The Weather Or Not Channel – A | Jack Hibbs Today

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The Weather Or Not Channel – A

Luke 12:54-59

Our world is rapidly changing. Evil and violence are on the rise and people are in a panic. World leaders are scrambling to stabilize the global economy, and as Christ followers, we need to do the right thing to prepare with our Bible and newspaper in front of us.

God’s Messages

Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..

Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….

We love Bible prophecy.
God speaks about the future, nor the book of the Bible announces or excuse me, no, or the book and human history speaks about the future as the Bible does.
No other writing comes close. I invite you to try, try as you may, you can pick all other religious authors of all time and none of them have got the guts to prophesy prophetic events that is future events.
But the Bible and some have stolen passages from the Bible to try to add a little bit of credibility to their lie.
But they fumble every time the Bible stands alone as God’s word to man. But how do we know?
How can we be sure in many ways?
But in line with our study this morning, the Bible tells us about the future.
Jesus is speaking about the future, not only the future that you and I live in today, but the future of those who are listening to him 2000 years ago, because whenever the gospel goes out and there’s an opportunity for you and I to make a decision about Jesus Christ know this, that the greatest prophetic doctrine of all is coming to your ears when you hear someone tell you about Jesus.
Did you notice that some people, maybe it was all of us at some point in time.
We don’t want to hear about Jesus. We don’t want to hear about it. Oh, no.
Here comes one of those Christians, they’re gonna tell me about Jesus.
Have you noticed that it is such an issue? It’s something that kind of drives you up the wall.
If you’re not willing to accept or to listen, it’s a spiritual issue.
So what Jesus is speaking about, he’s not giving them a weather report.
It’s not the weather channel, it’s the weather or not channel of what you’re listening and who you’re listening to?
Jesus said, when you look around this world, when you look outside, you begin to make decisions based upon the weather that’s around us.
You guys remember that. Proverb, by the way, uh Some people think it’s a worldly proverb.
It’s actually lifted from the scripture, uh red sky in the morning. What sailor take warning red sky at night?
Sailor’s what delight. What does that mean?
Because if the sky is red and threatening in the morning, sailors know a storm is coming and so they prepare, if the sky after a storm begins to break up and the sunset is red, then you know the storm is passing, good weather is ahead.
The same is true. Jesus is saying regarding spiritual things of life, he said, people have the ability to step outside and to look around and to feel the wind to look at the sky and to make a determination.
Remember, maybe you were with us, we were taking a tour of this church through Israel and we were in Jerusalem one day and an unexpected wind came and it was absolutely amazing because it blew, began to blow harder and harder and harder.
It began to kick up dust and then the temperature plummeted. We all got back to the Jerusalem Hilton.
There went to bed, woke up the next morning to a strange silence.
We couldn’t hear anything going on in the city. I remember looking out the window of my room.
I mean, Lisa and I our room looked out the window and Jerusalem was blanketed in about three inches of snow and it shut everything down.
It was so beautiful. But how were people knowing to stay indoors and to get ready because a strong wind was blowing and things were changing.
Church things are changing in the world today. If you haven’t caught on, please hear me out.
The world that you and I live in today is rapidly changing.
This world, this nation 20 years ago was so different than it is today. And you say, well, things happen.
There’s always things changing. I and it’s not because I’m an old man.
Now I had my 50th birthday the other day and I feel I feel every bit of it.
I got up that morning and celebrated and had two extra Advils. It’s great.
I’m gonna start eating those little candy necklaces with Aspirin Advil chew on them when I need them.
Listen, change is happening. It’s not because I’m getting older and I’m looking around things are going on and the world today is in a panic because of change.
Look what’s going on. We’ll talk about that.
Jesus said these things are warnings to us as he approaches the cross.
You remember that in Luke chapter nine, uh Jesus was saying there that we must go to Jerusalem now.
And the Bible says that he set his face like flint to Jerusalem because he said my time is near him.
