith in God’s Word, reading God’s Word every day that gives this man his health.
He’s a Christian. They won’t even tell you he’s a Christian. And that’s the main part that’s not being shared out there in the world because the world don’t want to acknowledge that. Hmm? I have a Korean friend who just went back to South Korea, and before he went he told me his mother, his grandmother is nearing, I think 800, 100.
And still reading the Bible, still going to church, always telling him, “Make sure you go to church.” So I told him, “Next time you go back, you ask her that I asked” “what’s her secret.” He said, “Ok.” So he came back after the holidays and he says, “My grandmother says read the Bible and drink plenty of water.
” You know, this lady, he said that her mind, her wits, and all that is very sharp. No Alzheimer’s, nothing. You know, they say it’s very normal for your, right, guys, they say that your prostate enlarges, your brain shrinks. Don’t accept it. Amen. I said don’t accept it. Amen. “As your days, so shall your strength be.
” Amen. So this is an amazing promise, but let’s look at the context. I believe in context. Maybe we can learn some things. So God wants your spiritual strength to increase. God wants your physical strength to increase. Amen. God wants your moral strength, that you are a person that people look at, they want to be like you.
Amen? Not just your physical health and strength. Come on. Amen? More importantly is the beauty of the inside. You look at some ladies, right, they are a certain age, maybe in 70s, and there’s a beauty that goes beyond age, goes beyond makeup. And that’s the thing that can never grow old, that part, if you continue to grow in Christ.
Amen? And it’s true. Everything the Bible says don’t do, if you do, you’ll grow old faster. You get angry, always get angry, you’ll grow old faster. Amen. You are happy, happy, merry heart, you’ll stay young. “A merry heart does good, like medicine.” Amen. The Bible says in Proverbs 17:22, “A merry heart does good, like medicine.
” The word “medicine” there is the word “marpe.” “They shall be life and health to all their flesh,” God’s Word. That word there, “life and health,” is “marpe.” Health to all their flesh, marpe. It’s medicine, medicine to, and it’s good medicine. Notice, “But a broken spirit,” causes osteoporosis. Now, you won’t find that in the scientific world, but I’ll tell you this, this is the wisdom of God.
A merry heart does good like medicine. So be happy. And you know, best of all, where you try to make yourself happy all the time, find every excuse to be happy, joke, laugh, smile at home. Find things to laugh about. Remember when you dated your wife, you made her laugh so much. Amen. And then you got her, ok, and then she cry all the rest.
Then not, ok. You made her cry. “No, Pastor Prince, no girl, no cry.” Ok. That’s a song, huh? So, by the way, I’m reminded of a man called Norman Cousins, alright? Like Cousins, like cousins. Or his name is Cousins with an ’s’, Norman Cousins. You can find it in Wikipedia, not now! Ok, this Norman Cousins in some time back, 1964, he was diagnosed.
He’s a professor, who later on became an author to write about, you know, the method by which he obtained healing, alright? But what he said was this. He was diagnosed with a crippling connective tissue disease, which gets worse and worse until you die. And they call it ankylosing spondylitis. I’m trying my best.
You know what he did, this professor? He checked himself into a place where he has a lot of funny videos, back then they used videos. And he has tapings of it. And all humour, and he has a lot, he took a lot of vitamin C, and laugh and laugh every day. The, by the way, you can see this on his Wikipedia, on Norman Cousins, the doctors gave him 1 in 500 chance to live.
He took a lot of vitamin C, and laugh, and laugh, and laugh, and laugh his way right into healing. Right into healing. Amen. That’s the world. We have something better. “Rejoice in the Lord,” it says. Paul writes like this. Paul says in Philippians chapter 3, “Finally, my brethren, rejoice in” “the Lord. For me to write the same things to you is not tedious,” “but for you it is safe.
” You know, when a pastor, your pastors stand up here and preach to you, and you say, “Well, I’ve heard it before.” For them it’s not tedious, but for you it is safe. It’s for you, you know? It’s not for them, you know? For them sometimes it feels tedious, “I’m sure they have heard of this before.” But I’ll say, it’s not tedious.
Why? I love you. God loves you. And for you it is safe, Amen? Jeremiah 15:16, this is what it says: “Thy words were found and I did eat them and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart.” The first thing, your first assignment is not to look at the Word of God and say: “What must I do?” Alright, that’s the law mentality.
The first thing you do with God’s Word is you eat it! It is for eating, it is for eating! If you ask the Lord, alright: “Why is it that people are rebellious, people are bound by addictions, people are enslaved to certain habits, and they can’t break free? Why are people depressed? Why are so many people depressed today?” Right? Do you know what the Lord will say? “They are hungry.
” So many of you are hungry, but you’re not feeding yourself with true bread. So you pass by, you think you need something from the fridge. You open up the fridge. You feel like you need to eat something, you feel hungry. You don’t realise that it is a spiritual hunger because you’ve not been feeding on the Word.
