The Holy Spirit In The Life of the Believer – Part 1
The Holy Spirit In The Life of the Believer – Part 1
So tonight, we’re gonna be commencing this study that we’re gonna entitle the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer.
And I’m gonna ask you to definitely take notes, especially if you have questions because on the Wednesday nights like this, when we do get the questions I know that I’m very, very bad about that.
I promised you questions on Wednesday nights and I’m hoping that tonight will be one of those nights, so we’ll go as far as we can this evening.
But I’m gonna ask you to grab your bibles or look at the screens.
If you don’t have a new King James version bible, and if you don’t have a new king James, you ought to buy a new king James bible.
They’re pretty cool. You know, all of these and the vows are out and they put in the the you and me, s uh but they have stayed true to the accuracy of the scripture, the new King James version.
That’s what we’ll be reading on the screens. And so let me read this along.
And I’m gonna ask you to definitely take notes, especially if you have questions because on the Wednesday nights like this, when we do get the questions I know that I’m very, very bad about that.
I promised you questions on Wednesday nights and I’m hoping that tonight will be one of those nights, so we’ll go as far as we can this evening.
But I’m gonna ask you to grab your bibles or look at the screens.
If you don’t have a new King James version bible, and if you don’t have a new king James, you ought to buy a new king James bible.
They’re pretty cool. You know, all of these and the vows are out and they put in the the you and me, s uh but they have stayed true to the accuracy of the scripture, the new King James version.
That’s what we’ll be reading on the screens. And so let me read this along.
And if you, again, if something pops up in your mind, there’s no paper in front of the seat that’s there in front of you, you pull it out and you write it down because I don’t want anybody to leave this place tonight in any way confused because it’s my opinion.
Uh that satan would love to have you confused about the Holy spirit because I gotta tell you church, you’re not gonna have any impact.
And you’re not gonna have any joy and you’re not gonna have any fun as a believer, unless you understand the workings of the Holy spirit and when I say fun, I mean, this kind of fun, like, like, like, like ripping up the world for jesus, kind of fun.
Okay, so here we go. These letters technically should be written in red, huh? This is jesus speaking.
He says, let not your heart be troubled.
You believe in God, believe also in me in my father’s house are many mansions, if it were not, So, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go notice, now, listen, he’s leaving, he’s announcing that he’s leaving and he’s telling us, don’t be troubled by the fact that he’s leaving, it’s essential that he leaves.
He’s got to go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself, that where I am there, you may be.
Also that’s a key statement, because he’s announcing, I’m leaving Earth, I’m going to Heaven, I’m preparing a place there and there’s gonna come a time when I’m gonna take you there, okay, but for our study’s sake, that’s not what we’re focusing on.

By the way, If you are an esc Atallah gist, this is the first introductory verse by jesus christ himself regarding the doctrine of the rapture right here, by jesus himself, I’m leaving, I’m going to prepare a place for you, I’m coming back, I’m gonna grab you, I’m gonna take you to that place that I’ve been preparing for you.
It’s not on earth, it’s in heaven Verse four and where I go, you know and the way you know Thomas said to him, Lord, we do not know where you are going.
Don’t you love thomas, he’s the best. And how can we know the way?
And jesus said to him, if he wouldn’t have asked that, we never would have known this next awesome verse.
I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me.
Oh I love that when you’re not a christian, you hate that verse because it’s so narrow.
This is jesus saying that and he’s saying this is the way I’m the ticket, I’m the key, I’m the path.
It’s vital If you had known me verse seven, you would have known my father also and from now on, you know him and have seen him, I’m gonna insert this, what jesus is saying cannot happen to your life without the holy spirit owning you.
And you’ll never be able to merge the understanding or the love or the relationship that you can have with the father and with the sun unless the holy spirit is operational in your life.
You are not gonna get that intercourse between the father and the son and the believer without the holy spirit being in your life.
That’s why people read this. They don’t get it, I’ll simply submit to you tonight.
You need the Spirit of God in your life to understand this, Jesus makes that very clear And so he says, and from now on you know him and have seen him verse eight Philip said to him, Lord show us the father and it is sufficient for us.
Love all these questions by these guys, Jesus said to him to Philip, have I been with you so long and yet you have not known me Philip.
He who has seen me has seen the father, what does that mean?
I’ll tell you what, it doesn’t mean.

