The Power of Spiritual Immunity – The Thousand Times More Anointing | Dr. Bill Winston Sermon
The Power of Spiritual Immunity – The Thousand Times More Anointing
God plus you equals the majority and He will supernaturally empower you for your assignment with the potential to do a thousand times more far above the world’s way of doing things. In this life-changing message by Dr. Bill Winston discover the most powerful force on you and in you, the anointing of God!
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries, partners and viewers up next on the believer’s walk of faith.
The power of this anointing cannot be imagined.
The only way we’re not experiencing this is we’re not getting this teaching and meditating it and seeing how powerful this thing is because one person in here could pay for everything in here.
One person in here can stop the violence on the whole South person with 1000 times Chapter six.
Let’s go over there. When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, he saw a great company come to him and he said to Philip now, where can we buy bread that these may eat?
Now this he said to prove him for he himself knew what he would, what he knew what he would do.
Mm hmm. And Philip answered 200 penny worth of bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them may take a little.
Now, let’s take that same scripture there and put it in another translation. Philip answered him.
It would take more than half years wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite one of his disciples.
Andrew Simon Peter’s brother said to him, there’s a lad here.
I’m gonna stop that because he’s got two fish and five loaves.
I’m gonna make a statement as a believer.
You never have a money problem. Boy, that, that did it right there.
I could tell that. Did it.
Now think about it, whatever they would need.
They would just sow a seed.
See what he’s trying to do is get them to stop looking at money, having all this power and start looking at the anointing, having all this power because once you bring your seed in contact with the anointing, it’s gonna multiply if you believe it 1000 times more.
See, you don’t need to tell the anointing what to do.
The anointing knows what to do.
Say amen to that over there in uh second kings and chapter 13, this was a man.
They were fighting a battle and they were burying a man.
And as they buried the man, verse 20 and Elijah died and they buried him and the band of the more bites uh invaded the land at the coming of the year and it came to pass as they were buried a man that behold the spot.
They spied a band of men and they cast the man into the septic of Elijah.
And when the man was let down and touched the bones of Elijah, what happened to the man?
You don’t have to tell the anointing what to do.
The anointing is designed to remove any burden and destroy any Yogi.
You don’t have to, you don’t have to speak. You don’t have to do that.
It’s the blessing and it, it knows more than you do about your situation.
So when we get to operate in that, anointing the reason why the enemy doesn’t want to say that because you’ll never go broke, you’ll never go broke if you know that, anointing and you just listen to the anointing of God and he’ll tell you to.
So this and when you saw it, he’ll multiply back to you 1000 times more.
Even if it’s not there, he’ll tell you where to go. Pick it up. This.
Anointing is so powerful because Lord Jesus help me. Holy ghost. Let me come over here me.
Mhm. Here’s a woman.
She had an issue of blood. 12 years. No physician could get her healed.
She had been to Mayo clinic, been been the mountain sign.
Now, all kinds of specialists.
She wasn’t better, but rather she grew worse, but she heard about Jesus.
Now he is the anointed one. And she said something.
If I can just touch his clothes, I shall behold. Now, this is what she’s gotta do.
She’s got to come in contact with that anointing to amen to this.
And when she could touch it, the anointing knows what to do. It, released her from that burden.
It knows what to do.
The problem has been the anointing and it’s been that Satan is trying to keep us away from the anointing, keep it from being preached everywhere.
Jesus went. He said, I’m anointed and I’m anointed to remove the burden off of you.
Look at Acts, Acts and Acts chapter five and by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people and they were all with one accord in Solomon’s porch And of the rest does no man join himself to them.
But the people magnified them and believers were the more added to the Lord multitudes, both men and women.
Now this is when the anointing is working in so much that they brought forth the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and couches that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow.
Some of them watch this, watch this.
There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folk and them which were vexed with unclean spirits and what they were healed.
Everyone. What I’m saying is the same Peter in them. When they tell Peter, aren’t you with him?
Jesus? He said, no, no, no. And then another one came along. You with him, weren’t you?
He said no, I told the man just a while ago, I wasn’t with him.
And then the lady came along and the Bible says he cursed and swore that he wasn’t with him.
Why he was a fearful, he was afraid.
