Those Who Survive | Jack Hibbs Today
Those Who Survive
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Everybody. We’re going to be talking about the wrath of God, the seven year tribulation period, the millennium.
What happens to those who get the opportunity to come and survive at the second coming of Jesus Christ?
What becomes of them? Well, stay tuned.
We’re going to find out real life presents the Jack Hibbs podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture today.
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Now, open your hearts to what God’s word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.
Hey, everybody. Welcome back to our podcast, the Jack Gibbs podcast.
And we are here at real life and uh excited to have you guys remember if you like what’s going on, make sure that you uh hit the subscribe button.
Tell people best thing that you can do is to let people know that we’re here.
And, uh we’ve been going through a really now be which that has become a protracted podcast series on end time events, which is very cool and extremely appropriate, uh, to the things that are taking place around us.
I, first of all wanna, uh, jump in, uh, to the fact that, um, and, and we’re trying to do this with some chronological context to it.
But, um, I find it absolutely awesome and remarkable that, that this week.
So I, I need to kind of make a time, time stamp on this.
This is the first week of uh the month of May. And um we have heard from uh Yuval Herri.
Uh Yuval Herri, who’s Yuval Herri.
He is the um spokesperson, he’s the mouthpiece, he translates into some form of coherency, whatever Klaus Schwab says at the World Economic Forum.
Um Harari has just announced that um A I uh will most likely be able to generate a religious text that will probably become a um a, a cult or occult type of uh group that could spawn a new A I religion.
And I thought, how appropriate is that in regard in regards to the mark of the beast, the false prophet here comes and the image of the beast to the Book of Revelation 13 says will be granted the power uh to both speak and to really discern who’s got the mark of the beast and who doesn’t and those who don’t get killed.
Uh That’s a I if you read about it, go ahead and read about it later.
Revelation 13, uh around verse 13, start reading there and you’re gonna read about A I in the Bible, an image it’s not human but it, it appears to breathe, it appears to speak, it appears to discern who’s got the mark of the beast or not.
It’s able to determine who lives and who dies. A I thrilling, right? Amazing breaking news.
A I creating religion which does not surprise us now because we’ve already seen in the last few months A I writing symphonies, A I writing poems, A I writing movie scripts A I writing songs.
And by the way, it does these things in about 5 to 7 seconds. Pretty amazing.
So, um here’s, here’s where we pick it up you guys.
And I know this is kind of um uh just quick but uh we left off with the uh the study of the tribulation period.
Why it has to be seven years, why it has to be focused on Israel?
Why the church cannot be involved by the way important.
All those who are involved in the seven year tribulation period. Don’t miss this.
All of them who believe are awarded uh white robes, all of them, all of them.
That’s important because the church is not given white robes, tribulation, saints, Old Testament Saints and um those that are outside of the church age you and I they’re outside of the church age.
They get white robes for example, King David’s gonna get a white robe. Noah’s gonna get a white robe.
Uh those who die for their faith for Jesus in the tribulation, they get a white robe.
The church does not get white robes. The church gets fine linen, clean and bright, very, very different.
That’s a wedding gown, by the way, very important. The church is not in the seven year tribulation period.
Some of you have asked about the mid point, the mid tripp.
That is honestly one of the lamest um views because it’s kind of like a cowardly view.
I mean, I have more respect for post Triers than I do for mid triggers because mid triggers will say or because they’ve had to change it.
Now they call themselves mid Triers pre wrath because they’re so confused about their B bible interpretation.
Why are they confused? Because only the pre millennial pre tribulation futurist view of biblical interpretation stays true to all other interpretation of doctrine.
All the other views are millennial, post millennial.
You’ve got to change your eschatology, you got to massage things and it gets all convoluted and it’s difficult.
Listen, if you want to stay true to a literal interpretation of the scripture, then you, you’re gonna want to be a pre millennial pre tribulation is why?
Because you find out that the church wears fine linen, clean and bright and you find out that the old and tribulation saints wear robes.
