The Reason You Need To Leave Egypt | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Reason You Need To Leave Egypt | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

One of the most important actions for a disciple – and powers – is the power of leaving – the power of exodus. It can transform your life – from salvation to repentance, to freedom, and fulfilling your calling. Find out how

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

in other words while you’re sinning you could have been doing something else and that would have helped your call would have helped your life you know what so it’s a d it’s not just what you do it’s what you didn’t do when Jonah was in the was in the fish you know he it’s he wasn’t just that he was in a fish that’s pretty bad but he was not filling his [Music] calling you know there’s a movie well I said a movie it’s it’s a book originally by Charles Dickens you’ve probably heard
it called Great Expectations and it has in it a woman who was abandoned by her her her fiance on the wedding day and the the rest of her life she lives in a room with the wedding table and the wedding cake everything’s the same and and and and many people live stuck it’s not that not like that you don’t see it like that but they actually live that way and you it keeps rolling over rolls over that’s not do you want to be identified by that or do you want to be identified but the Bible says you
are you know you you yes we go through things but you got to go through through them you I’m going through this well if you’re always staying there you’re not going through anything you’re living there go through it get through it you got the power to do that you got the power to do that depart from it God’s saying not only depart from sin depart from all that he he doesn’t want his children be being being uh being oppressed by that their whole life now notice what it says next verse it’s only
we only look at two words next one notice what depart from Evil next phrase is and do do good now critical thing goes together goes together because the only way to move away from evil as we saw is to move to good and the more you’re involved in doing good in God and in his goodness the more you’re going to be the less you’re going to be involved in that you have a problem with bad thoughts thoughts that you impure thoughts the answer is not trying to not think bad thoughts that’s very hard to
not think bad thoughts I’m I don’t want to think about well then you just thought about it but the idea the way to do it is to get your mind on the things of God what do it say whatever is good dwell you we actually talked about we talk about your thought life how to have a healthy thought life whatever is good let your mind dwell on these things and the peace of God is going to do it so there’s the the principle of replacing things when you’re being tempted that’s the time to not only just try not to be
tempted but turn your attention to something good in God turn your your attention to to rejoicing in the in the good thing the blessings of God Turn Away From Evil you got to turn to good and not that you’re perfect and not that people are going to be perfect to in Ministry we know that but to the degree that you the degree that you you are in you are dwelling on evil you’re not going to be able to be much good for God and dwelling on God the more you are dwelling less you’re going to be able to do that how are you going
to be a minister of the good news yes we’re aware of what’s in the world yes we address it but our heart and mind has to be focused on the things of God Abraham had to leave the city of ER and leave the gods of his fathers Gideon had to smash the altar that in order to serve God Isaiah had to get cleansed of his sin in order to fulfill his calling Matthew the tax gatherer had to leave his tax gather or leave the station to follow God Paul had a leave his anger and his sinful way so to follow Messiah you do have to
leave something you cannot be a disciple if you haven’t left something you know remember Peter said we’ve left everything to follow you he said yes and you’re getting far more than that you know because it can stop you if you never break free of the old Jonah had a break free okay that’s over and that’s the that’s the double hurt of sin one is what it does to you this but the second part is what it keeps you from in other words while you’re sinning you could have been doing something else and that
would have helped your call would have helped your life you know what so it’s a d it’s not just what you do it’s what you didn’t do when Jonah was in the was in the fish you know he it’s he wasn’t just that he was in the fish that’s pretty bad but he was not fulfilling his calling it’s a double thing so doing good getting into the will of God is a double blessing because one cuz you’re doing you’re doing good and you’re not doing that other junk you can’t you can’t just not do
evil you need an antidote and the the opposite of being selfish is not oh I’m going to try not to be selfish it’s it’s getting into the love of God that you actually want to give to somebody the opposite of being hateful is not by being nothing it’s actually by being loving that I hate that that I love that and that and that and if I if I’m dwelling in the Forgiveness of God I’m going to want to forgive others that’s how it works I can’t work it up myself I mean I can try but I cannot work up love
I need the love of God to do that and then depart from Evil means you have to go somewhere and and and and therefore again you cannot just be centered on what you’re not supposed to do don’t do this don’t do that you know there’s some people that that’s what they think of Holiness is I don’t do this I don’t and that’s a part of it but that’s not the first part that’s the result of it not do this not do this I shouldn’t be doing this and that’s tough when you get
you’re into all these knots you know you’ll go knots with by trying to do that people in the Bible they always had to let go by because of what was ahead of them is the Israelites they left Egypt well now they they anybody would want to leave Egypt we know that because of the slavery but it wasn’t just about leaving Egypt God said set my people free so that they may worship me and that they may serve and minister to me so it wasn’t just in order to leave e that’s a secret right there they
couldn’t just leave Egypt to be in the wilderness they had to leave Egypt for a purpose that God had called them to and for the promised land on top of it I will bring them into a land flowing with milk and honey it’s written even Messiah he died for you for the joy set before him how do you go through all that well it said for the joy what’s the the joy you know he didn’t need anything The Joy was seeing you saved that’s the only thing that that’s what he that’s what he didn’t have before is you being saved so
the best way to leave something is to be focusing on the joy of what God has for you and and and the calling that God has imagine you’re on a plane and somebody asks you where you going and and you answer well I’m not going anywhere I just want to leave the airport I’m I’m just here to leave New Jersey now I understand that but you know I’m not here to go anywhere that’d be ridiculous it’s not primarily you’re not in a plane to leave a place primarily you’re there to go somewhere
and so the best the key right there powerful key Focus ahead Paul said I would I leave that which is behind me I’m not looking there I leave it behind and I’m focusing on what is ahead that is key and I if I’m focusing on what’s ahead I’m going to go ahead if I’m focusing on what’s behind I’m trying to leave I’m not going to go ahead because I’m facing the wrong way that also by the way goes with spiritual warfare so you know so you know it’s like me sitting in a room trying not to think of
Doritos it doesn’t work you know rather I should get my mind on something else you know and so and so that is the best thing pH delight yourself in the Lord he’ll give the desire of your heart you know fill up you know in the in the presence of the Lord is fullness of joy to get into the joy of the Lord and you will not get tempted with a junk when you are physically when you’re full you are not basically tempted you know never go to the supermarket when you’re hungry you know that says something so you want
to resist spiritually get filled up and you will not be it’ll that Temptation loses its power so it says do good but the Hebrew ALS Al means commit to doing good commit to good it’s not just that I’m going to do good okay I’m committed to get into your to get into your will Lord to get into your your your the moving of your spirit and your it also means be busy with be get yourself involved with get busy in doing God’s will make it the every day you wake up not just I don’t want to sin that’s good
I want to avoid sin but how can I please you Lord it says we should be sicking up how can I actually make you happy Lord is it possible that behind the events Transforming Our Nation and your life New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Khan reveals the stunning mystery and what it has to do with your life what does the future hold the Josiah Manifesto the ancient mystery and guide for the end times the book you can’t afford not to read available in wherever books are sold
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