It was the same way he met that storm and they got afraid.
But once that anointing came on him, once they had been taught the power of that anointing that it puts them in God’s class, then they got bold as six shooters and they threw him in jail, put it up there and accepted, they threw him in jail.
The angel came that night and let them out because you can’t hold back.
The anointed one or those who are not, you can’t hold them back. Watch this.
And then the Sanhedrin sent somebody to the jail said, go to the jail and bring them here.
He said this, he came back and reported I went to the jailhouse.
I was gonna get him and bring him back but they weren’t there.
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
And the jail was locked and, and the guards were there.
How in the world did they get? And the jail is locked.
It never got opened. I’m telling you the power of this.
Anointing cannot be imagined. The only way we’re not experiencing this is we’re not getting this teaching and meditating it and seeing how powerful this thing is because one person in here could pay for everything in here.
One person in here can stop the violence on the whole South side. One person with 1000 times more.
David understood the power that was on his life.
Watch this and stepped out in, it, stepped out in it.
He said this day, this guy who’s been trained in, in, in, in, in war from his youth.
This day, I’m gonna take his head off and I’m gonna feed his army to the buzzards of the air.
Now, watch this. He’s putting no limit on that. Anointing.
He is not asking for Israel for any help.
He’s saying I can set Chicago South side free myself. I can set the Westside.
Come on free myself because me and God are a majority.
Oh my goodness. Please get this. I’m preaching on another level.
It’s called 1000 times more. As long as you got the anointing, you don’t have no money problems.
But our faith has not been in Illinois who’s been in borrowing money or doing something else.
And I’m not criticizing now, I’m saying that’s my job here. Put it up there.
Romans chapter eight and verse 14, this is my job.
My job is to get the church back to where the church supposed to be.
Pardon me?
In chapter 10, verse 14, he said, how shall they call on him? Whom they’ve not believed?
How can they believe on him? Who did not heard? How can they hear without a who preach?
I’m your preacher. Now, Let’s go back to Matthew Chapter three.
We’re gonna do this. We have no close your father. What I’m saying?
I can’t do the work for you.
I can’t make you believe, but I can teach you the scripture.
Now, you’re gonna have to do some work on your own.
Let’s come all the way down to verse 11.
This is John the Baptist. Now say John the Baptist. I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance.
But he that cometh after me is mightier than I whose shoes I am not worthy to bear.
He shall baptize you with who the Holy Ghost. And what else?
Now, this is the key because we’re talking about the fire now that he’s gonna baptize you with the holy ghost.
And what? And five verse 12 whose fan is in his hand?
And he will thoroughly purge his floor and gather his sweet unto the gardener, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.
Alright, let’s look at this and see what it means. Going to my notes.
Now Let’s take 1, 1, 1 area is take the body.
Let’s go to Romans chapter eight and verse 11.
But if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, does he Christ swear the hope of glory?
Am I right? Well, then you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also do what to your mortal body quicken your mortal bodies by his.
What spirit that dwells within you? Let’s take another translation, for example, let’s take the amplified.
But if the spirit of him who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you.
Then he raised up Christ, Jesus from the dead will also restore to what life, what your mortal mortal short live.
Come on perishable bodies through His spirit who dwells in you. Okay.
Now, why am I getting here?
I’m going here because of the anointing that this anointing go to God is now going to quicken bodies.
This same spirit of God quickened the body of Christ and brought it forth.
Jesus put the body in the tomb.
He went to hell Rose up in three days, defeated, the devil went back through the tomb and slipped on the body.
Now this body had some problems to it, Isaiah 52.
And what had happened to this body while he was being persecuted?
It says as many were astonished at the his visage was so marred more than any man and his form more than the sons of men.
So Jesus, the devil was gonna make sure that one.
He made a spectacle of Jesus.
Now remember what we read that if Satan had known what he was doing, he never would have crucified.
So he didn’t know what he was doing because he didn’t have that higher knowledge.
So now he took Jesus and really made an example out of him, I think Mel Gibson and then put out a movie sometime ago, okay.
And they showed how the skin was torn out, part of the eye hanging out and and how he was just alright, that’s the way he was crucified.
But then the anointing kicks in and the anointing is designed to put you back together with no trace that you ever been through the curse.
