The Mystery Priesthood | Jonathan Cahn Special
The Mystery Priesthood | Jonathan Cahn Special
Could a mysterious ancient priesthood lie behind what’s taking place in our culture, on our television sets on Tiktok in our Children’s classrooms.
This is Jonathan call in the return of the Gods.
The latest book I’ve written it opens up this mystery reveals it in full.
We’re going to get a taste of it. What is happening right now? Why is it happening? What’s transforming us?
What’s touching your life and where is it going?
What’s the future and what do you need to know what you need to do to prevail return of the gods.
I speak of the ancient spirits, Principalities that have returned from ancient times into our culture.
One of them is called the enchantress, the goddess of sexuality. But she’s also known as the transformer.
She she says she turns a man into a woman, a woman into a man.
I put it in the return of the gods that says she dresses men up as women.
She dresses women up as men. Now. She had a mysterious priesthood.
They were called back then the casino, the Kalu and the gala.
They were men who walked around in her temple. They were dressed up as women. They acted as women.
They spoke some of them in in women’s pitch. So what would we expect if she returned?
We would expect to see the beginning of this phenomenon.
We would expect to see the beginning of men dressing up as women and women dressing up as men.
If you see this happening, you’re seeing the return of her priesthood and the return of the goddess herself, the spirit taking possession of culture.
And if you see it celebrated, then you’re seeing it even more.
So you see, because in ancient times, in pagan times, this was part of pagan times.
It hasn’t been and it was celebrated, but you haven’t seen it.
But the fact if you’re seeing it now, it means we are returning to pagan times and returning the gods have returned and this principality has returned and is taking possession of of our culture.
Again, we’re watching the end of a christian civilization and the return of the pagan one and of the spirits.
You see back then, androgyny was everywhere. This is the goddess of androgyny of male and female together.
So back then, she had a priest today, they would be called cross dressers or drag queens and more and more.
This is her priesthood. Remember messiahs gave a warning, he said, when the spirit comes back into a man who’s been was possessed and delivered if they returned to the man and he gets repossessed, it’s gonna be worse than before.

Well, in pagan times, the goddess, you know, was seeking to possess a priesthood.
But now coming back, it’s where she’s seeking to possess an entire generation.
She’s seeking to confuse an entire generation of Children, that’s why they are the focal point to confuse to blend Children.
You see when you turn away from God, this is what happens.
You know, there’s the only options have ever been is God or paganism.
There’s no in between and so back then we could see it was going to happen. It’s happening now.
That’s why it’s happening now. You know, and this is just a taste of the mystery that’s revealed in full, in the return of the gods.
You’re gonna see it with crystal clarity and understanding. You can say yes.
Now I see it, it’s like, wow and where it’s going, what’s the future and what do you need to know to survive and prevail return of the gods is available everywhere, wherever there are books for you to get and to get for those people in your life who need to know it next time.
The message will be the secret behind what’s happening to our nation, to our Children.
It’s gonna explain everything. It’s going to be called the dance of the transition. It subscribe.
So you don’t miss it. This is Jonathan cahn. I’ll see you next time with the dance of the transition.
Their hormones affected their like just as it’s happening now. And I found an ancient inscription.
I put it in the book where it describes the transition.
Men dancing before the goddess and they’re dancing hole with scalp als