The Little Anointed Ones – Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Little Anointed Ones – Jonathan Cahn Sermon
“In America’s greatest moments there was always sin, and in its worst moments, greatness. But there are critical junctures. In the middle of the twentieth century America began officially removing God from its national life. It abolished prayer and Scripture in its public schools. As ancient Israel had removed the Ten Commandments from its national consciousness, so America did likewise, removing the Ten Commandments from public view, banning it from its public squares, and taking it down, by government decree, from its walls. As it was in ancient Israel, so too in America, God was progressively driven out of the nation’s public life. The very mention of the name God or Jesus in any relevant context became more and more taboo and unwelcome unless for the purpose of mockery and attack. That which had once been revered as sacred was now increasingly treated as profanity. And as God was driven out, idols were brought in to replace Him.” “But Americans don’t worship idols.” “No,” said the prophet, “they just don’t call them idols. As God was expunged from American life, idols came in to fill the void—idols of sensuality, idols of greed, of money, success, comfort, materialism, pleasure, sexual immorality, self-worship, self-obsession.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
Now it’s interesting cause Messiah remember when he was in the Garden of Gethsemane, some of you have been there, the Garden of Gethsemane.
And what happened that what what what what happened there? His his will.
He crushed his will before the father saying that take this from me but your will be done.
I surrender to it. Well, guess um there’s a word in Hebrew for oil.
The word for a Hebrew in Hebrew for oil is shaman. Try it. seven.
The word for an oil press in order to get this, you gotta crush the olives is called got or get try it.
Get shaman get semini the oil press.
So here in the place of the where the oil with the, with the olives are crushed and the oil pours out, Messiah allows his will to be crushed at the beginning of his passion and he’s gonna be crushed.
He’s the Messiah oil is in his name and the oil is gonna pour out from him like it does from a, from an olive except it’s gonna be the spirit of God comes out from him.
So the spirit of God comes through Messiah. That’s why He’s the one who says, I’m giving you this.
He’s the one who anoints you. I’m giving you my, I’m giving you the spirit of God.
I’m calling the spirit of God.
So all of us, you have to be anointed by God to fulfill your calling from God.
Without the anointing, you can’t do it. What does it tell you? You’ve got a calling.
God says, I know the plans I have for you plans to give you a future and a hope God knew the plans before we were born, knows the plan.
And it’s high. God said, you know, you know, Paul said, this is a high calling.
You, your walk in a manner worthy of the high calling God gave you.
It’s above you and you don’t have the ability to fulfill it.
I don’t have the ability to fulfill my calling.
You don’t have the ability to fulfill your were not righteous enough, strong enough, holy enough, consistent enough.
But that’s why the anointing if you could do it without this, you wouldn’t need God.
You know that you know many faiths or many religions, they just try to be good enough without God.
We are not without God, we have been given the spirit.
And so this anointing empowers you marks, you sets you apart and even every calling of God, you know, you know, it’s too great for us to fulfill it, but it’s, there is no calling from God.
That’s too great. From the for the power of God to fulfill it. Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn.
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And what happened that what what what what happened there? His his will.
He crushed his will before the father saying that take this from me but your will be done.
I surrender to it. Well, guess um there’s a word in Hebrew for oil.
The word for a Hebrew in Hebrew for oil is shaman. Try it. seven.
The word for an oil press in order to get this, you gotta crush the olives is called got or get try it.
Get shaman get semini the oil press.
So here in the place of the where the oil with the, with the olives are crushed and the oil pours out, Messiah allows his will to be crushed at the beginning of his passion and he’s gonna be crushed.
He’s the Messiah oil is in his name and the oil is gonna pour out from him like it does from a, from an olive except it’s gonna be the spirit of God comes out from him.
So the spirit of God comes through Messiah. That’s why He’s the one who says, I’m giving you this.
He’s the one who anoints you. I’m giving you my, I’m giving you the spirit of God.
I’m calling the spirit of God.
So all of us, you have to be anointed by God to fulfill your calling from God.
Without the anointing, you can’t do it. What does it tell you? You’ve got a calling.
God says, I know the plans I have for you plans to give you a future and a hope God knew the plans before we were born, knows the plan.
And it’s high. God said, you know, you know, Paul said, this is a high calling.
You, your walk in a manner worthy of the high calling God gave you.
It’s above you and you don’t have the ability to fulfill it.
I don’t have the ability to fulfill my calling.
You don’t have the ability to fulfill your were not righteous enough, strong enough, holy enough, consistent enough.
But that’s why the anointing if you could do it without this, you wouldn’t need God.
You know that you know many faiths or many religions, they just try to be good enough without God.
We are not without God, we have been given the spirit.
And so this anointing empowers you marks, you sets you apart and even every calling of God, you know, you know, it’s too great for us to fulfill it, but it’s, there is no calling from God.
That’s too great. From the for the power of God to fulfill it. Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn.
Thanks for checking out my youtube channel. I hope you were blessed with the video.
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