The Molten Beast | Jonathan Cahn Special
The Molten Beast | Jonathan Cahn Special
Has the sign of an ancient god. An ancient entity.
Spirit called the possessor has, it appeared in America a sign that he’s actually in the process of possessing taking over America, this is Jonathan cahn.
We’re going to give you a taste of the return of the gods.
What we’ve seen so far is that as America and the west turned away from God, it opened the door to ancient spirits.
The same spirits that Israel, ancient Israel opened itself up to when it turned away from God.
The first one is called the possessor. There’s a dark trinity. The first is called the possessor or in hebrew.
Now We saw how al or this spirit, the same spirit entered into American culture.
When we turned away in the 1960s, we started dramatically emptying ourselves of God.
This spirit comes in well who was Hollow Bell. What did he look like?
The depictions we have of him, he’s wearing bullhorns.
That was one depiction part human, part bull, but the other symbols of vale were simply bulls, particularly molten bulls that were all over Israel all over the Middle East, the sign of vale molten bulls or bronze bulls.
That same image is not only linked to, it’s an image of a, of a nation that has once known god but turned away from God given itself to the to the gods, but also, I mean it’s a symbol of a fall of a nation and a nation possessed by the possessor, even the golden calf that you hear about when you know that the Israelites bill that’s actually a golden bull calf.
The word in Hebrew is a legal means.
It was, it was a bull and so it was a young bull.
Spirit called the possessor has, it appeared in America a sign that he’s actually in the process of possessing taking over America, this is Jonathan cahn.
We’re going to give you a taste of the return of the gods.
What we’ve seen so far is that as America and the west turned away from God, it opened the door to ancient spirits.
The same spirits that Israel, ancient Israel opened itself up to when it turned away from God.
The first one is called the possessor. There’s a dark trinity. The first is called the possessor or in hebrew.
Now We saw how al or this spirit, the same spirit entered into American culture.
When we turned away in the 1960s, we started dramatically emptying ourselves of God.
This spirit comes in well who was Hollow Bell. What did he look like?
The depictions we have of him, he’s wearing bullhorns.
That was one depiction part human, part bull, but the other symbols of vale were simply bulls, particularly molten bulls that were all over Israel all over the Middle East, the sign of vale molten bulls or bronze bulls.
That same image is not only linked to, it’s an image of a, of a nation that has once known god but turned away from God given itself to the to the gods, but also, I mean it’s a symbol of a fall of a nation and a nation possessed by the possessor, even the golden calf that you hear about when you know that the Israelites bill that’s actually a golden bull calf.
The word in Hebrew is a legal means.
It was, it was a bull and so it was a young bull.

And so when they turned away the very first turning away which happened at Sinai when they turned away from the 10 Commandments from moses, they turned to the bull and when Israel later turned away from God, when it split into two, it erected again this golden, this this eagle bull calf, an idol so all over Israel.
When it turned away from God, the sign of bail manifested, materialized the sign particularly of a molten bronze bull in the end or a molten metal bull.
Now the question if America turned away from God to this spirit, if it started being possessed by it could the sign actually appear the sign of this ancient entity, God actually appear in America.
It already has go to New york city, the place where the harbingers are and you’ll see it a molten bronze bull, the sign of veil, but they had no idea what they were doing.
They didn’t know it, but the mystery just manifests, it’s a sign has appeared in the streets of new york city, the sign of what of a nation that once knew God.
But then turned away from God and turned to the gods, a nation that gave itself to the spirit of the possessor interesting because the spirit of, of bail bail was linked to prosperity.
Well even in America we we link our prosperity to a bull, we call prosperous market a bull market where bullish and and it was actually erected in the financial district.
We have literally turned away from God and the sign of the possessor has actually manifested in our nation.
This is just a little taste of the mystery revealed in the return of the gods.
This is the mystery that’s going to show you the reason behind everything that’s happening and what you need to know and how to prevail in the days ahead to get the return of the gods.
It’s everywhere, wherever there are books for you and also for get it for the people in your life who need to know and this is what we’re gonna be opening up and give you more taste of.
We’re going to see next time an actual object linked to the ancient temple, the actual temple object that also appeared on the streets of New york city and I was there to witness it.
Hit subscribe. So you don’t miss it. This is Jonathan cahn.
I’ll see you next time with the portal