The Wild Way Jonathan Cahn Discovered Jesus Is The Messiah
Jewish Atheist Discovers Jesus: The Wild Way Jonathan Cahn Discovered Jesus Is The Messiah
The Insulated Kingdom
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
As a child going outside in the wintertime, my mother would dress me up in a sweater, scarf, snowsuit, and wrapped inside layers of insulation. It was great, but there was one problem. I was so insulated, that even though I was outside, I was still inside, hermetically sealed. So as believers, we tend to have an insulation problem. We insulate ourselves against the outside world. But the Great Commission is outside, beyond the church building. The people outside are the ones who need salvation. You have to go out for the kingdom to grow. Most new people are brought into a congregation by new members, not by the old members. The old tend to get insulated, inside Christian relationships. They don’t touch the outside anymore, so comfortable in church culture. We need to get out. That can’t happen by only connecting with other believers. It happens when you take away the insulation. Out is where the lost are, where the kingdom grows, where the Lord commanded us to go. It’s where you need to go if you’re going to touch this world. Get uninsulated and get out.
Well, a terrible train wreck, a life hanging in the balance, discover what would cause an atheist to open his life up to God.
As rabbi Jonathan Kahn shares his remarkable story with us.
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So what would cause an atheist to take a chance on God?
And what if that chance caused their life to be transformed?
Well, today, our special guest is sharing his incredible story of a life changing encounter that ultimately led him to some of the biggest blessings in his life.
But first joining around the table is Susanna Lamb, my beautiful daughter in love and we love people’s stories, don’t we?
We sure do. Nothing is more powerful than your own testimony because no one can, you know, can that Kendra Kelly Dean, no one can argue with you.
No, about what God has done in your life. And that’s the thing is he pursues us.
He wants us and he knows how to get to us whether it’s a dream or something else.
But he’s always wanting to find a way to bring you closer to Him.
What a good God and my other beautiful daughter Rachel Lamb Brown. How are you? I’m good.
And this story is shocking. I mean, it really is riveting so many people know of our guests today.
But to hear kind of the behind the scenes journey that led him to God is gonna be something that’s gonna encourage so many people, Cindy Murdoch.
We’ve heard a lot of incredible stories. They’re still none greater than when someone encounters a living God.
Oh, nothing greater. And then the realization in that, that God loves us and he loves us so much that He has a purpose for each one of us in this life.
That’s right. He’s beautiful, so good.
Well, he is a prolific writer, revealing the connection between ancient mysteries and modern events.
Please welcome our dear friend, Rabbi Jonathan Kahn. Welcome. Welcome. Good to be here.
Yes, it’s so good to have you. And we’re so excited for you to share your story.
And the question I’m gonna ask you is can divine intervention cause an atheist to open their life up to God?
And what impact can that have?
Well, no one knows the answers to these questions better then Rabbi Jonathan Conn, and he’s here today to share his powerful story with us.
So let’s just go back to the beginning. Ok. So when you were born, your family and just growing up.
Yeah. Well, let me go back before the beginning for a second.
My father, uh, was born in Germany and then Hitler came to power.
And so he was, you know, he just, he saw all that and, and, and his parents just sent him on a train to, to escape because they knew they knew it was gonna, you know, what was coming.
And so many German Jews got out there and he, he was sent to England and in England, they, they gathered up all the Germans because they, when they, when the war was declared.
And so he was put on a ship with Nazis and they were, and they were, they went through the Atlantic and he was put in a prison camp in Canada.
So, I mean, if all these things are saying, just saying the hand of God, I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t God.
What about his parents? His mother, he never saw his mother again. His mother died.
Um, but not died of high blood pressure.
You know, other relatives were taken, he never saw them, other relatives escaped to Israel and they’re there today.
Um His father ended up staying there late to like 1941.
I mean, the war is only two years old and he got, he was getting Jewish people out and then he miraculously got out in 1941 out of Germany.
They ended up reuniting after the war in America and, and I saw you know, I knew my grandfather, he, he didn’t speak English, you know, up until I was eight years old where he died.
But that’s how I meant. So, so my father, ok, so he’s in a German, he’s in a, a Canadian prison camp.
