The Pope Francis End-Time Apostasy | Jonathan Cahn Prophetic

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The Pope Francis End-Time Apostasy | Jonathan Cahn Prophetic

A seismic and prophetic event just happened in our culture end-time – Jonathan Cahn exposes it and what it means for the end-times and your future

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

On this site, I’ve addressed the president Hollywood Rolling Stone magazine, and now I need to address the pope.
What just happened is ramifications for the future, even for the end times. I don’t have a choice.
This is to all of you who watch my messages and to you who are Catholic, and those who are not Catholic, send it to your Catholic friends.
And for that matter, to your non Catholic friends, this is Jonathan Connor.
First to note, as more and more people watch this channel, there are all sorts of fake Jonathan sites springing up like mushrooms, If he doesn’t say official with a check mark in the title, it’s a fake.
As this past year drew to a close, something seismic happened.
The repercussions of which are gonna be felt for years.
For many of you, this is your wake up call.
The pope, the head of the Catholic church, the one whom Catholic doctrine says is the vicar of Christ.
Messiah’s representative on Earth decreed that the Catholic church is now to give its blessings to same sex unions.
After nearly 2000 years of designating such things as grievous sin, which has been the stand of Christianity for 2000 years.
The pope has decided that the Catholic church is now going to bless these unions.
Now the official Catholic doctrine on such matters is that they are, quote, intrinsically disordered contrary to natural law grave depravity.
And under no circumstances, can they be approved or blessed?
So now the church is going to bless what it says is intrinsically disordered and grave to property, by the decree of Pope Francis.
The Catholic church’s last May statement on the issue said, god cannot bless sin, but now the Pope has declared that the Catholic church apparently can bless sin.
As believers, we are to love all people in all situations. Pray for them.
That includes everyone and everyone involved in such things. It’s written such for some of you.
We’re all in the same boat, but that’s not what this is saying.
This is not about praying for individuals or showing them god’s love.
This is about the pope telling the Catholic church it is now going to give its blessing on same sex couples, a same sex union.
Now from the start, I have nothing personally against the Pope.
If he lived next door to me, I’m sure he’d be a nice neighbor, but this is not about a person.
It’s about what he did as someone who bears the title, Victor or representative of Christ Messiah to the world.
As far as the former statement of the Catholic Office of doctrine that said god cannot bless sin, the pope in effect fired that man who was in charge of that and replaced him with a friend who was willing to issue this new directive.
The statement doesn’t even specify couples who are celibate.
So these are undoubtedly people who are presently engaging in what Catholic doctrine defines a sexual immorality and grave depravity.
Now if they who are sleeping together in such unions are to be blessed by the church, Then certainly heterosexual couples who are sleeping together or in what the Bible says, it, fornication, must also be blessed by the church.
And what then is to stop the church from having a blessing ceremony for couples in adultery.
They can say, well, that’s a sin against marriage, but so is this.
Pope Francis and his leadership has said it’s about inclusion and progressing. It’s about being loving. No.
It’s not about inclusion. Or loving. We are to love and reach out with the love of god to everyone.
But this is something else. What is it? I’ll tell you what it is in one word.
The word appears in the Bible. It’s called apostasy.
This is the pope’s great moment of It’s a watershed moment.
It’s a red flag moment, a milestone for Catholicism and even for Western Civilization.
Now if you were watching closely, you could see it coming.
This is the same pope who warned Christians against sin, no idolatry, no evil, no.
He warned Christians against, quote, rigidity of ready, the 10 commandments against being 2 set on the 10 commandments.
So which of the 10 commandments must we not become to set on? Having other gods, idols, coveting, adultery, murder.
Which one’s exactly should we become less strong about?
The pope went on to say that god gives us the freedom to search our own conscience for commandments, really.
So that thing that happened on Mount Sinai with Moses was a mistake.
So Moses should have come down from the mountain and told the Israelites, I have these 10 commandments in stone, but don’t get too set on them.