Listen up, it doesn’t mean that jesus is the father, make sure you know that jesus is not the Holy Spirit, jesus is not the father, Jesus is jesus, the spirit is the Spirit and the father is the father.
So then what is jesus saying, this is awesome to be reminded of, Jesus is announcing by this.
If you and you know this, if you’ve read the entire gospels, Jesus said, I only say those things, my father tells me to say, and I only do those things my father tells me to do and I do nothing without him saying so and I say nothing without him saying so the will of the father is exactly what I do.
That’s the meaning behind what Jesus is saying, he is announcing, Have I been so long with you and you’re still trying to figure out who the father is.
Look at me, meaning everything I say, everything I do is the exact expressed perfect will of the father.
So in other words, when the woman was caught in the act of adultery and the Pharisees grabbed her, which why were they there watching?
I think it was a setup, they drug her to jesus, threw her down at his feet and said moses says to stone or what do you say?
And jesus begins to announce to them you who are without sin which one of you have no sin?
Go ahead and cast the first stone and the bible says that he stooped down is that awesome?
He stooped down, he began to write in the dirt and the bible tells us that they being convicted.
Each of them began to leave the oldest first to the youngest.
You hear the genius of that, jesus stoops down and answers the question moses is killer, what do you say, jesus and jesus begins to write in the dirt and these Pharisees, the oldest one, you know why?
The oldest person left, The oldest pharisee left first when you’re older, you’re very aware you’ve lived longer, you send more when you’re, the longer you live, the longer you live, the more sin you rack up on your centimeter, The oldest person leaves 1st and then the younger ones, young people, you gotta love them, the younger ones are harder to convince because they have, they have an ideology that is sometimes accurate, most often theoretical, it’s something that they’ve got to get through, it’s part of growing up, but the younger theologians, they, they’re, they’re really impressed with themselves.
Finally they get convicted and they leave and jesus says to the woman, woman were your accusers and she says Lord, she looks around, I think I I think, I think she said it like this woman, where are your accusers?
And she says Lord, I have none and Jesus says, neither do I condemn the go now and sin no more in other words go live a different life now, okay, how did that happen?
There’s no, there’s no word Jesus said your sins are forgiven and yet there was no gospel preached.
You don’t, you don’t even read about the word repent because you don’t have to.
The Holy Spirit had convicted her of her sins.
Jesus is gonna teach us tonight that the Holy Spirit does the convicting humans cannot convict.
Now you may think that you’re the Holy Spirit’s helper.
You’re not, you may be a sin sniffer and a fault finder. You’re not.
We are commanded to love, were commanded to love even our enemies, which the fun part is if you have you ever loved one of your enemies?
I I had an enemy, I had what I have, I have enemies, I just haven’t gotten the chance to love them all yet, but I had a real enemy years ago guy was out to get me big time and of the worst type of enemy.
It was out of pure envy. Something that happened.
And uh this person became very envious and is outside of my control.
Uh and the and the Lord said, I want you to love him.
And I thought, what was that Lord? You want me to kill him.
I want you to love him.
And I I can honestly tell you I did not want to do that.
And it was really hard for me.
And so I said, Lord, I’m gonna do this for you And I want you to, I want you to know I’m doing it for you and Lord, I’d appreciate it.
You’ve never if you would never forget that I’m doing this for you out of absolute obedience to you because I don’t wanna do this.
And I did it. And it didn’t change that person one bit. You know who?
It changed It completely changed me totally set me free.
That person, that person no longer had control over my life. That was supernatural.
Like what it was like an explosion happened? How did that happen?
Holy spirit, Holy Sarah did that.
And so he says, show us the father and he says, do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me the words that I speak to you, I do not speak on my own authority.
But the father who dwells in me that’s important.
Does the works Verse 11 says believe me that I am in the father and the father in me or else believe me For the sake of the works themselves, verse 12 most assuredly I say to you, he who believes in me the works that I listen, the works that I do, he will do also and greater works than these will he do?
Because I go to my father, stop right there, Jesus christ is saying that it is so expectant of those who believe in me to do greater works than me.
Can you imagine? How can you, how can I do greater works than jesus?
I’ve never raised anybody from the dead. Would I like to have raised somebody from the dead be cool.
But then I’d have to have enough faith to pray for that dead person to raise them?
Which is kind of overwhelming. Have you ever been next to a dead person?
And somebody says, pray ask God to let me tell you, you need to find some faith.