And then the can, the Canadians realized, wait a minute, these are not criminals, you know, we got, and eventually he got out and then they, they, their people, Jewish people sponsored him.
He got an education, studied, became a scientist, you know, studied P D, came down to America to get his P D.
My mother was born in Brooklyn.
Her parents, her parents escaped also with their lives, escaped the czar who was killing all the Russian, all the Russian Jews.
You know, so when you’re Jewish, you know, the Bible says you’ll be going from nation to nation.
So they just, they just, you know, they got out both of them and um and then my mother was born in Brooklyn.
She ended up also studying chemistry phd in, they met in Purdue University and they both while they were studying and fell in love and got married.
So where was God in, in all of this?
Because here your parents had both seen such devastation and I mean, I’m sure for a lot of the Jewish people wondering where is God in all of this?
Yeah, the thing is that he did foretell all this, you know, and, and remember Jesus is the shepherd of Israel.
And so yet the shepherd wants to protect them, you know.
So all of a sudden the Jewish people become like sheep without a shepherd.
And, and what is Zeki says that the beasts of the field devoured them?
You know, until God says on that day I brought you back, I gathered you as a shepherd, you know.
So, you know, back to back to Israel and interesting because, because you know what’s the greatest predator, sheep, the wolf, right?
Adolf Adolf Hitler, his name Adolf means wolf, the wolf. Wow.
So, so you know, it was all foretold, but it’s hard for Jewish people. He weeps for them.
Where was he? When his son died on the cross, it had to happen, you know, Jesus, you know, Jesus is the epitome of, of the suffering of the Jewish people and also our salvation.
So, yeah, so I’m born into this home. It’s in the suburbs of New York outside of, of, of there.
And I’m raised. Um it was most Jewish people, America aren’t religious or very religious, but some of them go to temple.
And my, my family was one of those who went to, went to temple.
I went to Hebrew school, I learned Hebrew to a degree.
Um and we celebrated Passover celebrated Hanukkah celebrated all that but never was never much telling about God in anybody’s life, you know.
And so I’m in Hebrew school.
I’m learning all about the Bible, I’m about David and the prophets and God moved and God did this and, and then I’m looking at the synagogue and I didn’t see God moving.
I didn’t see God’s presence. The rabbi never said, hey, oh, I just, I just have God in my life and he just did this and it never happened.
It was all, it was pretty much tradition, you know, which isn’t many religions, tradition and liturgy and all that.
And so I said, I didn’t see the God that this is about, it was a disconnect.
So at eight years old, I became an atheist.
Wow, I said, I said, there’s no God because, because I don’t see God if I don’t see God in the synagogue and we’re the ones who are supposed to have known, you know, then where is it?
Did you tell anybody that you felt that way? I did? Yes. Yes.
I told a number of people and I, I even told, I told my father, you know, so he was kind of agnostic about God.
He said, ok, well, you know, don’t, don’t say it loud or I don’t say I don’t talk about it and all that.
So this is when I’m eight.
So as I went on, I started thinking deeper, I said, wait a minute, wait a minute.
This doesn’t make sense. There’s, there’s gotta be a reason we can’t exist for no reason.
There’s gotta be a cause or reason.
I said, So let me, so I started searching, you know, and I said, so I started, I was about 12.
Now I started searching for the truth.
I get books on everything, books on science, books, on religion, books, on the occult Edgar Casey books on UFO S, you know, they are a big, a big book back then was called Charity of the Gods saying, you know, they were really ancient astronauts, all these things.
And so I’m reading the book, I’m reading everything and Jesus keeps coming up in these books, you know, wherever you go, it’s Jesus in the books.
And actually God was allowing me to do that to come in the back door because that opened me up to be, you know, just to start one day I pick up a book.
I think it, I thought it was a UFO book because it, that year they made it look just like the UFO books.
It was the Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsay. God tricked me.
And, and so, and so, you know how many people read that book?
I know Great Planet Earth by Lindsey.
I have heard it over so many people and so many Jewish people.
It’s like God used prophecy to get them. Well, it’s amazing. It said everything the Bible said is coming true.
Everything that, that Israel is back.
