The Search for Self-Worth – Pt 2 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

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The Search for Self-Worth – Pt 2 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

Did you know that God created you for a distinct purpose? Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer discusses being the best version of yourself, and the benefits that come from being the authentic person God created you to be!

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

well I wanted to thank you for watching our YouTube channel and for those of you supporting our efforts to produce these videos thank you thank you you are part of spreading the gospel around the world if you’re not a partner prayerfully consider joining our efforts to help others the way you’ve been helped through the teachings we can only imagine all the places God sends these videos once we post them online but because it’s filled with his word we know it’s bringing light into Dark Places scan our QR code and give today
it’s a decision that provides Everlasting benefits to you and those waiting to see these messages this program is made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries God doesn’t want you just to have head knowledge that he loves you he wants you to experience his love well actually one of the ways you can do that is by taking time daily to just sit in his presence and just receive the love of God I’m Joyce Meyer I’ve seen God’s power transform my own life and he will do it for you now in my
life I mean I’ve been at this 45 years and I mean I I look back at how hard I worked in the beginning and I don’t even know how I live through it I mean I used to do 36 of these conferences a year only then they were like three days long five sessions and I did everything except the music they never let me do the music and then I took every speaking engagement wrote books besides that and God God gifts you and gives you Grace in a different way when you’re younger than when you start getting older and everybody gets
older if you’re 20 don’t think you’re going to stay that way all your life because won’t and you’ll be 30 before you know it and then you’ll be 40 before you know it and then you’ll be 50 and 60 and 70 and I’ll be 81 in June somebody said where do you get the energy that you have you know you know there’s two things you need as you get older you need a per purp and you need somebody to love and I have a purpose and I love you guys and I love God and I love what I’m doing and I love to help
people I finally got it the only way to be happy is to give yourself away when you try to keep yourself and when you spend your life trying to make yourself happy you’re robbing God of his job job because it’s his job to make you happy and if you tend to his business he’ll tend to yours come on if you tend to God’s business he’ll tend to [Applause] yours you have so much value you are so awesome actually each one of you is a masterpiece [Applause] if you just read Psalm 139 slowly God farmed you in your mother’s
womb with his own hand intricately and curiously you know what I don’t know where we got the word fetus but I don’t like it God never called a child a fetus and I think that’s one one good way of mentally separating the fact that what’s inside of you is not real and has no value and can therefore be disposed of but if you realize that you’re carrying a child that’s been formed and fashion by the hand of God oh the devil gives us some screwed up thinking I mean weird thinking and I’ll tell you what the
devil is having a fit today but he is not going to win he is not going to win our world has gone basically insane but things are going to turn around I declare it in jesus’ name things are going to turn around and one of the best things we can do is love God have an appreciation and a proper love for ourselves get up every day and feel good about yourselves don’t go around I have no value why am I here I have no purpose you’re here because God wants you here and he put you here because he wants to
love you and he wants to love you into wholeness and he wants to heal every hurt that you have he has redeemed us he has bought us back from the Devil with his own blood and you don’t belong to the world and you don’t belong to the devil you belong to God while we were still in sin he died for us and he ad died oped us I’ll give you a good example I had a child from my first marriage interestingly enough I named him David don’t tell me God don’t know what he’s doing now I happen to name him after my
brother whose name was David but when my child David was 9 months old I had to divorce my first husband because he just he was unfaithful ran around with other women wouldn’t work wouldn’t support me it was just a nightmare and I was married to him for almost 5 years and so after 18 years of being sexually abused and then another five years of being abused in a different way by him I I mean I didn’t have the slightest idea what love was you could have told me you loved me 100 times a day and it would have meant
absolutely nothing to me because any who had ever told me they loved me hurt me so I couldn’t just be told I love you I had to be shown that’s why it’s so important that we show love to other people because a lot of people those words mean nothing to them that’s why we do so much Mission work here in America and outside the country because some people are hurting so bad that to say to them Jesus loves you means absolutely absolutely nothing because they’ve never experienced that love so they need
somebody to meet the needs that they have and show them by being there and being there and consistently being there and being there and being there and then pretty soon you break through that darkness that they’ve lived in and they’re open to receiving the gospel of Christ you definitely are a masterpiece each one every person in this room different fingerprints different DNA not created to be like somebody else created to be an individual you’re not created to do what everybody else does you’re created to do
what God is assigned to you to do and it doesn’t matter if you think it’s a little or a lot all your responsible for is your part oh somebody says I’m going to be the next Joyce Meyer please don’t the world has had enough of me well don’t want to be somebody else go beyond that be yourself be who you are be the best version of you that you can be and don’t apologize for [Applause] it don’t ever apologize for who you are thank you you’re welcome good now you’re getting louder maybe we’ll get a shout or two before we