That’s a big deal. I’ve not done that. I don’t know.
Maybe you have, I’ve not done that.
That’s not what Jesus is talking about, Jesus is talking about something that’s greater than that.
What in the world can we do? That’s greater than raising the dead?
What in the world is it that we can do by the power of the holy spirit based on the words of jesus that are greater than walking on water?
It doesn’t matter if you walk on water, Would it be cool to walk on water?
Would it be awesome to walk from here to Catalina? I think it’d be awesome. But it’s not important.
It’s not needed, it’s not needed. The greater work. The greater work is the Holy Spirit in you.
Leading other people to christ is the greater work.
That’s the greatest work for you to be a witness to someone that leads them to the love of God.
Greater works that that he will do.
Because I go to my father notice notice, it goes back to earlier verse 14 or chapter 14 early on, I’m going, I’m leaving, you’re gonna be able to do this because I’m going, I gotta go and whatever you ask in my name, that I will do that.
The Father may be glorified in the Son.
If you ask anything in my name, I will do it verse 15.
If you love me, keep my commandments, I can’t do that unless the Holy Spirit does it in me.
Do you ever feel inadequate?
Okay, first, let me scratch that, raise your hand, Everyone just raise your hand, Keep them up, raise your hand.
If you feel inadequate. There you are.
All you have to do is read those three words, Keep my commandments and it says that’s it.
I’m going home. No, no, no, no, you cannot do it.
He does it in you don’t lose heart. He does this. You don’t do Christianity.
Christianity is done to you by the Holy Spirit. Amen. You know what?
It’s not in my notes. But let’s just say it.
God says to his priesthood in the old testament, you gotta put cotton in your crotch and in your armpits.
Did you know this? The priests were ordered to put cotton in their armpits and in their crotch because God said, my priest shall never sweat.
You know what’s awesome about that? When we start sweating, we’re not trusting in him.
When we’re when we start sweating and get anxious, we need to back up and calm down.
My priest shall never sweat.
And the bible tells us and peter that we are a kingdom of priests to our God.
He says in verse 16 and I will pray to the father and he will give you another.
There’s the word don’t notice by the way, even in the english, it’s in capital H The word is periquitos or Paraclete.
Paraclete. Tos para para parachute. Para ball parallel means alongside the helper who comes alongside you.
You hear what he’s saying? I’m leaving.
I gotta go, I gotta go by the way, I gotta go, I’m gonna build you a place, I’ll come pick you up.
But I gotta go for a lot of reasons.
I gotta go If I go, listen, I’ll give you another helper that he may abide with you forever.
The Spirit of Truth. So mark it down in your notes.
That’s the, that’s one of the names of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive.
Another words. Listen up everybody. This is not gonna go over big.
This will go over like a bunch of rocks.
The spirit of truth in you and I in this world the world cannot receive instantly the christian.
How many of your christians raise your hands. Okay.
The christian who is possessed by the Holy Spirit is at odds with this world and the world cannot receive your worldview.
Now they don’t get it. Look, let’s be honest.
Before we were christians, we didn’t get it come on and this immediately puts us at odds.
You’re not of this world anymore.
Remember the the bible tells us that we are ambassadors for christ and that greek word for ambassador is an ambassador that is sent to go into a hostile territory.
It’s not an ambassador. You know like the ambassador of the rose parade. Oh big deal.
What do you do? You sit in the car and you wave No, no, we’re talking about an ambassador that goes into where would that be today?
Uh North Korea or Iran to be an ambassador.
Can you imagine going going into Iran and saying, hey I’m a christian kim jong un before you press the next button.
I just want you to know I’m a christian. That’s the word. That’s radical.
That’s how we are in this world. The world doesn’t get it. They don’t get us.
They don’t understand that’s why they think we hate your your all these things, you christians, you this and this.
By the way, beware beware if you claim to be a christian and everybody of the world thinks you’re awesome, jesus said you can’t be friends of both.
You know that conviction you’re feeling right now.
That’s the Holy Spirit talking. I just want people to like me.
They’re not going to unless you give them stuff the way humans are.
I just want a lot of friends. You don’t need a lot of friends.
I just got news for. You don’t need a lot of friends.
You just need, first of all. You’ve got jesus. Yeah, but I want somebody to hold my hand. Okay?
You only need two or three of those. Okay, I’ve got 5000 people on my Facebook friends.
No, you don’t. They’re not your friends. I have all these friends.