It’s, it’s designed for that. Now, somebody said, well, where can you show me in that, in the book?
Right over here in job chapter 2: verse seven.
So when Satan from the presence of the Lord and smoke job with sore boils from the sole of his foot, come on to his crown and he took him a pot shirt.
That’s a kind of pottery or something to scrape himself with all.
And he sat down among the ashes then said his wife into him. Do you still retain your integrity?
Why don’t you curse God? Come on and die.
No, she was, she was, she wasn’t much help.
Now, I want you to see this because if you looked at job, you would say he is on his way out.
Why he’s lost his family. Come on. He’s lost Children. He’s lost his businesses, he’s lost his money.
He’s now he’s losing his health.
But he said something over in job chapter 13 and 13 and verse 15, though he slay me, come on yet, will I trust him?
And he maintained his trust in God.
And then over in job chapter 42, we see what the results of that was that it said in verse 10 and the Lord turned the captivity of job when he did what prayed for his friends and gave job twice as much as he had before.
Now, he restored his skin. Lord Jesus.
Now I’m saying something because I’m about to read something. I’m about to read.
The fact that during my study, I found out that your body is the temple of the holy ghost.
He is the one that brings that anointing. He is the one that authors that power.
And when he comes into you, he carries out a sanitation operation.
He sweeps you clean, turns off the chase and where he dwells.
No cancer should be able to survive. Come on, no ulcer could be able to live there.
No lack can dwell in that place because you are filled with the holy ghost.
You become a container for the anointing of God and that fire is not just to keep you warm, but that fire is gonna burn off everything that is trying to consume your life.
Come on, it’s gonna guarantee you health from now to the day you die.
It’s gonna quicken your body making you to any more health headaches.
What is the reason why that is not happening?
One, it has not been taught 2nd, 3rd John two over in third John two.
He said, beloved, I wish or I pray that thou mayst come on prosper even as the soul prospers.
He is saying, you got to believe it.
If you want to see it, that the Holy spirit can’t just come into your life and do something without your authorization.
Now, I can pray for you and he’ll heal you. But where is your own faith?
And God has anointing why he’s gonna clean house. Constantly, constantly cleaning house.
Now, I know we’ve got an immune system that a natural person can work up.
He’s not talking about that immune system. He’s talking about one that’s 10 times better.
He’s talking about immune system that comes out of your spirit man immune system that can allow you to walk in areas and Ezekiel virus won’t even bother you.
He’s talking about an immune system in acts chapter 28 that Paul was building a fire and a viper jumped out of the fire and attached to his hand and poisonous viper and all the tribal people saw it and they stood back but Paul just flung it off and kept building the fire.
They bowed down and say he is a God. He is a God. Why are you a God?
Because you can’t be killed, you cannot die.
It says in Joel that you’ll fall on the sword and it won’t hurt you.
I’m saying the time for you for premature death is over.
I’ve just announced it’s over with long life. He’s gonna satisfy you.
This is a revelation of what John, the Baptist priest.
This is it that anointing.
He said, I baptize you with water, but there’s one coming and he gonna baptize you with the holy ghost.
And one job of the holy ghost is to number one job is to take care of any of the enemies of God’s people.
He see that’s why they can’t hurt you. They can’t destroy you.
They can’t trick you, they can’t seduce you, they can’t do nothing to you but sit down and watch you work.
I’m telling you if we preach this and believe this, God’s gonna do this.
And it’s gonna be like just brother, brother Hagin said before he passed and went on with the Lord.
He made an announcement. He said before this church gonna walk like Gods, I’m telling you that means came nothing here.
You, you will not die, you will and declare the works.
Well, I trust that you were blessed by that powerful message.
Now today is offering down the broadcast.
It’s a time where we give the viewing audience, our partners or those who have been blessed by our broadcast.
Just an opportunity to sow a seed into the ministry.
We take your seed that you’ve and we do the things of the kingdom with it, the things that we’re doing here in the broadcast and, and the visit that we’re making to certain nations and so forth and so on like that.
But it helps us to keep this ministry going on a level that God expects us to, to produce it.
Now, I’d like to call your attention to a scripture.