It was a, I didn’t know that nobody told me that that everything was prophesized is now coming true.
I was like, wow, this is a whole another round. I didn’t know it.
And I’m reading about all these things that are the Hebrew Bible. That’s, that only Jesus fulfilled.
You know, everything was Jesus, everything, you know, riding on a donkey.
All these things I thought were not Jewish, they’re on a Bible.
So I start like, it starts getting in my head, you know?
Ok, the Bible is true, you know, but I also thought Nostradamus and all that’s true too.
And OK, and you know, and then wait a minute, Nostradamus. That doesn’t make it, this doesn’t make it.
Only the Bible speaks like there’s no other book that speaks that authority.
So as I’m a teenager I’m reading and I’m like, OK, OK, you know, and then, and then it’s all about this Jesus, you know, and so the thing is I’m telling my friends about it, you know, I wasn’t saved.
I didn’t know God but I’m telling my friends all about it and I’m winning them to the Lord, but I didn’t know the Lord.
I’m winning them to the Lord. I had a speech class, you know, an English class.
We had a speech and I’m so I take a speech, I’m preaching in a class about the coming of the Lord.
And you know, and people are getting saved and I didn’t know the Lord.
You know, I didn’t know the Lord because, because I, I knew it in my head but I didn’t know it in my heart and, and the thing is I didn’t want to know and it was taboo for you to even consider going there.
Oh, yeah, to totally taboo. Although I kind of rebelled anyway.
So I kind of was in that camp, you know.
You know, so I’m reading all this and as time is going on it’s, I’m a teenager and it’s like, ok, but Jonathan, you have to, you can’t just tell people about it.
You have to get right with God. You’re not right with God.
If, if God comes to Jesus comes, you’re not gonna be right with God.
I thought if I, if I, if I pray to God, if I come to God, I have to give up everything.
That’s good. I have to, I have to become a monk, join a monastery and that’s it.
That’s the end of my life.
So I said, God, I said, and I thought I don’t wanna give up the rock band I was doing, I didn’t want all these things I’m doing.
I don’t wanna give it up. So I made a deal with God, which is a Jewish thing to do.
I made a deal. I, I said, God, if you give me a long life, I’ll accept you when I’m about to die.
That was my deal on my deathbed. I will accept you. I’ll follow you for that thought. Ok.
So right after I made that deal I was almost killed and the first time, I mean, how old were you?
I was now about 17, 18, 17, 18. And I’m in a car.
Um, I’m in a car with a friend who, who I, who I helped come to the Lord and uh, we’re riding in the car and it was, it was this other car that like comes this way and we’re like spinning out of control into it was like we were, everybody was sure we got hit.
It was, it was like this, we were almost got killed, but we didn’t get killed, but we almost got killed.
Ok. All right, good. I’m alive.
You know, then a little while later, I’m in a Fort Pinto and I’m heading to a train track and it’s night time, I’m heading to college and the light is going on for the train like the train, you know, like it’s coming but all the other cars on the other side, they’re coming across the track.
And so, and so I’m saying, ok, maybe the, maybe the train so maybe it’s broken or maybe, maybe it, you know, maybe the light’s just going on, it already passed.
I said, let me check. So it’s night time on this track, people have been killed.
There was no, there was no arm, no protection. It was coming at an angle. The road was rough.
You didn’t know where you were.
I said, let me just make sure I look and I see a light and it’s the train and it, and it doesn’t look like it’s moving because it’s coming head on.
I’m on the track. I didn’t realize it because you couldn’t tell.
And I, so I’m waiting and I said, wait a minute, you know, maybe I’m a little too close just to be safe.
Let me try to back, let me do. Like I go back.
I look in the head, I look in the rear mirror. Their headlights are back of me now.
And I said, I don’t, I couldn’t even tell if I had any room.
I said, you know, let me just be safe. I’m just gonna back.
So I back up about a foot or so I thought I’m just, you know, and, and then I, then I’m waiting, I was still in the path of the train.
So I’m waiting for the train to come and then the train comes and smashes into the pinto.
Now there’s the four pinto. These are cars that were like you, you look at them the wrong way.
They could blow up. They were blowing up. I watch as the car goes up like aluminum four.
