The Theology of Quietness | Bishop T.D. Jakes

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The Theology of Quietness | Bishop T.D. Jakes.

The enemy will try to pull you into battles meant to hollow out your power, purpose, and prowess. These are just distractions that can be won through silence and stillness. Before Jesus was brought to the cross and accused by the chief priests, He remained quiet, which astonished Pilate. He knew what needed to happen in that moment to fulfill what was to come. Pray for discernment and the wisdom to know when to overcome these fights with your silence.

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[Music] go to your Bibles the gospel of St Matthew chap 27 11-14 there you will find the word of the Lord and we’re jumping right into the middle of all hell breaking loose Jesus the Messiah of Jerusalem has fallen into the hands of a Roman governor who is about to make a decision about his life kingdoms are colliding with kingdoms disciples are running people are scattering nobody is sure they have interpreted the

scriptures expecting God to do one thing only to realize that even the scriptures did not fully articulate the method that God was going to move they had seen the Messiah and the prophets had prophesied it but no prophesies no prophecies came through about the cross and now Jesus is HED for the cross and you know how people scatter when you become [Music] controversial they with you when when you going up but but but if you become controvers if there’s too much talk at the kitchen table in the family reunion

at Barber Shop people start getting away they just they just leave so they C the 5,000 were gone the woman with the issue of blood is gone all of the people the 10 lepers are gone everybody’s gone their own way and Jesus is standing trial before a governor Matthew 27 And1 and Jesus stood before the governor oh I love him stood straight up stood right in front of me and the governor asked him saying are Thou King of the Jews and Jesus said unto him thou sayest Jesus don’t tell me that Jesus didn’t get

smart Jesus got smart in handcuffs thou says and when he was accused of the chief priest and the elders he answered nothing and said hear thou not how many things they witness against thee and he answered him never a word and he answered him never a word in so much that the governor scratched his head he’s not trying to get out of it he’s not trying to get away from it he’s not trying to defend himself the governor marveled greatly because Jesus says nothing at all and the governor marveled

greatly not at the wisdom but at the silence can you hear what I’m saying to you I want to use a subject today the Theology of quietness the the theology the Theos God Qui the Theology of quietness or if I were to use a subtopic The Silence of the Lamb Spirit of the Living God Falls fresh on us today as we Embark upon your word help me to complete my assignment effectively and skillfully that I might be seen doing what you called me to do in this last and evil day I thank you Lord for what you shared with me and

what you’re going to do in Jesus name we pray amen you may be seated in the presence of God it reads like you made me laugh it it reads like two men are having a discussion but that is very superficial the veneer of the text looks like there is a controversy between two men two Powers two authorities it looks like one has dominated the the other but that is just the veneer of the text most people when they read the Bible preach from the veneer of the text without going down to the solidarity of the wood Beneath The Carpenter’s son has worked

his way up from obscurity to notoriety and notoriety always cost you something y’all don’t hear what I’m saying people don’t talk about who they don’t notice give it up for Michael call you God bless you good to see you in the house yeah if I can’t pull this message you get up and tell some jokes we going to be okay he he has the responsibility of standing hand Head and Shoulders above other men in what he was able to do unlike Saul it’s not that Jesus is tall his work is tall it is

impactful and it’s doing something and it’s stirring up something and it has created a problem a multipronged problem he is not fully accepted by the religious leaders of his time in fact they hated him religion always hates Revelation so if you’re going to be a preacher and move in faith and you have not gotten healed from your need to be lacked run don’t walk run because if you are not disliked you are unnoticed while some are running to you some are going to be running from you that’s the nature of the job it happened

to Jesus it’s going to happen to you you can’t tiptoe around it and try to be so nice that you don’t make no waves because you were called to make waves you you were called to stir up stuff you were called to get on people’s nerves don’t take it personally because it is not really two men bantering over an issue it is two kingdoms the kingdoms are in conflict in the text it is the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of Light that is working in the underpinning of The Story You’re praying about your story but you don’t

