The Two Sisters & Keys of Time Management | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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God calls each of us to take an active role in how we manage our time. Time is not meant to simply pass us by; rather, we are to intentionally align our days with God’s purpose. The Bible teaches this truth, emphasizing the importance of living with intention and wisdom.

A Lesson from Moses on the Value of Time

The only psalm attributed to Moses, Psalm 90, offers profound insight into the fleeting nature of life. Moses, who lived 120 years—a lifespan few will reach—recognized the brevity of time. He wrote, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12).

The original Hebrew word for “number” here is “Mana”, which conveys more than simple counting. It means “to appoint” or “to ordain.” In other words, we are called to actively assign purpose to our days, dedicating them to God’s work. Just as ministers are ordained to serve, we are to “ordain” our days, ensuring they fulfill their God-given potential.

Every moment carries divine potential, unlocked through our relationship with God. Instead of letting time slip by or merely reacting to life, we are encouraged to proactively lead our days in alignment with His will.

The Parable of the Faithful Servants

Jesus illustrated the importance of stewardship in the parable of the master who entrusted his servants with resources. While some wasted their opportunities, others wisely invested what they were given. Time is one of God’s greatest gifts, and those who use it for His purposes demonstrate true wisdom.

Learning from Martha and Mary: Choosing What Matters Most

A beautiful example of time stewardship comes from the story of Martha and Mary, found in Luke 10:38–42. As Jesus visited their home in Bethany, Martha focused on preparing and serving, while Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to His teachings.

Bethany, located on the southern slope of the Mount of Olives near Jerusalem, was the home of these two sisters and their brother Lazarus (Eleazar in Hebrew). Their close friendship with Jesus is evident, as He frequently stayed with them.

Martha, likely the older sister, took on the role of host and leader. However, she became frustrated when Mary prioritized spending time with Jesus over assisting her with tasks. Jesus lovingly reminded Martha that Mary had chosen the better path—devotion to His word.

This story highlights a powerful truth: while tasks and responsibilities are important, prioritizing time with God is essential. Mary’s example teaches us to focus on what truly matters—nurturing our relationship with Christ.

Living Intentionally for God

God calls us to lead our lives with purpose. As His children, we are not to passively follow the world but to actively shape it according to His will. This includes managing our time wisely and dedicating it to His service.

By ordaining our days for God, we unlock the potential for every moment to glorify Him. Let us strive to live as faithful stewards, leading lives that reflect His love, wisdom, and purpose.

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