There’s a mystery behind the act of kneeling | The Book of Mysteries

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There’s a mystery behind the act of kneeling

“God’s will is that none should perish. Judgement isn’t His desire…but His necessity. The good must bring evil to an end, or else it would cease to be good. And yet His mercy is still greater than His judgement. His heart always wills for redemption. And therein lies the hope.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future

It’s there in the Bible in Hebrew, it means to bless.
But there’s a mystery there in the book of mysteries.
The disciple notices the teacher dropping to his knees and staying there on his knees for a long time.
I noticed you were kneeling during worship. I never understood the purpose. Why does one kneel?
That’s a good question. Why does one kneel to kneel is to lower yourself?
It’s to humble yourself. Kneeling is an act of submission.
You’re submitting to another, you kneel down as a sign of humbling yourself before the Almighty, submitting yourself to the will of God.
But do you know what the word for bless is in Hebrew?
The word is you, you hear it in the Hebrew prayers or, or the the scribe of Jeremiah is called from the same word to bless.
But blessing, the word doesn’t just mean bless. It has a double meaning. It also means to kneel down.
Who is it that blesses more than anyone else whose nature is to bless. It’s God.
And what is the greatest blessing He gave salvation, redemption, eternal life.
So God’s nature is to bless and the greatest blessing he could give is the blessing of salvation.
But in order to bless in Hebrew, to remember what it means, it means to kneel and to kneel is to lower yourself.
So for God to bless us with salvation, he had to lower himself.
He had to give the greatest blessing. He had to kneel.
The greatest blessing would require the greatest lowering of himself, the greatest descending to this world.
So he came down, his, coming down to this world is the act of Barra.
He’s coming to bless us, but he’s got to humble himself, come in the form of man that’s kneeling.
He also kneeled to submit. He submitted to this world.
He submitted to weakness, he submitted to mockery, he submitted to abuse and condemnation.
He submitted himself even to judgment, to crucifixion to death. The ultimate lowering. What is all this?
It’s the cosmic Barra. It’s the blessing of God, but it’s the blessing of the kneeling God.
It is the cosmic lowering, the kneeling.
And from this kneeling, this humbling, this submitting of God comes the Barra.
The blessing of salvation to bless is to kneel and he who kneels is the one who blesses and by his kneeling, we are blessed.
And so how do you respond to that in light of such a blessing?
We can do nothing less than kneel before him who kneeled that we could be saved to bow down our lives, to submit ourselves.
And whom do you need to bless. You want to bless someone today.
The way you’ll bless is to humble yourself, is to lower yourself.
Likewise, the more you lower yourself, you humble yourself before God, you will be a blessing to others.
Because as you do, the blessing is released.
And as you kneel, not only that, the one who blesses kneels, but also also one who receives a blessing is kneeling too.
So do you want the blessings of God then learn the secret of kneel, humble yourself to the will of God.
Submit to what He wants. Be humble in all things glorify God, not yourself and bless others, be humble before others, bless them.
And you will not only release the blessing for others in your life, you’ll actually open the door to receive the blessing, the the of God, because your blessing comes from the kneeling of the Almighty.
The more you know God, the more you will be changed.
God is the one who says I will make all things new.


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