The Levite Scandal & Bill Clinton! | Jonathan Cahn Special

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The Levite Scandal & Bill Clinton!

“God’s will is that none should perish. Judgement isn’t His desire…but His necessity. The good must bring evil to an end, or else it would cease to be good. And yet His mercy is still greater than His judgement. His heart always wills for redemption. And therein lies the hope.”
― Jonathan Cahn

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This is Jonathan Cahn, the author of the Paradigm and that is what we’re going to go into.
These are the mysteries of the book, the paradigm, you can only touch on them, but you’ll get a taste.
And this time we’re getting into something that’s gonna specifically pinpoint the timing of an event of your lifetime.
And the paradigm for those who don’t know is an ancient blueprint that actually pin actually pinpoints reveals what’s happening in our time, the people, the events, what was, what is, what is to come and gives it so specifically that it gives these the, these parameters which you’re gonna see, you’re gonna see it for yourself.
And the setting is we’re dealing with the ancient paradigm in ancient Israel in the Bible.
And there’s a king and queen who are in power and they are a team and they are involved with scandal.
And this is Ahab and Jezebel, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton will follow this ancient paradigm, not saying they know what they’re doing and we need to pray for all people, but these are signs here, they’re going to follow it now as there was scandal in the reign of the Caine Queen personal scandals.
So, there is in the Clinton years, not just one, there’s more than one.
The final big scandal that actually would lead to the impeachment of Clinton was the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
And that involved the breaking of the 10 Commandments just as the ancient one did.
And when did it, when in the ancient case, when was the scandal exposed?
Well, it was exposed in the 19th year of King Ahab.
I’m talking about the ancient scandal which had to do with the vineyard.
Uh, when was it the 19th year that Ahab was on the national stage?
Well, when did Bill Clinton come on the national stage? It was when he was elected governor of Arkansas.
That’s when it begins. When was that, that was 1979 count.
When is the 19th year from that beginning, the 19th year of Bill Clinton being on the national stage.
It brings you to the year.
1998 1998 is the year that the scandal is exposed as in the paradigm in the 19th year, it will be exposed.
But actually he was inaugurated as governor in January 1979. So that takes you to January 1998.
January 1998 is the month that the scandal will be exposed in the 19th year in the month.
But it goes even farther.
The fall of King Ahab, the scandal of King Ahab and ultimately his fall will be linked to the tribe of Levi.
He will break the levitical law of land in the scandal and he will his reign will come to an end in the city of the Levis.
The tribe of Levi could a modern presidential scandal in America actually be linked to an ancient tribe.
From the name Levi comes the name Levin from Levin comes the name Lewin, from Lewin comes the name Lewinsky.
The name Lewinsky simply means Tribe of Leli.
And so the scandal, the Lewinsky scandal means the Tribe of Levi scandal.
The scandal is actually named after the tribe.
And so here, the tribe that was linked to the fall of Ahab.
Now to his modern counterpart is also linked to the tribe of Levi.
But in the paradigm, it’s gonna get even more mind boggling. Here’s what it says.
Three years after the sin of the king is exposed comes the end of Ahab’s reign.
Three years. So you got three years, got the end and you got the three years before that you have the scandal being exposed.
Now, what about Bill Clinton?
Well, we know when his reign ends ended, we know that as president, it ended in 2001.
So so therefore, according the paradigm, if you count back three years from the end, will it bring you to the scandal?
Go back 2001, go back three years. Where does it take you to 1998? The year of the scandal.
But it’s gonna get more eerie than that. When was the actual last day of the Clinton years?
The Clinton presidency? When was the, when did it all end?
It ended 2001 on January 20th, the inauguration.
So what happens now if we count back the three years of the paradigm from the end of the king’s reign, count back three years from the, from the day it brings you to 1998 but it brings you to a specific day.
January 20th, 1998 anything significant.
The date January 20th, 1998 is the date that night that the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke forth to the world.
The exact that day, three years to the day, the exposure of the sin, the king’s sin, three years, the end of the king’s reign.
Well, we’re going to see even more mind boggling things and I can only touch on it.
These are, this is just a taste, but of course, to get the full thing, it’s in the book, the paradigm.
It’s everywhere you can get it from online and offline and bookstores as well.
Um, but the next one we’re gonna go into is going to be the mystery of the nemesis in the book.
It’s a chapter called the nemesis and it’s going to reveal a whole another realm here.
And so that will be on clip seven part seven of the paradigm.

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