It’s Proverbs chapter 11 and verse 25 here’s what it says, a liberal soul shall be made fat and he, that waters shall be watered also himself.
Now that fat doesn’t have to do with the physical fat, but it’s it meaning that it shall be made fat, meaning have a lot to have an abundance, have a generous supply and he, that waters shall be watered himself.
I don’t know whether you’ve ever done this, but I’ve gone to the hospital, let’s say to visit to sick and you know, I pray for them and I can walk out of the hospital.
I feel like I’ve just had prayer myself. Why? Because it came through me to bless them.
And so it’s just like a water holes.
If you’re going to water the lawn, true enough, the lawn gets wet, but the hole gets wet too.
So as this thing comes through you, you get blessed yourself.
Here’s what moffatts translation says in that same scripture, he said, one gives away and still grows the richer in the natural money.
Trying to figure that out. Wait a second. Now, how can I give and grow richer?
Well, when you do give generously, according to God’s word, it’s given back to you, but it’s not given back to you the same amount.
It says good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over 30 60 a hundredfold.
I’m just saying, God wants to bless his people and the way he does it, it’s through them generously giving seed.
So, as you, so today, I want you to keep in mind you’re not losing something you’re increasing.
So let’s get your offerings ready and get that seed ready. Praise God and name it.
Now, something that you might want to have in your house or in your family or maybe sewing it for the job or a new job or whatever.
Have you car note or whatever, have you show it for something, name that seed.
And so as you do that, we’re gonna show and believe God with you that this thing is going to come back to you speedily.
Now let’s pray together, father, we come before you in the name of Jesus.
Thank you so much for the privilege of uh being able to take this broadcast throughout the world and for those partners, friends and those who are watching the broadcast and giving into the ministry.
Thank you for them, Lord and their generosity. And I pray that Lord, every one of their needs be met.
I pray that, that they’ve sown, they want to increase more and more.
Now, father, we prayed it, we believe it’s done and we call it done in Jesus name. Amen. Praise God.
Thank you so much for your generous support. We love you. Well, that’s all we have for this time.
This Bill Winston saying, keep walking by faith.
God bless you equals the majority and He will supernaturally empower you for your assignment with the potential to do 1000 times more far above the world’s way of doing things in this life changing message by Dr Bill Winston.
Discover the most powerful force on you and in you the anointing of God to order your copy of the 1000 times more.
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This teaching will strengthen your belief in the burden, removing yoke, destroying power of God and will work in your life using God’s ability to produce his results.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
The power of this anointing cannot be imagined.
The only way we’re not experiencing this is we’re not getting this teaching and meditating it and seeing how powerful this thing is because one person in here could pay for everything in here.
One person in here can stop the violence on the whole South person with 1000 times Chapter six.
Let’s go over there. When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, he saw a great company come to him and he said to Philip now, where can we buy bread that these may eat?
Now this he said to prove him for he himself knew what he would, what he knew what he would do.
Mm hmm. And Philip answered 200 penny worth of bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them may take a little.
Now, let’s take that same scripture there and put it in another translation. Philip answered him.
It would take more than half years wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite one of his disciples.
Andrew Simon Peter’s brother said to him, there’s a lad here.
I’m gonna stop that because he’s got two fish and five loaves.
I’m gonna make a statement as a believer.
You never have a money problem. Boy, that, that did it right there.
I could tell that. Did it.
Now think about it, whatever they would need.
They would just sow a seed.
See what he’s trying to do is get them to stop looking at money, having all this power and start looking at the anointing, having all this power because once you bring your seed in contact with the anointing, it’s gonna multiply if you believe it 1000 times more.
See, you don’t need to tell the anointing what to do.
The anointing knows what to do.
Say amen to that over there in uh second kings and chapter 13, this was a man.
They were fighting a battle and they were burying a man.
And as they buried the man, verse 20 and Elijah died and they buried him and the band of the more bites uh invaded the land at the coming of the year and it came to pass as they were buried a man that behold the spot.
They spied a band of men and they cast the man into the septic of Elijah.
And when the man was let down and touched the bones of Elijah, what happened to the man?
You don’t have to tell the anointing what to do.
The anointing is designed to remove any burden and destroy any Yogi.
You don’t have to, you don’t have to speak. You don’t have to do that.
