The Sign of The Statue | Jonathan Cahn Prophetic

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The Sign of The Statue | Jonathan Cahn Prophetic

Jonathan Cahn opens up two stunning prophetic signs of judgment,  from the Turkish Parliament to Buenos Aires, Argentina, from the Abrahamic Covenant to the order of creation, from Israel to Pope Francis, the hand of God in real time and space!

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

I have to show you this. Could god have given signs in real time?
In front of the world, showing his hand and his will and his judgment.
I’m gonna show you 2 of these things that happen since the last prophetic message with posting.
You’re gonna see them for yourself.
The first is a video of what happened to in as an image or more than one image, which actually follows up what I shared last time.
You’ll see it with your own eyes. You’ll see the blessing and the curse. The curse, and the blessing.
This is Jonathan Khan.
And what I’m gonna show you is first for you who know god, but it’s also for you who don’t.
And if you’re a subscriber who has any doubt about the reality of god or his hand in current events, it’s for you.
And if you know anybody who has any doubt, send this to them.
Now before we go full blast, they’re popping up like mushrooms, all sorts of fake Jonathan Khan channels.
It’s a good sign. God is using the channel, but they’re all fake. Only this one is real.
So if you’re not getting it or not to miss any prophetic message, hit subscribe. Alright.
The first of the 2. And for this, you’ll see a video.
It just happened recently, but it goes back almost 4000 God told Abraham in Genesis 12, I will bless those who bless you.
And those who curse you, I will curse. This been called the Abrahamic covenant. It’s real simple.
If you bless Abraham, as in his children. If you bless the Jewish people, you’ll be blessed.
If you curse them, you’ll be cursed. Now can be taken in a larger sense.
Whatever you do to the Jewish people or to Israel, it’s gonna be done to you.
Now this biblical law has held true from the days of the pharaohs of Egypt to the days of the Assyrian empire, to Babylon, to Persia, to Greece, to Greece, to Rome, to Rome, to the kingdoms of Europe, the Spanish empire, the British empire, the Nazis, the Soviet Union, and America.
Quick check. First question, which name nation has been the greatest ally of Israel in the modern world. America.
2nd question, which nation has been the most blessed nation in the modern world? America. It’s not a coincidence.
It’s the Abrahamic covenant. That’s the law. It’s held true from ancient times to this very moment.
Now before we go further, for your own sake, this law doesn’t just apply to nations. It applies to people.
I’ve met anti Semitic people in my life, people who hate the Jewish people, who hate Israel, and I’ve never met any of them who was blessed and who wasn’t cursed.
Never. Whether they were well off in the world or not, they were cursed.
There was a darkness over their life, over their heart, over everything.
On the other hand, I’ve never met a person, particularly a believer, who loved the Jewish people, who loved Israel, and wasn’t blessed.
Regardless of circumstances, it didn’t matter.
There was a blessing on their life, on their heart, on their spirit, on everything.
So for your own sake, for the sake of your life and blessing, Do not curse the Jewish people or Israel.
Bless them. How? Pray for them. Get the gospel to them. Support ministries that are doing that. Stand with them.
As Ruth was to Naomi, you be the Ruth to the Naomi of Israel.
Now you’re about to see the Abrahamic covenant activate in real time. For that, we have to go to Turkey.
Interesting. Turkey is prominently mentioned in Ezekiel 3839 among the peoples or nations They’re gonna come against Israel in the end times.
That’s another message, but take note.
You may have caught a glimpse of this on the internet, but we’re gonna open it wide open.
This was filmed in the Turkish Parliament.
Turkey is for all intents and purposes of Muslim nation and tends to be very negative against Israel.
A member of the Turkish parliament gets up to give a speech.
The speech condemns Israel, of course, and for Israel’s actions in fending itself against the terror of Hamas.
He goes on and on and on condemning Israel.
But at the end of his speech, He does something not usually seen in a speech in a parliament.
He calls down a curse upon Israel from heaven. He actually calls down a curse. Now watch.
I want you see it for yourself. The translation is gonna be at the bottom.
Okay. He just cursed Israel.
And not only cursed Israel, but actually called down a curse from heaven upon Israel.
Now Genesis 12 warns don’t do that because if you do that, what you call down on Israel or the Jewish people It’s gonna come back down on you.
Now watch what happens. The man was struck down dead.
He called down a curse from heaven on Israel. And he was struck dead.
The Abrahamic covenant before your eyes in real time. Is god real or what?
Genesis 12 recorded on videotape at the Turkish Parliament.
Do you think in Israel in the future?
Well, they’re gonna be part of ezekiel 3839, but maybe some will take note. But here’s the thing.
America has been Israel’s strongest ally in the modern world and the most blessed nation, but is a very present danger.
The polls are showing that the younger generation of Americans is not only the generation that’s least connected to god and biblical values.
But it’s the least pro Israel generation in American history, the most anti Israel generation, heavily influenced by TikTok and the most pro Hamas And stunningly, one poll showed that virtually the majority of young Americans were pro Hamas.
They believe that what Hamas did on October 7th, the murders the tortures, the rapes, the mutilations of Israeli civilians was justified.
