The Majesty Of Jesus Christ – B

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The Majesty Of Jesus Christ – B

Luke 9:37-45

Today, Pastor Jack tells us that since Jesus has authority over the spiritual realm, the physical realm, and over all things, He still rules through love. And, it’s through that love that He communicates with us. His sacrifice for our sins is true love in action, in giving, and enduring.

I can handle this church on my own.
I can handle ministry on my own.
Hey, mom, dad, I can handle my kids on my own. That’s the world we live in now.
That’s the government we live in now, we can do it on our own.
God, get out of school, get out of government, get out of the Supreme Court.
We’ll do it on our own.
God help us if we ever become Christians or a church that says, we’ll do it on our own.
One of the greatest signs when the Holy Spirit is no longer consulted is when a ministry or a Christian home, instead of consulting God just throws money at a problem.
It’s easy to throw money at a problem.
In fact, let’s be honest, if you throw enough money at a problem, you can probably fix it.
But is it of God very dangerous.
This calls me and challenges me to search my own motives about everything that I think, say and do.
It’s amazing. Am I empowered by the Holy Spirit very quickly?
Micah chapter three verse eight mic of the prophet. He said, I’m full of power by the Holy Spirit.
Wow, Jesus Christ in Luke 4 14 says that he returned in the power of the Holy Spirit in the Galilee and ministered Ephesians 5 17 and 18.
I love this verse jot it down. You’ll love it too. Ephesians 5 17 and 18.
It says, therefore, do not be unwise but be understanding of what the will of the Lord is.
Do not be drunk with wine in which there’s dissipation but be filled with the spirit.
That’s a great thing about that verse. Here it is.
And I don’t know why the old King James translators didn’t translate it as it says in the Greek language.
This is what it says. It’s great.
You know, the Bible is written in Hebrew and in Greek and a little bit of a not Arabic Aramaic watch this In the original Greek.
It says Ephesians 5 17. Therefore do not be stupid. Don’t you love that? I love that?
In fact, it’s emphatic. Stop being stupid. It therefore stop being stupid. It implies that we are stupid.
Therefore, stop it. What? Being stupid about what?
But understand what the will of the Lord is. I want to know, I want to know good.
Here’s the answer. Verse 18, don’t be drunk with wine in which there’s dissipation is what he’s saying.
What happens when you drink too much wine, you get drunk, you get goofy.
People are funny when they start to get drunk. When they start to get drunk, they get very jovial. Hey.
Oh buddy, how are you, Bill? That’s listen for all of you non drinkers who know drinkers.
That’s the time to ask them for a loan. The first stage of drunkenness.
Oh buddy, man, I just love you. You know, I love you. You love me. I love you, man.
You’re my brother. You know. Come on, will you give me a loan? How much do you need?
Number two, Number two, they get real emotional, You know, back in 49 when I burned your car, you didn’t know it was me.
I’m sorry. And then third, they get obnoxious, violent sometimes.
And that’s usually before they’re out.
Here’s the thing the Bible says, why do you waste your time with that?
Now, I can preach a series of sermons on how the Bible says Christians shouldn’t be drunk.
You know what’s better than that?
If you get filled with the Holy Spirit, you’ll never want any other kind of spirit in you again because you know there’s no room for that kind of junk because here’s what happens when God gets a hold of you.
It is an awesome life and you don’t want to come down from that life by picking up a Jim beam or a Jack Daniels.
It’s a joke. But if you don’t have the Holy Spirit and power in your life, then you know what you’re going to go settle for what the world says is best.
I mean, here’s what happens.
You drink the alcohol and you get affected by it and then right in the middle of your yo man, we had a great time.
Can you wait a minute? Hang on.
I gotta go the bathroom, people drink and they gotta go to the bathroom.
That’s exactly what the Bible says.
Why be filled with drink in which this dissipation has to be eliminated, but rather be filled with the Holy Spirit.
