The Tzemach | Jonathan Cahn Special
The Tzemach
“What you are about to read is presented in the form of a story, but what is contained within the story is real.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
Now we’re gonna go deeper. Isaiah uses the word nets are to talk about the branch.
But the other prophets use another word. It’s a different word. The word is Sema try it.
It’s not, it’s not easy. I understand. If you don’t have a mask on, you might spit on somebody.
But Samak, Samak now it says my righteous, my servant, the the man whose name is important word because this is one of the names of Messiah stomach.
It says his name is stomach now similar but different from what does mean Samak means that which particularly springs forth, rises, blossoms, grows, shoots forth, springs up.
So when Jeremiah says, I will cause the branch of righteousness to spring forth in Hebrew, it’s using the same word Sumac Sumac.
It’s using another version saying the the branch will branch out that says in Zechariah, the spring will spring forth.
Now the first translation of the Bible, do you know what it was?
The first translation of the Bible is called the Sep two agent that was written before the New Testament.
New Testament actually quotes from it.
It was made by Jewish scholars who translated the Hebrew into Greek of the Hebrew scriptures.
So it serves as a kind of decoder because when the New Testament used a certain word, we can tell what the Hebrew is.
Ba through the step to a gym.
Now, when the rabbis came to the branch prophecies, Jeremiah, Zechariah, they had to choose a Greek word to translate some mock the name of Messiah.
They did a very strange thing. They translated it as the Greek word. Anatole. Try it. Anatole.
Now you’ve heard there are people like from Russia who are called Anatole and things like that.
But, but that’s where it comes from. Now. Now keep that in mind.
So you got the name of Size Sumac. But in Greek it becomes Anatole.
Now when you open up the New Testament, the first New Testament event is the angel appearing to the priest Zechariah.
He’s gonna have a son. The son is gonna be called Yohannan.
We know him as John, the Baptist and then to marry Miriam, you’re gonna have a son.
His name will be a Chua Jesus Messiah.
Now Zechariah remember didn’t believe this is the not the prophet Zechariah that the priest Zachariah, he doesn’t believe at the beginning.
So the angel says, okay, you’re not gonna speak until that happens. So he’s not, he’s mute for a time.
Then he’s gonna speak when John is born, he then speaks and in that he gives praise to God and the spirit comes on him.
Now, listen to what he says and you child, as he’s holding the child or speaking to the child, the baby, you will be called the prophet of the most high for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways to give to his people.
The knowledge of salvation. John the Baptist by the forgiveness of their sins because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the sunrise from on high shall visit us to shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death and to guide our feet into the ways of Shalom peace because of the tender mercies of our God, by which the sunrise shall visit us.
Wow, you ever think about, that’s kind of a strange way of speaking, the sunrise shall visit us.
Do you know? And it’s speaking about who speaking about Messiah, Messiah is called the sunrise.
But the word in Greek is Anatole, the translation of the branch.
So now the word branch stomach gets translated as the sunrise in Greek or the daybreak or the dawn or or in Yeah, in King James Day, spring.
That word day spring, when you first read it, if you think about some of you might be reading this for years and you never thought what does day spring even mean without that word.
A lot of Christian businesses would go out of business without that day spring thing.
But day spring is a translation of the branch. So Mark So, so how do we get that?
Well, how do we get branch to become sunrise? Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel.
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