He knew that he was gonna go to the cross.
He knew that he was going to be betrayed and beaten and crucified and on the third day, be resurrected from the dead.
He knew all that. And from that moment on, in Luke chapter nine, he begins to speak and teach strong words, church.
Do you remember the message from last week? I hope you were here. Anybody here last week.
Three of you? That’s great. Glad, glad you came back. Great to have you back.
What did Jesus say concerning him coming into the world? He shocked us.
Did he not when he said, don’t think I’ve come to bring peace on the earth.
I didn’t come to bring peace. He said, wait I thought he was the prince of peace.
He is the prince of peace. But he said, I didn’t come to bring peace on the earth.
I tell you, I came to bring a sword division because when the word of God goes out, he said, there’ll be five people living in one house.
It would wind up being three against two and two against three.
After they hear the gospel, a mom and a son may accept the Lord or a father and a daughter may accept the Lord and the house becomes divided.
Jesus was saying, you need to pick and choose because this world is not all that there is.
There’s gonna come a time when the family is no more, when marriage is no more, when time is no more.
And your decision for eternal life would have been made.
He continues on with these strong sayings and we know this, that the knowledge that we can have of the Bible is a forecast about tomorrow.
Will you jot that down? Verses 54 to 56?
He is announcing to us that the Bible tells us about tomorrow’s forecast.
This way, Jesus warned that clouds would be increasing, not physical clouds.
He used that as a picture if you see the clouds forming in the sky, that means things are changing.
If you see clouds forming on the earth, things are changing that there’s a a storm coming.
And in verse 54 he said, whenever you see a cloud rising up out of the west immediately you say showers are coming and it is.
So it’s just like that just like we do.
In fact, if you’ve ever been to Israel, southern California is like a snapshot of Israel, we grow the same crops, we grow the same trees.
We have the same temperatures. What else?
We have a coastline right here and we have snow capped mountains right there.
And Israel and southern California is the only place in the world that you can go surfing in the morning and go snow skiing in the afternoon.
Did you know that Israel? You can do the same thing? It’s absolutely amazing, so much alike.
Our storms predominantly come right out of the west or come up from looping around from the south or from the north, but they enter to us most often, right from the coast onto the shore.
And Jesus is saying, when you see the wind begin to blow like that, you know, things are changing and he’s asking us this morning as Christians.
When you see things changing in the world, you need to sit up and take notice because time is running close.
He warns us in church this morning.
You are either in tune with what’s going on and you’re monitoring the world and I hope you are as a diligent Christian believer with newspaper Open Bible open.
You’re looking at the events of this world.
Why God told us to be alert to the times in which we live, but there’d be clouds, increasing storms would be coming.
Jesus said in John 13 19, I tell you that before it comes to pass and when it does come to pass, you will believe that I am he God prophesized the future and he warns us that increasing clouds of difficulty would be coming.
America is at a place and the western world for that matter, the entire world for that matter is at a place that it has never seen before.
There are things going on both geologically through earthquakes and through storms and activities of the atmosphere.
My goodness, just before I came out here, there was a thing on the Fox news that some spy satellite is supposed to fall out of the sky and land some place.
Oh boy, that’s just great. Get your umbrella out of satellites coming down.
Things are just absolutely the economy around the world, things that are going on, violence around the world.
Who would have thought that in the 21st century, anti Semitism, hatred against Jews and the destruction of the nation of Israel would be sweeping the globe again and yet it absolutely is.
Isn’t it bizarre? The Bible warns that in the last days now think about this, the Bible says, and who would have thought the Bible says in the last days, evil will arise?
There will be false religions and those who don’t submit in revelation 13 to a world dominating religion to come.
Those who do not submit, the Bible says will be beheaded for their rejection of that cult like faith.
And you and I are living in the 21st century and we can see and hear about these things today.
The Bible is absolutely accurate all the time because it’s God’s message to us.