But you also find out this, that there will be those who by the preaching of the 144,000 male Jews, 12,000 from each tribe, so they speak Hebrew and no doubt any other language on earth, they’re gonna be preaching the gospel.
And the Bible tells us that there’ll be a multitude so massive that comes out of the tribulation period because of their preaching so huge that John said that you can’t even count them all.
It’s impossible for them to be counted. And many of them will have to die for their faith in Jesus.
Uh But I want to uh make clear that not all of them will die for their faith in Jesus.
A remnant will survive. In fact, we know that the 144,000 appear to make it to the end.
That is the end being the second coming of Christ. There’s a remnant of believers that are saved.
This is very important to some of you who have asked questions is if people die for their faith during the trip and they do who lives into the millennium?
When Christ returns, who repopulates the earth? That’s a great question. And the Bible answers that question.
Matthew chapter 25 read it later. They’re in the second coming is Matthew 24.
The all of it discourse, Jesus is talking about his second coming, dealing with world, unbelieving world and with the remnant of Israel who believes Jesus will sit upon the throne of David, which he’s not sitting on now, Jesus has never set up on the throne of David.
He has to come back. So some of you have also asked, gosh, I’m gonna, I’m gonna answer two questions in one answer.
Those who live into the millennial kingdom, they’re mortals.
They’re like you and I are now, but then you and I will be glorified, they will live into the kingdom.
Why? What’s the point? What’s the deal? Remember this one word to, to help you politics.
What’s the deal with the second coming of Christ politics?
Ever since the Tower of Babel Tower of Babel, the Bible has shown us a world that is given over to politics.
Always looking for a leader and Nimrod was the first type of antichrist and the world has followed types of anti-christ ever since you can go throughout human history.
And uh the world is looking for a leader.
The world has taken government, listen, government is from God invented by God.
In the Bible, read, read about government government in the book of Exodus.
Man takes government takes God out of it and that void is filled with man.
So man becomes God in leadership, not called government, but politics.
Politics is man pimping the power of God and the office of government and stealing it and taking it into his own control and thereby ruling over people that’s called politics.
And Jesus will have the time that’s called the millennium, 1000 years to where he must sit on the throne of David as promised in the Old Testament.
He has to look you guys, if Jesus does not sit on the throne of David in Jerusalem for 1000 years, then you and I got the wrong Jesus.
We gotta start looking for somebody else, but you don’t have to praise God.
He is the one and uh he’s gonna sit on the throne of David.
That’s why he’s called the son of David.
And as I mentioned before, if you remember David himself during the millennium, David will be the prince of Jerusalem.
How cool is that Jesus is the king of the world. He is the king of Jerusalem.
He’s the king of Israel. But Ezekiel tells us that his prince is none other than David, which is very, very exciting.
Very few people will take the time to look at that. You can check it out.
Start reading Ezekiel chapter 40 on out. But let’s let’s do this.
So those who survive, uh if you wanna know what is gonna happen, read Matthew chapter 25.
Matthew 25 follows Matthew 24 in chronological order, Jesus sits on the throne of David and he gathers the nations together.
Daniel chapter 12 and he sits on his throne.
The ancient of days is seated and he judges the nations of the earth.
Uh And he separates them like like a symbolic talk like, like the Holy Spirit came down upon Jesus uh in the form of a dove, a dove did not land on Jesus.
The Holy Spirit did at his baptism like the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ will separate the nations like a shepherd separates sheep from the goats, ok?
And when Jesus sits on the throne, those listen carefully, those who he separates.
Those who treated Israel treated the Jews kindly in the seven year tribulation period.
Those will live into the kingdom of God into the millennium.
They will be mortals who survive the tribulation period by the skin of their teeth, mind you, but they make it in and Jesus, so Jesus turned to them and says, enter the joy of the Lord that’s been prepared for you.
They start to repopulate this earth and they’re gonna do a great job and it’s going to uh be amazing.