I mean, it goes up. The only thing I could do at that moment was call out to God and so I called out to God, the car was destroyed, absolutely destroyed.
Um, and I didn’t get a scratch, I didn’t get a scratch.
It made, it made the headlines, it made all the stuff, resident injured, it made the police came all the stuff.
And so now I said, ok, God, I said that was Strike two, right?
I said, can we renegotiate, can we renegotiate that deal?
And so I said, God Lord, I have a new deal for you.
I said, I said I will accept you now and I’m not gonna do the thing with the deathbed on, you know, uh because the death bed was coming too close, you know, I said, I said, here’s the new deal is I will accept you when I turn 20.
So I said, just don’t kill me until then.
And because I wanted as much time as I could and 20 was like a nice, nice even number.
You still have a lot of things to do between 18 and 20 that maybe would line up with.
I wanted to, yeah, I, and I just, I wanted to buy as much time as I could, you know, and, and so, but it was 20 actually, I’m 19 now.
And so I, so I had a, you know, it was like nine months.
And so I said, OK, then I started, I started turning on Christian television, Christian radio.
So, you know, God used that all but I, nobody was leading me, you know, but, but I was being that way.
So, so on my 20th birthday, it was like a man whose contract had run out, you know most people, it’s just, they’re moved by the Lord.
You know, me, I’ve been fighting it for six years and now the contracts run out.
So I, I didn’t know how to get saved.
And I remember from Hebrew school, you know, God met Moses on a mountain and Elijah on the mountain says I gotta find a mountain.
Let me find a mountain. OK.
So I’m, I’m, I’m taking, you know, I’m in the car and it’s night time and I find this mountain, I’ve never been, never been there before.
Get to the top of the mountain and I find this rock and I kneel down and I said, Lord, come into my life, come into my life and that I was born again on top of that mountain.
And you know, it says Jews require signs, you know, I required a train, you know, without that train, I would not be saved today.
So I thank God for that. But there was like there was like a new presence.
I mean, meaning I couldn’t curse anymore. I couldn’t, you know, there was a, it was a whole change.
And the thing is that, you know, you know, I’m from, I’m from the tribe of Levi.
I’m from the house of Aaron. My father, my father’s Hebrew name is Aaron. They were the priests of Israel.
And you know, I knew that growing up, it didn’t mean a lot because without Jesus.
But, but the thing is I found out I’m reading the Bible, it says in the time of the temple, the sons of Aaron came to the Lord’s service when they turned 20 on their 20th birthday.
You know, so I had no idea. I had no idea.
And so I just made, it was a round number and I was getting, trying to get time.
But God is even in that, you know, and so, and so now I had to tell my parents, you know, I didn’t tell my parents for a while, you know, I said I, I gotta keep this.
I started going to it. I started sneaking to a church, you know, but I didn’t tell them where I was going.
And then, and everywhere I went, I kept getting the scripture. No one hides a lamp under a bushel.
Everywhere I went, I go to a movie. No, hides a lamp but no one. No.
So finally day comes where I have to tell them. I’m, I’m, I’m a believer.
Well, before you tell them, are they noticing any difference? That’s what I was gonna ask.
I don’t, I don’t know, I don’t know if they noticed a difference or not then, but they definitely noticed a difference after, you know, they don’t, they didn’t want the name of Jesus, but they liked his presence, they liked his work, you know.
So, yeah, they know, you know, I actually had to go to Washington, remember Washington for Jesus?
I had to go, I was, I, I go for this.
So I had to tell my parents, I’m going to Washington so I got forced it.
So I’m going, oh, we really? Why are you going? I said, well, there’s a Christian event.
I said, well, basically I received Jesus as my messiah.
You know, my father is like, well, I told my mother, she says, wait till your father gets home.
You know, I told my mother, I told my father and he just was shocked, you know, didn’t say a word.
I said, what’s wrong? He said, I’m shock. So that, that was his first thing.
I said, mom and dad, I wanna read to you some scriptures and just tell me who’s it talking about.
And it is an Old Testament, New Test. How short.
So I read it, you know he’ll be born in Bethlehem. That’s Jesus.
