The Importance of Remembering God’s Greatness

The Importance of Remembering God's Greatness

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“Don’t Let What Once Was a Miracle Become Ordinary: The Importance of Remembering God’s Greatness”

Miracles are moments in our lives that take our breath away, moments that leave us in awe and wonder at the power and majesty of God. But all too often, we let those miracles become ordinary, losing sight of their significance and the greatness of the God who performed them.

In his statement, Joel Osteen reminds us of the importance of remembering what God has done in our lives. He encourages us to talk about God’s greatness, not to boast about ourselves, but to give glory to the One who truly deserves it.


This is a message that is especially relevant in today’s world, where it is all too easy to get caught up in our own achievements and forget about the One who makes everything possible. We are surrounded by distractions and distractions that can take our focus off of God, and it can be tempting to let those distractions consume us.

But the truth is that God is still working miracles in our lives, and it is up to us to remember them and give Him the praise and honor He deserves. When we do this, we not only give glory to God, but we also inspire and encourage others to do the same.

One of the most powerful ways we can remember God’s miracles is by sharing our testimony with others. When we talk about what God has done in our lives, we not only honor Him, but we also give hope and encouragement to those who may be going through difficult times.

It is important to remember that our testimony is not about us, but about God and His power to transform lives. As we share our testimony, we can remind others that no matter what they may be going through, God is with them and is able to work miracles in their lives as well.

Another way we can remember God’s miracles is by taking the time to thank Him for all that He has done. Whether we are expressing our gratitude in prayer or through acts of service, taking the time to thank God reminds us of His faithfulness and helps us to stay focused on Him.

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It is also important to remember that God’s miracles are not just limited to the big, dramatic moments in our lives. He is at work in the small, everyday moments as well, and it is up to us to be attentive to His presence and to recognize the ways in which He is working in our lives.

As we seek to remember and give praise to God for His miracles, we can also be proactive in seeking out opportunities to serve Him and share His love with others. When we do this, we not only honor God, but we also have the opportunity to be a part of His work in the world, bringing hope and healing to those around us.

In conclusion, it is important that we don’t let what once was a miracle become ordinary. We must remember the greatness of God and give Him the praise and honor He deserves. By sharing our testimony and expressing our gratitude, we can inspire and encourage others to do the same, and by seeking out opportunities to serve and share God’s love, we can be a part of His work in the world. Let us remember the miracles God has worked in our lives and give Him the glory He deserves.

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