I have hundreds of thousands of friends on facebook and they ain’t always nice to me.
So how can they be my friends. Right think of that. It’s kind of weird.
Let me back up actually verse 17 for the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither knows him or sees him nor knows him.
But you know him for he dwells with you. Listen, watch with you and will be in you.
This is this is amazing. We may not get any further tonight, just due to the importance of this statement, Verse 17, Jesus is saying the Holy Spirit operationally is always alongside everybody.
He’s he’s everywhere. He’s listen the Holy Spirit in future weeks we’ll get into his deity.
But the Holy Spirit is God and we’ll prove that to you.
If you know, if you have any Jehovah witness friends in the next 56 weeks, 7, 10 weeks bring them, bring them, bring them.
They need to know this because they do not believe the Holy Spirit is a person and they do not believe that he is God.
And the bible says he’s got and we’re gonna show you where it says all that so watch this he dwells for he dwells with alongside you and some of you have the old king James where it says and shall be in you.
That’s a futuristic statement. When jesus said this, it hadn’t happened yet. What hadn’t happened yet?
It had never happened in the history of mankind up until this time.
And that is the Holy Spirit had yet to dwell inside of a human being. Jesus christ is our prototype.
He’s a he’s the forerunner. So the Holy Spirit is not only God, we heard a moment ago that the father dwells within the.
Son the son within the father and we understand that the trinity is not able to be tri sect ID and so God is one right here.
The Shama hear hear O Israel? The Lord? Our God is one.
Okay, So jesus is saying, Holy Spirit is alongside you, But something’s gonna happen and he’s gonna be in you.
In fact, he’s gonna be in you.
To the point we read a moment ago, forever at the end of verse 16.
So he says he dwells with you and will be in U verse 18, I will not leave you orphans, I will come to you, okay?
This gets incredibly beautifully wild. Look at that carefully bible.
Students were talking about Jesus, the son of God, he’s speaking right, we all agree on that, he’s talking about the father who all agree on that and he’s talking about the helper.
The Paraclete owes the Holy Spirit. We all understand that this is amazing.
Look at verse 18, I will not leave you.
Stop right there, you just told us you were leaving, did you, did you catch that?
Gotta go, gotta go see ya. I’m gonna go, I’m gonna go build you a place, I’ll come back.
Gotta go. In fact, it’s better for you for me to go.
I’m gonna send the only Spirit though, I’m not gonna leave you orphaned.

Okay, I get that.
Okay, so he’s not gonna leave us orphan, he’s gonna send us the Holy Spirit.
Yes, but notice what he says, I will not leave you, I will come to you, how does jesus christ interact in your life if we went right now and asked all the Children and Children’s ministry, where’s jesus, where’s jesus?
Uh j vernon McGee was talking about a kid that went to his school church for the first time, some of you have heard this, this is awesome, so this, this family shopping for a church and they go to a church and the kid goes to the sunday school class, and uh the teacher is trying to get the kids to understand where’s jesus, where’s jesus?
And they just freak the kid out, and so the teacher was saying, okay, do you know, do you know?
And she says to this kid, oh you’re you’re new, so he concluded, wait a minute, they’re asking where’s jesus?
She’s asking, do you know, do you know?
And then she just figured out that I’m new here, and the kid got up and ran and got a hold of his parents and said, we gotta leave this church, we have to leave this church, and the parents said, what are you talking about?
Why? And he said they don’t know where jesus is, and they’re trying to pin it on me, that’s very cute, if you go to Children’s ministry and ask the kids where’s jesus, Listen, it’s so amazing, Only only 150 ft from here, think about it, if I ask you where Jesus is, you’re gonna go like this?
If if I asked the kids where’s jesus, they’re gonna go like this, did you know that?
And jesus said you need to become like a little kid to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Now, are you correct in pointing up? I guess?
I mean symbolically we point up, it’s like but they get it, that’s the right answer inside.
Okay, Guys put up John 15, starting at verse 18, john 15 18, if the world hates you, you know that it hated me before, it hated you.
If you are of the world, the world would love its own.
Does the world love you good yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world.
Therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, A servant is not greater than his master.
If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.
If they if they kept my word, They will keep yours also verse 21.
But all these things they will do to you for my name’s sake because they do not know him who sent me verse 22, if I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin.
But now they have no excuse for their sin. He who hates me hates my father.
