The Power of Resistance | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Power of Resistance
Thursday, September 7, 2023 – Messiah Standing
Acts 7:55 Stephen sees Messiah standing at the right hand of God. But Ephesians 1:20 says Messiah was seated at the right hand of God. Is there a contradiction? What’s the explanation? Stephen is bearing witness while he’s being stoned to death and calling for forgiveness of his murderers. The Lord couldn’t sit for that. He rose to His feet as one rises for a standing ovation. As if to say, “Well done My good and faithful servant. Enter the joy of your Master.” He sits on His throne, but He rises to His feet when He sees a man love his enemies, when He sees you triumph in salvation, when He sees you have victory over that sin. When He sees you rise up, He will rise to see it. When He sees you overcoming in love and mercy–when He sees you living a life of greatness. It will cause your Lord and Master to stand. So do something extraordinary this week. Do something great in God, something that’s going to cause the One seated at the right hand of God to stand up.
In the book of acts, the apostles are offered money.
Remember, are offered money by the sorcerer who says I want this power. I want the powers of the spirit.
but they instantly turn it down and say, that curse this.
We you can’t buy the Holy Spirit, but it’s not only that.
It’s that you’re having the Holy spirit is worth more than all the money in the world.
I would rather have the holy spirit than have what Bill Gates has or have what what what, you know, all the who needs that compared to the spirit of god.
You are richer than any billionaire in this world.
If you have it, but if you have the holy spirit, what it what it means also is you can turn down anything.
One of the powers of the spirit is the power to turn down the world to resist any temptation.
You may you know, you’re dealing with temptation. Everybody does. That’s sin, that habit.
Everybody does in some way. It seems like you’re helpless.
You have to believe and apply the dunamis, the power of the spirit, the power of I can turn this down.
I can resist this temptation. I do not have to be a slave.
That is not the will of god. I have the power to say no. Turn it down. use that power.
Ask for the power when you’re being tempted and use that power. Here’s another power.
In the book of acts, Peter, is in the spirit. He sees a vision. The vision is gonna lead him.
You know it. The the vision of all the pork and all that.
It’ll open up the gospel to the gentiles, to the world, to the nature, gonna change history.
What does the power of the spirit give you?
1 of the powers of the spirit is the power to open up walls, to break down barriers, to go outside the box, to break down the limitation.
Uh-uh, uh, a few weeks ago, I spoke to you about the lord’s word that is to us in law the place of your tent.
The spirit is the one who will give you the power to enlarge your tent, enlarge your heart, enlarge your mind enlarge your life, enlarged your acts.
The spirit will lead you to break down barriers in your life, maybe a or rut, maybe a fear, maybe a a bad thing that’s always been there, maybe maybe a bondage.
The spirit has the power for you to break the barrier.
The spirit will enable you to break down walls of your fears, your gloom, your habit, your conflict, As for the power lord, help me to break down this wall.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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- The Power of Jesus’ Presence in Your LifeTháng 12 27, 2022