The No’s of the Spirit | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The No’s of the Spirit | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
“One heartbeat,” he replied, “one heartbeat. That’s it. That’s all. You’re only one heartbeat away from eternity. Everything you have—your life, your breath, this moment, it’s all borrowed, it’s all a gift. And at any moment it all ends with a heartbeat…just one heartbeat, and there’s no more time. One heartbeat and the chance to be saved is gone. One heartbeat and there’s no more choosing—it’s all sealed for eternal life or eternal death.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
Verse six. So they passed through the region and elation region after being for Bellison, forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia, forbidden after they came to my CIA, they were trying to verse seven to go into Lithuania and the spirit of Jesus did not allow them.
Wow, they were forbidden. The Greek word Culuko stopped, prevented, kept from withstood by the spirit from preaching the word in Asia.
It was a Roman province of Asia. Paul will minister in that area at another time.
But right now, the they are forbidden by the spirit.
How well we don’t know, could have been through doors closing, hindrances, obstacles, things not working out.
Could have been a prophetic word.
Could have been, could have been persecution, could have been a dream, could have been a strong check, prophecy, lack of peace, but they were prevented from spreading the gospel in that area.
The Holy Spirit empowers us. He he comes about, he anoints us but he also prevents us.
Not only does he lead us to go, he also leads us to stop and the stopping is just as important as going.
If you don’t believe that try driving without stopping. It’s just as important. You gotta go, but you gotta stop.
You know, the spirit in Hebrew is what is, what the wind, the breath, the holy wind.
That’s what it means. If you’re walking with the wind, the winds at your back, you’re going.
But if you’re walking against the wind, it’s gonna stop you or it’s gonna make, it’s gonna make it hard for you to go against God’s will.
And that’s good when you have obstacles in your life.
Wow, they were forbidden. The Greek word Culuko stopped, prevented, kept from withstood by the spirit from preaching the word in Asia.
It was a Roman province of Asia. Paul will minister in that area at another time.
But right now, the they are forbidden by the spirit.
How well we don’t know, could have been through doors closing, hindrances, obstacles, things not working out.
Could have been a prophetic word.
Could have been, could have been persecution, could have been a dream, could have been a strong check, prophecy, lack of peace, but they were prevented from spreading the gospel in that area.
The Holy Spirit empowers us. He he comes about, he anoints us but he also prevents us.
Not only does he lead us to go, he also leads us to stop and the stopping is just as important as going.
If you don’t believe that try driving without stopping. It’s just as important. You gotta go, but you gotta stop.
You know, the spirit in Hebrew is what is, what the wind, the breath, the holy wind.
That’s what it means. If you’re walking with the wind, the winds at your back, you’re going.
But if you’re walking against the wind, it’s gonna stop you or it’s gonna make, it’s gonna make it hard for you to go against God’s will.
And that’s good when you have obstacles in your life.

When you have obstacles, you might be saying, you know, well, okay, that means it’s, you know, God’s not leading that or, or, you know, or, or something’s going on.
But how about God? Maybe leading me even in the obstacle? There are times that obstacles are not God certainly.
And the enemy, if you know something is definitely God’s will for your life or God’s will in the Bible, you know that then, and you know where it’s just going against that.
Well, you know, then that’s, then you push through.
But other, there are times that the obstacles are not from the enemy, but maybe from God.
And he may be saying, wait, he may be saying no either way but the spirit leads through the yes is of God and the nose of God, just like how many parents you only say yes to your kids.
You can’t, if you love them, you have to say yes and no.
So God examples in the Bible belem is going out doing what he knows he should not do.
He’s going to try to come up with a prophecy to curse Israel and his donkey stops him.
Balloons donkey stops him. It’s God trying to stop him.
Moses is heading to Egypt and yet he said he was almost killed because he was not obeying God.
He didn’t circumcise his kids. So God was withstanding.
There’s a story of a man who was a famous preacher.
He fell in a fog and he tripped over just beyond where he tripped was a cliff.
The fall stopped him from dying and he he came to the Lord.
We gotta thank God, not just for the yeses but for the nose.
Even when we don’t know what, we don’t fully understand them yet. Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn.
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