The Surprising Link Between Star Trek and God’s First Blessing in Genesis | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Surprising Link Between Star Trek and God’s First Blessing in Genesis | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn speaks of the first blessing in the Bible and how Star Trek is linked to that blessing in Genesis.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

God saw the 7th day. He blessed the 7th day, and he hallowed the 7th day.
That is the first blessing in the Bible.
Then god saw everything he had made.
And indeed, it was very good. So the evening in the morning were the 6th day. 2.
Thus, the heavens and the earth and all the multitude of them were finished.
And on 7th day, god, completed his work, which he had done, and he rested on 7th day from all his work, which he had done, Then he blessed the 7th day and sanctified it or hallowed it or consecrated it because in it, he rested from all his work, which god had created and done.
How many people in the watch the original version growing up or later on of Star Trek, the 1st generation.
Okay. Even those who didn’t, it’s become so much part of culture, There was something that the Volkins did.
And that is when they would say goodbye or sometimes in greeting, I believe they would say to each other live long and prosper.
And they would do this. What is the connection between the Vulcan Blessing and Genesis 1?
That’s my question. Both have to do with the Bible.
Why the Vulcan blessing It’s the Star Trek version of the ironic blessing.
Numbers, the lord, the blessing that god gave to his people.
The lord bless you and keep you causes face to shine upon you, give you grace, lift up his his countenance, and give you shalom.
So that was translated. That was condensed into live long and prosper. Why do they do this?
Because that’s the sign of the priests of Israel. That the priests of Israel would go like this.
This has been age for ages, tradition.
Based on the letter shin, which they would take as the shekinah glory of god that was said to have come when they said that blessing.
So at the end of the synagogue service, the orthodox, they will call up the sons of Aram.
The Kohaneem to do this biblical blessing that was there.
And one of the one child boy growing up in an Orthodox synagogue was Leonard Des Moines who became Spock.
When he was a boy, he would look up. He was Jewish, obviously, and he looked up.
You weren’t supposed to look, and you’d see all the cohanim, the priests giving this, and he was always fascinated by it.
He would peak. And so later on, he would that would came it would come back to him to incorporate this as the blessing for the Vulcan.
From what is the link to Genesis?
Genesis 1 into 2, particularly the beginning of 2, is the first blessing given in the Bible.
God saw the 7th day he blessed the 7th day, and he hallowed the 7th day That is the first blessing in the Bible.
God blessing, blessing the creation.
Now the Jewish people have been a people who were given blessings.
They have a blessing for everything. A blessing over the Torah.
If you go to a synagogue service, a traditional one, blessing over the Torah, blessing over the wine, over the bread, over the over everything, blessing over the person who reads the Torah.
A blessing of the person who calls the person who reads the Torah.
A blessing who drove the person to the service to read the Torah.
A blessing for the person who was asked to do it, but he declined. Bless till.
But there’s a going a bit exaggerating, but the point is there was a blessing all over the place.
The Bible is filled with people blessing, blessing god and blessing others in god.
Abraham blesses Isaac. I Isaac blesses Jacob. Jacob blesses his children 12 sons.
The sons of Aaron blessed the people.
Boaz, bless his Ruth, Elizabeth, bless his Miriam, Mary, The lord blesses the apostles.
The apostles bless the believers. The believers are to bless each other.
And the lord began it all by saying that blessing the Sabbath and Halloween it.
When I wrote the harbinger, I wrote it originally not with a story, but directly as a teaching.
And then when I finished that, I was led to totally redo the whole thing with a narrative.
And it it all came to me in one night, the whole story in a nutshell.
And I I saw the thing about the seals.
And for those who haven’t read the clay seals, and I and I looked up the a seal.
And this is linked to where I’m going right now.
If you have your bibles well, actually, I’ll just tell you where it is. You can just know.
In Jeremiah 36, it speaks a Jeremiah, the prophet having a scribe.
Now that’s how this began because when I was seeking a story line to tell to actually communicate these things.
And I saw the picture of a seal, a biblical seal And I looked on the web for the seal.
The seal I saw was the seal of the scribe of Jeremiah.
That’s the seal that begins and ends the harbinger. It was in a real seal.
They actually discovered this seal not too long ago, with the name Barroch, who is the actual the actual same Barroch, who is the scribe of Jeremiah.
What does Barrook mean? Barrook is the one who brought you the book of Jeremiah pretty much.
What does the the word Barrook means? Mean there, when you think of Hebrew Blessings, how do they begin?
Hebrew blessings begin, Oh, most of them.
I mean, there’s others, but the majority have this First word, same name as the scribe of the prophet Jeremiah.
Barrack means blessed. Barrack means to bless. A blessing in Hebrew is called a Baruja.
His name, man, blessing to bless, blessing. The point is that’s not just for the scribe of Jeremiah.
We are to be blessings The blessing, you know, see, you know, we live our lives, you know, often seeking to get things and to to survive and defend ourselves, but that’s not the reason.
That’s not the reason we’re here.
The reason we’re here in your born again is that you exist on earth to be a blessing.
It’s not enough to hang out here.
We are here to bless, but not enough, not just to bless You are literally to be a blessing, a living blessing, a walking blessing, It says in in Genesis 12, you can go to it if you have if you’re already in Genesis.
It says to to Abraham, I will make of you a great nation.
Oh, bless those who bless you curse those who curse you, but he says in you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed.
In other words, Abraham or Abraham, I am making you a blessing I’m gonna make your nation a blessing and you, that nation, in that nation, and in the Messiah of that nation, All the families of the earth will be blessed.
It’s gonna be a blessing nation.
It says in Galatians 3 14, that the blessings of Abraham might come to us.
If you are a believer, if you are born again, it says you are not only blessed.
You are a just a child of Abraham.
And and therefore, you are to be a blessing to the world.
Sometimes people, and we’ll say in the lord, hey. You’re a blessing. You’re a blessing.
I don’t remember people saying that a lot before getting saved before I was saved or before but in the lord, we say that.
It’s not enough to give a blessing. You have to actually exist as a blessing.
And so it’s not just that you bless is something you do. Blessing is something that you are.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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