Also verse 24, if I had not done among them the works which or miracles which no one else did, they would have no sin, but now they have seen and also hated both me and my father.
But this happened that the word might be fulfilled, which is written in their law, they hated me without a cause because when they help her look at that all of a sudden he goes from persecution.
And so guilt, guilt by association, the christian with jesus and the father.
He goes right back to verse 26 and he says, but when the helper comes, when the Holy Spirit comes, the Paraclete owes whom I shall send to you from the father, by the way, here’s the trinity in the Bible.
The spirit of truth who proceeds from the father? He will testify of me.
Let’s keep going with this. John 16: verse seven through 11, John 16 verses 7 to 11.
You guys, okay? I know we’re just we’re not even really teaching tonight.
We’re just walking through this tonight, but this is good for us.
Plus it’s the most bible you’ve had all day today. So it’s great.
Nevertheless, I tell you the truth. It is to your here you go. This is amazing.
It is to your advantage that I go away.
Those guys must have been scratching their heads, jesus. You don’t get it.
We’d rather just hang out with you. It’s amazing. There’s free food with you. There’s always action.
It’s amazing anybody dies. You raise them up, anybody’s sick, you heal them.
No, we want to stay with you. Don’t believe.
Don’t go, no, he said, it’s better for you if you’re going to have an advantage If I go away for if I do not go away, the helper will not come to you.
But if I depart I will send them to you. You know what that means?
Do you know what the day of Pentecost means? You know what happened, What happened?
The Holy Spirit came down and the and the church was born on the day of Pentecost.
That’s 50 Pentecost in other parts of the world. They’re called 50 day christians. Did you know that? 50 day?
I’m really seriously, I’m not joking. 50 day christians.
The christians who believe in the full Gospel are we know that we know in America. They’ll say Pentecostal.
But if you believe in the gospels, if you believe in the full, in the full Gospel of God, in other parts of the world, they call them.
Oh you must be a 50 day christian. If you believe the bible, yep, you’re a 50 day christian.
What does that mean? It means that the Holy Spirit controls you? Holy Spirit owns you.
So watch how cute this is. This is awesome.
How do we know if jesus after he ascended, you remember he ascended from the Mount of Olives that up out of their sight.
How do we know jesus christ made it to heaven.
You have no evidence or proof whatsoever. Until 50 days later.
How do you, jack?
I don’t get it because Jesus said when I go to the father I’ll send them to you.
You see what it took him 50 days to get there.
No, it didn’t take him 50 days to get there, Jesus came, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit on the feast of Pentecost.
Which listen, the sending of the Holy Spirit by Jesus down upon his church 2000 years ago was the actual fulfillment of the reason why there was a feast of Pentecost in the Old Testament.
Every old testament feast, there’s seven of them, All of them have a new testament.
Answer to him, except the Feast of Trumpets and the Feast of Tabernacles.
There’s, did you get that five of the feasts have been fulfilled in a new testament act example, Pentecost, the Holy Spirit gave birth to the church to have not been fulfilled in new testament times.
We’re waiting, we’re waiting for that to happen. The Feast of trumpets get the trumpet.
Hello, A trumpet shall sound the dead in christ will rise.
And we who are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet them in there.
And where do we go? We go to the father’s house and we Tabernacle with the Father Good.
I will send him to you verse eight and when he comes, he will convict the world of sin.
This is amazing.
The Holy Spirit, Jesus said, When the Holy Spirit comes to earth to do his work, he’s gonna convict the world of sin.
That’s what he does. That’s why people grind their teeth and hate God.
They love their sin more than God and they grind their teeth and hatred against God.
Listen, I’m not joking when I say this, I’m not being funny when we have legislators who try to silence the preaching of the word of God because it’s offensive.
They are literally totally ignorant of who the Holy Spirit is.
They’re trying to sue God when when the gospel is preached and the Holy Spirit’s moving.
You want to know if you’re going to a church where the Holy Spirit’s moving, there’s gonna be all kinds of stuff going on.
But the key thing will be conviction. All right.
It’s gonna be the Holy Spirit that’s gonna tell you inside your head.
Be nicer to your wife, will you? It’s the holy Spirit that’s gonna say you know what?
It’s not good for you to do drugs. You’re killing yourself. He doesn’t punch in the face.
You could be sleeping with bubbles tonight. He’s not gonna beat you up.
He’s gonna tell you you shouldn’t be sleeping with bubbles. That’s gonna kill you.