Search your own conscience for your own commandments. And if your conscience says, adultery is okay, go for it.
Other gods, more power to you.
Worshiping a golden calf as you’re doing right now, god bless you, or may the golden calf bless you?
Pope Francis said that someone who holds strongly to such things as the 10 commandments has something wrong with them.
Does that include Jesus because as far as I know, Jesus was pretty set on them.
The pope went on to say that the 10 commandments are not a gift from god. Really?
Well, then who gave them? Did they descend to Sinai from a spaceship?
He goes on to say that while the tank amendments are not a gift from god, the beatitudes are because quote, they make you feel good.
The beatitudes are part of a sermon in which the lord Messiah said, if you even look at a woman in lust, you’re committing adultery.
It’s hyper 10 commandments. I mean, a ten year old Sunday school student would know that, but the pope apparently did not read that far into it.
And he said this, I always try to understand what’s behind people who are too young to have seen Moses walk down from Mount Sinai with the 10 commandments.
And yet they still want to obey them. Did he actually say that? What is that?
They shouldn’t follow the 10 commandments because the commandments came a while back you weren’t there, it doesn’t count.
Forget about him. If you’re not over three thousand years old, don’t worry about it.
Now it’s not that the 10 commandment save us. Messiah does. But is it okay to commit adultery now?
Apparently, it’s okay to commit grave depravity.
And if you throw the 10 commandments out, then you throw everything out because as as I know, the Bible came out before most of us were born.
As did the beatitudes, in fact, I believe Jesus came out before we were born.
We’re not supposed to follow him.
This is not an accident right after he issued the directive to bless same sex unions.
Pope Francis issued this directive. Listen.
Let us remain vigilant against sin, no, darkness, no apostasy, no, Let us remain vigilant against rigid.
There’s that word again. Ideological positions, meaning positions from the word of god.
And he goes on under the guise of good intentions, guys, that means that that those who uphold the word of god, well, it’s that they don’t really have good intentions.
It’s only a guise. They have evil intentions.
This is also not an accident because though he speaks as if his directives are for mercy and inclusivity, He has spoken of those who hold to the Bible or who are conservative as evil.
So it’s not just don’t hold firmly to the word of god.
But that those who do hold firmly or strongly to god’s word are actually evil.
He goes on, holding to such positions, meaning biblical positions, quote, separate us from reality and prevent us from moving forward.
So according to the pope, holding to the word of god separates us from reality and prevents us from moving forward, moving forward into what?
It has to be moving forward away from the positions of the word of god.
If moving forward means moving forward off a cliff, then I don’t wanna be part of that forward moving movement.
Because it’s not really forward, it’s downward.
He goes on to say we are called instead to set out and journey like the Magi following the light that always desires to lead us on at times along unexplored paths and new roads.
So the pope is saying that we are 2 now go on a, quote, new road, which means a road that’s new to thousands of years of the new testament and Judeo Christian faith.
That means different. He says we have to go on a path that has been unexplored, meaning in the thousands of years of biblical faith, or in other words, unbiblical and unbiblical road.
And he frames it as taking up the journey of the Magi. Not sounds nice.
What could be wrong with that? Well, for one thing, the Magi were pagan.
Christians are not supposed to be pagan. The pope is not supposed to be pagan.
The Magine were pagan astrologers searching open to god and his revelation. It led them to Jesus.
The Bible says then god spoke to them in a dream, so then they received the word then they needed to follow the word.
If we’ve received god and the word, then we are not supposed to be open to following that which departs from the word and god.
But to hold to it, and not proceed toward paganism. What does the Bible say?
The apostle says this in 2nd thessalonians Let nobody deceive you in any way for it will not come the day of the lord unless the apostasy comes first.
And the man of lawlessness is revealed the son of destruction.
Before the lord comes, there must first be a great apostasy. That’s biblical prophecy.
The word apostasy comes from the Greek apostasia to fall away from one stand.
Let me say that again, to fall away or depart from one stand.