It’s the blessing and it, it knows more than you do about your situation.
So when we get to operate in that, anointing the reason why the enemy doesn’t want to say that because you’ll never go broke, you’ll never go broke if you know that, anointing and you just listen to the anointing of God and he’ll tell you to.
So this and when you saw it, he’ll multiply back to you 1000 times more.
Even if it’s not there, he’ll tell you where to go. Pick it up. This.
Anointing is so powerful because Lord Jesus help me. Holy ghost. Let me come over here me.
Mhm. Here’s a woman.
She had an issue of blood. 12 years. No physician could get her healed.
She had been to Mayo clinic, been been the mountain sign.
Now, all kinds of specialists.
She wasn’t better, but rather she grew worse, but she heard about Jesus.
Now he is the anointed one. And she said something.
If I can just touch his clothes, I shall behold. Now, this is what she’s gotta do.
She’s got to come in contact with that anointing to amen to this.
And when she could touch it, the anointing knows what to do. It, released her from that burden.
It knows what to do.
The problem has been the anointing and it’s been that Satan is trying to keep us away from the anointing, keep it from being preached everywhere.
Jesus went. He said, I’m anointed and I’m anointed to remove the burden off of you.
Look at Acts, Acts and Acts chapter five and by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people and they were all with one accord in Solomon’s porch And of the rest does no man join himself to them.
But the people magnified them and believers were the more added to the Lord multitudes, both men and women.
Now this is when the anointing is working in so much that they brought forth the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and couches that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow.
Some of them watch this, watch this.
There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folk and them which were vexed with unclean spirits and what they were healed.
Everyone. What I’m saying is the same Peter in them. When they tell Peter, aren’t you with him?
Jesus? He said, no, no, no. And then another one came along. You with him, weren’t you?
He said no, I told the man just a while ago, I wasn’t with him.
And then the lady came along and the Bible says he cursed and swore that he wasn’t with him.
Why he was a fearful, he was afraid.
It was the same way he met that storm and they got afraid.
But once that anointing came on him, once they had been taught the power of that anointing that it puts them in God’s class, then they got bold as six shooters and they threw him in jail, put it up there and accepted, they threw him in jail.
The angel came that night and let them out because you can’t hold back.
The anointed one or those who are not, you can’t hold them back. Watch this.
And then the Sanhedrin sent somebody to the jail said, go to the jail and bring them here.
He said this, he came back and reported I went to the jailhouse.
I was gonna get him and bring him back but they weren’t there.
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
And the jail was locked and, and the guards were there.
How in the world did they get? And the jail is locked.
It never got opened. I’m telling you the power of this.
Anointing cannot be imagined. The only way we’re not experiencing this is we’re not getting this teaching and meditating it and seeing how powerful this thing is because one person in here could pay for everything in here.
One person in here can stop the violence on the whole South side. One person with 1000 times more.
David understood the power that was on his life.
Watch this and stepped out in, it, stepped out in it.
He said this day, this guy who’s been trained in, in, in, in, in war from his youth.
This day, I’m gonna take his head off and I’m gonna feed his army to the buzzards of the air.
Now, watch this. He’s putting no limit on that. Anointing.
He is not asking for Israel for any help.
He’s saying I can set Chicago South side free myself. I can set the Westside.
Come on free myself because me and God are a majority.
Oh my goodness. Please get this. I’m preaching on another level.
It’s called 1000 times more. As long as you got the anointing, you don’t have no money problems.
But our faith has not been in Illinois who’s been in borrowing money or doing something else.
And I’m not criticizing now, I’m saying that’s my job here. Put it up there.
Romans chapter eight and verse 14, this is my job.
My job is to get the church back to where the church supposed to be.
Pardon me?
In chapter 10, verse 14, he said, how shall they call on him? Whom they’ve not believed?
How can they believe on him? Who did not heard? How can they hear without a who preach?
I’m your preacher. Now, Let’s go back to Matthew Chapter three.
We’re gonna do this. We have no close your father. What I’m saying?
I can’t do the work for you.
I can’t make you believe, but I can teach you the scripture.
Now, you’re gonna have to do some work on your own.
Let’s come all the way down to verse 11.
