The Secret of Joy, Happiness & Overcoming That Thing | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Secret of Joy, Happiness & Overcoming That Thing
The Message of the Week – Part IV of The Double Joy Scripture – Everyone wants joy, happiness – But only God’s Word reveals the way to live in a life of true joy. Learn the keys of the ‘Double Joy’ Scripture that will ensure both joy and fulfilling of your deepest desires.
And where was he born? Bethlehem, what is Bethlehem in Hebrew? Bait house of bread? Here he is.
The bread of life born in the house of bread means the light yourself in him, and the things of him, and you’re gonna be satisfied.
Rejoice in what is good.
What has god given you? Rejoice in that. Don’t rejoice in what is not and what’s on the other side.
Rejoice. If you’re being pulled continuously to a particular sin, chances are you’re not really rejoicing.
In the good god’s given you. And so you’re kinda rejoicing in that to fill you up.
If you know something is wrong, Stop delighting in it. Stop. Stop playing around with it.
Stop flirting in your mind with it. Stop delighting with it. Comes up. Cut it off.
It’s the joy that you’re putting into it that’s keeping you there, and it’s the joy you’re not putting into all the other blessings that’s keeping you there.
And the thing you know is right, toe.
See that word, analog, which means delight delight yourself, also means interestingly pliable or flexible.
See, there’s a connection. Joy is pliable, portable, changeable. What does that mean?
It says in the Psalms, if I do not make Jerusalem my joy now wait a minute.
Make a city my joy. I mean, I mean, you know, you would not be saying be able to say, I’m gonna make Hackensack my joy.
I mean, I understand there’s a difference between Hackensack and Jerusalem. I understand that.
But still to make a city your joy. What does that mean?
It means you’ve got a choice about what you make your joy. In the end.
Now you you may be used to rejoicing on this, and that’s the so that it’ll come.
It’s naturally, but you can you can change.
You can reconnect, redirect, your joy, you can get the wires uncrossed and back to god.
You gotta work at it first because you’re it’s not naturally there, so you gotta then get it you can take the wires and take it away from the sin and put it back in god.
You have a choice of joying of putting your joy in the things that are good.
And that’s the victory. Once you do that, you are home free.
To do what I am rejoicing in? No. To try to do what I’m not rejoicing in?
No. But to join it together, tove, good and joy, That’s where the victory is.
Messiah said, blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled In other words, those who focus on what is good and righteous, you’re gonna end up being full because it’s food.
It’s good food gonna fill you. The junk food’s not gonna fill That’s gonna fill you.
But what word did he use? He said, blessed be.
There’s a Greek word, but it stands for a Hebrew word.
And we know the Hebrew word because he quoted from the Hebrew scriptures The word is Ashray. Try it.
Ashray coming from Ashair, which means not only blessed, it means happy. Joyful.
Happy are those joyful? Are those who hunger and thirst after righteous? Joyful are those who follow God.
And the word a share in Hebrew literally means it means straight like like like, righteousness, straight, not twisted, straight, but it also means joy.
Again, happiness. Again, that connection. Now you have your share connection.
Happy are those with a with a straight path leads to happiness and joy.
Isaiah 58, note the link here. Listen. It says this. Verse 10.
If you give yourself to the hungry, you satisfy the need of the the desire of the afflicted.
You’re helping out. You’re doing the great commission. You’re helping out. You’re blessing the poor. You’re blessing those.
Then your light will rise in the darkness. And your gloom will become like the midday sun.
And the lord will continually guide you and satisfy your desire in scorched places.
You’re a dry place, but your desire is gonna be satisfied.
And he’ll give strength to your bones And you’ll be your life will be like a watered garden, like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.
If because of the Sabbath, you turn your foot from doing your own pleasure on my holy day, you take delight in the lord, you take delight what will happen.
I will make you ride on the heights of the earth. I will feed you with a inheritance of Jacob.
If you delight in others, if you’re lying in what’s not good, you get harmed. You’re lying in what’s good.
Said the law here, the key is delight. Delight. You will be blessed and blessed.
Isaiah 55 says, come all you who are thirsty. Come to the waters.
You who have no money and come and buy and eat buy wine and milk without money and without cost.
Why do you spend your money on what is not bread.
Why do you spend your labor, your work in doing all these things for that which does not satisfy?
Listen to me and eat what is good, and you will delight in the riches the riches of the land.
What to say? You’re spending your time on that, which is not bread. It’s not gonna fill you.
It can’t fill you. It’s poison. Gossip poison. Jealousy is poison. So fishness is poison, materialism is poi.
It’s not gonna fill you. Messiah said he who eats of that bread will hang, but he who eats of this bread not gonna hunger.
And where was he born? Bethlehem, what is Bethlehem in Hebrew? Beiham, house of bread.
Here he is. The bread of life born in the house of bread means delight yourself in him and the things of him, and you’re gonna be satisfied.
It says in Philippians rejoice. Pulsas rejoice in the lord. Always.
Again, I will say rejoice. And then he says, this is a safeguard for you.
The more you rejoice in god, it’s gonna be a protection. You’re not gonna be tempted in the other things.
Whatever is good. In Philipp, dwell on these things. Let your mind dwell on what’s good. Not what’s bad.
Dwell on the good. Dwell on the blessings. Dwell on that. It’s gonna you. It’s like eating bread.
It’s like eating good food. Rejoice that what?
Paul but messiah says rejoice your name is written in the book of life. That’s a good thing to rejoice.
It’s okay. God wants you to get happy about the things of god. Learn to practice, holy delight.
Learn to get into delighting the problem with impurity You have a problem with with being impure?
Practice delighting impurity. Problem with gossip? Practice. That’s bad news. Practice delighting in good news.
If a problem with temptation, practice delighting in your spouse.
Delight in what is pure, rejoice in what, and you won’t you won’t have to fill yourself up with that.
Even if it says, need the approval of people?
Well, it’s not that not that it’s that’s the it’s the approval of people is in sin, but needing it is.
You need you what’s the delight in the approval of god. Get filled up.
It’ll it’ll it’ll solve all those things that are messed up and you’ll be able to it’ll it’ll heal that that thing in you.
Serve the lord with gladness. Be glad in serving the lord.
The more you do, the more blessed you will be.
My son, Eliel, was in came you know, this week, you said, I hate school.
And I’m talking I’m a say I don’t because I’m trying them.
Of course, when I was in school, I hated school too. And most of you hated school.
And I’m saying, no, but it’s good for you. It’s good for you. You to go to school.
It’s to help you, LDL. So I said, I said, here’s the key as if you can take joy in what you have to do anyway, it’s not gonna be a chore.
If you can take joy in what’s good for you, then it’s not gonna be a problem.
See, there are things that you have to do anyway, if you can rejoice in doing them, you are gonna be a joyful person.
It’s it’s not gonna be a drag anymore. It’s not gonna be a slavery anymore.
It’s not gonna be a birdie can rejoice in it, and your life’s gonna be joyful.
If you if you have to do it, take joy in it. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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