The Joseph Mystery of Messiah | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Joseph Mystery of Messiah | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn speaks of one of the most amazing foreshadows of Messiah. It is found in the book of Genesis in the story of Joseph.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

Messiah is the link is the bond between god and man. God and the creation.
So through him, everything came into he’s the logos.
This is something unique in that God is so great.
Messiah is so great. Awesome.
That centuries before he came, it was foretold that he would come, not just only in prophecy of the prophets, but also in shadows, fore shadows.
And one of the most amazing deep rich foreshadows of Messiah is found in the book of Genesis in this story of the man called Joseph.
The rabbis saw Joseph, even though before they didn’t know about Yashua, they saw Joseph as a foreshadow of who Messiah would be.
So they called him. They called messiah Machiak Ben Yosef messiah son of Joseph that Messiah was gonna be like the Joseph in Genesis that it is he’d be a foreshadow of Messiah’s life.
It’s gonna be it’s gonna have some deep things in it, so open your mind and focus.
Now, we’re gonna see in this prophetic revelation, uh, and also how all sorts of scriptures come together.
And it’s gonna unlock new dimensions of who Messiah is.
I’m gonna show you even a little bit of what the rabbis wrote, not that they knew.
They didn’t know what they were doing with this, but it shows you how real he is that they actually bore witness to Messiah uh, Jesus, you should without realizing they were.
Joseph Abraham had Isaac. Isaac had Jacob. Jacob had 12 sons. 12 sons.
The first of his sons from Rachel was Joseph.
Now, Let’s start off because we already we did one on this before we started it.
So this is the second part. Genesis 37 and verse 12. Genesis 37 verse 12.
Then his brothers went to pasture their father’s flock in Shaheem.
And Israel, that’s that’s Jacob, said to Joseph, are not your brothers pastoring the flock in shechem.
Come and I will send them, send you to them, and he said, I will go, and then it says, he said to him, go now and see about the welfare of your brothers and the welfare of the flocks and bring back word to me.
So we sent them from the valley of Hebron, and he came to Shechem.
These are all places right now in Israel. Joseph now is with his father Jacob.
Father Jacob says I will send you to your brothers. See how they’re doing.
In Hebrew, it says to see what their shalom is.
In Hebrew, if you say, how you do him, you know, how you say that?
You say that’s how you say it in Israel. Try it. It means Ma how is your shalom?
What is your shalom? That’s how you say how you doing. Same thing here. See how their shalom is.
And so he goes. Okay. Verse 15.
A man found him and behold he was wandering in the field, and a man asked him, what are you looking for?
Said, I’m looking for my brothers. Please tell me where they are pastoring the flock.
The man said they’ve moved from here for I heard them say, let us go to Dilthon.
So Joseph went after his brothers and them at Dothong.
When they saw him from a distance and before he came close to them, they plotted against him to put him to death.
Okay. Let’s open where we are right now.
He comes to see his brothers, and they are now conspiring to murder him.
Why? They’re they are jealous why because he appears to be the favorite of his father.
And he and so they say, let us slay him and it goes on and throw him into one of the pits.
And we’ll say that a wild beast has devoured him, then let see what becomes of his dreams.
They said, here comes this dream, or what are they talking about? Joseph had that dream.
He had 2 dreams where he He had a dream which could be taken as his brothers were gonna bow down to him, and they hated that dream.
Now, actually, it’s gonna come true because it’s god. It’s not Joseph. But they said, let’s let’s do this.
Let’s let’s take care of it. And so they they he comes there.
Now let’s now let’s go back for a second. Let’s open it up the mystery.
What is this a picture of from the beginning? It’s a father sending his son.
Now, does that sound familiar as a believer? A father sends his son. That’s the beginning of the gospel.
That’s the beginning of messiah, uh, coming to earth.
Jacob had fallen in love with Rachel, yet he was tricked into marrying Leah. Do you remember?
But it was his love for Rachel that so it’s the the it’s his love for Rachel that started the whole family.
The whole family is based on his love for Rachel.
Now, all the sons were coming from and the others, but only one son at that point.
The firstborn son was Joseph. So Joseph, to understand this, is representing the love of Jacob for Rachel because he’s the son of their union.
He’s the first one. So he is representing. He’s like the bond he represents.
Really, he’s the reason why the whole family is in existence because he represents the bond.
He’s the only one then will come Benjamin.
So he represents the cause of the family, the existence of that, and that’s maybe why he was the fae he seems to be a favorite or the favorite, and that’s why the sons the other brothers hated him.
So how does that what does that have to do as a shadow of messiah?
One of the words in Greek, we said we said Joseph was like the was the reason or the cause of the family.
He he represented it One of the reasons for cause or reason in Greek in New Testament Greek is the word logos.
Logos. It is in John in the beginning was the logos, the word, which is the logos in Greek.
All things came into being through him. And and nothing came into being apart from him.
And then the logos, the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
Joseph represented the logos of the family because he’s the bond between the father and the one he loves.
So he’s the bond and he’s the shadow of messiah. Messiah is the logos of existence.
In other words, we would not exist except for the sun. Now when I talking about when you’re born again.
I’m talking about just existing. The Bible saying that all existence came through him.
They came from the father through the son.
Miss is the link is the bond between god and man, god and the creation.
So through him, everything came into being. He’s the logos.
Not in Israel came into being humanity, the world, the universe, the father. So here’s the logo.
So Joseph is a representation of that He’s embodies it. So Messiah is that.
The father in the story in the account sends his beloved son.
He sends the logos into to the the family. So a representation, what happens?
God sends the logos into the world. He sends Messiah to us.
He sends Messiah to whom, first, his brothers.
Just as Joseph was sent to his brother, Messiah is sent to Israel and then to all of us.
But Israel is what is it written in John?
He came to his own but his own did not receive him. Same thing that happens with Joseph.
God’s all over the world he gave his only begotten son and whoever would believe it.
He gives, he sends, He sends his son to the brother.
His beloved son to the justice Joseph is. Messiah is sent on a mission.
But the mission that Messiah is sent on is to die.
So Joseph is going to his brothers and he doesn’t know it, but he’s gonna without knowing it, he’s a shadow, he’s gonna act it’s gonna kinda reenact it’s gonna act in advance the death of Messiah.
He’s coming there to his brothers.
Messiah, the Bible says, must god will send Messiah, Then it says, like, say, 53, it says it says he will be cut off out of the land of the living.
Daniel Nimes says that Messiah will come and then he will be cut off.
He will come to Jerusalem and then be cut off. Well, this is the earliest picture of that right here.
Messiah, when he were going up to Jerusalem, he said to the apostles, he said the son of man is going up there to be handed over to the gentile who will mock him, scourge him, and put him to death.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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