This is John the Baptist. Now say John the Baptist. I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance.
But he that cometh after me is mightier than I whose shoes I am not worthy to bear.
He shall baptize you with who the Holy Ghost. And what else?
Now, this is the key because we’re talking about the fire now that he’s gonna baptize you with the holy ghost.
And what? And five verse 12 whose fan is in his hand?
And he will thoroughly purge his floor and gather his sweet unto the gardener, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.
Alright, let’s look at this and see what it means. Going to my notes.
Now Let’s take 1, 1, 1 area is take the body.
Let’s go to Romans chapter eight and verse 11.
But if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, does he Christ swear the hope of glory?
Am I right? Well, then you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also do what to your mortal body quicken your mortal bodies by his.
What spirit that dwells within you? Let’s take another translation, for example, let’s take the amplified.
But if the spirit of him who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you.
Then he raised up Christ, Jesus from the dead will also restore to what life, what your mortal mortal short live.
Come on perishable bodies through His spirit who dwells in you. Okay.
Now, why am I getting here?
I’m going here because of the anointing that this anointing go to God is now going to quicken bodies.
This same spirit of God quickened the body of Christ and brought it forth.
Jesus put the body in the tomb.
He went to hell Rose up in three days, defeated, the devil went back through the tomb and slipped on the body.
Now this body had some problems to it, Isaiah 52.
And what had happened to this body while he was being persecuted?
It says as many were astonished at the his visage was so marred more than any man and his form more than the sons of men.
So Jesus, the devil was gonna make sure that one.
He made a spectacle of Jesus.
Now remember what we read that if Satan had known what he was doing, he never would have crucified.
So he didn’t know what he was doing because he didn’t have that higher knowledge.
So now he took Jesus and really made an example out of him, I think Mel Gibson and then put out a movie sometime ago, okay.
And they showed how the skin was torn out, part of the eye hanging out and and how he was just alright, that’s the way he was crucified.
But then the anointing kicks in and the anointing is designed to put you back together with no trace that you ever been through the curse.
It’s, it’s designed for that. Now, somebody said, well, where can you show me in that, in the book?
Right over here in job chapter 2: verse seven.
So when Satan from the presence of the Lord and smoke job with sore boils from the sole of his foot, come on to his crown and he took him a pot shirt.
That’s a kind of pottery or something to scrape himself with all.
And he sat down among the ashes then said his wife into him. Do you still retain your integrity?
Why don’t you curse God? Come on and die.
No, she was, she was, she wasn’t much help.
Now, I want you to see this because if you looked at job, you would say he is on his way out.
Why he’s lost his family. Come on. He’s lost Children. He’s lost his businesses, he’s lost his money.
He’s now he’s losing his health.
But he said something over in job chapter 13 and 13 and verse 15, though he slay me, come on yet, will I trust him?
And he maintained his trust in God.
And then over in job chapter 42, we see what the results of that was that it said in verse 10 and the Lord turned the captivity of job when he did what prayed for his friends and gave job twice as much as he had before.
Now, he restored his skin. Lord Jesus.
Now I’m saying something because I’m about to read something. I’m about to read.
The fact that during my study, I found out that your body is the temple of the holy ghost.
He is the one that brings that anointing. He is the one that authors that power.
And when he comes into you, he carries out a sanitation operation.
He sweeps you clean, turns off the chase and where he dwells.
No cancer should be able to survive. Come on, no ulcer could be able to live there.
No lack can dwell in that place because you are filled with the holy ghost.
You become a container for the anointing of God and that fire is not just to keep you warm, but that fire is gonna burn off everything that is trying to consume your life.
Come on, it’s gonna guarantee you health from now to the day you die.
It’s gonna quicken your body making you to any more health headaches.
What is the reason why that is not happening?
One, it has not been taught 2nd, 3rd John two over in third John two.
He said, beloved, I wish or I pray that thou mayst come on prosper even as the soul prospers.
He is saying, you got to believe it.
If you want to see it, that the Holy spirit can’t just come into your life and do something without your authorization.
Now, I can pray for you and he’ll heal you. But where is your own faith?
And God has anointing why he’s gonna clean house. Constantly, constantly cleaning house.
Now, I know we’ve got an immune system that a natural person can work up.
