This is How What Happens – Part 2 (Romans 10:16-17)

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This is How What Happens – Part 2 (Romans 10:16-17)

Discover the power of hearing God’s Word and putting it into action. Uncover biblical truths that can transform your life and empower you to make a lasting impact as you journey from condemnation to redemption in Christ.

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well let’s stand as we get into the word of God together we uh got into and we almost finished up uh this uh last time together last week and we’ll finish it off today we’re looking at a message titled this is how what happens this is how what happens and it’s in verses 13 to 17 and we’ll read that together right now I’ll start in verse 13 again like last week you pick it up in verse 14 and by the way I encouraged you last week to read loud uh and then just to be fair I encouraged second and third service to

read loud and God blessed them they tried it was cute but you guys set the bar I mean it was amazing but um I I’ll read verse 13 uh for whoever I love that whoever is that you today for whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved and how shall they without preer and how shall they preach unless they are sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel to the gospel of peace who bring glad tians of good things but they have not all says and then we end here verse 17 so

then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God Lord in Jesus name bless the going forth of your word to our lives and father I know you’ve given us another weekend we you’ve given us another Sunday another Lord’s day and we look at the the calendar there’s only 52 of them in the year and Lord by the looks of things either by what age we might be or the sign of the times we don’t have many lords days left so father I pray we pray that you would Galvanize us with your truth into action and father that we’d make a

difference we pray in Jesus name and all God’s people said amen you may be seated Bibles out notepads out a message titled this is how what happens what’s happening people will say in the world what’s going on what’s Happening the more specific question should be something along the lines of how is this happening it’s not just what’s happening what’s happening implies that we’re kind of Spectators to what’s going on what’s going on what’s Happening and we’re watching it play out before us where as

a Believer as Christians when we read our Bibles and understand that there is no such thing as a Christianity that is disengaged from the culture in which it’s been deployed it doesn’t matter if you’re living in communist China or North Korea there is some way shape or form that God has galvanized the believer in that realm to make a difference and that’s why I said last week that Christianity is a non-sp spectator Faith you cannot be a Christian and be a spectator to Christianity that is impossible and so we look at this we

have now come to this point of scripture and I’ll read it in its in entirety the two verses is verses 16 to 17 which say but they have not all obeyed the gospel now specifically we’ll see that he’s talking about Israel but not Israel exclusively maybe you’re somebody today that you are not obeying the gospel for Isaiah says of course Isaiah the great Hebrew Prophet Lord who has believed our reports so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God the number one please mark it down the

number one combatant of doubt and fear and death is none other than the word of God the word of God is something that is active it is advancing the word of God um well you guys know that Hebrews tells us that the word of God is alive we’ll talk more about this in a moment but the word of God is advancing and um you know in our world around us we have so often so many props are so many indicators of things that um are thrilling you know think of the movie industry they have so many things that are action action figures action

film and um personally I will see some of those maybe depends on what my family wants to do and what the con content is if it’s going to bash God I’m not going to deal with that stuff but if it’s some well we saw an action movie just just the other night it was uh Despicable Me and um they had Heroes now the minions and they’ve got some Heroes and they do special things and when you look at the world around us I’m wondering if we would do better if we put on those minion goggles and saw more importantly the

world that’s going on around us in this invisible realm all of a sudden people want to put their uh hands behind their neck and kick back and take it easy and put their feet up and call themselves Christians I just want you to know you’re ripping yourself off we haven’t crossed the finish line yet and we need to fight until we get there but listen for those of us who are going to stay in the fight Heaven’s going to be sweeter than I think those who have taken the Christian uh the Christian timeout

button the days are dark oh they’re so dark Pastor I’m going to retreat no the days are dark that’s when we advance and people are dying people are are losing their lives people are giving up their lives and they need us more than ever before so this is how what happens and because Christ is on the throne and the holy spirit’s in our hearts I want to believe that God wants to use you and I for very very powerful reasons so when he says but they have not all obeyed uh the gospel for that for Isaiah says Lord who has believed

our report so then faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of God is a call to action for every single one of us that’s a very very active Dynamic truth big introduction people to one point today so don’t panic are you guys ready I want you to write these things down by the way I’m a firm believer that when you and I leave church every time we live leave church we should be more equipped and more energized to go make a difference okay so if you say man that’s so many so much Bible it’s because we need it

we have enough of this world that’s trying to get into us I think if we ingest more Bible it pushes some of that stuff out so the first thing that I want you to write down in way of introduction is Isaiah 53:6 we’re going to touch on Isaiah as we quoted him a moment ago but in Isaiah 53:6 the Bible says all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way now in your note taking put a negative sign not a positive sign but a negative there’s a reason for this and hang in there with

me the next verse is Romans 3:23 for all of sin fall short of the glory of God negative sign that’s a negative all right but do keep this in mind that it’s as though we’re in a great courtroom and the jury is seated the judge is at the bench Moses for example is the prosecution he’s got the 10 commandments that he’s holding up against us the law of God that convicts us and brings us to places where it says all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and then there’s our Advocate The Book of Romans

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