The Infinite Power of Praise – Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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But they’re saying we’re not of this prison. It’s midnight time of ending.
What would they be thinking if they were like many believers and saying, God, what are you doing?
You know, we were doing your will and this is what happens to us. We’re lost.
We can’t even do your will anymore.
We’re hopeless, angry, depressed, they could be all that gloom but they are not of this.
And they said, no, no, no, we are not accepting this.
We’re not, it doesn’t matter what happened what happened after that.
They’re saying we are not going to be down about this because God’s on the throne and we’re of God and we are of shammy in heaven.
Paul is the one who said, we, we walk not by, we walk by faith, not by sight.
See what is faith. Faith is part of the opening up.
There’s a limitation and you say by faith, you know faith, I see beyond that, I’m seeing through the wall, I have a wall of a problem.
But I see through the wall and I have a situation, but I see this situation is not the final situation.
I see the I see beyond it. That’s faith.
And so God has opened up, they have faith so they don’t accept that.
And so they’re, they’re, they refuse to be bound in their spirit.
They might, their body might be bound, but their spirits are not, their hearts are not bound.
See if you live and if you live your life on earth as it is in heaven, what do they do in heaven?
In heaven? They have praise and worship services. They’re praising and worshiping all the time.
So there, you know, but in prison, you don’t really do that. So they’re living in the spirit.
And so they say, well, we have to live by heaven.
And so they begin to praise and worship wherever we are. It says on earth as in heaven.
So in the prison now as it is in heaven.
Now about midnight, Paul and Silas are praying and singing hymns of praise to God and the prisoners are listening, imagine prisons that we’ve never heard joy here, we’ve never heard singing here.
What’s going on here and because, you know, because they’re not, you know, you’re in a miserable situation.
Most people don’t praise. But that’s what separates the believer. So Paul and Silas no better.
Their living unbound and what happens there praising their worshiping their maybe, who knows? They might be shaking their chains.
You know, prison prisoners in communist prisons, Christians used to use the chains to make music to God suddenly a great earthquake.
The foundations of the prison are shaken and immediately all the doors were opened, every chain was unfastened.
Every every prisoner and the jailer woke up, he was sleeping, saw the prison doors open, he took out his sword.
He’s about to kill himself. He thought all the prisoners had escaped. And Paul shouts out, don’t kill yourself.
What happens as they are living by the power of heaven?
They are no longer limited by the constraints of earth.
And so what happens is the earth yields to the power of heaven?
Literally, the earthquakes breaks open because the earth has to because the power of heaven is stronger, the power of heaven is stronger than your problem.
This is the power of the spirit. You see it throughout the book of Acts. Not only here.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel. I hope you were blessed with the video.
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