So you take out something to eat. Now, after a while, you still feel hungry. So you eat somemore. Or “I will watch TV. Yes, I think this is good. I will watch this drama. I will watch this movie, I will watch this…Alright, it will feed me.” For a while, your mind is stimulated, no doubt. Right? You are stimulated but after you finish everything, you still feel like there’s an emptiness.
Like: “What is it I really want? I think I need to watch somemore.” You know, it’s not the answer! The next day, you have raccoon eyes, you know, or panda eyes, and things like that. Because it doesn’t feed. So the Bible says in Isaiah: “Why spend your labor for that which does not satisfy?” Now, all these things, eating and all that and watching, you know, I mean, it all has its’ place.
I’m not knocking them. They are not sins. It’s not a sin to eat. I’m just saying realise that you are hungry. And you might say: “Pastor Prince, I think I’m hungry for more of social media. I feel that the more I read, I think I feel better.” No you won’t. You’ll feel empty. You’ll feel more depressed.
You’re hungry, and you’re hungry for true bread. You’re hungry. The Bible says in Isaiah: “Why labor for that which does not satisfy?” Amen, so you’re hungry! You’re not depressed, you’re hungry! You’re not, you’re not actually a rebellious person, amen. You are fighting something because you are hungry.
Have you noticed that people who are hungry physically can be very bad-tempered? Wives, have you noticed that? Sometimes your husband is not angry with you. He’s not angry. He is hungry. Ah, look at your husband, smile and say: “Amen.” Have you experienced that? Or it’s just me? It’s just me.
Come on. I see Pastor Lawrence putting up his hand. One honest man, that’s one honest man. The Lord loves it. The Lord loves honesty. Amen. Amen. So many of you need to repent. Amen. So a hungry man can be a very angry man. Right? But the anger is not actually his problem. His problem is a deeper problem. He’s hungry.
The enemy always attacks your food. The Bible says when Gideon was threshing wheat, he was threshing wheat in a place called the vine press. Now that’s not the usual place that you thresh wheat. Threshing wheat is like studying the Word of God, the Word of God is wheat, right? Bread of life. So it’s threshing wheat to eat.
Right? But he was doing it at night to hide from who? The Midianites, the Midianites have come in. And everytime there’s a harvest, the Jewish people have a harvest, they will come and rob them of their harvest. So they’re staying in the mountains and whenever the harvest is there, they come and rob them of the harvest.
So Gideon does it quietly so that he has a secret harvest, and a secret threshing, and a secret reaping, right? That he wants to have secret eating as well, but God called him forth. God calls those who are studying the Word, amen, to feed others. Some of David’s mighty men became mighty men. They marked themselves as mighty men when they refused to let the enemy take their harvest.
They would stand in the middle of a patch of a field of harvest like lentils, alright? And they will stand there with a sword and they are outnumbered by their enemies. But the Bible says: “The sword will cleave to their hand.” And the sword is a picture of God’s Word. And they will fight. They said: “This is my harvest.
You ain’t taking it.” Alright, there’s no way. I sowed it. Alright, I grew it. I watered it. And where were you? You want to come and take the food? No way. I’m gonna stand here and stand my ground. And the Bible says: “Stand therefore. Stand for your food.” Amen. Don’t let anything rob you of that time that you spend in the Word of God.
Amen. Whether in the morning, you’re sitting on the toilet bowl or—like I told you, it’s a good time. Some of you: “Oh, you know, I feel so irreverent.” No, you’re just being religious. Because I’d rather you do that than not do that and spend the whole day not in the Word. So if you have a Bible there, Bible everywhere.
Amen. Commercial time. Look at the Bible. Spend time in the Word, even a little piece of it, like a little crumb can bring healing. Can I have a good amen? So, here God says: “There’s food, not just drink.” There is food. Right? By the way, Jeremiah was saying that the first thing you do is to eat and what happens you’re what was to me the joy, you always were found in I ate them.
That’s your first response for eat the Word of God. And number two, it becomes a joy and rejoicing of your heart. So eat it until there’s a joy and rejoicing springing up. And there’s a joy! I’m telling you, it is like—that joy heals by the way, that joy heals your body. The joy of the Lord is my strength.
It is not just spiritual strength there. If you read it carefully, it’s strength, spirit, soul and body. So the joy of the Lord. So how do you get the joy of the Lord? Thy words were found, and what do I do? I ate them. When Jesus says: “I’m the bread of life.” What do you do with bread? You eat it.
You don’t just admire it or else He will say: “I’m the portrait of life.” Right? But He says bread. He says He’s the water of life—a fountain. Amen. He is the bread of life. What do you do with bread? You eat! And because it is called: “I am the bread of life.” You receive life. You see, everyday we leak, we leak life.
You know the things that we do, the things that we watch, the things that we hear, causes us to leak life. You know, I thought our life is intact. Once you get life, you get life. No, everyday you’re losing life. Ask the doctors. They will tell you, it is shown by—death has set in, that means what? Where there’s no life, that part there is death.
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