He said clouds would increase, things would become more strenuous upon the earth.
Secondly, devastating effects would come upon the world.
Jesus said, when you see the south wind blow, there will be hot weather, you say, and so it is hypocrites.
Now, he’s not being mean right here. He’s not making fun of them.
He’s saying hypocrites and this light, you can discern the face of the sky and the earth.
But how is it that you cannot discern market uh student in the Bible?
Not the time, not the times though that applies to us today, but 2000 years ago, he said what this time, Jesus is saying, listen, you’re gonna be experiencing devastating effects all because of the fact that I am standing before you, Jesus Christ, the son of God.
He says, how is it that you are rejecting?
Not catching missing, not aware of the fact of this time.
He said, Jack, what was he holding them accountable to from this moment on Jesus will repeatedly hold the nation of Israel accountable for knowing the scriptures.
He’s approaching heading towards Palm Sunday. Read Zechariah chapter nine verse nine.
The prophet foretold that Israel will be able to identify her Messiah because he’ll write in Jerusalem on a donkey that has never been written before on the back of a little colt, a donkey.
And that was about to happen.
Isaiah prophesized that Israel would know their Messiah because when he would come, he would raise the dead open the eyes of the blind and cleanse.
The lepers. Moses even prophesized that when that day of miracle would happen where a leper would be cleansed.
This is what you do. And Jesus said to the lepers who were cleansed, go do what Moses said on the day of your cleansing.
Isn’t that awesome? The Bible bang bang bang over and over again, so clear.
So not that you might uh ignorantly side with the Bible. God want God give you a brain.
He wants us to use it.
He wants us to open up the Bible and judge the world around us with an open Bible and judge the Bible by what’s going on around us is not what happens in any given life.
You can point the chapter and verse of scriptures. Yes.
But as things escalate, Jesus gave great warning that there’d be global devastations coming upon the earth.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration named Noa Caltech.
Other areas of study are telling us that for the last 25 years, there’s been a parallel increase of super storms and super earthquakes that the world has never seen before.
Then we’ve got the issue of global warming and all that stuff that’s going on about that.
Listen, I personally, the Bible says concerning the environment that it’s gonna go crazy.
In fact, Romans chapter one tells us that people will get their eyes off of God and begin to worship the creation instead of the creator is the globe warming or not.
Well, I don’t know if it’s warming or not. It’s not warming up here very much.
We’ve had three winters of record cold temperatures.
So I don’t know what Al Gore is doing, but I don’t know about global warming.
I just know this as a Christian, I should be a good steward of this earth, but I better not consider and regard this earth as my home.
I’m not staying here, this earth, God made it. He’s responsible for it.
But the Bible says that the sea will eventually begin to roar in, in ways that it will bring about fear in the hearts of men, amazing things.
And so we want to be very careful. Jesus warns, he says hypocrites and again, he’s not mocking them.
The word uh heap Crete in Greek means you have one face on your skin, but you put a altogether different face in front of the public.
You’re happy about something, but you act like you’re sad about it or you’re sad about something, but you act like you’re happy about it.
Jesus said, listen, you guys wake up. I mean, he’s not saying that to you.
He’s saying that to them back then. Of course, he’s saying it to us.
He says wake up, look around, check out the weather.
It means things are changing, check out the days and the times in which you live, things are happening.
Don’t walk around being sad about. Oh, look at these events. Oh my goodness. Look at that.
Look at the stock market, look at all the things that’s going on.
Look at the dollar, look at all the stuff that’s happening and then act like nothing’s happening.
It doesn’t mean you’re supposed to be dragging your face around in the dust.
It means that you’re to look up because your redemption draws near. This is an amazing time.
The Christian who understands this and can read the signs of the times. It’s pretty exciting days.
Yes, there’s a lot going on. But God told us these things would happen.
So we have hope Jesus said in Matthew 24 4 answering and he said to them, take heed that nobody deceives you.
