The Shocking Writings Of The Rabbis About The Messiah! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Shocking Writings Of The Rabbis About The Messiah! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn reveals the depths of Christ’s Love for you as He goes down to the depths to bring you up from the pit; as He takes on your burden and sufferings to make the way for true life.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

the only way you can live a Godly life is God there’s nobody else so therefore the secret is having him do it in you to live from his living that he becomes the doer of what you do he becomes the speaker of what you speak everything you do Lord I want it to come from [Music] you so now Joseph goes down to prison he goes down to the depths of the depths imagine what it must have been like for him I mean it’s enough his family totally rejects him totally abuses him victimizes him tries is thinking of Killing Him SS sells him into slavery
imagine if your family sold you into slavery and he goes into a foreign land he is a slave he’s a servant but that he’s falsely accused on top of it they put people put their sins on him falsely accused he now goes down now he’s in prison in darkness still descending you might if that that was you what how would you be how would you be with God you might be saying God what are you doing what’s going on he’s in a prison in a foreign land he may not he just barely probably speaks the language for
the sins of others who falsely accused him he might be saying we might be saying Lord where are you and yet it says in Isaiah 53 with a wicked in his death he was numbered with the criminals so now Joseph is with the criminals cuz Messiah would be numbered of the cross with the criminals and he goes down to the depth why why that no matter what depth you go down and what depth you’re in he’s with you there’s no depth that is deeper than his love and his blood given for you all punishment for all sin comes
upon him no matter what pit you’re in he’s there no matter how dark it is is he’s there no matter how deep it is he’s there he went he descended to the depth to the depth that we’ll never even know so no matter what depth you’re in he’s there you’re not alone it says in Hebrew it says he went to the dungeon in Hebrew it says bait soar or the house of the prison probably partially underground in First Peter it says of messiah’s suffering it says verse three or chapter 3: 19 it says he went and he
preached to the spirits in prison now we don’t even know what that means there are people who have theologies about him going to hell and all we the Bible doesn’t say he went to hell but the point is he did suffer hell we know that in the time he did but in some way he preached to those who have been dead and so he preached it says to those in prison well here’s here’s now Joseph in prison and now I’m going to read to you from the rabbis from a book of Now list the name of this book the book is the
book of Sanhedrin this is the Sanhedrin that wrote this book and and yet they don’t even realize it they are bearing witness to Yeshua Jesus as the Messiah it says in Sanhedrin 993b it says this teaches us God will burden the Messiah and he will put sufferings on the Messiah now this is the Sanhedrin that actually put the sufferings on him they don’t realize what they’re writing another retical writing says that they say our sages say that King Messiah is subject Ed to sufferings according to the sins of that
generation another ritical writing speaks of Abraham Isaac and Jacob speaking to the Messiah of telling the Messiah how much he’s going to suffer for the sins of Israel and that and they quote from Psalm 22 which is actually what Jesus quoted when he was on the cross and said my God my God why are you forsaking me this is in the ritical writings all about the Messiah who is imprisoned and suffers for our our sins chapter 39: 21 the Lord was with him and gave him grace even in prison God is with Joseph and Joseph still
prospers no matter where he goes and as he goes no matter how deep he goes he still blesses other people he’s a blessing no matter where he goes and that’s what God wants of us and so it says verse 22 the keeper committed to Joseph’s hands all the prisoners who were in prison so now Joseph is put in charge of all the prisoners which is interesting because Messiah went down to the depths so he would be in charge of all the prisoners so he would be in charge of all those who are imprisoned to sin all those who are under judgment
Messiah now becomes the Lord over it’s not death that’s over them now it’s Messiah who’s over them amazing thing now I want to show you something that’s really amazing here this is verse 22 depends on your translation but I’m going to read it one translation whatever they did there he was responsible for it okay sounds simple enough he’s in charge and whatever they did he become he’s he’s in charge of them so he’s responsible but the Hebrew doesn’t quite say that the Hebrew says
this listen whatever they did there he was the doer of it let me say it again whatever they did there in prison he was the doer of it what does that mean he’s a symbol of Messiah it means whatever we did in prison in bondage in sin he is now the doer of it do you understand he becomes the doer of every sin we did he didn’t do it he becomes he’s a tri it’s it’s it’s wreck as if he did what we did all we did he becomes the doer of it the doer of everything and so turn it around in Salvation now it becomes reversed that
now he becomes the doer of righteousness in our life so in other words he joins to our bad works that we could be joined to his good works so it’s a it’s a holy thing to take your sin whatever you whatever the sin is and give it to him join it to him he becomes as if he’s the doer of it he gets the punishment not you but that now he can be the doer of goodness in your life that we need to learn that secret because the same way he be he took responsibility for your actions my actions now our new actions
are to come from him doing it in us it is Messiah in you so you never can no one can live this life without him living in the only one who who can live a quote Christian Life is the Christ the only one who can live a Messi is Messiah the only way who can live a Godly life is God there’s nobody else so therefore the secret is having him do it in you to live from his living that he becomes the doer of what you do he becomes the speaker of what you speak everything you do Lord I want it to come from you I want to whatever I do today I can’t do
it on my own but with you I can do everything so Lord I want it to be your love I want it to be your word speaking I want it to be your heart moving me love and is loving that it’s one life that’s the secret it is Messiah who lives in me one the two become one that’s why it says in the Epistles it says that we are his fellow laborers remember you remember that scripture we are his co-workers well the well the Greek doesn’t quite say that the Greek says we are it it used the word Sun gos which means which means as one energy as
one Synergy as everything we do it’s one it’s him and us it’s him doing it as one that’s the secret that’s how to prosper in him now let’s take this Cosmic picture what does this give for your life what keys aside from what we already said notice something again Joseph is a picture of somebody who is continually surrounded by evil and yet he remains blameless to God blameless he’s not tainted Now by we’re going to go more into the mystery another time but I want to now take this all to us
what it’s saying is Joseph just like messiah messiah was always surrounded by evil people were do were were coming against him all the time yet he never retaliated he never got he never let it get him he never let it change him he was not changed by evil or by his surroundings he he did not do that he remained pure he was not touched by his circumstances he was the one who touched everything around him in the same way we have to be the same way there’s a million things that happen in this life and there’s people who will always do
wrong to you and there there’s always no matter who you are if you’re in the planet long enough you’re on the planet there is going to be things that are unfair that are wrong that are against you you don’t have to be touched by it it’s not that I mean people can do what they want but you don’t have to be affected it should not affect you because your identity is not with them your identity is with God your father and so therefore it says do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with
good but not be overcome that means not only that you don’t do bad back to them you don’t get an attitude back to them but it also means you don’t live your life affected by you don’t live your life in fear because then you’re also being overcome by evil you don’t live your life as a victim because then you’re also being overcome by evil you overcome it you’re not of them you’re of God do not react to evil evil react to good and and act upon what is evil Joseph trusted that God would vindicate
him it is written that Messiah entrusted himself to God and one of the things you have to do no matter what’s going on trust God if God’s going to get you through if God’s going to give you the victory why get all upset in the meantime if you know that God is going to work it all out for good why why be all upset why get B out of shape if you know you but it’s it’s trust Joseph at the end the story would tell his brothers you meant all this for bad but God meant it for good that tells you
something about Joseph that didn’t just come to him at the end of his life Joseph was a man of God he was already believing that God was going to work it out for good throughout when he’s going through it and you have to believe that too trust God and that’ll keep you from falling is it possible that behind the events Transforming Our Nation and your life New York Times best-selling author Jonathan Khan reveals the stunning mystery and what it has to do with your life what does the future hold the
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