But if you dig your heels in and you resist him.
The bible tells us in the Book of Revelation in the end, people will be so hardened that it says that they’re gonna shake their fists and curse God.
Well all these miracles are going on earth, what he loves you.
He knows exactly how your life is supposed to go how it’s supposed to be let’s finish this section and then we’ll we’ll have some Q.
And A. Okay so start thinking of your question now so we don’t don’t miss anything so he will convict the world of sin, End of righteousness.
The Holy Spirit is the one that says that’s right and that’s wrong. Everybody knows it.
Listen, friends, listen pastor pray for my teenager, pray for my 23 year old daughter pray for my 25 year old sin?
They know the gospel but they’ve gone astray and they’re no I got it, we’ll pray.
Just know this the Holy Spirit, their life’s miserable. Well no they’re doing fine.
No they’re not but they’re making so much money and it’s okay.
It’s okay if they’re christians they’re miserable.
If they’re really putting it on the more they put it on, I’m doing great, awesome. It’s so great.
Oh man, I’m doing great. Have you ever seen people do that to you?
So you haven’t seen in a while? Yeah. Yeah, I’m just kind of taking a break from God.
It’s awesome. Just doing great. I’m doing great.
They oversell it okay and it’s not so great.
The world is not so great if you’re not a christian tonight and you’re you know, you’re you’re you’re doing, you’re doing your stuff, whatever that is, let’s be honest.
It’s not so great. You talk about it.
That’s why that’s why you always talk it up on monday at work.
Remember remember when you were not a christian? You’d lie your face off on monday.
Hey, how was your weekend awesome? What you guys do? Oh my goodness, you won’t believe it.
We did this and this and this and this. And then we went and did that.
Oh man, it wasn’t that great. You know it, that’s why you gotta talk it up.
It wasn’t so good. He convicts us of sin.
And he also tells us what’s the right way to go. Listen your wayward kid.
Just, I told the lady on sunday she she wanted me to call her son.
I go, what does he did you tell him that he shouldn’t be doing this? Yes.
Does he know the gospel? Yes. I said, how many times have you told him he shouldn’t be doing this?
Thousands? And I said, never tell him again, stop it and just pray him, pray him right in to the hands of God.
So I don’t know how to do that.
And I told her, I said you need to go like this.
Dear Lord the next time he goes to that place, this is how you’re gonna pray ma’am Lord.
The next time he goes to that place and puts his last stolen dollar into that slot machine and pulls it, May he vomit all over the place?
May he get sick? The next time he hears a casino that he would just be repulsed and become sick, Can you free like that?
That’s in the bible. it’s in the bible, David prayer, David said Lord, my enemies, you know who they are?
Break their teeth off in their mouth. Did you know David did that? It’s called in practice Torey prayer.
It’s called impractical Torrey prayer. I kid you not, you can pray, you pray Lord. Hey, we pray like that.
You know, there’s people that don’t like us.
It’s so hard to believe, but there’s people that don’t like us and so we’re gonna come by and we’re gonna Lord just stop them before they get here.
What does that mean? Don’t know, don’t care God just stop them before they get here.
And so because I go to my father and you see me no more and of judgment because the ruler of this world is judged.
That’s a reference to satan. So that was um halfway through page two of the notes will stop here because the rest, we would just do damage if we try to hurry through this And and if you have a question tonight, um guys, how are we gonna do this?
We can do it any way we want, wow. And that’s good because Wednesday nighters.
No, we do Q. Q. And A.
Sometimes I see some non christians that seem to act more like some christians than some christians boy.
I know, I know that person, I know who you’re talking about.
How can that be if the Holy spirit is truly working in the christian but not in the unbeliever, um you’re very generous with your assessment, you’re assuming your christian friends are christian, but let’s be nice at face value.
Let’s take that question on, let’s say the guy is a christian and he doesn’t live as decent as the non christian.
Which one’s the christian? This is a great, great question.
First of all, paul writes in the book of romans, is it not that God has written his law upon their hearts, the gentiles, so that without the law they do the law.
That’s interesting. That means God’s working in that non believers life, you don’t know what’s going on in that non believers life.
Yeah, but what about the christian?
That’s a goofball, He’s the one that he’s he’s the worst witness than the nonbeliever.
So let’s assume he’s a christian and he’s a work in progress, pray for him.