They asked him when is the end of the world coming, Jesus, everybody, everybody wants to ask that question, but nobody will ask it.
But everybody thinks about it.
And you say, how do you know because go to the checkout stand, the Enquire magazine will tell you when’s the end of the world?
Everybody wants to know Jesus. I tell you, I just come down, it ain’t gonna happen just yet.
There are gonna be some things that have gotta happen first. And they said, what is it?
What is the sign of your coming? And what can we expect when you return?
And he said, ok, I’ll tell you take heed that nobody deceives you. There’s going to be grand deception.
Many will come in my name saying I am the Christ.
In other words, offering other religions than what Jesus has provided at the cross for eternal life.
And they will deceive many people.
You will hear of wars and rumors of wars see to it that you’re not troubled because all these things must come to pass.
But the end is not yet. Really. Yes. He says, why in verse seven?
For or because nation will rise against nation? That’s not Canada against America.
The word is ethnos will be against ethnos.
Eth, ethnicities will fight against ethnic groups, whites against blacks, blacks, against Hispanics, Hispanics against whites. Asian.
The whole thing Jesus said is going to start trending downward to a very, very divided world.
That’s sad. You’re listening to Real Life with Pastor Jack Hibbs.
You know, to hear more episodes and maybe catch up in the series, just go to Jack Hibbs dot com.
That’s Jack Hibbs dot com. And for now let’s get back to our teaching once again, here’s pastor Jack.
You know, I love the fact that when the Bible is taught, young people and old people come to hear it.
White people, black people, green people, yellow people, red people, blue people out. You pick a color.
When the Bible is taught, people want to gather on the Bible.
God is absolutely colored blind and I love it.
The Bible says that there’s no division now between Jew or Gentile in Christ.
Gentile is every one of us who’s not a Jew. Jesus Christ tears down the wall of division.
It’s a horrible thing to think that.
Well, you know, we’re a white church or we’re a black church or we’re a red church or we’re a yellow church.
How about that? There’s a church that Jesus died for and when we believe in him, we come together in Christ and all that petty junk goes away and justice is served, love is extended.
Grace is known and people because their eyes are focused on Christ are independent and irregardless of colors and positions.
Well, we’re a rich church or we’re a poor church. Jesus said, watch out for such things.
There’ll be ethnic groups against ethnic groups in the last days and political kingdoms against political kingdoms, there will be famines, pestilence, earthquakes in various places and all these things are the beginning of sorrows.
Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and hardship and kill you and you will be hated by all the nations for my name’s sake.
Jesus said in Luke 21 26.
He said when these things begin to come upon the earth, men’s hearts will begin to fail them for fear.
I wonder what the do I, I’d like to plot.
I’d like to see how many doctors got visited this last week and a half around the world because of the global market.
Have you guys been watching what’s going on?
He said, I don’t have any stock and I don’t have any investments. You’re a smart guy.
I watch this stuff because it’s so incredibly prophetic.
The Bible warns about a day when there’s gonna be a need for one global currency to be created.
Well, you can’t have euros and dollars and pesos and, and uh whatever is when you have one currency coming.
And then what about the Bible says the nations of the world will be against Israel in the last days.
How many nations of the world, all the nations of the world?
The Bible says when Israel comes under attack in Ezekiel chapter 37 38 how many nations come to help Israel when she’s under attack?
Anybody know none including America. What will happen will it be? Because the rapture in America is devastated?
I don’t know. That’d be nice.
I think it’s possibly because America has gotten too weak and unable to respond to Israel’s needs, let alone her own needs.
We’re in a time like never before on a global scale.
You say No, it’s like 1929 all over again. No, this is global in a different way.
And plus there are other circumstances that would speak that these are very, very trying days.
Jesus said when you see these things mark 13 29 you need to know that it’s about to happen and Mike Cumming is at the door.
Well, also this knowing the biblical forecast for tomorrow, I understand Jesus warns about a false sense of security, increasing clouds of storms coming devastating effects upon the world and also a false sense of peace and safety.