And the word in Greek is over, be filled over and over and over and over again.
It’s awesome. The disciples stopped doing that. They looked at ministry.
Maybe if something is common, I can take care of this. Wow.
Second point this morning, our majestic Jesus rules in authority.
He rules in authority number one in the spiritual realm, of course, in the spiritual realm, he has absolute authority says in verse 42.
And as he, that is the, this is kind of strange. Listen as he was still coming. He who?
It’s a lower case. H it’s not the father but we don’t know. You can’t clearly discern.
Is it the demon or the son? The answer is both, it’s the demon and it’s the demonized son.
Why is that important? Watch what happens as he, the demonized son was still coming?
The demon that as he took control, threw the boy down and convulsed him. Isn’t this a horrible life?
Demonic possession? Should I say to you what I said?
The 1st and 2nd service, I’ll just say a little bit of it. Demon possession is real.
If you don’t believe me too bad, it’s real. You ought to have my job.
You say, well, maybe you’re talking to somebody with mental illness. Sometimes it is just mental illness.
Then sometimes when you see a body come off the ground and hover in mid air, that ain’t no mental illness.
At least I don’t think I’m that sick when you see someone’s eyes roll in the back of their head and turn absolutely stone black and voices coming out of their mouth.
That’s like 10, 15 voices, body contorted and body body being bruised right in front of you and nobody’s even touching them stuff when they say things and only you knew that when you were nine years old on that Saturday afternoon Or you were 18 years old and you were up in Oxnard.
How does that thing know that?
How does that person who’s a stranger that you’ve been called to make a house visitation?
Know that he’s a, what are you talking about?
Hey, you ever watched that program? I don’t, but I know people. Do.
You know this guy, John Edwards, the Chandler guy, the guy that people call up and they are there people in the show and they say, you know what this or that and he goes, yeah, you know what?
Yeah. Uh-huh. You know what your uncle said this to you?
When you were 13 and that’s why you’re this way. Oh my gosh. How did you know the spirit?
The spirit told me? And all these lemmings go, the spirit. Did you hear that?
The spirit told him what spirit, demonic stuff is real?
That’s why God condemns in Deuteronomy 13. All the way out to Deuteronomy. Chapter 18.
The, the consulting of mediums, spirits, witches suits, Sayers, tarot cards, palm reading oi boards, all that stuff.
Why they’re real. Hey, the Bible specifically mentions the horoscope that it’s demon powered. Oh, you horoscope.
I’ve, I’ve seen Christian websites that have little, their little help links and they have a horoscope tab and that’s demon.
You say, well, that’s just the game. There are demonic powers behind them.
It’s amazing the physical realm, the spiritual realm in the physical realm.
Jesus has absolute authority as well. Look at this verse 42. Then Jesus rebuked. That is the word gag.
He placed a gag order on the demon. I love that. It means he silenced it. Be quiet.
I love that. He gagged the unclean spirit and healed the child.
The word is renewed him, made him brand new in a second. Be quiet.
Kids made new. Third word gave him back to his dad.
The word is to present to make a presentation. You ever prepared for a corporate presentation?
All the work you do all the preparation.
You’ve got your, your boards up, you’ve got your pointer, you’ve got everything ready.
You’re going to make the big presentation.
That’s the word that Jesus used when he presented the child to the father.
Everybody, all that great multitude of people. That’s the understanding. Wow.
He presented him like a general presents the victory to the king. Isn’t that great? I love that.
Jesus controls the physical realm. You’re listening to Real Life with Pastor Jack Hibbs.
You know, to hear more episodes and maybe catch up in the series. Just go to Jack Hibbs dot com.
That’s Jack Hibbs dot com. And for now, let’s get back to our teaching once again, here’s Pastor Jack.
And then thirdly under this point, Jesus is authority over all and they were all amazed at the what The Majesty of God Verse 43.
That verse right there connects us to the day before and the mount of transfiguration.