This is the future of America. If America turns away from Israel, Guess what will happen.
God’s blessings will turn away from America. That includes the blessings of prosperity, power, safety, protection.
Pray for America, and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
They will prosper as it is written who love thee.
Now if you have anybody in your life who’s anti Semitic, get this to them for their own sake.
And if you are in any association or denomination or church or group that’s anti Israel or anti Jewish, either get them to get out of it or get yourself out of it.
It’s cursed. You don’t need a curse on your life. Now we move to the next sign.
The last special message I did was called the Pope Francis Apostasy.
I spoke of what the Pope just did, which was monumental.
And ominous and full of ramifications that are gonna be seen in the days and years ahead.
Now if you’re Catholic, again, this is not about denominations. That won’t matter in heaven.
It’s about truth because truth has to be first. The lord has to be first. What the pope just did.
He issued a decree saying that Catholic priest, the Catholic church may now bless homosexual couples, lesbian couples, This is unprecedented in the history of the Catholic church and of Western Christendom.
And though they tried to rationalize it by saying, well, not necessarily blessing the union. No.
It says specifically couples. This is monumental, and we have not even yet begun to see the repercussions that are coming down the road, not only for the culture, but for end time prophecy and the apostasy and the church.
Now I’m gonna show you a sign, but this just happened since I posted that message.
The man who officially issued that decree from the pope who of the office of doctrine to replace the other man who said god cannot bless sin.
It just came out that that guy, this guy had written a book where he speaks of orgasms and women’s private parts, but includes a vision of having sex with Jesus.
This is the one who’s now in charge of Catholic doctrine.
Now there was a great backlash to what the pope did his opening the door to the blessing of homosexual unions.
The pope responded saying that the opposition was just quote, from small ideological groups.
In other words, he’s doubling down on this. But then there was a case the small case of Africa.
The African bishops and priests said, no way are we going along with this sin?
The pope responded, listen, that Africa was a quote, special case.
To agree with the Bible is now apparently a special case.
You’re part of a small ideological group, or you’re from Africa.
The Pope continued saying, quote, for them, meaning the Africans, homosexuality is something bad from a cultural point of view.
Now let me say that again.
You said for them, the Africans, homosexuality is something bad for them from a cultural point of view.
I thought the Bible said that homosexuality is a sin, but now I’ve learned it’s not at all.
It’s just because that in Africa, they see it as bad, but not apparently the rest of us.
We don’t apparently, what the pope is saying is we don’t. It’s only getting worse.
And I told you what it was. It’s very simple. It’s called apostasy.
Now is it possible that god has actually weighed in on this?
Can god give a sign by using a statue, an image of stone, or a, or a sign concerning judgment?
Using that. Now make note.
It’s not about god condoning an image of stone or his statue, but can he make his will known by using such objects?
Well, he already did. The Bible records that the Philistines took the arc of the covenant into their temple of Dagon.
They put it near the idol, the statue of Dagon.
In the morning, they found the statue of Dae Gon bowed down on its face before the arc.
They set it back. Next morning, they find it again bow down before the but now with its hands and its head cut off.
It was a sign of the reality of god and the falsehood of Dagon and the god’s judgment on false gods.
But, yes, the answer is, yes, god can and has used statues or idols to manifest signs or messages, and you’re gonna that right now.
Even if you caught a glimpse of this before, we’re gonna open up the significance. What it actually means?
Catholic doctrine states and Catholic belief has been that the pope sits in the chair or the office of Peter.
That’s a whole another issue. But that is the Catholic belief and claim.
According to that belief, Pope Francis sits in the succession and office and authority of the apostle Peter.
There is a statue of Peter, the office of which Francis claims. It stands in South America.
The land from which Francis comes. Further, the statue of Peter stands in Argentina.
Argentina is the homeland of the pope.
Further, the statue is located in the province of Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires is where the pope comes from.
He was over before he became pope.
So the statue is of the office that the pope claims in the land that the pope is from, in the nation that the is the pope’s nation in the province of the city in which the pope was presiding over.
So what happened? It didn’t happen long ago.
What happened was a bolt of lightning came down and struck the statue.
Does every lightning strike mean judgment? No. But this one is too much.
It strikes the sign of the office in the land and the nation in the province of the pope.
And it turns out there are major lightning rods around this statue to prevent this.
So this shouldn’t have happened, but it happened anyway.
But it’s not only where the statue was and where the bolt of lightning came, It was when it all came.
When the lightning struck the statue. It was on December 17 2023. Anything significant about that date?
Well, yeah. December 17th happens to be the birthday of the pope.
So you have

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