The Joy Factors with Jonathan Cahn’s

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Listen, you know, today we have more people seeking pleasure than ever more people emphasis on pleasure, you know, seek pleasure.
Forget about the rest, forget about faithfulness, forget about it’s you, it’s you first. Number one, do your own thing.
You know, there’s been a thing with, with that with men and women.
You know, women should be much more happy now than they were, you know, in, in the past, in the fifties.
You know, because it’s always put down the past is always put down guess what?
Every year, every decade when they do studies, women are less happier than the decade before that has been like clockwork.
They found that number one, it’s not, that’s not where it comes from.
And that’s true with men or women, you know, you know, the one to go right to pleasure, you know, right away that the enemy uses chemicals, chemicals make your could go right to the Pleasure Center.
And so that’s called drugs are drug. People on drugs. Are they happy people? They’re miserable. The point.
It’s a lie of the enemy. It doesn’t work that way. An article just came out today.
People long or yesterday people long for the joy of childhood, but they can’t go back to it because when you see when you come into the world, you know, at the beginning, I told you how we were seeking for that party.
At the end, we couldn’t find the whole world is seeking for that joy that, that one way or the other.
But the problem is the world is not moving to the party, the world is moving away from the party.
Let me tell you what I mean in life, you start out with youth, you have health, you look better, you have, you have wonder, you have joy, you have all that.
Wow, everything you have fun and you spend the rest of your life losing it in the world.
The celebration comes at the beginning in the natural.
It comes at the beginning, birthdays, graduation, marriages, the beginning, early part of life.
What do you have at the end? You got a funeral.
The world is heading away from the party from the celebration.
That’s the way the flesh is. You know, it, it all goes in the beginning.
We had a garden, we, we left it, we left the so natural life.
The flesh, sin always goes away from joy. The joy of the flesh always fades away.
They have models on television, you know, you know, beautiful, you know, alluring and all that.
And what, but what, but what’s gonna happen in 30 years from there? They’re not gonna look like that.
And when they age, if their whole life is in how they look, they’re going to be messed up, they’re gonna be, they’re gonna be gone.
They’re gonna, because you know, the world will throw them away in a second and get a new set.
Instead of a kid, you have to keep it up.
There are horror movies where a man kisses a woman, a beautiful woman all of a sudden she’s this old whatever it is.
And you’re saying saying, oh man, oh look that, hey man, guess what?
What’s gonna happen to your beautiful wife in about 40 years, 50 years, she’s gonna become that old woman and men and women same thing.
So wait a minute, if you’re living by me, you think like oh that’s hard.
We’re all gonna be like that’s the flesh. And so the flesh is a sinking ship.
Get off the ship. The pleasure of youth fades away. Pleasure of beauty fades away.
Pleasure of strength and ability fades away.
John said the world and its loss are passing away, the world is passed.
So all its its pleasures, the joys at the beginning. First thing, the outside, that’s it.
So in the fall we move from God and the natural it all goes away.
But the point is if all those joys in the world are based on something that’s sinking, get off the ship, get out of the flesh, get into the spirit, you see, it’s all the enemy uses all those things and it’s only borrowed from God.
The only thing that’s good is borrowed. So, the joy of the flesh isn’t where it’s at.
It’s not gonna help me in the end.
And there’s the flip side of that coin is, you know, the way of God, you know, the, the, the way of holiness, the world thinks it’s a drag and you won’t be fulfilled.
And the flesh believes that even the Lord, you might believe that.
Oh, you know, but if it’s a be in prayer all the time, it be this or be holiness, you don’t think necessarily of joy.
But here we are now at the very end of the sacred year that God gave and it ends with not a funeral, it ends with a celebration.
The greatest celebration in God is at the end. What does it say? Do to honor?
You shall be altogether joyful. Leviticus says, you shall celebrate, you shall rejoice.
And this is God’s idea, not man’s idea.
This didn’t, you know, you know, God didn’t have, it wasn’t that they’re celebrating behind God’s back.
Let’s get some joy. God says, I want you to have joy. What did God say? King?
You might have life and that you might have joy, that your joy might be full.
Joy is of God, true joy. Tabernacles is the feast of joy.
But notice it doesn’t come at the beginning.
The greatest feast, joy comes in the seventh month, which is about closing ending and it’s the end of it.
It’s the last thing. And it’s a feast of seven days in the seventh month.
It’s the end of the end of the end. What does that tell you in God?
The party comes at the end. The greatest celebration. You got celebrations, you got joy.
So you, but the greatest joy is at the end. The word is hog. Try it.
Feast celebration. All the feasts are called, it doesn’t sound kosher but it’s, it’s kosher hug.
Think about this people. I mean, just this one fact, the greatest celebration comes at the end.
What is that? I mean, only in God can you find that party? Oh, party.
That’s not, of course, it’s biblical, a festival that’s called a party. It’s another way of saying it.
What does that? But it’s a good one. It’s with no hangover. It’s no, there’s no regret.
What does that mean? If you are?
The more you are living in God and living in his will, the more you are heading not to a funeral but to a party.
I mean, the world heads to a funeral. We head to a wedding. Think about that.
The flesh is heading to a funeral.
So even if you’re a believer and you’re heading, you’re living in the flesh, you’re heading to a funeral.
But if you’re living in the spirit, you’re not, you’re heading to a wedding celebration to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings, to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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