Jesus says, you hypocrites, you discern the face of the sky and the earth.
But how is it that you can’t discern this time?
And I need you to hear this loud and clear church, listen carefully. Don’t raise your hand. Ok?
Don’t, don’t raise your hand. Have you ever said or had somebody say to you?
Well, the Lord’s coming like a thief in the night. Nobody knows the day or they are. That’s true.
Nobody knows the day or they are, but he’s gonna come like a thief in the night.
You know he’s coming like a thief in the night.
You know, you better be careful when you say that.
First Thessalonians five tells us verse one there, Jesus or excuse me, Paul the apostle says, but concerning the times and the seasons brethren, the context is his return.
You have no need that I should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly.
Listen, that the day of the Lord.
So comes as a thief in the night for when they say peace and safety, then sudden destruction comes upon who them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman.
They shall not escape, but you brethren are not in darkness.
So that that day should overtake you as a thief.
You wanna know why we’ve got our Bibles open and we’re watching and seeing things when we, when we know that the Bible says that Israel will become a nation in one day.
Did you know that Isaiah? The prophet said that 1000 years ago, I’m sorry, 3000 years ago, Isaiah said, keep your eye out on Israel and become a nation in one day.
Well, you, if you were uh were born after 1948 you’ve, you’ve always had Israel on a map prior to 1948.
There was no Israel on the map for 2000 years.
No nation in the history of the world has ever existed then stopped existing and came back into existence.
But one only that ought to wake you up right there.
And by the way, it’s the most hated nation in the world, Israel.
He said, I don’t believe in the Bible.
Well, how do you explain that, that the nation would be born a second time in one day?
What day was it? Anybody know what day it was? May 14th? 1948.
The nation was born in a day.
But since that nation has been born in today, what’s going on ever since that nation has come about, there’s been a constant attempt to get that nation to give up land, to give up the Temple Mount, to give up area for peace.
You all aware of that. It’s one of the most famous things in all of the world, board rooms and governmental rooms of the world.
Figure out what in the world is going to happen in Israel.
And it’s the focal point because of it’s being a hinge there in the Middle East.
But Jesus Paul the Apostle, the Bible warns that there’d be warning signs and you think about um these last couple of weeks and how the mortgage crisis has caused global repercussions and uh but, but peace and safety, it’s ok.
It’s going to be fine. Are you hearing that over and over again?
We’re ok here in America, we don’t, we can just draw the curtain and forget about the rest of the world.
Yeah, right down the tube because we’re America. We’re all right.
Remember in God, we trust really? I don’t think so.
Pastor and Bible teacher Jack Hibbs here on real life radio with his message called The Weather or not Channel.
The whether or not channel is part of Pastor Jack’s series called The Gospel of Luke.
It’s a series on the book of Luke and the unveiling of Jesus Christ to this world and we’ll continue on the next edition of Real Life Radio.
Everybody. Pastor Jack here and we are so excited to give you this announcement.
Launching on Pentecost, Sunday, May 28th. Listen up everybody. It’s called the Real Life Network.
We are tired of being manipulated by the giant media tyrants that are out there. And so we’re breaking away.
We are doing our own thing in the name of Jesus.
God’s blessed us to do and launch the Real Life Network. Very similar to Netflix, anything like that.
We’re doing the exact same thing.
What’s great about it is it’s cancel free morally based programming from Bible teaching to children’s programming so much more.
It’s gonna be your Christian place to stop and study and get amazing content.
So I’m excited to invite you to go to real life network dot com and sign up real life network dot com.
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This program is made possible by the generous contributions of you.
Our listeners visit us at Jack Hibbs dot com. That’s Jack Hibbs dot com.
Until next time, Pastor Jack Hibbs and all of us here at Real Life Radio.
Wish for you solid and steady growth in Christ and in his word, we’ll see you next time here on real life radio.


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