The Greek New Testament in Luke 943 says, and they were all astounded at the evidence of God’s mighty power and his majesty and the magnificence of God.
Isn’t that beautiful? Third and final point verses 43 to 45.
It’s this our Majestic Jesus rules through love. He rules through love you guys.
You may think this corny. I have a movie that is one of my all time favorites of all time.
And I guess if you watch it once it’s corny, but I’ve watched it so many times.
I cannot count. It is so cool.
But there’s a scene in there where Sean Connery is King Arthur of over Camelot.
Yeah, first night. Very good.
And there’s a big debate about because Malians there who represents Satan and he’s challenging Sean Connery’s authority, King Arthur and Malian who again represents Satan says men don’t want to be ruled by love.
They need to be ruled by fear and torment and pain.
Well, Richard Gere is listening to the whole thing.
He’s Lance a lot and he’s got two kingdoms to pick from.
One guy is all dressed in black with a snarl in his face.
He got Booger hanging out of his nose, representing state.
And then there’s Sean Conway and there’s Sean Conner Sea and looks so fatherly and fig like and Lancelot, what do I do?
What do I do? And King Arthur says, Lancelot, go spend this night in prayer and if you do in the morning, you’ll be born again and, and he’s out there crying his guts out.
Oh God, what do I do?
And in the moment this dove flies away and Richard Gere stands up and he’s a totally new guy.
He’s got the kingdom in his heart, having the kingdom of his heart.
He winds up giving up Julia Arman, his hot lusty love that he’s after.
And he finds out that living for the kingdom and it’s love and for its king is greater than any woman that this world could produce.
And he falls in love with the kingdom and the message of the kingdom and he lives for the kingdom.
Listen Jesus Christ in his majesty communicates to us the love of God.
He speaks to us about the kingdom and this is what is tender verse 43.
But while everyone marveled at the things which Jesus did look, he said to his disciples, while they’re marveling, he says to his disciples, let these word sink down into your ears.
Guys, church don’t miss this guys. I’m gonna be betrayed.
My death is near. You need to have these words sink deep in your ears.
If you can’t get it straight about what just happened here.
If you can’t be dependent upon the spirit for everything, you’re never gonna make it through the rest of this book of Luke.
You’ll never make it to the end because if you have walked with the footmen and they’ve weed you.
What are you going to do when the chariots arrive? And when the Jordan begins to overflow, translated it.
If you can’t handle this situation, independence upon God for everything, when I’m crucified, you’ll freak.
You’re not getting it because your listen, your attempt to try to do it on your own is causing doubt and fear in your life.
And you can’t hear clearly. My friend. If you’re doubtful, fearful, you’re not hearing clearly.
I’m not hearing clearly. It’s through his love that he communicates what a tender moment literally while everyone’s eyes were wide and jaw agape at the things Jesus did.
Huh? Jesus turns while they’re all doing that. While they’re all preoccupied with awe.
Jesus says, hey, you guys get this straight. Let this sink deep into your ears.
What does he say? Sacrifice?
It’s through love that he sacrifices for the son of man is about to be betrayed.
Given up, surrendered into the hands of men. His love was sacrificial.
True love is giving, active, enduring his love. It’s sacrificial.
He’s telling them I’m going to go die. You got to get this. It’s not a bad thing.
I’m going to die the church. Why was Jesus determined to go to Jerusalem?
The cross was there? So then why didn’t he head to Syria Damascus?
Why didn’t he go to Beirut? Why didn’t he go to? He embraced the cross?
Why would he embrace the cross? Because he was going to die on the cross?
He was going to pay somebody’s debt on the cross.
Who’s debt your debt, my debt, our debt on the cross.
Jesus is going to the cross for you and I every one of you today and you might as well not me.
Yes, you all of mankind. The Bible says he died for all of mankind.
You want me to read that to you first, John two verses one and two.
