The Unanchored | Jonathan Cahn’s Prophetic Message

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The Unanchored | Jonathan Cahn’s Prophetic Message

And that brings us to where we are right now.
We put up articles on Facebook of the prophecy sites and news sites and it used to be, we’d have to search for a little while, find something good.
Now it’s a flood. The storm of moral and spiritual apostasy is accelerating. The waves are getting bigger.
And one of the phenomenon we’re seeing is that of those who are supposed to be Christian or even nominal Christian apostasy sizing totally against God because they’re with the culture.
I mentioned Ocean Grove. I didn’t mention the other story, a community or incident.
I found it was founded as a Christian revival place.
I didn’t tell you that I preach one morning at their Sunday morning service in the Great Auditorium.
There are thousands of people and, and it was just after the Supreme Court struck down the biblical definition of marriage and I called it out for what it was.
Members of the choir. I don’t even know what kind of church they have members, the choir, several of them walked out in protest, protesting basically the simple word of God, how they had no anchor.
How did all those churches that once started out in the four Jesus, end up being apostate churches today where they were, they’re embracing, embracing desecration of God and championing it how they were never, they were never anchor, or at least they lost their anchor a long time ago and they lost their anchor when they lost.
They said, well, the word of God may not be all the word of God.
And that, that was the beginning. That was it. Once you go, you can’t stop it unless you repent.
And the thing is that so what happened is a lot of these churches for years were kind of going on neutral.
It seemed to be okay because the culture was a quote, Christian culture, they were actually, they weren’t, they weren’t anchored to God, they were anchored to culture.
Here we are, we are that we are the clergy people.
And here’s our culture, Christian culture, I’ll say the prayer, I’ll say the benediction, they’re doing that.
But when the culture turned against God, guess what they did to because they were never, they were not anchored to God.
They were anchored to the culture. You’re anchored to something else. The enemy’s gonna use that something else.
It’s amazing. We’re actually now seeing Christian schools punishing Christian students for standing up for God’s word or firing Christian teachers.
Why? Because they created they, they, they committed the great sin of saying, you know what God created us, man and woman can you imagine that you live in a day when Christian school would fire a Christian teacher for saying, man and woman or the kids were saying, you know, this whole thing, we’re being enlisted in the school for this pride thing all this.
And he said, you don’t have to do that.
He said, you don’t, you, you gotta do what’s right before the Lord got fired.
You have mainstream churches, even old lights, some old lynchers, not the whole denomination but some of their flying rainbow flags, not because of God’s Rainbow, but because as assigned to celebrate what the Bible says is to declare war against God’s ways.
I don’t care what you call it. That’s what it is. These are the end times.
We’ve never seen anything like it. But how could churches do it because they were not anchored?
Once you lose your anchor, you can go along with evil. That’s what happened. If you’re not anchored, you’ll fall.
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