This is now the Catholic church under the pope falling away from its own stand, from the biblical stand on sexual morality.
If someone is in a sin that the Bible says we’ll exclude them from salvation, eternal life, and lead them to judgment, if you love them, you don’t bless their sin.
You don’t sanctify their state of sin because that’s leading them to judgment.
You share with them the truth in love and do everything you can to bring them to god and his will.
And no matter what this document from the pope is saying, it’s blessing the sin.
It’s communicating to the Catholic church and lands that it’s okay.
If somebody is suffering from a fatal disease that’s destroying them and you know the cure and you can tell them about it, but you don’t.
Instead, you bless their disease, their state of disease, You’re not loving them. You’re hating them.
Because instead of bringing them life, you’re consigning them to death.
Any sin that would keep somebody from salvation in everlasting life is fatal.
If I don’t give them the medicine, but encourage them to stay in that state of dying, I’m not loving them, I am hating them.
It’d be the same if the pope were now to say, I’m gonna bless couples in adultery.
Forget about what man is saying. What does the word of god say?
The word of god is very clear.
For example, in 1st Corinthians, it says this, do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god.
Do not be deceived, neither the sexually immoral nor idolators, adulterers, thieves, the greedy, the habitually drunk, verbal abusers, swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of god.
And to put it into modern terms, it says, and those practicing same sex sexuality.
That is the word of god. Then it goes on to say, such were some of you.
But you were cleansed. You were sanctified. You were justified in the name of the lord Jesus. Yeshshua, the Messiah.
And in the spirit of our god.
But now that the Catholic church is saying you have our blessing in that state, and actually in that union.
Well, those people are not gonna be cleansed or saved. What you’re doing is blessing them into hell.
And the idea that the pope really didn’t change anything, it’s that’s just semantics. That’s sophistry.
If you have to spend 5000 words to try to argue that nothing has changed you can be sure that everything has changed.
It’s like saying we’re still against slavery, but now we’re gonna have a special ceremony to bless slave owners They’re gonna come into the church with a slave in chains, and we’re gonna bless that union.
And the culture is not gonna be reading that document anyway.
They’re just gonna seeing same sex couples being blessed in Catholic churches. The pope has opened up the flood gates.
And once you open up the flood gates, don’t expect that you’ll be able to close them.
Expect a flood. Once you could bless what you yourself have called sin and disordered against natural law and grave depravity, You can and will bless anything.
What will stop there from being ceremonies and blessings for those committing fornication?
What about ceremonies and blessings for those living in polygamy?
What about ceremonies for a father and daughter involved in incest and the church blesses their union?
What about an abortion blessing ceremony?
A woman comes in with child and her abortionist at her side, and they both received the blessing.
Don’t dismiss it. Well, the pope just sanctioned was far more shocking a number of years back than these things are today.
How did this all happen? And what does it mean?
Did an angel come down from heaven with a new revelation saying, hey, guys. We had it all wrong. Sorry.
God made a mistake. It’s not really a grave depravity anymore.
In fact, now you are to bless what you just called a grave sin. No?
What happened was our civilization is descending headlong into apostasy and rebellion against god in his ways.
Now Pope Francis is following it.
Just as the liberal main line of apostate Protestant churches have done so as well. But this is even bigger.
So years back, not even secular atheists would have anything to do with blessing such things.
But now the pope, now Catholicism. When you see that happening, know that time is late.
How does a pope or a church go from agreeing with the Bible in this matter that this is a grave sin to now blessing it?
The same way the American Democratic Party once firmly said that marriage is between a man and a woman.
The same way that one of their leaders said, quote, marriage is between a man and a woman and states must respect that.
Who said that? Joe Biden said that who then signed the respect for marriage act that said marriage is not between a man and woman and all states must respect that.
They all turned. They all said it was wrong, and then they all turned and said it was now good to be blessed.
And now those who oppose it, are to be stigmatized, marginalized, or punished. It’s not even rational.
