The Power Of Anointing To Do Everything You Need To Do | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Power Of Anointing To Do Everything You Need To Do | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn shares what a blessing it is to be in the mantle of the Messiah who anoints and empowers you to fulfill your calling.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

but you are called to that you are given that you are chosen as much as David was chosen to be king as much as Elijah was called to be a prophet you are called to live in the glory of Messiah imagine imagine if you received the if you were Elisha and you received the actual the cloak of Elijah or Moses but you have a greater mantle than that of Moses on you imagine if you were the you know you’re the only one in the world so you’re sitting back there saying okay for everybody but imagine you were the only one in the world the
Messiah said okay I’m putting my mantle on you whoa but the fact is it’s just as great the fact we’re not the only one he gives it to every but it’s just as great as if you were the only one that is just that is amazing and if you don’t feel you don’t feel adequate nobody feels adequate if they’re if they’re humble you know people who feel adequate are the people who are not adequate those who are not adequate are the ones who could say who can become adequate well do you think Joshua felt
adequate I got Moses’s thing on me what am I going to do probably told his wife I don’t know what to do you know Elisha do you think he felt adequate no do we feel adequate no but we don’t just have his mantle in in the way we think about it we have his anointing his anointing the spirit is the anointing of messiah messiah when he died he took your sin he didn’t died generally he took your sin specifically every sin specifically it’s Unique to you and him he died your death specifically that you would live his
life specifically you can only live his life by his specific anointing so it’s not just that he has an anointing for everybody he has a specific anointing for you and your life you have been given the cloak of the Messiah whoa that’s like the Ark of the Covenant to perform the The Works of Messiah to live the life of Messiah to love with the love of Messiah to overcome with the Victory and power of Messiah now think when the anointed came on Joshua it wasn’t just that it was Moses’s anointing on him when the
anointed came on Joshua it was his anointing to fulfill specifically the calling for which Joshua was born to his mother that’s right amen same with Elijah it wasn’t just Elijah’s anointing or Spirit it was the spirit that was going to fulfill his own calling so if the anointing of Messiah has come upon you is given to you it’s the anointing of Messiah but it’s also your anointing in Messiah meaning it’s the anointing to specifically fulfill the calling for which you were born you can only find that in Messiah
yes amen you see it’s like he you know like a cloak you picture a cloak well picture that day of Pentecost and that that didn’t stop then it’s been going across the world in all nations when people receive but but it’s like this massive cloak Garment of of Messiah and but one part of that garment is specific to your life it’s His Garment we can only do it together because he’s so great but in that garment are the threads of your for your life amen is’t that cool am now think about it the
Bible says all things were created through the word through him who is the word Messiah so if all things if all things were created through him it wasn’t just that all things generally were every little detail was created through him now everything has to be redeemed through him because he’s the one through whom it was created that includes you wasn’t just wasn’t just general it was specific so specifically in him we find us in him you find the one you were born to be to become the more you get into him the more you
become specifically the person you were born to become amen the mantle of Messiah will enable you to do whatever you need to do in your life to live the life to to run the race complete the course finish the race you are not called to do anything that he can’t do through you and that he won’t to through you you understand doesn’t matter how hard it is cuz it’s not about how hard it is for you it’s how hard it is for for him and it’s not hard for him so therefore you you the anointing enables
you you the Bible says God says I have created all these works for you to enter into I mean the Bible says it in a different way says that he created these works for us to go into it’s already created before him how do you do it by his power by his anointing you’ll do all those things you’ll do all those things so what is the calling you’ve got well there’s a general calling for all of us number one it’s to be holy you can be to glorify God with our life to do good to love God to love others to to be a light
to the world the anointing is to enable you to do all those things which you can’t do on your own and in a nutshell it’s to live the life of Messiah and have Messiah live in you see like how can in like saying how can I live the Christian Life or the messian life how can I live it you cannot only he can how only the Christ can live the Christian Life only the Messiah can live a Messianic life so but when him and you but it’s not supposed to be without him anyway if it’s without him it’s not some other religion but
it’s only he can do it and he’s in you and that’s the point he in you the anointing upon you the spirit of him in you to do what he will do do what he wants to do desire he’ll do it in you he’ll make your desire will become his desire his desire becomes yours Hallelujah think about it what we say what does messiah mean the Messiah means the anointed so think about it our faith is based on the anointed yes so we have that means we have an anointed Faith how do you live an anointed Faith how do you
live in anointed Faith you can’t unless you’re anointed you can’t because to live the quote Christian life means you’re living the anointed life so how I want to be anointed I want to be an anointed person how do you become an anointed person by being anointed amen so the fact that you can’t do it on your own and I can’t do it on my own the fact that when we try to do it on our own what do we we mess it up right that shouldn’t be a surprise you know on your own we can’t do it but
with the anointing you can do it and you can stop doing those other things no matter who you are you are called to live the life of Messiah as you as you were born to in a way that nobody else can amen you’re called to to do the The Works of Messiah the ministry of Messiah whether you’re a man woman child old or young it doesn’t matter but you are called to that you are given that you are chosen as much as David was chosen to be king as much as Elijah was called to be a prophet you are called to live
in the glory of Messiah am amen what is the anointing there was no oil given on Pentecost but that because it the allil represent it was just the pure thing it was the radesh the the spirit of God the mantle of Messiah comes in the spirit of God think about it what did he say before he left he said you will be what clothed clothed on with power from on high the spirit is your clothing is the mantle what do you think Elisha would have thought after Elijah anoints him now he walks over he’s got the he’s got
that mantle well this mantle is pretty powerful but what do I do now he must have many times said undoubtedly what would Elijah do what would Elijah have done now what would he do I’m sure Joshua would say Okay Lord okay what would Moses do he might had a bracelet what would Moses do ww MD hi I’m Jonathan KH and I hope you were blessed with the video make sure you hit the Subscribe button and tap the Bell icon so you’re notified every time a new video is posted feel free to share your reactions with your comments and
how you were blessed and share this video with your friends thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time
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