Jesus is going to radically restore and uh perform a great restoration project on the world’s environment.
The Bible says that when a man dies in that age, if he dies, at the age of 100 people are going to mourn like a child has died.
So that means longevity is gonna increase like it was in the days of um of Adam, think about that.
And then also this that um that there’ll be people born.
Uh Jesus will be on his throne, you and I will be in the bride of Christ.
We will be ruling and reigning with Christ.
It will be granted to not only us but it appears to the servants of God.
Um, that, um, uh have were, that were resurrected uh to come into that, er, that period of time where we rule and reign with a rod of iron.
The Bible says that means that we will be with the Lord enforcing righteousness upon this earth.
That’s what the Rod is for, by the way, rule and reign with a rod.
Um That is righteousness being um What’s the word endorsed and maintained?
You know how everybody wants peace and safety now and people want safe streets.
Heaven’s gonna be a place. Sorry, the millennium is gonna be a place of safe streets.
It’s gonna be a beautiful environment. There’ll be people being born, people who are, who will die.
But that does not include you.
And I it’s very important to understand that there will be people um who when, when they come into this m millennial age, I find it fascinating that Jesus put it this way.
He said um I was, I was naked and, and you didn’t uh clothe me, I was hungry and you didn’t feed me.
Um I was in prison and you didn’t visit me when you read the context of that.
First of all, should you and I be doing that? Of course, we should.
But Jesus specifically lays it it down in Matthew 25 as being something that the gentile world does regarding his brethren, the Jew, their conduct and not only belief in Christ, which brings them to that moment, but their treatment of the Jew is something whereby he awards them to live into the kingdom age, the 1000 years.
So that’s a great, great question that somebody asked.
And that is the answer where um mortals will enter into the millennial kingdom.
Uh The millennial kingdom is going to be spectacular and, and I’m being, I’m being reminded of it right now.
Uh Just because for the last six months in California, for example, it’s been incredibly ridiculously, especially beautiful.
Uh California is gorgeous but it’s right now.
It’s just in its prime, incredible rainfall, snow capped mountains, beautiful days, puffy, white clouds, blue skies, green hills, flowers blooming everywhere.
I mean, I had a flower blooming in my, in my driveway.
Can you believe that it’s, can you imagine when Jesus is in control how the earth will be blessed?
We’re seeing a little sample of it right here in California.
Uh imagine the earth being revitalized by Christ during that 1000 years. It’s gonna be amazing.
And again, a book of Isaiah talks a lot about that.
I wanna leave off with that real quick with the, with the little bit of time that we have remaining.
Um for those of you who are jogging right now, for those of you who are uh shopping and you have your, your earbuds and you can’t see you can check it out later or driving.
Watch out, please. I’m, I’m I’m showing this, this is what I’m showing a piece of paper here.
Um And you can see, hopefully you can see this guys. Can I see this?
Tell me if this is OK. So the tribulation period is the time known as God’s wrath.
OK? And you want to read about this because see this line going vertically and this line going horizontally.
A lot of people, a lot of you guys have been confused about Second Thessalonians too.
You need to slow down and read it slowly.
You thought by reading second Thessalonians two that you were talking about the rapture not happening until after the tribulation.
That’s not what it says. Second Thessalonians was written because the believers in Thessalonica thought they had missed the rapture because persecution is broke out against them.
So they thought what’s going on. Paul said, calm down you guys.
That’s why he writes them the second letter to calm them down.
So read second Thessalonians two and watch this.
And if you have to close your eyes, do it, not while you’re driving or running, just listen the Bible says.
And by the way, I did this on a sermon just a week ago.
The Bible mentions days, there’s the day of God, there’s the day of the Lord Jesus Christ.
There’s the day of Christ, there’s the day of the Lord. Uh there’s the day of the Lord almighty.
And you want to read those in context, let the scriptures around that description of the day.
What day is it? Well, let the context tell you, OK, context will tell you everything.