How can you totally stand for something and then against the very thing you’ve totally stood for with no rational explanation for your metamorphosis.
It’s called apostasy. It’s the turning. The turning way.
It’s as if a spell was cast from our culture.
I spoke of this in the book, the return of the Gods, the spirits that are now taking over our culture, even ancient spirits.
And one of those spirits was specifically connected to the bending and twisting of sexuality.
And gender, the merging of male and female.
When you turn away from god, you open the door to these things.
Was Joe Biden visited by an angel No. Was the pope visited by an angel? No.
We’re certainly not a good one. And this is how it happens. First, they say this is definitely wrong. Sin.
Well, then they say, well, it’s wrong, but it’s not so simple. Then we’re wrestling with it.
That’s what Obama said. He said he was wrestling with same sex marriage for years until the poll said it was now about 50.50 or the majority in favor.
And then all of a sudden, the wrestling match came to an end.
And then the person reverses their original stand and announces that they are now for what they were against.
They begin warring against the people who did not reverse themselves, but stayed faithful.
What the pope just did is the papal version of don’t ask, don’t tell. What was that?
In the 19 nineties, Bill Clinton opened up the military to same sex sexuality, and there was a massive public outcry against him.
He came up with don’t ask, don’t tell. Didn’t change the policy, but it changed how it would be treated.
Basically, it wouldn’t be enforced, so it would be nullified.
So Pope Francis said his priest shouldn’t be asking such questions. Just give the blessing of the church.
It’s the Latin translation of don’t ask, don’t tell, but it never stops there.
Don’t ask, don’t tell it didn’t stop there.
It was just the means to open the door to what many now call the queering of the American military, which exactly what happened.
To where we now have even taxpayer dollars paying for the surgical transitioning of fighting men or women.
And those who are not for this policy are now persecuted.
They can be persecuted even in the military.
That’s what this is The church.
It happened to the Democratic party, happened to much of older mainline Protestant churches, It’s happened to the Boy Scouts.
It’s happened to the corporate world.
It’s happened to the school system, and now it’s happening to the pope and the Catholic church.
It’s one thing when the Democratic party goes this way or the Boy Scouts or Hollywood.
But it’s a whole another animal, a much bigger one, and a prophetic sign when Rome and the Vatican and the Catholic church go that way.
And it will have massive ramifications. You see, The Catholic church and Western civilization are intrinsically joined.
If the Roman Catholic church should blatantly war against the word of god, then All Western civilization and much of world civilization will be affected.
Then all the restraints will be removed for the unbeliever as well as the nominal believer.
One of the key markers of the Christianization of Western Civilization in the Roman empire was the change that the gospel about in the realm of sexuality, sexual morality.
Sexual immorality was part of paganism, same sex relations was part of paganism.
Gender confusion was part of paganism. The gospel changed that.
What we are now witnessing is the reversal of what happened. We’re witnessing the return to paganism.
And to these ancient spirits. And now the change is being wrought by the church.
And since the Roman based church or what became the Catholic church, had a major role in solidifying these moral changes away from paganism for this to happen now in the Catholic churches a major sign.
Toward a post Christian pagan, apostate, end time civilization.
That’s why this whole issue is so dangerous for the Christian faith because it will attempt to end Christianity or true Christianity.
For the true believer, for the true follower of god, it means something else. It will mean persecution.
Mark my words. What happened at the end of 2023 with the pope’s new policy is not gonna stop there.
It was just the beginning. And it won’t stop with unions.
There will be marriages and full out celebrations of what Catholic doctrine says is disordered and engraved depravity.
And those who resist the celebrating of this will be pressured to go along with it or punish or castigated, maybe even excommunicated.
It sounds like a science fiction, where everybody gets taken over, or horror movie, or something else, Well, it sounds like biblical prophecy.
See, the times of which the Bible foretells it’s now.
It says when men shall be lovers of self without natural affection, haters of the good, teaching perverse doctrines, that’s the end times.
The Bible says in the end times, the Jewish people will return to their homeland.
