The Revelation of All Secrets | Jonathan Cahn

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The Revelation of All Secrets

The Revelation of All Secrets #2324. The Lord tells us of a day when all secrets will be revealed. What does that mean for your life right now? Learn to live on the rooftop.

There are stories told of the disciples of a rabbi.
And they say that they said, how do we live? How should we live righteously? Rabbi?
And the rabbi says, well, live as if everything you do was seen by your neighbor live at that way.
And they answered rabbi, that’s not, that’s not right, that’s not as righteous.
And we should be living as if God sees everything we do.
And he answered, God already sees what you do yet.
You do what you do anyway, start living as if your neighbor saw it and you’ll get, you’ll, you’ll start rising higher.
See most of us. That’s the thing we’re living.
We’re more concerned about what people see than what God sees because God sees everything but you never let other people see it.
You never do it in front of other people, but you do it in front of God example.
You’re driving down route 80 and all of a sudden you see a police car in back of you and suddenly your foot magically comes back and now you’re doing the speed limit, you know, because you, you saw the policeman watching you, you know, or you’re one way when you’re working on the job, when your boss is there and you’re another way when your boss is not there, that sin that’s in it says do all things wholeheartedly to the Lord, all things, all things, we have the thing that says, what would Jesus do?
Well, that’s good. That’s a good thing. That’s a good, a good standard.
But, but you know, how about, what would Jesus say if he saw what I was doing?
And he already does. He does. It’s not hypothetical. He does.
You know, there’s so many sin, things are done because it’s done in public.
If things were in public, we, we would probably overcome that sin right away.
But we’re in the presence of God every moment.
So when we’re, we do those things, it’s like we’re on Broadway, it’s more important than broad.
It’s more big than Broadway because God is seeing it.
Not only our actions but also what’s going on inside here. The Greek word speaks of inner things.
What’s done in her. We think thoughts are shielded.
You know, we can think whatever we can go crazy, we can think, you know, but you know, it’s two different realms.
You know, you say, tell somebody, oh, you look wonderful inside. You’re saying, wow, she really let herself go.
Now, I’m not saying you should tell the person she did that, but we are not always up front.
We’re not always exactly what we’re doing or Hey, or you say, hey, I know exactly what you mean, brother and inside is not only, I don’t know what you mean, I’ve been tuning you out for 20 minutes.
I’m just not gonna keep nodding like that.
Or I’ll pray for you, brother and inside you’re not gonna pray for them.
I mean, you may, but you may not if people could hear your thoughts. Hm.
But Messiah already knows what you’re thinking. He said to me, he said, why are you thinking this?
Why are you thinking that now? That’s when he was on earth.
All the more now to live if every secret came out and, and you’re ok.
I mean, you’d be ok because you’re in the light, you get everything, everything, bring it into the light, whatever it is, bring it into the light, you know, let the light come in, would you now?
And if you, you enter your, you’re heading for heaven.
If you’re born again, would you bring that sin into heaven?
If not let it go now, it does have a place in heaven.
No, the more you don’t let it go, the more you don’t get rid of it, the more you’re not gonna live the heavenly life now because if it doesn’t go with heaven, you can’t live a heavenly life.
You know, remember the old movies, you know, they’re, they’re going for Dracula and all the sun comes in all of a sudden, Dracula goes up.
Well, that’s it because things are can stay in the shadows but let it in.
Sometimes you’re hiding things from God because you think I gotta keep it, you know hidden and you, that means you’re not gonna deal with it.
God is not gonna be shocked by anything. You, you give him, he’s been around a long time.
So anything you have, he’s not gonna be shocked but give it to God.
Bring it into the light, get everything into the light and he’ll deal with it and, and the power will go.
The the power of that sin cannot withstand the light of God or the mercy of God, the love of God and the grace of God let the light shine into it.
If what you are doing alone is not suitable for angels viewing it, don’t do it.
You know you used to have the family hour. This is suitable for Children may not be suitable.
Is this suitable for angels while they’re watching? Then don’t do it.
Is it suitable for the eyes of Jesus? Your Lord? If it’s not, then it has no business.
God has called us to something higher, called you for something higher. There is nothing in it.
Bring all things. What does it say in the Bible?
Whatever it is, you know, whatever, whatever it is, whatever it is, lift it up to God, whatever it is, give it to God in Thanksgiving all things and the peace of God is gonna guard you whatever it is.
The main thing is don’t hold on to it, give it to God, whatever it is, that’s the whole point.
Let your request be known. But be honest to God, God can’t do anything with a fake saint.
You can’t do anything. If you’re pretending to be someone you’re not, but he can do a lot with a real sinner.
Give it to God. It all belongs to Him anyway, your sins belong to Him.
He took it not just what is now, but even you know, there are things you you may be living with in your life.
It’s a dark thing you’re hiding and it’s from your past.
And God is saying, I don’t want you to be haunted by your past, the rest of your life.
I don’t want you bound by your past.
I don’t want you living in guilt or regret the rest of your life.
I don’t want you living in fear of shame for what you did.
Bring it to the Lord, let him touch it. And it says He cleanses us from all sins, not some.
And there’s no shame after that but be honest to God.
And if somebody enemy comes up and accuses you, listen, that is the past.
It is under the blood of Messiah. I have no, I have no nothing to hide.
I have nothing to hide because the enemy always uses, if you have something to hide, he’ll try to use that but I have nothing.
You say what you want. I was a sinner.
I, you know, I am without God, I’m nothing but with God, I am a child of God and I am cleansed and you have no right to condemn me.
What God has approved the light, touching it, to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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