The Hidden Mysteries of Messiah in the Passover | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Hidden Mysteries of Messiah in the Passover
Jonathan takes you through the Passover Seder and the Last Supper – and opens up the mysteries hidden in the Passover, the three matzahs, the four cups, the zeroah, the maror, the Afikomen, and much more – All pointing to Messiah – And Special Message: The Power of Passing Over
Why is this night different from all other nights they ask?
And the leader says, because we were slaves to pharaoh in Egypt, and the lord Argan brought us out of there.
Messiah, our passover lamb, has been sacrificed.
Let us therefore celebrate the feast with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
Loop 22 then came the day of the unleavened bread on which the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed.
Yes. Shua, Jesus, sent Shimone, Peter, and Jochenon John saying go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover.
When the hour came, he reclined at the table and the apostles with him.
And he said to them, I have earnestly desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer.
We are celebrating tonight the Passover of god. It is celebrated by 2 peoples on earth.
One are the children of Israel by flesh and blood, celebrating the Passover from Egypt, and the other are the children of Israel by adoption by the spirit who are born again and grafted in, who celebrate it is communion, it is all so the feast of your salvation.
And so passover exists in the realm of the of flesh and blood history and the spirit.
One event happened over 3000 years ago is the exodus from Egypt. Moses.
The second is when Messiah filled it 2000 years ago with the redemption on calvary.
And so if you are born again, if you’re saved tonight, This is about your salvation because every one of you, you were set free on Passover.
Messiah died on Passover. He rose also on Passover, and your life was born again.
If you’re born again, this this feast is created by god not by man.
And so the symbols of this feast are are powerful.
They’re all about you, and we wanna remember the lord said to each to Is the israelites he said, never forget.
Every year, remind yourself of what you came out of.
Well, the same way in your life, if you’re saved, you’re born again, You wanna never forget what god took you out of and how god saved you.
Never forget your salvation, and that’s what it’s about. So we’re now gonna go back 2000 years ago to Jerusalem.
Imagine you’re there. Forget everything else. It it is the month of Nissan which it is right now.
The sun is setting. The oil lights are lit up all over the city.
A trumpet sounds from the temple. And the Passover is about to begin.
Imagine we’re there in the upper room with Messiah. Imagine.
And he says to you, I’ve desired to celebrate this with you before I suffer.
This is the blessing. The exact words he said. I want lift up your cup.
Now you remember, you’re only gonna have a 4th of it each time. Okay? But we’re lifting this up.
This is called the cup of sanctification that sets apart this moment. The passover begins with this.
It separates this time unto god.
When he had taken a cup and given thanks, He said, take this and share it among you.
This is the exact words that he said at that last supper.
Blessed are you lord god, king of the universe who creates the fruit of the vine, and he said partake of it, all of you.
First cup. Now this is the seder plate, and there’s this filled with cymbals.
And one of them Here, the the parsley here, or this is the green, symbolic of symbolic of the spring, the time of Passover, and of new beginnings.
This is Saltwater. It is it is symbolic of the tears of god people in Egypt.
This is Parsley. This is symbolic of the hyssip by which they put the blood of the lamb on their door post.
This is called Horoset, which is a symbol of the mortar of their bondage, their slavery that they went through, and this is called Maror.
It is the bitter herbs. The lord says you’ll eat it with bitter herbs.
This is the symbol of their their bondage in Egypt.
This is called the, which is the egg, and it is a symbol of new life, new beginnings.
Also, it stands for the Sac previce of a lamb, which we don’t have anymore without a temple.
And this is the symbol of many things.
This is the symbol of blood of judgment, the of joy of redemption, and certainly in messiah, This is the symbol of his life.
This, and this comes from Israel, this is this is made like it would be 2000 years ago, This is the matza.
This is called this is the feast of matza of unleavened bread, which is symbolic.
Of the bread the they ate in Egypt, but it’s also the bread of communion.
And then this is a mystery because this is called the Xeroa.
And there’s a whole mystery about this, and I’ll I’ll I’ll reveal it as with all the other mysteries tonight.
That is the passover. So passover is about death and life, tears, and redemption slavery and freedom rebirth and the the salvation of god.
And he begins also with water.
This is called the, and the the leader at the beginning washes himself because Passover is about cleansing and being made new.
It is written when you keep the Passover, your children will ask you what is it all about?
God said, You will tell them you’re young. So the youngest one is always to ask this question.
And the question in case they don’t naturally ask it, they have to ask it.
And the there’s four questions, but the first one starts off this way, and it’s an ancient chant.
Actually, when you hear it, you can almost hear the so far sounding and because it’s the it’s the it’s the it’s the melody of the show far.
It goes like this. Me call high lyload.
Sheba call high lyload, our new oclean, our made Sumatah.
Why is this night different from all other nights they ask?
And the leader says, because we were slaves to pharaoh in Egypt and the lord our god brought us out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.
Every year, the Hebrews were to tell the story of the Passover.
And in a nutshell, and you know it. You’ve seen the movie, but you know it.
Is the people of god, the people of Israel were in a foreign land, the land of Egypt of death, of bondage.
And they cried out, and god sent to them Moses.
You know his real name was Mosha, which means drawn out because he was drawn out of the water as a baby when the Egyptians were killing the Hebrew boys.