Israel will be back in the world, and the entire world will focus on Israel and its controversy.
Israel will be fighting for its existence. That’s what the Bible says. We’re here.
It was for this reason that in the newest book I wrote, the Josiah manifesto, the subtitle was the guide for the end times because we’re there.
And we need to be prepared for what’s coming.
In the last few weeks, I was about to start writing the next book, which was gonna be the sequel to the return of the god.
And I will write that book, but I was led that right now I had to write a different book, which more than any other that I’ve written is about the end times.
Because we’re here and it’s accelerating going faster than ever before. Pray for me as I do this.
The Bible says that in the last days, It will be a time when people will worship that which is not god in the end, even to worship one called the Antichrist or the beast.
Notice what Paul said. The apostasy, the falling away will come first.
Then he says the man of lawlessness, the Antichrist will be revealed.
It says all the earth will worship this one.
And it speaks about one called the false prophet who will lead the world to worship the antichrist.
Many see in this an end time false apostate church.
Many have seen in this a union of apostate churches even centered in Rome.
The Bible speaks of a beast with 7 heads that represents 7 hills.
The city famous for having 7 hills most famous is Rome. Now I’m not singling out one church.
It was the older mainline protestant denominations that led the way in this.
Rather, it’s as if all apostae churches will join together, but with Rome as its likely center.
And what just happened, if anything, has pointed in that direction? Of a global apostate coming Christianity.
Not just one denomination, but a union of many.
Note, just a day or 2 before the pope implemented the new policy, the Anglican church, the church of England implemented the same policy.
And just a few days after, he did it.
In the land of the pope, Italy, a Catholic church featured a nativity scene with 2 marries as if 2 lesbians.
Surprised. It is written that the end times will be marked by blasphemy.
And now it’s the church that’s committing it. These things are to happen before the end before Messiah comes.
But when he comes, you wanna be on the right side with him.
Those into these things will say, well, you’re not on the right side of history. Well, listen.
I don’t wanna be on the right side of history if history is disordered and fallen and apostate.
I wanna be on the right side of god. And that leads to this.
Many of you who listen to me who follow my teachings are from a Catholic background. Listen.
In the same way, it’s not love To not speak the truth in love when needed, I need to speak the truth here.
I may step on some toes, but I have to, or it’s not love.
This should tell you what just happened should tell you something very loud and clear.
It is the nature of man to go by tradition.
And for churches and sex and religions, to elevate their traditions to the word of god or versus the word of god.
Once you elevate the traditions of men, you’re on danger ground because then man takes the authority of god.
And where does that lead? It leads to this. This is your sign.
God says in the Bible, you make void the word of god.
He speaks to those who are doing it by your traditions, the traditions of men. Tradition is sent.
It can shift with the wind, as you can see. But the word of god is not sand.
It’s a rock. It’s the rock. It’s the only rock.
It’s this rock that you can stand on the only one and be saved.
The words and traditions and doctrines of men will pass away.
As it’s written, the grass withers the flower fades, but the word of our god endures forever.
Jesus, yeshua, Messiah himself said, heaven and earth will pass away, but my word will not pass away.
No pope can get you to heaven. No church can. There’s only one who can.
And his name is Jesus. Yes, Shua. The Messiah, your lord, your savior, and your redeemer.
No pope, no religious leader, died to save you. No church or church tradition died to save you.
Only one died to save you. Jesus.
There will be no Catholic section in heaven nor a Protestant section or any other, only one section a saved section.
The pope will have to answer before god for what he did. And what he’s gonna do.
And you will stand before god. We all will, and he won’t ask you what your religion was.
The last what your heart was.
And on that day, you won’t be able to say, well, this is what my church told me.
You were accountable. Not anybody else. God gave you his word, the Bible. Forget man.
Go by the word of god. The Bible says, let all men be liars, let god be true.
Get a Bible if you don’t have it. Go with that period.
God will speak to you directly through the word of god.
If the doctrines and traditions of men contradict the word of god, then let them go.