And by all means, and this is where we fail shame on us, if we really loved one another, we would tell one another stuff, you know what, come on, let’s be, let’s be honest about this.
And by the way, I’ve been here for a while, I don’t care how big this church is or how it ever gets or how many services we have The size of this church and but is irrelevant regarding its capacity to love.
In other words, let me put it this way you can be, you can be in a church of 10 people and it can be the most unloving gossip ridden nut job church.
So size does not matter. It’s the love.
Okay, so having said that if you, if you know this person, I hope you speak to them and you say to them, hey, were you there Wednesday night?
Because I text a question about you and and here’s the thing I was thinking about you when I text that question and you need to really, I’m coming to you in love and you need to really straighten that up.
I love you. Let’s straighten it up. Let’s read a book together on this.
Let’s let’s let’s do this together.
I, you know, listen, do you have to know someone if you’re in guys, I’m just talking to the guys right now, isn’t it universal guys in the universe, You don’t have to speak Russian if you’re in Moscow to tell the guy in the elevator, your zipper’s down, you know, it’s a universal thing in the world, you don’t let the guy get out of the, you don’t let him get out all men protect other men when it’s like, it’s just universal.
And yet you and I meet people walking around town or whatever and and they have, they have like food on their face or a booger like right there and, and it’s, and you’re like, hmm, and here’s the thing that blows my mind.
I will tell people, I will flat out say, look, I’m, I’m sorry, but you’ve got a booger on your, on your upper lip.
Why are you laughing?
Listen, if you see that, if you see that and you go, oh man, that is a bummer for that guy, shame on you.
If you love them, tell them if this guy is a goofball and he’s not doing the name of jesus, right, tell him, Okay, you gotta tell him next question.
How can we be clear and discerning when it’s the Holy Spirit speaking in our minds versus our own thoughts.
Fantastic. Oh man, next time together, that, that, that we’re gonna answer that, jesus is the Holy Spirit is only going to speak to you what I have uh spoken, he’s only going to speak the word to you, How do you know a great question, How do you know when the Holy Spirit speaking, he’s going to speak the word, listen.
So yeah, but didn’t satan use the bible against jesus and he uses it against you.
This is how satan attacks christians, he uses the bible and he will give you half a verse or he’ll mix versus up, So how do you know the Holy Spirit will speak the word, not a funny goofball version of it, Okay, so know the word and you’ll hear you know the word more and you’ll hear him speak more, I’m convinced God is constantly talking, I’m rarely listening I’m reading a book right now, It’s a secular book, but it’s all about listening and what’s the name of the book?
I have to I don’t know, but I’m reading, I was reading it today and it’s they were saying something about listening.
No, but it’s good, we need to work on listening. We don’t listen anymore. You know what?
Uh how can I can’t hear God, I can’t hear God.
Um so I just, I’d love to have God talked to me, I just, I don’t hear God’s voice, put this down, turn off the tv, pull the earbuds out.
Have you ever had the holy spirit tell you while you’re driving or whatever, turn off the radio.
And then you say God, I’m listening to christian music like he cares.
Oh, I’m sorry I have many times.
It’s very important.
We need to train ourselves to listen and we don’t do it enough, we need to do that.
We have a lot less drama in our lives.
If we listen to God, By the way, I’m a big fan of what I’m about to say, big fan, the more you wait and listen, the less mistakes you make in life you want to have a good life, stop making mistakes, we want to do that.
Listen to God, how do I do that? Read the word? How do I do that, soaking it?
Just get in it, Just get in it And listen, you will live your life and you’ll look, I’m an old guy now.
It’s pretty awesome. I’ve been a Christian 40, almost 44 years now.
It’s amazing because now I look back and it’s like God today, I’ll tell you, don’t tell anybody today truly, I was all by myself.
I was driving and I saw something that I drove through an area where I used to go as a kid.
You ever done that? And I drove through and I looked at something and I remembered oh my goodness Lord, you knew me when I didn’t know you, I was 12 years old riding my bike, going right past that, right past this spot and here I am now today and you brought me through all these storms and all of these things of life and all of the drama and all of the ups and downs and all of the pain and all of the joys and all of this stuff and Lord and I just went because I was by myself, I just went, you’re awesome and it feels good.
It felt really good. Next question, do you expect to see a physical being represent representing the Holy spirit.
Once we get to heaven or will the Holy Spirit just be God’s spirit with us.
Listen to this great question, the answer is yes.
