The Shedim – Secrets of the Gods | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Shedim – Secrets of the Gods
Jonathan Cahn opens up the mystery of ancient entities and spirits of darkness by sharing God ‘s warning against spirits of darkness, and how paganism is possessing our culture today! God warns us what would happen if these ancient spirits of darkness returned to our world!
“America was founded on prayer. Therefore, the removal of prayer from its public life was a central part of its fall from God. A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger
If the ancient peoples gave themselves
to the worship of the gods, that means they gave themselves to the to the spirits.
Now if one gives oneself to the spirit, what happens. Possession.
Hashim comes from a Hebrew root word that may should, which means to act violently or to destroy lay waste, destroy, bring destruction, In ancient Babylon, the word Shadeem or Shadeu speaks of entities.
That’s why this
is called the entities. Spirits. which which the Babylonians believe they could be good.
They could be protective or they could be evil. But in the Bible, no. They’re only evil.
In the Bible, they only are malevolent,
and the Hebrew root goes along with it because Hebrew
root means destroyer. As more Jewish people lived in the nations and spoke Greek, the revival had to be translated into Greeks, the 1st Bible translation in the world called the septuagint.
In septuagint, the word that they they translated Shadeem into is the Greek word daemonyup or Daemmonoy.
And this is the word from that word we get the word demon, demonic.
was a thing. Behind the gods were spirits.
Behind the gods were dark spirits, the shadim, the demonia. In the
Greek translation of deuteronomy 32, what I just read verse 17, it says they sacrificed to the the Emonia.
Psalm 106 says they they they served idols. They offered their children to the the demonic.
That’s why some of your your Bible translations will say they sacrifice to devils or demon.
One translation says
they sacrifice to the destroyers. That’s again, Shadeem demonic. Just a note.
On the day that Roe versus Wade was overturned marking the the returning of the abortion of the law of the land, I looked at my cell phone.
I didn’t even know how it got there.
I was in the airport, and the the scripture that came up was they even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demonic, to the Shaddim.
When Paul wrote to the believers of Corinth Corinthians, he spoke of the pagan world, and he said
this, He said the things which the gentiles, which were equivalent pretty much with the pagan world, sacrifice.
They sacrifice to the dotimmonia
or the dot amonmoanoy, they’d
not to god, and I don’t want
you to have fellowship with these things, these emonia.
So he uses this and how and for him, it’s standing for the Hebrew Shaddim dark spirits, entities.
And the Greeks used used view they saw the word dot Imonia. They used it like the Babylon.
They sought the way the Babylon the word Shadeem, they saw that they could be they thought good spirits or bad spirits.
In fact, the word was used by the Greeks for then we get the word they used it for a god.
They called a god,
a dot emonin or dot emon, which is basically a demon. They called their gods or many of them demonic.
Now this is gigantic. Well, the Bible’s revealing us behind the gods
of the pagan world, our actual entities, spirits, with will, with volition, with consciousness, with desire, When they offered up sacrifice, they
were offering to these things to not just to their idols and ideas. There actually were spirits behind it.
Well, that means is the gods
of the pagan world weren’t just figures of imagination and fiction and myth. Yes. There was that part of it.
but they’re actually linked up to actual entities. Now this doesn’t mean that myths are true mythismith.
But it means that there’s a connection behind the gods of
the ancient world, the pagan world. There are spirits. There are spirits.
The in a the mythology of man may follow to different degrees, the nature of these spirits, and the spirits or entities may follow in varying degrees.
The mythologies, a man, they may use it or play upon it.
And this may explain why we’re ever there were gods everywhere, wherever wherever you were because there was something supernatural behind them.
Oh, it makes sense
because spirituality is connected to the spirits.
The Bible reveals that spirits can be of god, good, or they can be against god, evil, light, darkness.
If they’re of light, we call them angels. or angelic beings.
If they’re of darkness, we
are they’re called demonic or evil spirits.
Now what do angels do? Angels worship god. Angels lead others to worship god.
Angels, you know, think of Bethlehem. The heavenly hosts appear. What are they doing? They’re worshiping god.
And they’re saying glory to god. In Revelation,
it says this, I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things.
And when I had heard and seen them, fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me, but he said to me, do not do that.
I’m a fellow servant with you. and with your fellow prophets.
And with all who keep the word of this scroll, worship god.
The angels tells the apostle, don’t worship me worship god. But on
the other side, the darkness seeks to draw a man away from the worship of god. the exact opposite.
So the enemy says
to Messiah, I’ll give you all this if you will bow down and worship me.
