The Power of Your But | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Power of Your But
Jonathan Cahn speaks about the Power of your “But”, and the key secrets that led the wilderness generation and Joshua & Caleb make it into the Promised Land. One of the key secrets is how to put into practice your trust in God.
“God’s will is that none should perish. Judgement isn’t His desire…but His necessity. The good must bring evil to an end, or else it would cease to be good. And yet His mercy is still greater than His judgement. His heart always wills for redemption. And therein lies the hope.”
― Jonathan Cahn
The grapes are the first fruits that God gives. God gives you encouragements throughout your life.
You may not realize he’s doing that.
But is the problem. They’ve got God’s promises.
They’ve got God’s confirmation and God’s first fruit of the promise.
But after all that, they put a butt in front of it. God promised.
But the land is true but it’s milk and honey.
But here’s the fruit of it, but they’re in trouble because of the butt.
We judge them, but we do the same thing.
We open the Bible and we hear the word of God.
But we say if we don’t say it with our mouths, we say it with our actions or our belief or our lives, we say but yeah, but we hear the promise of God.
Yeah. But someone gives us an encouragement and say, yeah, but I’m dealing with, I know that.
But you take God’s word and you put a butt at the end of it, you’re in trouble, you take God’s promise and put a butt at the end of it.
Then you’re identifying with all those who never, never enter the land.
That’s the key to live as a defeated believer.
They go on verse 29 the alas in the Negev, the hi the Jes sites, the aite live in the, in the hill country, the Canon near the sea and along the Jordan.
So the, the cities are fortified and strong and obstacles. They go on and on and on.
Verse 33 they’re still going on.
We saw the Neil, you know, all these believers are looking for the Neil, the, the giants.
You know, we saw the Neil, the descendants of an came from the and we became like grasshoppers in our own eyes.
We and, and we looked the same like them like grasshoppers to them.
Notice they, they speak about the good for about two verses and then they go on and on and on and on about all the problems.
That’s man, that’s human nature.
They’re focused on what the giants the Neli Nephi comes from which means to fall. They’re focusing on the fallen.
We looked like we, we became like grasshoppers in our own eyes. What does that mean?
We became so puny, so helpless tells you something.
When you dwell on your problems, you become like grasshoppers, you dwell on how the size of your problem.
You diminish your own size, you become helpless, you become less, you become weak, you weaken yourself, you’re weakening the promises of God in your life because you’re dwelling, you’re, you’re magnifying the problem instead of magnifying God that night.
Verse 14 or chapter 14 verse one that night, all the people of the of Israel raised their voices and wept.
All the Israelites grumbled and against Moses and Aaron and the whole assembly said to them, if only we had died in Egypt or in this desert, this is very Jewish.
If only we would have been better off trying to make God feel guilty.
I think why is the Lord bringing us into the land that would only let us fall by the sword?
Amazing. I mean, they’re crying and they’re complaining at the same time, I don’t know how you do that.
They’re weeping and complaining. Amazing. They feel sorry for themselves. Here they are at the finish line.
Here they are. The promised land is right there.
They see it’s real and they’re crying and missing it, which tells you, you know, the Lord, you know, you can miss it.
You could be complain, you’re complaining, you’re, you’re dwelling on and you’re missing it because God always has a blessing and you’re missing the blessing.
They’re right and the blessing can be right in front of your eyes and you don’t see it because you’re dwelling on everything else.
Then the Lord comes in verse 11.
The Lord said to Moses, how long will these people treat me with contempt note?
When you doubt God’s word, you’re feeling sorry for yourself.
You complain, you’re not just doubting God’s word or feeling sorry.
You’re treating God with contempt because God said that you’re saying he’s lying with regard to God’s will.
And the word, the person who does not have faith will not enter the promises of God, only the person who has faith but doesn’t go with faith is not gonna enter it.
Either. The person who has faith and chooses faith and goes with faith is going to enter the promises that God has the Lord decreed.
Therefore, that none of these will enter the land, none of them I will, they will, they will wander the desert.
They didn’t want the promised land fine. They will wander the desert. They will never have the promised land.
They will never have the fight. They will never have the conflict, but they’ll never have the victory either.
Don’t turn down the fight because you’ll turn down the victory. So they will wander for 40 years basically.
But they are Children. I will bring in from this generation.
Only two will enter in Joshua and Caleb, the two spies who said yes, yes.
At the beginning of Joshua, God says the beginning of the book of Joshua.
God says now Moses, my servant is dead.
Now you Joshua arise and cross this Jordan into the land that I am giving you with this people and I will be with you and I will be and you will have victory.
