The Sure Key to Actually Getting Your Miracle | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Sure Key to Actually Getting Your Miracle
Jonathan Cahn preaches a very practical word about how to get your miracle from God. There are often requirements to release God’s miracle that we haven’t done yet which is why the miracle hasn’t come. Sometimes it’s repenting of our sin and other times it’s blessing others but there are requirements for us to get our miracle. God wants to bless us but we can’t sit and wait for it to happen.
But what we miss is that the miracles so often have requirements.
They have triggers, releases, But god always does this.
Think about naming, the the Syrian who had leprosy. He goes to Israel to the prophet.
The prophet says, okay. You wanna be cleansed of leprosy promise. Then here’s the command.
Go to the Jordan River, dip 7 times. He says, I’m not doing that. That that’s humiliating.
But any of someone says, listen, you do it. So finally, he does it.
He goes 7 times obedience.
Seventh time he comes up, it says his skin was like that of a baby. He was cleansed, fulfillment.
You see this again and again and again.
Now we look at the Bible, and the Bible is filled with promises, Most believers never fully live in it because if it well, alright.
Yeah. It says it, but I can’t literally I don’t see that. I can’t literally do that.
It’s not really true for me.
I mean, I know it’s true, but I don’t really live I don’t really go with that.
And the thing is, though, people say, you know, but believers are saying that, But most of them have never fully fulfilled the the other part.
There is there are conditions on miracles. There are requirements on miracles.
And if you don’t do the requirement when there’s a requirement, then you cannot expect to see the miracle that was required.
You know, where that that was given, you know, if you don’t do what god said without that, how do you expect that?
Now example, you know, there are those who say, well, you’re guaranteed, you know, we’re guaranteed this, this, this, and I haven’t gotten it.
Well, but have you done what god said?
You know, well, he said, well, god didn’t tell me to go down to a river and bathe 7 times.
He didn’t tell me to circle around. He didn’t tell me that. But he has told you that.
Well, we don’t realize the Bible is filled with promises for you, filled with potential blessings, breakthroughs, miracles for you.
But what we miss is that the miracles so often have requirements.
They have triggers, releases that release it, and which explains why many times we don’t see it because we never take that other part so seriously.
Let me show you. There’s a promise.
God says he will promise us he will give you refreshing, reviving for your life.
Guaranteed, but there is a requirement.
It says in acts 3, repent and turn again that your sins might be wiped out and that times of reviving, refreshing will come from the presence of the lord.
So he said, well, I want reviving. Have you repented?
Because that’s a gigantic thing that unleashes so much is caught as repentance.
Say, well, I repent that when I came to the lord, we don’t ever stop repenting. There’s always something
that you can repent of.
And if you say, I don’t have that in
my life, you gotta repent of that right there. Yeah. Paul never stop repenting.
That is so important right there. Or it says, like, listen, god has promised you an abundant life.
Well, that’s true. Now there are people who go all out.
They go all with this saying that god has promised you this, this, this, listen.
The promises of god are not based on material things. He can give you all that.
But the promises are better than a new car. It’s about abundant life. That is a promise.
You know, but he but certain things he said certain things.
He said things will be blessed and given to you. You know, but it says there’s something there.
Like, for instance, there’s this condition. Give and it shall be given to you. According to how you give.
So are you giving? Are you giving abundantly Are you giving as god would say?
Because it says, according as you do it, and I have heard so many stories about people who say who just who who who just unleashed this in their life.
Well, they when I started doing this, god bless this.
I said I’m gonna get I’m gonna lit just give this away.
I got this in the mail for the exact amount. That’s happened in my life.
But god gives a promise, but he gives a requirement. Are you doing the other part?
How about god says I will open up the windows of heaven, and pour out a blessing you will not be able to contain.
Hey, that’s great. Claim that 1, except there is a condition. He said, bring the tithe into my storehouse.
And see if I will not open up the windows of heaven again.
And I’m not saying this for here. I’m saying this for you because the point is god’s word is true.
I can bear witness in
my life about that right there.
It says that you will have faith the ability to move mountains.
Now, again, whether he was literal that that could actually happen 1 day, he’s talking about in every kind of mountain in your life.
You have the power to do when you say, well, I’m not seeing this thing move.
I’m not seeing, but it says, there’s a condition.
If you have faith, the size of a mustard seed, and say to this mountain. Well, may we
know what it might be.
It may be that sometimes we don’t have faith the size of a mustard seed.
Because true faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain.
If it’s true, even if it’s a little, but true, not not religious not not nominal Christian faith, real faith on believing you god.
It says that his will is that your innermost being would flow with rivers of living water.
That’s a great promise, but he has a condition He says, come to me, Hendrick.
All you are third, come to me. You gotta draw near to god.
If you’re not drawing near to Messiah, Jesus, you can’t expect the rivers, but if you truly draw near, I’m really gonna draw them.
That’s my that’s gonna be my goal, then you can expect that to come.
God says, he’ll give you power to soar through life.
Well, imagine that, to soar through life, but he says those who wait upon the lord.
They will renew their strength, and they will mount up with wings as he goes.
But wait upon the lord. Are you waiting on the lord? You know, come coming in.
As I said, my prayers today is not waiting on the lord. How about this, which
a lot of people claim. Ask whatever you will, and it will be done. Wow. I know a lot
of people who claim that, oh, lord, I want this. I want this. I want this.
Except they forgot another part of it.
It says, number 1, abide in me, and my words in you, and then ask, and he says, if you abide in my will, It says, if we ask according to his will, it shall be done.
If you’re not in god’s will, ask all you want, you’re not
gonna get it. And you shouldn’t get it. You know, because
if we had a unit child who’s not in your will, and they’re asking outside of your will as a parent, you don’t wanna bless that.
But if you’re in god’s will, you’re gonna ask according to his will, then it shall be done.
What if you knew you could get
the desires of your heart, whatever it is. That would
be great. It’s guaranteed, except there is a condition, there’s a requirement. Delight yourself in the lord.
And then he will give you
the desires of your heart.
If you’re not delighting yourself in the lord, don’t bother asking for
the desires of your heart.
Del delight yourself with the lord, and you know what?
You’re you’re gonna ask according to the desires of god.
And if you’re gonna give an If you’re delighting yourself in god, the first you’re gonna get the
desire of your heart right away because he’s the desire
of your heart, plus he’s gonna bless your life. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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