They want worship So what would the spirits of darkness do more than draw worship away from god to the, quote, gods appear as gods as the enemy is the god of this world.
So the gods of the pagan world are joined to the spirits of darkness.
So the Bible gives us
a key. to unlock a mystery that is affecting everyone in this room, everyone who’s gonna be watching this, everyone in America, Everyone in the world pretty much.
Western world, definitely.
Right? That’s why when you look at the realm of the spirits, like, look at the realm of
the occult. witchcraft spells incantations, sympathetic magic. You know, they take something and they do it.
That’s all part of Pagan worship. That’s what it is. Pagan worship. That’s what you did. That’s what they did.
Soothsayers, you know, Sears, you know, realms of spells, can incantations, sympathetic magic.
So that tells you even the occult is actually pagan the realm of the gods.
Spirits, Now this leads to the next key of the mystery.
If the ancient peoples gave themselves to the worship of the gods, That means they gave themselves to the to the spirits.
And now if one gives oneself to
the spirits, what happens? Possession happens.
The new testament speaks of demonic possession.
So the striking thing is when you look at pagan culture,
You find the signs of demonic possession throughout, which is what you would expect from what the Bible says.
The signs of demonic possession are recorded by the Greeks, the Romans, the Mesopotamians, those from Taiwan, Zambia, the Eskomoz had possession, Asia, Africa, South America, Europe, North America.
The islands everywhere there was possession.
The same signs of spirit possession that we find in the Bible was every there, everywhere.
Think about it.
What do you picture when you picture Pagan worship? Pagan’s worship.
You picture often people in tranches, people shaking, people taken over, out of control, frenzies, as if they are taken over because they are.
The pagans believed they
were possessed by gods. The closer you got to the guards, the more likely you’d have the signs of possession.
The high priest, the high priestess is. the oracles.
The most famous sear of the ancient pagan world was the oracle of Delphi.
She presided over the temple of the god Apollo in Delphi.
And kings and emperors would go to her seeking the divine wisdom, the divine council, She was called Pithia.
Didn’t matter which high priestess they were called Pithia. Pithia is linked to the word Python, serpent.
It was after a mythological colossal Python of Delphi.
and that was said to give revelation and prophecy from the gods.
The oracle was said to receive her revelation from the god Apollo a specific form, Apollo Pithia, who would possess her.
She was the epitome of divine revelation for the pagan world. King’s emperors, Roman emperors sent to her.
What to do?
What do we do? Interesting she’s named after a serpent.
The Bible says the serpent is the symbol of the enemy.
The manifestation, dark, dark revelation, serpent, When the oracle of
Delphi was receiving her revelations, she would fall into a trance
violently shaking, moaning, foaming at the mouth, speaking unintelligible words, all signs of demonic possession.
But it wasn’t just individuals. who are possessed. The whole culture cultures can be possessed.
Civilizations can be possessed.
because it was the whole culture was given to the god, so it’s given to
the spirits. So the entire culture you gotta understand this. cultures can get possessed.
Right. And what was the signs when you look at pagan culture, you see the signs of
possession degradation, people degrading themselves. Sexual immorality, human sacrifice blood destruction, specifically child sacrifice.
They were there to different degrees civilizations possess even Western Civilization, which we learn in school how great it was.
Well, Western Civilization, you
know, there are unique things, and there are things that
are great about it. But Western civilization back then pretty much by and large was possessed.
The gods were everywhere. One exception. Israel. Israel was given god.
Israel was cleansed by god. Israel was warned against the worship of
the gods, but when Israel turned away from god, what happened? The gods came in. Israel gave itself over.
They began acting like the other nations acting possessed. they offered up their children in fire. That’s possession.
Not natural,
but something happened. Where did Zeus go? Where did Athena go? Where did Dionysus go? Where’d they go?
What happened? Something happened that changed the history of the gods that traject history of them.
The spirit of spirituality of the entire world. What happened? Messiah happened. Yes. Shua happened.
Jesus happened. Mark 127,
it says they were amazed in so much that they questioned him among they questioned among themselves, said, what is this?
When who doctor does this? For he commands with authority and even the unclean spirits, they obey him. Yes.
Alright. Messiah had the power over the spirits. Yes. He had the power in the new testament calls Ek Balow.
Try it. Ek Malo means to expel, to cast out, to eject, to send away.
He had the power to deliver those who were possessed. The Bible records it.
And he gave that same power to his disciples to you. They were totally in dude with that.
And when he left, the spirit came upon them, and they totally, they were the ones who had the power on earth to cast out the spirits.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and
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