Joshua. The key here is this here. The key. God has more things for you.
God has better things for you than, you know, but the thing is, you can only get it a certain way.
You can only enter, you have to enter it. God can make it, but you have to enter it.
The problem here is these people were a God but people promise.
But people, they put the butt in the wrong place. It’s not that the butt is wrong.
It’s where you put the button. Caleb and Joshua were people who knew where to put the button.
You don’t put the butt after God promises, you don’t put the butt after God’s word.
You put the butt after the problem, you put the but after everything, that’s against God’s will and against God’s word but can be powerful.
If you put it in the right place, the 10 were putting the butt after the promises of God after the promise line.
But Caleb and Joshua were putting the butt after the giants.
They’re saying basically, OK, there are giants, but God is bigger than the giants.
There are strong cities but God is stronger than the cities.
It’s not that God said this but I have this problem.
It’s I may have the problem but God said this. It’s not that I know, I know.
It says I can do all things but I’m struggling.
It’s no, no, I’m struggling but God says I can do all those things.
Look at what good grammar can do for your life. Holy spirit grammar, it’s not. Yeah. I know.
God says we’re more than a conqueror but I just keep it. No, no, no. I keep feeling failing.
That may be so. But God says I’m more than a conqueror.
I know it says nothing is impossible, but this situation is hopeless.
No, it’s, this situation is hopeless but God says nothing shall be impossible for me.
And that key right there is crucial to live, for you to live as a victorious life.
It’s linked to the, it’s not God but it’s but God, it’s, but God, David charges Goliaths.
All he could see with his eyes is a giant, a killing machine ready to destroy him armed.
But he looks beyond Goliath and sees God is so much bigger.
The promise he held to the promise.
Remember even David was given a promise, he was, you know, Samuel poured oil on him and said you’re gonna be king of Israel.
So he held to that promise. If I’m gonna be king, I’m not gonna be a dead king.
I’m gonna be a living king. So I gotta come out of this.
Well, the promise God gave promises on your life.
You gotta hold to them, especially when it’s hard to hold to them. What else do they do?
They went against fear, they went against fear and doubt you.
See, God never says you’re not gonna have fear and He doesn’t require them.
And God, the great people of God Abraham had fear. Moses had fear Elijah had fear. Jeremiah had fear.
You know, you know, they all David had fear. Peter had fear.
God doesn’t say you’re not gonna have fear, but it’s what you do with the fear.
You have to, you don’t, you’re not stuck with it. Argue against it. Go against your fear.
God called, you know, he called all these, these prophets and they always, they’re all so often they’re afraid when he calls them, but God requires them to go against their fear.
Not just believe against their fear, but go against your fear. Go in other words, let me tell you something.
It’s important. You got fears. Don’t just believe, believe God, wait a minute, believe that.
But also take action against your fear. Example, you’re afraid of people.
You know, you’re afraid, you’re afraid of going up to people, you’re afraid of, you’re afraid of being rejected.
Take an action against that, go up to them, give them a tract, give them a CD, give them a word from God.
Give him a go up to them and do it and you’ll already be overcoming in your life.
Take an action against your fear, whatever that is, whatever that needs to be, take an action, you’re afraid of something, just do it.
I mean, if, if something is the Lord just do it, take action and do it.
Confront your fear, confront your Goliath, confront your giant and you’re gonna be so blessed at the end of it and you won’t be limited anymore because until you do that, you’re living under the shadow of a giant and it’s keeping you in fear, take action, the giant will fall.
They affirmed God’s blessing. They rejoiced that this is a good land. They say this is good.
Don’t let this stop you. This is good. We need to go up.
They, you know what they focused on, they could have focused on the giants.
They could have focused on the cities.
They could have focused on, on the, on the war that would be against them.
Instead, they focus on the grapes, the grapes, the grapes, why grapes are real small compared to the giants.
But they focused on that. The grapes are the first fruits that God gives.
God gives you encouragements throughout your life. You may not realize He’s doing that.
But every time you had an answered prayer, that’s an encouragement. It’s not just an answered prayer.
It’s an encouragement to go ahead with. Every time God did something helped you with.
So every time a word came and you knew it was God go thank you God.
God didn’t do it just so you’d be blessed and say that’s great. Now let me, God gave it.
These were first fruits of the blessings of God, the blessings of heaven, the blessings of victory.
You had one victory. Let’s say it was just one little victory. That’s the first fruit.
It isn’t just so you enjoy it.
It’s so that you take it and use it for your next victory.
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