The Power of Exodus – for Victory | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Power of Exodus – for Victory
One of the most important actions for a disciple – and powers – is the power of leaving – the power of exodus. It can transform your life – from salvation to repentance, to freedom, and fulfilling your calling. Find out how
Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.
Finished, Todd, he said, it is finished. What was finished? Your sins were finished.
Is that it’s like it’s like something, you know, you have you when you’re growing you put away toys.
It’s I don’t need this anymore. I outgrew this.
Well, at John Agon, you’re supposed to be putting away things from the past.
It’s the middle of April, which is not a favorite time for most of us because this is tax time.
But in the biblical Hebrew calendar, we’re in a special period of the year.
The days between the feast of Passover and the feast of Shabua, which is also called Pentecost.
And this time is known as the days of the Omar or the counting of the Omar from the day of pass over the 1st day of the morning after the first fruit, which comes that then every day they count.
It’s the harvest. They count the sheaves every until you reach 50 with a time of Pentecoff.
But there’s another realm to these days, and that is on the calendar redemption.
These are also the days of the exodus. Beginning with Passover and reaching a culmination on Mount Sinai.
Now Passover, the feast of Passover is the beginning of the Exodus.
Chavuho, the next feast or pentecost, corresponds with Mount Sinai when the law was given on Mount Sinai.
And so this is the time of the journeying out of Egypt, leaving the old world, and heading to what god had for them.
Now Messiah dawn on Passover as the lamb to give us the power of Passover, Salvation, and the power of Passover.
And one of the most critical powers of Passover in Messiah is the power of exodus or exiting, leaving, departing, breaking through, breakthrough.
One of the most important powers in your life And tonight, we’re gonna look at the keys of leaving of exits, a breakthrough in your life, and finding them in just one verse And that’s gonna be in Psalm 37.
And verse can show you how powerful the Bible is. Just one verse, and it’s not a long one.
And we’re gonna break it up and seek keys for your life.
Psalm 37, the first part simply says depart from evil.
Now you said, well, I’m not an evil dude.
Well, in order to depart from evil, you have to kinda some way be in it.
The Bible says if we are not without we say we’re without sin, we are liars.
No matter who you are, you are called to leave sin no matter who you are.
I remember once when I was, uh, I was there was a denomination.
I was studying, and and, uh, because Beth Israel was linked to that, and And they they they asked me questions at the board, and they they said, uh, you know, have you have any spiritual failings?
I said, well, no, except for the normal falling short. You know, said, well, what do you mean by that?
I said, well, you know, regular sin, you know, uh, it’s, well, well, you know, and I I said, well, they said, well, said, well, the Bible says if we say we’re without sin, we’re lying.
You know, they said, well, that’s for unbelievers. I said, wow. I said, what is this doctrine?
The that we don’t have sin anymore. Of course, we deal with sin no matter who you are.
And so you’re called to make a to be able to to be leaving it for your life.
And there’s a there’s a power in of departing of leaving that’s crucial in your life.
Abraham, who’s the father of all the faithful, How did he fulfill his calling?
By departing, by leaving, by exiting her, and exiting heran?
And you are Abraham’s children, so it is a it is crucial for you to be leaving something.
Not just once when you get born again, but every day of your life.
I remember, and how anybody remember how being in at nursery school I remember being a nursery school, okay, a one room schoolhouse.
And I was being told they were talking about the real school.
It was like, I remember one of the kids was going early to the real school, and he was going into kindergarten.
And to me, back then, it was like, woah. This is serious stuff. You’re going to kindergarten card.
It was like he’s you’re going to the academy. You’re going to the thing. I remember that.
Such a big thing, but in order to go to kindergarten, you had to leave nursing school.
In order to go to 1st grade, you had to leave kindergarten in order to to go to to junior high, you had to leave elementary school and and then high school and on and our life is linked, you know, is filled with leavings in order to grow.
So in the lord, many of his children get left back.
Because we’re not really the only way to graduate to the next level is we have to leave something in our life.
How to depart in our life.
The word in Hebrew here, it says depart from evil, is the the Hebrew word for depart here is the word easy.
Sore. Try it. Easy. You use it in English. I feel sore. Well, that means depart in Hebrew.
Soar literally means past. It’s past.
So there’s a truth that in the cross, your sin is past.
It’s considered passed by god.
In in in in a way we got, it’s considered truly finished.
And the thing is that if you believe you’re still, it’s still active in there, you’re gonna keep living in it.
It’s like in in after World War 2, there were Japanese soldiers who were living in caves, and they were still fighting the war.
Years after the war was over because they didn’t know it was over. It was finished.
The Bible asked, how can you still be living in sin?
If sin, you’ve died to that, that’s over in messiah.
One of the keys for breakthrough is to view evil as something old in your life.
Not something that’s supposed to be here. Finished, he said, it is finished. What was finished?
Your sins were finished.
Is that it’s like it’s like something, you know, you have you when you’re growing up, you put away toys.
It’s I don’t need this anymore. I outgrew this. Well, it shot a gun.
You’re supposed to be putting away things from the past. Sin is out.
Sin is not to be a a a an active thing. It’s supposed to be a past thing.
It’s almost like, you know, when you sometimes you get a get injected with the vaccine.
Many times, it’s it’s an all it’s the disease that has been neutralized. It’s passed.
And actually, it can inoculate you.
Well, saying, you know, we’re supposed to have pass in, and we’re gonna be continually passing out of sin.
The scripture says to put away these things.
It’s gone If the time is enough, it’s over, why are you living in something that has been finished by god?
You gotta believe that. Now listen. The only sins you commit, you can commit.
Now in the lord, our crucified sins. The only ones.
You gotta see it as this is dead I have there’s no there’s no future in it. There’s nothing.
It’s not there for me anymore. This is past. It says, crucify your flesh. How?
By viewing it as god says it’s already crucified.
And I’m I’m my part is to get aligned with his his word. His word says it.
Recon this as dead because it is dead. And I don’t wanna live in what’s dead.
How do you get past living in the self? Well, you see the self, the old self is passed.
That’s why it’s called the old self. The Hebrew word soar also means to decline.
It could be read decline sin and decline evil. Turn it down. You’ve got the power in god.
You may not think you do, but you’ve got the power to turn down any sin in god’s power.
Like, Joseph, he declined sin in Egypt. Messiah in the wilderness had a decline sin.
The apostles were offered money for the Holy Spirit, they turn. I’d be saying we don’t need that junk.
Turn it. We turned it down.
But you have to believe that you have the power that god says you have.
That’s why we have the power to decline because we also have something better.
The word soar, where it says depart from evil, also means put away.
In Joshua, the word is used to say they put away the gods of their fathers.
That word put away, you know, means is putting out of your life. You’ve got the power.
I remember when I came to Lord, there were things I had to literally physical objects.
I said, has no more place in my life. You know, certain albums had no more place.
Magazine, no more place. You know, you know, the the we have the power and sometimes you have to physically put something away.
This is Jonathan Khan. Thanks for watching.
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