The Refreshing of Heaven
The Refreshing of Heaven
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
In the Song of Solomon, it’s written, “”The vines with tender grapes put forth their reyach”” (their fragrance). The word reyach is sometimes translated as “”sweet perfume.”” Reyach comes from “”Ruach”” – “”wind, breath or Spirit””. You see, the Ruach is the Spirit, and from the Spirit comes sweet fragrance. It’s written that we’re to manifest the sweet fragrance of the Holy Spirit – Ruach Ha Kodesh. There are perfumes in this world that cost a fortune, but better than all of them, is the Reyach of the Ruach, the perfume of the Spirit. When someone lives in the Spirit, there is a sweet fragrance about them. When they enter, there is a sweetness. When they leave, something lingers. There is an aroma of love, joy, peace and righteousness. Something beautiful about them fills up their life in every situation. Don’t get into perfumes to make yourself sweet, get into living in the Spirit. Live, love, walk and breathe in the Spirit and your life will become sweeter and sweeter, because the Reyach comes from the Ruach. The sweet fragrance of God comes from the Spirit of God.
So, so one of the first keys of refreshing in God is to be able to let go.
The word Sabbath Shabbat comes from, it comes from a verb. It’s not a noun verse.
It comes from a verb. Try. It. Shabbat comes from what it says in the meeting.
Remember, it says God ceased from his works.
Well, the word ceased is and what it means is literally means to let go.
It means to stop, to cease.
So the key of the Sabbath isn’t so much, wasn’t so much the day.
It was the action of God to let go. God, let go.
And so therefore, you know, we say let go and let God.
Well, that is crucial to be able to have the rest and refreshing that God wants for your life.
You have to be able to let go.
You can pick it up again if it’s something that you should pick up again, but you gotta let it go, you gotta have time to drop it some things you can do later, but you have to let it go.
That’s the principle of the Sabbath, whatever you’re doing, you have to be able to let it go for God because the very action of letting it go, even if it’s for a moment, letting it go is you saying this thing is in God, this thing is not the end of the world.
This problem isn’t the end of the world. This thing is not God.
Therefore, it’s not the most important thing in my life.
I don’t have to get bent out of shape at it.
The very fact that you can let it go is making a statement to the Lord and to your own soul that this is not the end of the world.
And I can, I can have rest.
See if you can, if you’re saying this is the end of the world.
I can’t, I can’t let go of this.
You’re saying this thing is basically a God and you are, you are subject to it and you can never rest.
God. Therefore says that see the other thing about the Sabbath, the Shabbat is that when you, if you don’t let go, if you don’t take breaks, then the momentum is gonna keep going, the momentum won’t stop whatever that is.
If it’s a worry keeps going.
The thing is that it’s gonna, but when you stop and say no, I don’t need, I’m putting this away right now.
You’re, the momentum is cut off and that’s what you need. The momentum is cut off.
Meaning the problem is not driving your life. It’s not, you’re not driven by all these things.
I’ve cut it off because I have God when you let go and it’s a lot of times it’s bad momentum, sometimes it can even be a good thing, but you need to put it still away.
One of the key things in dealing with problems is to be able to not deal with problems.
Meaning Lord, 11 of the first things is I, I am committing this to you and I am able to let it go because you because it’s in your hands.
And therefore one of the key things is to not be to be able to let go.
One of the things to overcome problems often in God is to be able to let go of them, stop dwelling on them all the time.
Lift it up to God, the Sabbath stops that momentum.
See God says, you’re supposed to be lead, not driven, you know, God will, God will give you.
The Lord is my shepherd. He drives me. No, he leaves me, he leads me.
And what else does he do? He makes me lie down. Why does he do that?
Why does he have to make you lie down? Because we don’t lie down, we don’t rest by nature.
You know, that’s why Lord said come to me all you who are weary and I will give you what rest because we don’t naturally rest.
I’m not talking about sleep. I’m talking about spiritually. So therefore, he makes me lie down.
So therefore, there’s the practice of letting go crucial for refreshing and revival.
Because if you do everything else and you’re getting enough sleep, but you’re not letting go, you’re not gonna have revival, you’re not gonna have renewal.
Another key is, as I said, you know, one of the keys is that we get stuck in ruts and one of the key things is to change our routine, change your routine, break up the rut in God, do something different.
Do something in God. You never did go for a walk with God tonight.
It’s gonna be snowing, but go for a walk, that’ll be different.
You know, do get into the word in a way. You haven’t gotten into the word, do something.
Obey God in a way. You have not obeyed God.
It’s gonna bring newness because you’re opening your life to new things.
If you want re renewal, you need to go after new things.
I’m not, not, not new truth, not new doctrine, but new things in God in your walk, even in your marriage, you know, you know, if it gets in a rut, do something new that brings life into it.
It says in the Bible that those who are led by the spirit are those who walk in newness of life.
What does that mean? If two, you have two people together and two people are living their lives.
One is walking in newness, the other is walking in oldness. What’s the difference?
The person who’s living in oldness is doing old things, things they’ve done before that they’ve always done.
The person who lives in newness is the one who takes new steps first steps for change.
You’re not afraid of change. See, human nature is we like to stay with whatever it is.
But that tends to, to bring deadness instead of revival.
If you walk into a dead church, you know, with all, you know, and what makes it dead, there’s no newness, there’s no life.
They’re doing things by rote. They’re doing things the same exact way. They’ve done it all the time.
It gets old. The Lord said these people when he talked about Israel, they’re honoring me with their lip service, but they honor me by roach.
They learn these prayers. But in other words, God saying you’re just going through the motions.
And the problem is when you live in oldness, when you’re just doing the same thing all the time, you don’t have to think about it.
You can just go through the motions when I go to the airport right now.
You know, when I, when I first went to the airport, you know, it was like, ok, wow, it’s an experience.
I go to the airport all the time. I don’t even think about it.
I, I don’t even know what airline I’m going on.
I don’t, I, I go there, I ask the driver, do you know what airline? I don’t care.
I just go in there, do the thing, put my credit thing in and I could do it in my sleep because I don’t think about it because I do.
It happens so often now because, you know, but it’s ok. I’m thinking about other things. It’s all right.
But in God, you don’t want that and God, you don’t wanna do things that are so much.
You do every sec the same exact way because then you’ll start doing it by road and you’ll start doing it by outward appearance instead of from the heart.
You need to choose to do you want newness, you want renewal, you want refreshing, choose to do new things in God things you haven’t done before.
Step out against your fear, those things that are inhibiting you step out in God, take new steps, don’t fear change if it’s of God be open to change.
Take new steps of overcoming sin, take new steps of believing things that you weren’t believing before.
I believe the bible said, I’m gonna really believe that I can do this now.
Take new steps in your time with God, new steps in serving God.
Some of you just sitting, sitting as many people sit in congregations and they’re not serving, step out against that.
And so do be part of ministry, whatever it is, do something new that God’s called that God is saying to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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Hope of the world is dedicated to the goal of spreading God’s word and salvation to every land and people who do this by spreading the word throughout the world and sponsoring compassion projects to the most poor and needy around the earth to get in touch or have a part in God’s work.
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- Jonathan Cahn: How to Recognize God’s Hand in Your LifeTháng 6 26, 2023