The Sign Of The Sorceress | Jonathan Cahn Special
The Sign Of The Sorceress
Jonathan Cahn speak about the sign that is taking over our culture.
“America was founded on prayer. Therefore, the removal of prayer from its public life was a central part of its fall from God. A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
Could the sign that is taking over our culture, a sign that now appears on corporate logos, the flagpoles of American embassies and children’s cartoons, even on children’s cereal boxes be connected to an entity of principality from Babylon, an ancient Sumer.
And could it contain a dark? This is Jonathan Cot in the return of the gods.
The latest book I’ve written, I open up the mystery of the returning spirits that have come back to our culture, specific entities that are uncovered, identified and how it’s affecting everything, transforming everything, even touching your life.
One of the Principalities that has returned named Ash Tora in the Bible is in Babylon is of ancient sexuality.
But as revealed in the book, there was something strange about her. She bent gender even to her own.
She blurred the lines of male and female of man and woman said she has the power to turn men into women, women into men.
Now, this principality is now moving through our culture and we can see it.
Could there be a sign of her return?
There was a sign that was associated with her in ancient times, you know what it was, it was the sign of the rainbow.
It’s written the goddess has rainbow eyes. She looks at you with rainbows.
One of the ancient inscriptions from Mesopotamia says has the two words together Manzo ishtar ishtar is the goddess Manzo is rainbow or rainbow goddess or rainbow.
I in the book and the return of the gods, they even show how each color of the rainbow flag is actually linked to the goddess.
In fact, the, the meaning they were ascribed at the beginning doesn’t really, they don’t really doesn’t really hold together, but it does hold together by the goddess.
That is the mystery that explains it. So if she returns, what would we expect to see?
We would expect to see the sign of the rainbow.
Used not as it was in the Bible but used for a different purpose.
We expect to see the son of the Rainbow appearing more and more and more as if this one was possessing, the sign would be the sign of her, possessing a culture, owning it.
And so it’s exactly what we see. The ancient mystery is in our mist, the spread of the rainbow.
It isn’t natural corporations, corporate logos, changing it to the rainbow, a symbol of sexuality.
American embassies flying along with the American flag, the flag of the rainbow representing sexuality, that’s not natural children’s cartoons, putting it in for the Children, children’s cereal boxes having a supernatural.
It’s a sign of taking possession. Now, now the rainbow belongs to God.
It was actually a sign of His mercy in the face of judgment.
But even this is part of the mystery you see in the, in the myth, as I looked at the stories of ishtar, this goddess, her nature was known for taking what belongs to other, other gods using it for her own.
So she took the sign of God and now uses it against him in one myth.
It says she stretches herself across the sky as a rainbow. She becomes the rainbow. Why?
To go to war in the myth? It’s actually to execute vengeance and destruction.
So through the rainbow, she enlarges herself, stretches herself, executes vengeance.
Well, that is what’s happening through the rainbow.
Through the side of the rainbow, the spirit of the goddess is stretching enlarging herself and she is waging a war.
She’s executing something. What vengeance? Well, that’s what I get into in the return of the gods.
But I will say this much. It’s a dark secret.
If people realize what was really behind this sign with the goddess, they would have second thoughts about ever raising it.
Think how strange it is that the rainbow should become a sign of altered sexuality, of breaking and bending the lines of gender.
But that’s exactly what the principality was, who was associated with a rainbow. And they didn’t do this consciously.
It’s the mystery it had to manifest.
Now, you know why this is just a taste of the mystery that’s revealed in full, in the return of the gods.
The return of the gods is available everywhere you can get it wherever there are books that are sold for yourself.
But also for people in your life, we need to know next time behind some of the most culture changing rulings of the Supreme Court is an ancient mystery and an ancient entity.
The Supreme Court hit subscribe. So you don’t miss it. This is Jonathan Khan.
Until next time, I’ll see you then with the Supreme Court and the transformer.
The second ruling that altered sexuality and marriage came 10 years later, but also came in June, the time of the goddess, the last days of June, the days of the goddess, near the time of the summer solstice and on the same exact day.