He’s not talking about that immune system. He’s talking about one that’s 10 times better.
He’s talking about immune system that comes out of your spirit man immune system that can allow you to walk in areas and Ezekiel virus won’t even bother you.
He’s talking about an immune system in acts chapter 28 that Paul was building a fire and a viper jumped out of the fire and attached to his hand and poisonous viper and all the tribal people saw it and they stood back but Paul just flung it off and kept building the fire.
They bowed down and say he is a God. He is a God. Why are you a God?
Because you can’t be killed, you cannot die.
It says in Joel that you’ll fall on the sword and it won’t hurt you.
I’m saying the time for you for premature death is over.
I’ve just announced it’s over with long life. He’s gonna satisfy you.
This is a revelation of what John, the Baptist priest.
This is it that anointing.
He said, I baptize you with water, but there’s one coming and he gonna baptize you with the holy ghost.
And one job of the holy ghost is to number one job is to take care of any of the enemies of God’s people.
He see that’s why they can’t hurt you. They can’t destroy you.
They can’t trick you, they can’t seduce you, they can’t do nothing to you but sit down and watch you work.
I’m telling you if we preach this and believe this, God’s gonna do this.
And it’s gonna be like just brother, brother Hagin said before he passed and went on with the Lord.
He made an announcement. He said before this church gonna walk like Gods, I’m telling you that means came nothing here.
You, you will not die, you will and declare the works.
Well, I trust that you were blessed by that powerful message.
Now today is offering down the broadcast.
It’s a time where we give the viewing audience, our partners or those who have been blessed by our broadcast.
Just an opportunity to sow a seed into the ministry.
We take your seed that you’ve and we do the things of the kingdom with it, the things that we’re doing here in the broadcast and, and the visit that we’re making to certain nations and so forth and so on like that.
But it helps us to keep this ministry going on a level that God expects us to, to produce it.
Now, I’d like to call your attention to a scripture.
It’s Proverbs chapter 11 and verse 25 here’s what it says, a liberal soul shall be made fat and he, that waters shall be watered also himself.
Now that fat doesn’t have to do with the physical fat, but it’s it meaning that it shall be made fat, meaning have a lot to have an abundance, have a generous supply and he, that waters shall be watered himself.
I don’t know whether you’ve ever done this, but I’ve gone to the hospital, let’s say to visit to sick and you know, I pray for them and I can walk out of the hospital.
I feel like I’ve just had prayer myself. Why? Because it came through me to bless them.
And so it’s just like a water holes.
If you’re going to water the lawn, true enough, the lawn gets wet, but the hole gets wet too.
So as this thing comes through you, you get blessed yourself.
Here’s what moffatts translation says in that same scripture, he said, one gives away and still grows the richer in the natural money.
Trying to figure that out. Wait a second. Now, how can I give and grow richer?
Well, when you do give generously, according to God’s word, it’s given back to you, but it’s not given back to you the same amount.
It says good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over 30 60 a hundredfold.
I’m just saying, God wants to bless his people and the way he does it, it’s through them generously giving seed.
So, as you, so today, I want you to keep in mind you’re not losing something you’re increasing.
So let’s get your offerings ready and get that seed ready. Praise God and name it.
Now, something that you might want to have in your house or in your family or maybe sewing it for the job or a new job or whatever.
Have you car note or whatever, have you show it for something, name that seed.
And so as you do that, we’re gonna show and believe God with you that this thing is going to come back to you speedily.
Now let’s pray together, father, we come before you in the name of Jesus.
Thank you so much for the privilege of uh being able to take this broadcast throughout the world and for those partners, friends and those who are watching the broadcast and giving into the ministry.
Thank you for them, Lord and their generosity. And I pray that Lord, every one of their needs be met.
I pray that, that they’ve sown, they want to increase more and more.
Now, father, we prayed it, we believe it’s done and we call it done in Jesus name. Amen. Praise God.
Thank you so much for your generous support. We love you. Well, that’s all we have for this time.
This Bill Winston saying, keep walking by faith.
God bless you equals the majority and He will supernaturally empower you for your assignment with the potential to do 1000 times more far above the world’s way of doing things in this life changing message by Dr Bill Winston.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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