He’ll be right on a donkey, Jesus, you know, you know he’ll die for us and that’s Jesus.
That’s all New Testament. I said everything I just read to you was from our Bible, the Hebrew scriptures, identifying our messiah and, and my father was like pausing and he said, well, that doesn’t mean anything, you know.
So, but but, but I share, I share with him years later, I come back to that site where I gave my life to the Lord.
It’s night time. It’s actually my birthday because I got saved on my birthday.
And so I go back to the site. It’s night time. I have my a flashlight.
I have a, I have a, and I just wanna go there, find the rock and spend some time with God and thank God for all that he’s done.
You know, I go back and I have a great time with God.
But I open up the Bible when I’m on that, that mountain and it says the enemy says I have your mountain.
I said, that’s kind of weird because I’m on a mountain, you know.
But OK, next day I have the service.
Someone is waiting on the line at the end of the service at Beth Israel.
And they said, I, we know it’s your birthday. We have, we bought a gift for you.
I said, what is it? It’s a, it’s a, they got it from a store.
It’s a framed drawing of a man standing on a mountain top with a and blowing a shofar.
Like I was the night before I said, that’s weird because that was me last night.
I said, yeah, I said, what do you mean?
So I went, I went to the mountain where I got saved back.
You know, they said, they said what mountain? I said, well, I don’t know the name of it. Describe it.
I said, the, the woman says, I know that mountain. I said, what do you mean? You know the mountain?
I said, she said, I live at the bottom of the mountain. I said, really?
She said, do you know what that mountain is? I said, no, I have no idea.
She said, so that mountain is dedicated to Satan.
I said, I got saved on the top of, she said, where I said, what’s on this rock?
She said, that’s the altar. I said, and I remember then the mystery, you know, God is always dealing with mysteries with me is the mystery of my salvation.
I remember there were words written on top of the mountain. It said, no, Jew shall enter these sacred grounds.
And I thought, who would write that? You know, like a Nazi, a Satan would write that.
And so for 2000 years, he’s been trying to keep the Jewish people from coming to the Messiah.
I said too late Satan, I’m in, I’m in, I’m in, I’m in and, and from that time, and you know, it’s weird because God would take me to the nations and I’d always end up on top of a mountain, a cursed mountain of gods and idols and there’d be a showdown.
But then he told me it all began that way. So my work has never been regular.
You know, it’s not been regular. It started on that mountain.
So when you look at Old Testament prophecies that were written thousands of years ago, that have 100% not 95 not 90 not 85 which would be incredible.
But 100% of Old Testament. Prophecies about the Messiah were fulfilled in the person of Jesus Yeshua.
And how many prophecies are there in the Old Testament or of Messianic or anything?
I mean, some people have said it’s like 333.
I mean, there, there’s some that are the main ones but every one like the one in Isiah, he was wounded for our chance is 53.
If anybody’s watching who you’re not, you’re not sure. Isaiah 53 written 700 years before.
And it, it’s, it’s as much the gospel as, but I’ll die for our sins.
I mean, it’s amazing why is there such a adamant refusal amongst Jews to accept Jesus?
Because on one hand, I mean, one hand, it’s prophesized. Many Jewish people accepted him.
People forget that all the first Christians were Jewish. You know, it’s a Jewish faith for everybody.
So many accepted Jesus was Jewish. Jesus is Jewish. He’s my Jewish. He’s your Jewish.
He makes us Jewish, he makes you Jewish. We become spiritually Jewish. That’s how Jewish he is.
He makes us Kosher. But all the evidence is there. Yeah, it is prophesized.
They won’t accept him until the end.
Once they once the the many but then once the nation says blessed are you, then he comes.
And so when they come, but then there’s no more. Not the nations are finished. There’s no more.
You know that the time is over.
So that’s one So they were the first and the first shall be last.
But one of the signs of him coming again is many Jewish people are coming to the Lord now, which wasn’t the case before, you know, and also not only are Jewish people coming to their messiah, but the church is coming to his Jewish.
You never heard Yeshua say his, his real name said you didn’t have in church.
You know, you have a love for Israel for 2000 years. It’s like never been. So it’s happening. It’s coming.
