The Simple Secret of Great People | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Simple Secret of Great People | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn shares the simple secret of great people both in the Bible and in our modern world. Check out the new message and discover how to inherit the blessings you have yet to receive in your life.

To get Jonathan’s newest prophetic book: The Josiah Manifesto – or his other bestsellers: The Return Of The Gods, The Harbinger II, The Oracle, The Paradigm, The Book of Mysteries, The Harbinger, & more – Go to Amazon or anywhere books are sold.

Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

Take the take a little step.
Take just take the first step because if you’re so overwhelmed about the all the things you have to do in you’ll never do any of them.
Now one of the series that we’re doing on Friday night We do different ones on Sunday and different ones on Friday.
One of the series that I’m doing on Friday, um, and that we’ll rotate with is this linked to this this awesome Psalm that is filled happens to be filled with a secrets of living a life of god’s will, his blessings, his abundance.
It contains things like this, the song that contains things like Don’t worry about anything.
Don’t worry about those who do evil. Trust in the lord and do good.
Delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your ways to the lord. Trust in him, and he will do it.
And has all these These incredible things you just take one verse and do a whole thing.
So we’ve been looking at these keys, and I’ve shared a message of those keys so far And now we go to the next one.
And that is where we are. Psalm 37 verse 11. Very simple.
But the meek shall inherit the Earth and delight themselves in the abundance of peace.
Now this is especially cool because it just so happens that that’s very familiar to you no matter what because Messiah quoted from it when he did the sermon on the mount, and he said, blessed are the meek for what they shall inherit the earth.
Well, that’s from right here. Right here.
The context of this is it says, you know, don’t worry about those who are doing evil.
We tend to worry about it. It says don’t worry about that.
And it goes on and then it goes on saying, listen, the meek or the humble will inherit the earth.
The humble will. Now, what is that about?
Now, my main thing we’re gonna talk about tonight is what it means to be an heir to inherit, to be an heir of god, which is crucial.
But before that, it’s talking about the humble. So let’s talk about a little bit about humility.
It says in numbers, 123, it says Moses was the meekest man on earth. The most humble man.
Now who wrote that? Moses did. Still, it’s true. He was being real. Moses was humble.
What is humble? Well, you see, you don’t picture. You think of humble, somebody who’s quiet to me.
But humble, this is Moses. Okay. So it says Moses was humble. Let me tell you what humble is not.
Humble humility is not hating yourself. Hating yourself is not not only it’s not humility. It’s not of god.
Humidity is not so much a heart that is focused on how bad it is.
It’s a heart that is focused on how great god is. Moses was strong. He was a an authority.
He was decisive He was a leader, yet he was humble before god.
He lived a life that was knowing the president of god. He’s the one who was in god’s presence.
It says in Psalm 22 verse 26th, the meek or the humble shall eat and be satisfied.
The Bible speaks about the blessings of being humble. The blessings of being humble.
See, you know, see if you’re looking at yourself all the time, that’s not humility.
If you’re looking at god all the time, that is humility because you’re looking up.
Your your attitude is one that’s looking up. That’s a humble attitude.
The Bible speaks continually about the blessings of it. What are the blessings of being humble?
Humility, 1, you’re not distracted with yourself.
You’re not bound up by the limitations of yourself because you’re not focusing on yourself, you’re focusing on god.
You see, when you’re looking down, when you judge people, you’re not humble. When you people, you’re looking down.
You’re looking down on them. When you’re looking up, you can’t judge anybody.
When you’re looking at god, you’re not judging anybody. You understand? So that’s the difference.
And so, you know, it might think that, well, if I’m hating myself, then I’m humble. No.
You’re just judging yourself And that and you’re focused on yourself, and that is no better than lump than than lifting yourself up because you’re the both both people who do that, those who lift themselves up those who tear themselves down are not looking at god.
And when you’re judging others all the time, remember you have that same voice in your own life, you’re gonna judge yourself.
It’s gonna be hard to live with yourself.
So the, you know, the Bible says, judge not lest you be judged. Well, that’s about judgment day.
But there’s another application because in the way you judge, even the way you judge others, it’s gonna come back to you even in this life.
So Messiah said, come to me all who are weary and burned down.
My yoke is easy. I am humble heart. In other words, when you are humble.
One of the blessings of being humble is that you don’t have you don’t you’re not carrying the weight of the world.
When you’re humble, your yoke is light. When you are filled with yourself, your yoke is heavy.
The Bible, the Hebrew word for glory is the word, kavod. Try it, kavod. That’s a good thing.
But when you clarify yourself, the word Kavod also means heavy way down.
So when you’re focused on yourself, you get heavier and heavier ir and heavier.
When you let go, you lose yourself in god, you get lighter and lighter. And there’s a cosmic force.
Of course, it’s the hand of god.
But it’s the way he also wove the creation together, and that is that the more prideful someone is, the more they’re gonna be cast down.
I mean, it may not happen at the moment. It’s gonna happen.
If you see somebody who’s boasting, you know, you feel like this person’s just gonna it’s gonna fall.
The humble, there’s a a force that lifts up the humble and cast down the pride.
The more prideful you are, the more you are apt to fall pride gold before a fall, but the more humble you are, the more protected you are against falling.
Richard Werenbaum who was in prison for his faith in Romania, said the strongest people, you know, they tore the communist tortured the believers.
They try to break them. He said, the strongest people were those who are the humble.
They’re the ones who lasted who could withstand anything.
Now, it says here, it says it says the the meek shall in well, in Psalm 22, it says, the meek shall eat and be satisfied.
Here it says, the humble shall inherit the earth. Now, now there’s a word in Hebrew.
You don’t have to know Hebrew to know.
There’s a or there’s a letter in Hebrew that follows when it says the meek shall, the letter that follows is the letter y.
When it it says the meek, and then you got the letter y or the Hebrew Yud. Say Yud. Good.
Good. When Jesus said not one John shall pat that was the he was saying in Hebrew.
Not one good will pass. Smallest letter.
But what it but the next word after it says the meek is this word is the is letter Yud, that what when you have a Yud at the beginning or a y at the beginning of a Hebrew word, like this, it means that it’s talking about the future.
There’s a there’s a promise here.
And what it’s saying is that if you are, you know, the humble in God, there will always be a promise that will be a future that will be blessing.
Humble yourself. You will be blessed in god.
You’re worrying about the future, where the Bible says that that that there’s a blessing for those who are in his will.
The youth, something the little thing about the youth, the youth is just like a looks like an apostrophe.
It’s the smallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet, just apostrophe, and that’s it.
And but it’s interesting because this little apostasy begins some of the biggest words in Hebrew, the most important words.
For instance, yeshua, Jesus, yood, god, jehovah, yahweh, yood, Israel, yisrael, yood.
I mean, all these things, yood, y Jerusalem, Yood, all the J’s are really wise. What’s that telling you?
The smallest letter, the Yood, act actually begins some of the most important things in god.
And there’s a little thing you can get from that, I mean, very important, and that is the greatest things in your life Begin with the smallest strokes.
Meaning, you have a life to live. Take the take a little step. Take just take the first step.
Because if you’re so overwhelmed about the all the things you have to do in god, you’ll never do any of them.
But if today, you could just take the little thing. Let me take a step towards that right now.
Take a little step, and it’s gonna lead up to another step. Another step.
It’s gonna lead up to a whole of change. It begins with a good.
It begins with a little thing there. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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