So watch this right now, you and I are living during the day of let’s just say it’s the day of the church.
I’m making this up right now. So forgive me in advance. Some of you just forgive me.
I’m making this up right now for argumentation’s sake.
We’re living during the day of the church and we’re ministering, serving and waiting for something to happen.
What are we wanting to happen? What are we looking for?
What does the scripture command us to be looking for the day of Christ, the day of Christ or the day of the Lord Jesus Christ or the day of Jesus Christ.
It’s all the same thing. And when that happens, watch this, when the day of Christ happens, watch you guys sure that everybody can see this, the church saints, you and I go up on the day of Christ.
The day of Christ is when he takes the church up, see that big plus sign right there.
The intersect of the two lines.
The moment the trumpet blows the the day of Christ happens and the church goes up.
So think of the ref the referee, I think it’s called the starter or the referee at a track meet.
He fires the starter’s gun. So to speak at the shooting of the gun.
The church goes up but then the runners take off on the track, right?
Boom or trumpet blast church goes up the day of Christ.
In that instant, the day of the Lord begins, we don’t know exactly what happens.
Seconds after the day of Christ takes place when the church goes up.
But we know this, the day of the Lord begins and will it manifest itself abruptly?
Will it be hours, weeks? Will it be months? Will it be a year or? I don’t know, doesn’t say.
But the day of the Lord goes all the way during the tribulation period where the tribulation saints are being uh saved.
They come to Christ, most of them die for their faith, not all, but most many are beheaded but not all.
And the day of the Lord goes all the way out to the end of the tribulation period.
That’s seven years and it goes all the way according to the Bible out through the millennium.
That’s 1000 years. The day of the Lord is when Christ sits on his throne.
The day of the Lord is when God’s wrath is poured out during the seven year tribulation period.
God’s wrath is the day of the Lord.
And um gosh, I don’t know how much time we have, we have one minute, a couple of seconds.
I’m gonna give you guys this really quick.
You wanna know about the day of the Lord and how to, how, uh, what you’re going to miss believer.
And if you’re not a believer, um, you can, you can put a helmet on if you want, put a mouthpiece in, you can put your flame retardant suit on.
It’s not going to work.
Malakai four verse five talks about the great and dreadful day of the Lord Joel.
One verse 15, talks about, listen to this. The day of the Lord is at hand.
It’s destruction from the Almighty Isaiah 13 verse six, the day of the Lord is at hand a day of destruction again from the hand of the Almighty Amos 5 18, the day of the Lord.
The day of the Lord is a day of darkness, not light obed 1 15, the day of the Lord will come upon all nations.
It is near. Wow, Joel chapter two verses 27 to 31 says that the day of the Lord comes, it’s the Lord coming to deliver Israel my people, uh Israel, my city Jerusalem.
Uh It will happen in Mount Zion.
He says in the second coming or the day of the Lord, I will then pour out my spirit upon my people.
Israel, they shall dream, dreams and prophesy. You know that verse from the day of Pentecost, don’t you?
Well, it’s gonna, it, it wasn’t fully fulfilled in the day of Pentecost. It will be fully fully fulfilled.
Uh When Christ comes back in the second coming we’re out of time. This is ridiculous. Um, listen. Oh, yeah.
Questions. I, I don’t know why we have to keep these things so short.
Doesn’t Joe Rogan go for hours? Yeah. Well, no, I can’t do whatever I want.
I have to go, um, uh, question what happens to kids in the rapture. They go up.
Um, some, some Calvinist. I, I got in an argument one time.
I mean, I didn’t, a calvinist got in an argument with me because he said you should say some kids go up and I just thought what a, what a nut kids are not responsible uh for their sins because they don’t have a proper understanding of the law.
You got to be knowledgeable of the law before you can willfully break the law of God, even though by nature, they have already broken the law of God because they’re born little cute little diaper pooping baby bottle sucking sweeties.