But also keep in mind too that for 2000 years, the enemy hates the Jewish people so much that he took the name of Jesus and made it, made it something uh a name of fear that in his name, they were persecuted by people who weren’t real Christians, but they pursued so, so much.
So it’s like you take a flower and you give in the world the, the book Brave New World, they want to make the babies hate flowers.
Give him shocks. Well, Jesus is the hope of Israel. He’s the beautiful name that saves us yet.
What he did is he made it something that they’re afraid. You’re not any less Jewish. I’m Jewish.
Jewish. They think that you’re gonna lose. Yeah.
They think because to them it’s like you’re, you’re Yeah, you’re, you’re a traitor.
You’re going with the other side that persecute us.
No, no, this is, this is, you know, for a Jewish person. It’s a big challenge.
You know, I, I never listen, I didn’t try to, I didn’t try to force it.
I never felt so much Jewish.
So Jewish as when I, when I found Jesus, I’m like, wow, there’s a reason for it.
What about your family? What happened? Well, my father, my father, you know, my father died, you know.
Um, um, and, but I was able to, I, I, I can’t say too much here but I, I can’t say too much, but there’s hope.
Ok, number one. Secondly, my mother who’s like 96 now, um she’ll come to the congregation when we invite her.
Of course, since COVID has been tough, but she’s been, you know, she, she’s proud of what God’s done.
You know, a Jewish mother, my, my, my son, the New York Times best selling, you know, that’s a Jewish mother’s dream, you know.
So, so, so she, she has an openness.
Um my, one of my sisters with her, with her husband come, they will come to the congregation at different times and, and they’re, they’re, they’re open, you know, that way.
They don’t, they don’t, they don’t, they didn’t disown me, right? So what for people watching?
Which one of your books other than the Bible would you recommend for someone to read and be convinced that God is who you say He is?
And Jesus is the Messiah. A lot of them are like that.
You know, like, I mean, like the harbinger, the signs that are happening.
Um the book of Mysteries or about every mystery of God.
Um The oracle for a Jewish person is the, that we were sharing the last time of all the mysteries of Israel.
So I think most of my books, the harbinger, the paradigm, you know that um the oracle, the return of the gods, that it’s all coming true, it’s all real.
It’s all real. You know, why you were talking?
I felt like the whole spirit said to me, I put my fingerprint on him talking about you from just the time you were a little boy.
Why do you think God did that?
Well, he chooses the unlikely, you know, you know, I knew I was an atheist.
I’m the guy arguing in school against God all the time.
So, OK, you know, um, but growing up growing up when I was really young, I really, I had a sense of God, I had a sense that there was a purpose.
You know, I really had that, but I could never find it.
But you had a heart that was sincerely seeking for truth and that’s different than, than a heart that has hardened itself and will not be open to truth.
You really did want to know the truth. You just didn’t know what that truth was.
And there are people watching right now that they’re in that same category and maybe they’ve even been hurt by people in the church for their understanding of different denominations, et cetera, et cetera.
I, I get that but the God that we serve and love is not that way.
Would you just take a moment and pray for them?
Encourage them, uh, to just open, pack the door, open to your heart and just allow the truth of God to enter and their life will be changed.
Yes. Some, some of you are watching and you’re saying, oh, I’m just so far away from this stuff.
Listen, I’m the least likely person, I’m the one who was the atheist.
You know, the Jewish atheist who denied all this stuff.
And so if he can save me, he can save you. He can touch you.
And the thing is be open because all I had to do it says seek and if you search with all your heart, you will find Him.
And even if you say, listen, some people say, say God, I don’t even know if you’re there, if I’m talking to you.
But if you’re there, I want you to show me.
So even that prayer, God wants to come into your life. And this is why you were born.
I’ve never been who I was, was meant to be until I came to the Lord. Same with you too.
So listen, just take the first step right now.
I’m gonna pray a simple prayer to say, listen, I’m opening my life to you.
God come in and show me. So let’s just pray along with me, you have nothing to lose.
You have everything to gain including eternal life.
Let’s pray, just repeat that to me in a whisper, Lord God, I thank you Lord, that you are uh reaching out to me.
