The Lord’s Desire to Claim Our Hearts

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Praise of the Lord’s Desire to Claim Our Hearts

There is nothing that the Lord desires more than to have a relationship with us and to be the center of our lives. As Priscilla Shirer so eloquently stated, “God’s real desire, in addition to displaying His glory, is to claim your heart and the hearts of those you love.” The Lord wants us to turn to him and to seek him with all of our hearts, so that he can bless us and guide us on the path to righteousness.

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The Lord is a loving and compassionate God, who wants nothing more than to pour out his blessings upon us. He wants to be at the center of our lives, guiding us and sustaining us through every challenge and obstacle. When we turn to him and seek him with all of our hearts, he is able to work in powerful ways in our lives, transforming us and helping us to grow closer to him.

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So let us praise the Lord for his desire to claim our hearts. Let us seek him with all of our hearts, knowing that he is always ready to receive us and to bless us. Let us trust in his love and compassion, and let us give him our hearts and our lives, so that he can use us to bring his love and light to the world.

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