They’re so cute but they’re little wretched sinners, but they’re not held accountable for that.
So when the rapture takes place, the kids are gonna go up, kids are gonna go up so well, what’s the cut-off date?
Nobody knows that. It depends on the kids’ understanding. 14, 13, 12, 15, 16, 18. It depends on the kids.
Listen, I know some kids that are 20 that have mental uh issues that they’re, they’re like a three year old.
So you don’t need to get into that stuff.
I am pre Trib and a good friend is mid or post Trib.
She always quotes First Corinthians 51 to 53 as the reason because it states at the last trumpet.
Then in Revelation 11, I believe it speaks about the rapture events again after the last trumpet.
Can someone explain this to me? Listen, I actually gave a sermon last Sunday on this very topic.
There’s tons of trumpets in the Bible.
Uh tons of trumpets from Exodus all the way through to the Book of Revelation context context.
People context don’t confuse the last trumpet with the trumpet that calls the church up.
Meaning the last trumpet has been oh, there’s the seven trumpet judgments. There’s the seven trumpet judgments.
There’s also the two trumpets that God gave Moses to gather his people together.
Listen uh John said, I heard a trumpet talking to me. Uh trumpets are throughout the Bible.
Let the context interpret the word.
And so when the trumpet blasts first Corinthians 14 13 through 18, that’s listen Bible interpreting Bible.
What’s the answer to first Corinthians fif uh First Corinthians 15 51 to 53.
It’s John 14 verses 12 and three and it’s first Corinthians 4 13 through 18. OK.
No worries about that. There is no rapture in Revelation 11 regarding the church know the context.
Uh so, hey pastor, what’s up? No flesh survives everyone who doesn’t take the markets beheaded.
No, a lot of people do but not all uh what’s the millennial reign for Jesus’s politics?
Jesus’ government, he’ll establish and show the world proper government, which we’ve never had because Adam and Eve dropped the ball in the garden and we’ve been under Satan’s, uh, politics ever since.
Um, only the, uh, our, uh, regarding the 144,000. Um, are they protected? Yeah.
The Bible says that they’re sealed with the seal of God. Imagine that they’re like super action fig figures.
Um And all the stuff that’s going on, they’re protected from the plagues, the attacks, the wrath that’s swarming around them, devastating people, the, the violence of the anti-christ, the false prophet, they’re protected.
It’s very awesome. Um Ba ba ba ba.
So I I I’m asking this question, uh what happens at the end of the millennial reign uh before eternity?
The 1000 year reign is again to establish the true and proper government.
Once that’s complete at the end of the 1000 years, the Bible says Satan is released, but for a moment to deceive those on earth, uh imagine Jesus will be on earth and there’ll still be people rejecting him.
Wow, that’s absolutely crazy. The final judgment will take place, the resurrected dead, the the damned or the condemned will stand before the Great White Throne judgment.
Revelation chapter 20 starting right around verse nine on it gives you an understanding of what becomes of them, the false prophet, the anti-christ and listen to this when the millennium is done when the millennial period of Christ reigns over, then the day of God begins.
And that’s when this earth be careful how you read the Bible, this earth is destroyed, but it’s not annihilated.
This earth is destroyed, the heavens are destroyed but not annihilated.
It says they create that God creates a new heaven and a new earth.
It doesn’t mean it destroys this one. He’s, he judges it, scours it with fire.
And that’s why when you read in the Bible that uh this, you know, this earth will be forever or forever, you read the forever statement.
Don’t, don’t listen, God’s gonna redeem this dirt, which is amazing and he’s not got annihilated and, and create something out of nothing.
Again. He’s the redeemer. He’s gonna redeem it perfectly.
So listen, we’d love for you to have you guys hit the subscribe button and stay up to date.
We’ve got all kinds of things that are coming out.
Always, we’re just trying to be as busy as possible for Jesus here.
Um And so you can uh hit the like button that helps us with the, with the tech moguls who think we’re a bunch of nuts.
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