You are calling me right now. And Lord I, I may not know you.
I may not know anything about you, but I’m opening up my heart.
I’m opening up my life for you to show me and come to me and come into my life.
And if you’re real, I’m gonna follow you with all my heart.
And if you love me, I’m gonna follow you with all my heart.
And while you’re praying right now, if you’re ready, just continue with me right now. Lord God right now.
I say yes, come into my life, come into my heart. Thank you for loving me.
Thank you for giving your life, dying from my sins, rising from death so I could be saved.
And I right now say yes to your love. Yes to your will. Lord forgive me of my sins.
Wash me, cleanse me, make me new. I receive your love. I receive your joy. I receive your peace.
I receive Lord you as my Lord and my savior.
And I’m gonna follow you from this moment on and lead me on as I follow you as your disciple.
And I thank you Lord, that I can say right now I am saved. I am new.
I am your child and I’m gonna Lord be your disciple and you’re gonna lead me all the days of my life and forever.
Thank you Lord. In the name above every name, the name of Jesus Yeshua, the Messiah, the hope of my life and my good shepherd in his name.
Amen. Amen. You know, as you were praying, I don’t think the Lord has ever said this to me.
But I really felt him say there, there are people watching right now that would be in the world considered famous people.
And um you just watching for what whatever reason.
And um I just felt like the Lord said, just, just try me, you know, and um the onus, it really isn’t on us again to prove who he is.
He is able to reveal himself to you. And uh I always share my grandfather.
He’s had a huge impact on my life. But um he was, his mother died giving birth to him.
His dad committed suicide when he was six.
And when he was nine years old, he was standing out in a field there in South Carolina crying and he was just saying, no, no, there’s nobody loves me, nobody cares, nobody loves me, nobody cares.
And he said all of a sudden, Joanie, I heard this most beautiful music like angel singing just above my head.
He said, if God had audibly spoke to me it wouldn’t have meant as much and brought as much comfort as that music did.
And he said, now I was nine.
He said it wouldn’t be until 10 years later when I was 19, when I was at working at a tool and die mill in Greenville, South Carolina.
And he said, I went to the water and knelt down because I was so empty.
And I just said, God, if you’re there, that’s all He said. He didn’t know how to pray.
He didn’t go to church. He nobody had told him about Jesus, but he just said, God, if you’re there, I need you.
And God met him there and transformed his life to such a degree that he ended up marrying.
My grandmother had seven Children. My dad was his only son, six girls and uh became a leader in the church and a man of God, a, a truly amazing man that loved God with all his heart.
Only God can do that from what he did for my grandpa, what he did for Jonathan Khan and he can do that for you.
So I don’t care really, God doesn’t care about how famous you are or who you are.
He just loves you and He wants to change your life.
Just I wanna say, just try it, just try it, just try it with an open heart.
Well, we are out of time. I want you to know that God can do in your life.
The same thing he did in rabbi Khans, you can have a transformational experience when you do this one word.
Surrender to the Lord, you gotta surrender, you gotta give up and open up your heart to him.
If you do that, you’ll be amazed if you want that today.
If you like for someone to pray with you, we have a toll free number on the screen that you can call.
We’d love to do that. You don’t have to give us your name, address anything.
Just say, hey, I’d like for you to pray with me.
I wanna thank rabbi Jonathan Kahn for joining us today.
He has a lot of different resources available that I know you’ll love.
So be sure to visit him online at hope of the world dot org to find out more the book that he mentioned the oracle.
That would be a great book for you to get and read. Uh The Harbinger.
That was the New York Times best seller.
It, how he compares ancient Israel to what’s going on in the world today is really fascinating.
If you were touched by today’s talk, let us know by leaving a comment on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or youtube.
We’d love to hear from you.
I want to thank you for watching and you know what um you may not believe it right now, but God is moving in your life in a supernatural way and I really believe it’s gonna send people across your path, I believe.
I don’t know how he’s gonna speak to you.
I don’t know how he’s gonna reveal himself to you, but he’s going to just wait and see.
We’ll see you next time. Bye bye for today.
- A prayer of faith and trust in God – Joyce MeyerTháng 12 27, 2022