understand there’s a Warfare going on Beneath Your Story You’re praying about the details I’m talking about the strategy you you you’re talking you’re talking to God about the inconvenience but you’re not getting to the under fact that Satan has a plot against you that has a plot against you and the kingdoms are in Conflict not only are the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness in Conflict you have the Roman Sovereign Co colonialization that was done then and still being done now to take over new

territories and we have before us a pallet who is a governor of a colony whereby Rome is spreading and taking authority over Jerusalem yeah taking Authority taking Authority it is not Rome but it’s under Rome you you are not the enemies but you can be under the enemy’s Attack under the enemy’s control the there was a little boy in the airport and he was on his father’s shoulders and he had him by the ears and he said Daddy go left and the daddy went left and he turned his ears said Daddy go right and the daddy went right the

boy had not possessed him but he was on him and had oppressed him it is not so much that Satan Is possessing you but he’s trying to control you control your peace and control your reactions and control how you respond and control how you feel and this is a battle for control power against Power leader against leader Magistrate against magistrate and we have a governor questioning a [Music] king what kind of Madness is that that the governor representing Rome which means he wasn’t a very great Governor because Rome had sent him to a detail

that was not highly respected and thrown him down in Jerusalem and there little people always try to be big oh I’m preaching way better than y’all shall little people you give a little person a title and you got hell to pay and Herod has a little title and he’s standing up here questioning the King of Kings and the Lord of lords he’s questioning the Ancient of Days the Creator is being test Ed by the creation and he’s questioning him under duress because his wife on one hand women thank you for being sensitive and

intuitive has had a dream and told him you got to be careful about this Jesus thing cuz it’s not what it appears to be I had a dream in the night and it’s going to cause you some trouble I’m tell you something I cannot prove it by the Bible but there’s something in women I don’t know whether it’s a chip I don’t know whether it’s device but there is something in women I won’t say y’all always right I ain’t going to give you that much but there you all do have a metal

detector and herod’s wife had told him this is not what it appears to be there’s something working up under this and you got to be careful how you handle this Jesus thing which led to Herod washing his hands with water because he didn’t want the blood of Jesus on his hands because his wife had kind of shook him up telling him you don’t want to get in this mess there are some messes you don’t take on you don’t get in every fight you don’t get in every storm you don’t get in every test you don’t you

don’t get in every situation and and so you got that Dynamic going on and there he is testing the King of Kings and the Lord of lords and the Mighty God and the Everlasting father and the Prince of Peace he is talking to the ey I am like he ain’t he is talking to his creator as if he has power over his creator he is talking to him like Jesus is subservient he is talking to him like he has power over Jesus future and then shocked because Jesus does not answer a word and it is hard for you to conceive it because there are three things that

the enemy is after I want you to get these down they’re very important the reason he is doing what he’s doing to you is because he’s after your power he’s after your power until you until you don’t know who you are he wouldn’t be fighting you if you didn’t have power he’s after your power he’s after your purpose and he’s after your press your abilities your talents your skill the way you do what you do and the way that you do it he hates the way you can get it done he hates the way how

people are influenced by you he does not want your power he does not want your purpose and he does not want your proess so anything he can do to D destroy your press he will do it if it’s keep you up at night if it make you walk the floor in the middle of the night if it’s oppressed your mind if it’s break your heart if it’s break relationships if it’s worrying you to death about situation you cannot control anything he can do to incarcerate you he’s doing it because of your power he’s doing it

because of your purpose and he’s doing it because of your proess because over time he wants you to lose your proest where where where you don’t have that thing that thing that nebulous thing that that proest that makes you do what you do like you do it the way you think the way you function the way you drive the way you move he’s after your press he wants to beat you down till you’re only a shadow of what you could be he’s after your press that’s why you were molested that’s why you were raped

that’s why you were rejected that’s why you were ostracized the enemy would never let you go through whatever you went through if it were not for your power your purpose and your proest he wants you to be crippled he wants you to be needy he wants you to be shattered he wants you to be independent or codependent he wants you to be at your wits in he wants you to have no confidence in yourself because he’s after your power he’s after your purpose he’s after your press he’s after your what

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