Follow the word of god. It is the rock. He himself will lead you.
Jesus said, come to me, and I’ll give you life.
He said, you must be born again, or you cannot enter heaven. It’s not religion. It’s your heart. It’s god.
You and god. A relationship. You and him.
It says as many has received him, not a church, not a tradition, as many has received him for real, each personally in their heart, They became the children of god, and they were not judged, but were saved for eternal life.
Heaven. My Catholic friends priest and bishops who follow these messages, this is for you a red flag.
What just happened? This is the time you have to draw the line.
You have to say no and resist and defy that which goes against the ways of god.
You have to stand solidly on the word of god and for the ways of god and let the chips fall where they may.
And this goes for anyone in any church, Catholic, or Protestant, orthodox, or any other that has fallen into a posse.
Anything that goes against the clear word of god you have to put away.
If you don’t and you don’t do it now, you’ll be swept away.
One compromise at a time leads to destruction. Ministers, leaders, pastors.
If you don’t do this now, you’re going to be leading those under your charge to destruction.
And their blood will be upon your head.
To lead anyone astray is a grievous sin with severe consequences with god. You have to say no.
If that means you have to separate yourself from any establishment, any organization, any system, any falsehood, then that’s what you have to do.
You’ve got one life, and one chance. No man or leader or institution is gonna be responsible for your salvation.
You are. When you stand before god on the day of the pope won’t be there to defend you.
He’ll be standing before god’s judgment as well.
The works of man, the institutions of man, the precepts of man will pass away.
But god and his word will remain forever.
And just as there are no denominations in heaven, so on earth, in the last days, it won’t be about one denomination or another, but about being a true follower of Jesus, the Messiah.
And it will be about a false and apostate church on the other side and the faithful and true and real followers on this side.
This is the hour. This is the moment when you have to make your stand before god once and for all.
And for you who have been involved in same sex relations alternate sexuality, it is love to tell you too that these things will rob you harm you draw you, keep you from salvation, lead you to judgment.
But god loves you. That’s why he speaks the truth.
He gave his life for you just as much as for anybody, and his arms are open to you to come out of the darkness and into the light.
We’re all in the same boat. And for those of you who are watching these events and confused, don’t be.
God said it would happen. All the more, you wanna make sure you’re right with him.
And the only way is to receive for real Jesus to be born again for real, to follow him for real as his disciple.
Could happen with a simple prayer. You can pray right after this video. He’ll keep you. He will guide you.
He’ll protect you. And to the pope, Pope Francis, You believe you are the vicar of Jesus, the one who’s been left with the charge of Messiah.
But Jesus speaks of those left in he gave a power of a man who left his house in the charge of a servant.
And while he was away, that servant went away from the word of the master.
And led the house against the ways of the master.
When the master returned, he judged that servant who had done God is real, and his word is eternal.
If you dilute his word, change his word, bend, transform his word, dismiss his word, war against it, You do so at your own peril.
The blood of the millions and millions you help lead away from god and away from his word and away from salvation will be upon you.
You will soon be in eternity and standing before the judgment seat of god as with everyone else.
And all the trappings of your office will be gone. It’s written.
It’s appointed for man to die and then judgment. It is written that god wills that all would repent.
That includes popes. The time you have to turn back is now.
For the rest of you watching, many of you have prayed. I wish I could live in Bible Times. Congratulations.
Welcome to the End Times perilous times, but the most exciting of times to rise up in the lord.
It’s time to be great. It’s time to have nothing more to do with that which wars against god.
It’s time to go all out for god.
Lastly, if you don’t wanna miss the prophetic messages that are gonna come from this channel, hit subscribe now to get the books, the free gifts, and more.
Stay tuned for what’s coming up.
And until next time, this is Jonathan Khan saying, be strong in the lord, and in the power of his might, shalom.
This is Jonathan Khan.
Thanks for watching. The Josiah manifesto and all my books you can get anywhere Amazon wherever books are sold.

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