Listen, jesus said blessed in the beatitudes, jesus said, blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God is father son Holy Spirit.
Now don’t ask me to explain what I just said.
Your that’s that’s gonna be part of heaven’s excitement? How are we going to see God?
The father God the son and God the Holy Spirit. I don’t know.
But jesus said blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
This is God in totality in heaven. You’ll see them.
How’s that gonna be, wow, I’m impressed by your question. Next question. Do we have?
We have, yeah, we have one more.
If the Holy Spirit is with us or in us all of the time, why do we sometimes feel separated from God?
Because um That’s emotion to notice the word feel circle the word feel, feel, put it in red and and and jack up the font 50 times feel.
Honestly, let’s, let’s be honest and how people ask me, you know, I don’t know.
I don’t know if I’m saved or not.
Well, do you, have you given your life to christ?
Do you believe he died on the cross for your sins and rose again from the dead, yep.
You do know you’re a sinner. Right. Oh yeah. Uh do you believe that he’s God incarnate? Yeah.
Well read John 3 16 I believe that uh throw your bible away.
I can’t do that. Okay, that’s why I said throw your bible away.
I know you can’t do that. So tell me how does, how does, how does it feel?
I don’t, I don’t know if I, I don’t feel saved. Well how does feeling safe feel?
What does it feel like you feel it?
Because you know, we need this is a good place to end because we live in a really weird christian age.
What do you feel? What I feel is my true my truth. What are you feeling?
I’m feeling a totally different truth. You’re both crazy and need to read the bible.
That’s true because why do you feel about that? Think about it.
How do they feel? It’s not the feeling, It’s what, you know?
So he’s always with you because he said, I will never leave you or forsake you when you feel.
And I’m gonna be brutally honest, when you feel like he’s not with you, it’s just your feelings.
That’s all it is. Okay. They’re really, they’re really no big deal.
They’ll they’ll fool you every time he said it, he cannot lie.
I believe him. So that goes against everything I feel in the negative and there are those moments and worship.
You can come on out because we’re late. I’m late. We’re all late.
But you know, listen, let’s all stand.
If you would, let’s um let’s let’s remember this, that when if our theology is emotionally based, if we have an emotionally based theology, then you’re going to be shipwrecked in the near future in your faith don’t have your, your relationship with God based upon how you feel?
Because when you feel a certain way you’ll be led astray your feelings need to be governed with what you know, feelings are great when they’re it’s like a horse.
Horses are great when they’re under control.
Okay, When they’re not under control, they can really mess things up.
But when a horse has a bridle and a bit and the horses under control, then there’s there’s a lot of good and your emotions are like that.
And the Holy Spirit, as you learn in the next many weeks, as we cover this topic of who he is, he’s the one who will give you the strength to govern your impulses and your drives because we all have them and they could all destroy us in an incident.
But for the grace of God, as we end in this song, I want you to remember that it’s jesus who died on the cross for your sins.
No church, no pope, no evangelist, no pastor, no priest. It’s Jesus who died on the cross for you.
He rose again from the dead. The bible says, because sin couldn’t hold him down.
I mean the grave couldn’t hold him down because he had no sin.
Isn’t that awesome, jesus laid in that tomb and and and death walked around him think about it.
Death tried to hold him down and it couldn’t it couldn’t find a handle anywhere.
Couldn’t find anything to hang on to because he had no sin, jesus.
And the bible says on the third day because he was God incarnate. He rose again from the flesh.
Jesus christ is the prophesy, Son of God.
That’s what the old testament is all about is who he is.
He died on the cross for your sins.
If you’re, if you’re here tonight or you’re watching and you’re a murderer, god can forgive you of your murdering if you are a top notch super citizen, excellent moral person and you don’t know God, you’re just as lost as the murderer all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
We’re all in this together, but we don’t get all out together unless you go to him.
So may the holy spirit lead you even now in the decision for you to say jesus christ, I’m inviting you into my life to be my Lord and savior tonight, I’m asking you right now Lord to take control of my life and make me brand new.
I’m asking you to transform me by your power.
I surrender to you fully and I’m asking you God to conquer my will.
I don’t want to be in charge anymore.
I quit and I want you to just cause me to live the life that you intended for me to live before I was ever born.
I’m yours jesus and from this moment on friend if you’ve prayed. That prayer go forward. Don’t look back.
Don’t turn around because your life is just beginning today. Thanks for watching the real life.
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