First John 21 and two says my little Children, these things I write to you that you may not sin and if anyone does sin, he has an advocate.
Thank you Jesus. He has an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ, the righteous.
And he himself is the Propecia for our sins and not for our sins only but for the sins of the whole world.
Wow. He died for everybody. But listen, for you to benefit from that depth of his.
You have to accept him. You have to accept his sacrifice.
You have to say, yes, you have to say I do my friend.
Listen, Jesus is sacrificed for you and I is so precious that I know that you and I are overly mindful of our unworthiness.
We sin all the time, even when we don’t want to, even if we have a great day of boy, I’m really doing great.
Then we start to get arrogant about it. Boy, look at me, God, I’m doing so great.
Then we sin because we’ve done so great.
Listen, when Christ who is our hope shall appear, it says that we will appear with him in glory.
That means that that incredible redemptive process and what’s called sanctification, it will be over.
Did you know that? Yes, your name is written down in heaven. If you’re a Christian, yes, you’re going there.
That’s settled. But in the process, you and I are being sanctified practically today.
That is we’re becoming more like Jesus.
Jesus is not gonna come up and say, Larry man, you got dirt under your thumbnail.
You can’t come in here. It’s a nice place of heaven.
The moment you and I either get raptured or we die. The thumbnails are cleaned.
Everything’s washed. We will be freed from this body and we will enter into the glorious presence of which his sacrifice provided.
And here’s where we end. It’s through that love that he waits for us. He’s patient with us.
Listen, how good he is. Verse 45 but they did not understand the saying.
So Jesus began to beat them about the head and face.
No, no, for it was hidden from them so that they did not perceive it.
Oh Wait a minute, what was hidden from them?
The truth of Him going to Jerusalem who hid it from them? Not God, not Satan.
Jesus didn’t do it. The scribes and Pharisees didn’t do it. Who did it?
Their doubt and unbelief, the perverseness of their heart did at church.
I want you to think about this as we wrap this up. How many times do you?
And I find ourselves blinded because of unbelief and doubt of what God has told us.
Has He not said for us who are Christians that we are new creations in Christ?
All things have passed away. Behold, everything’s become new.
Yes, you can close your Bibles right now and you can think on this.
Our God loves you and He is great and I don’t want you anymore to be impatient or frustrated or thinking any longer That you have done something so great.
Have you sinned? Yes. Have I sinned? Yes.
But church his love is patient and the disciples, even after verse 45, they were still his disciples.
He didn’t get on the cross and say father forgive them for they know not what they do.
Especially Peter, especially James and especially John. He didn’t do that.
Stop trying to think for God.
Come to him with all your baggage, thumbnails and all and say God, I need you.
The Bible says God is for you. He loves you.
Understand that Christ went to the cross died there, rose again from the dead that you and I would be free from this sin and the sinful life that we have.
But we have to admit to Him that we need a saving power.
I don’t have to yell at you to convince you that you and I have done wrong.
We already know that inside. But what are we going to do with it? Heaven is real. Hell is hot.
God is good. He loves you so much and he doesn’t want you to go there.
And the story of the Bible, the message of the Bible is that for God’s soul of the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
Will you put your trust in Christ today?
Pastor and Bible teacher Jack Hibbs here on real Life Radio with his message called The Majesty of Jesus Christ.
Thanks for being with us today.
You know, this message, The Majesty of Jesus Christ is part of Pastor Jack’s series called The Gospel of Luke.
It’s a series on the book of Luke and the unveiling of Jesus Christ to this world.
And we’ll continue on the next edition of Real Life Radio.
You know, we don’t always understand what God’s doing, but the Bible tells us that one day we will.
The question is, do we know God personally?
Many believe there’s a God and that he’s powerful, but having faith in God is to know and understand that he cares about you immensely, God’s power could force obedience.
But instead he gives us the freedom to choose to come to Him through our own free will.
So if you’re wondering what that means to have a personal relationship with God, why don’t you let us help?

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