get out of here see if we can hold our head up high because we’re in Christ so I had a child and I named him David and then when I got divorced when he was N9 months old and I met Dave when he was 10 months old and when Dave asked me to marry him he told he loved me I couldn’t even say it back because I didn’t even know what it was and so my great answer was well you know I have a baby and he comes with me and I’ll never forget what Dave said he said well I don’t really know him I you know I can’t I don’t have a relationship with
him yet but I can tell you this I love you and I love anything that’s part of [Applause] you so literally God says to you when you think you’re unlovable God might even have to agree with you but he says if you’re in Christ I love him and I love anything that’s part of him so therefore you’re adopted as God’s child now I remember when we went for the legal part of the adoption for David I remember the lawyer telling DAV now you realize in adopting him that he becomes your legal son and he gets an equal share of
everything just like your natural-born children do he became a join a through adoption come on are you with [Applause] me and the Bible says we are join HS with Christ whatever he deserves we get wow now you know if you would think about this stuff a little bit more instead of thinking so much about what’s wrong with you all the time you can see how you’d get so much happier but the devil wants us to think all the time about what’s wrong with me and why aren’t I like you and why can’t I do what you do
and aren’t you glad you stayed this afternoon just think how good you’re going to feel and how mad you’re going to make the devil when you wake up in the morning he’s says you’re no no good and you say you are a liar I am a masterpiece there’s nobody else in the world like me I’m one of a kind see I used to think I was weird now I know I’m special and so are you okay I got I’ve got a few scriptures here that I want to share with you about how loved you are and I want you just to take the time
to take these in Ephesians 3:17 through 19 Paul’s prayer may Christ through your faith actually dwell settle down abide and make his permanent home in your heart now I want you to think about this what it’s saying May Christ through your faith come and make his home in your heart may you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love that you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp grab hold of with all the saints God’s devoted people the experience of that love hang on to the word experience for a minute
what is the bread and the length and the height and the depth of it that you may really come to know practically through there’s the word again experience for yourselves the love of Christ which far surpasses mere knowledge without experience now we’re going to talk in a minute about how you can experience the love of God it’s not just words anymore it becomes your experience that you may be filled through all your being unto all the fullness of God and may have the richest measure of his divine presence and become a body wholly
filled and flooded with God himself woo man that’s what I want I just want to be a body full of God all right now what about this experience thing experience God now you know this is the Amplified translation you’re not going to find that in other translations but God doesn’t want you just to have head knowledge that he loves you he wants you to experience his love well actually one of the ways you can do that is by taking time daily to just sit in his presence and just receive the love of God and you may actually
really feel it feel the love of God but when I read first John 4:16 I’m sure I’d read it before but you know one day I read it and it was just I guess my time and I was trying to really get hold of this God loves you thing and 1 John 4:16 says and we know understand recognize are conscious of not unconscious but conscious of by observation which means to see something and by experience that word again and we believe it here to and put Faith in and rely on the love that God has for us okay what is he saying he’s saying
that we should be conscious of and observe the love of God okay what that means is you need to watch for God’s love in your life now I’m not talking about a feeling I’m talking about things that God will do for you maybe little things that don’t really wouldn’t even mean anything to anybody else but to you you know it’s God showing up and showing out and your life I’ll never forget when Dave and I were so poor that we couldn’t even buy new dish rags and I’ve still got it I’ve still
got the journal where I wrote down this little prayer list dear God would you please give me 12 new wash dish rags and I think I asked for a skillet there was some other little things on that list and I’ll never forget the day my doorbell rang and I went and there was somebody I didn’t know and she said I hope you don’t think I have lost my mind but I felt like God told me to bring you 12 dish Rags [Applause] wo dish rags and I knew God loved [Applause] me he knew where I was at he knew my address he hadn’t forgotten about me
and you know we had such a lacking for money because I had felt like God had called me into this ministry and I felt like I didn’t know the Bible how could I teach the Bible I didn’t know the Bible and I had three teenagers and a baby when God called me yes three teenagers and a baby you heard me and so I worked a full-time job I didn’t have time to study so I felt like God pulling me to quit my job well if I did we weren’t going to have enough money to pay our bills we were going to be like $40 short every month of just
paying our bills and then if anything extra came along we were going to have to have money for that too and I can’t even begin to tell you how scared I was so I did what a lot of people do I quit my full-time job and got a part-time job look at me while I tell you that part-time obedience won’t work come [Applause] on you know what that is a sacrifice well I’ll give up this but I’m not going to obey you and so I got fired from my part-time job and I was not the kind of employee that got fired and then I found out that the
office manager at the place where I got my part-time job was a witch she had this big book and she was copying it one day on the copy machine and I said what are you copying and she said a book on witchcraft and I thought no wonder everything I touch here goes wrong I mean I couldn’t do anything right I made mistakes that were mistakes that there would be no way in the natural I should make them so God let me get my part-time job but he put me somewhere where they weren’t exactly going to love me like come on some of you have made

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