And he comes back. He said he was a shepherd. He sent back from Sinai.
God says to Moses, go down to Egypt and tell pharaoh Let my people go.
Moses goes down to Egypt, says that to pharaoh, but pharaoh says I will not I don’t even know who this god is.
I will not. So then come the judgments, the sub the the 10 judgments or plagues on the land.
Each one of the judgments are striking down 1 of the Egyptian gods starting with denial.
And pharaoh still wouldn’t let them go. So god told them in Exodus 12.
Now take a lamb, a spotless lamb, and you’ll sack refice it, put its blood on your door post, on the top, on the side, on the other side.
And the first born of every son of every house will be struck on that day.
But when I see the blood of the lamb, I will pass over you.
And so the night comes, judgment comes on Egypt, and the children of Israel or anybody who put the blood of the lamb on their door was saved.
Other of us, anyone who didn’t was not that house. So at that Ferro it breaks the power of Egypt.
Ferro says, go. And the years of bondage come to an end, the children of Israel are set free.
And they leave the land of bondage and they head home for the promised land.
Now let’s take this into the spiritual realm. What’s the meaning for everyone?
That is we all grow up in exile, all of us to god.
We all grow up in a life that’s fallen, separated for who we were supposed to be.
We’re in a world that’s separated from god like in Egypt. We’re born into. So we know bondage.
We know what it’s like. The amazing thing is when you hear the story of Passover, it’s really the gospel.
God saw you in exile.
God saw you in your sorrows, and he sent for you a redeemer to come into your Egypt.
And by your redeemer and by the blood of the lamb, you are set free.
I mean, what’s more the gospel than that? You don’t have to do any. God set it all up.
You are free to leave your bondage, free to live your own life and come home to god.
So here, This the salt water here that I’ll do up here, you have the main elements.
I have kinda the other ones here.
This is dip it was the symbol of life and newness and what was the dipping of the blood of the lamb.
The the people of Israel remember the tears of Egypt.
But at the same time, you wanna remember right now I’m gonna ask you to close your eyes for a moment because I want you to partake of everything.
And that is I want you to remember for a moment what god saved you out of.
And remember what before you knew god, the tears of your life, the sorrows without god.
And the thing is god promises not only that he he he knows your tears, But even in the tears we have in this life, he redeems every one of them.
It says in the Bible, he has your tears in a bottle.
And this is now called the cup of judgment. It stands for the price of the Passover.
And with Salvation, it sands for the price of your salvation and my salvation.
Now what’s done, we didn’t do it for a few years because of COVID. We’re gonna do it.
It’s your own thing here. You take your pinky, and you’re gonna be don’t do it yet.
We’re gonna dip ten times in here.
You take one, as I said, and then dip it onto the piece of paper.
That is these are the 10 judgments of Egypt. Okay. The price that was paid. I’ll show you.
You just go like this. Okay. Okay. 1. Ready? It’s what’s done all over the world.
1, Dom, the plague of blood, 2, Safardia, the frogs, 3, Kannim, the vermin, arrived the flies, divert the plague, Shahin, the boils, barad, the hell, Arber, the Locust, Hoshek, the darkness, and finally, Mahat Buhorot, the death of the first born son.
Those are you should have 10, 10 spots on the napkin symbol of blood, the 10 judgments of Egypt.
Now I told you I would tell you this mystery here.
This mystery here, this is called the Xeroa. Try it. Zoroa. Now here, the mystery is this.
In the Bible, it says that god created the the world by the Zoroa It says he saved his people out of Egypt by the zeroa.
The prophet said By his holy zeroa, god will make his salvation, his yeshua, known throughout the earth.
So this is called the zeroa.
By which god created the universe, saved his people, will bring salvation.
But what is this This is the this is the bone of the lamb.
Now what is the zeroa The Xeroa can be translated into into English as the arm of god.
The arm of god. What does Isaiah say?
Who has believed our report and to whom has the zeroa, the arm of god, been revealed.
Do you get what it’s saying?
It’s saying the power of god that created the universe will become as a lamb and will die.
For our sins. And so that’s because then Isaiah53 talks about the armor, the lord, and says that he died for our sins.
What it’s saying is the most power the most the greatest revelation of the power of god is not that he could create the universe.
It’s that he could give his life for you. And die to save you by the zeroa.
He created the world by the zeroa He brings salvation by Xeroa for for the Israelites new life begins.
And by the Xeroa, they become free and the children of Israel, the children of god.
So by the zeroa, by but the zeroa is actually a person And but Messiah Jesus is the zeroa, the the arm of god.
And how much how awesome is our god that He shows himself on the cross dying for our sins.
What what god does that? Only our god.
And so when John the baptist first saw Messiah and John was a priest, he was born of Aaron, and the priest identified the lamb.
He says behold the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world.
Messiah had to come to Jerusalem to be offered up because Jerusalem’s where the lambs are offered up.
Messiah had to die on Passover because Messiah is the Passover lamb.
And here, for those who haven’t heard me say this on Passover, they would put the blood of lamb on the one door post on the other door posts on the top door posts.
And when you connect them together, it forms a triangle pointing from man to god up to heaven.
But over a 1000 years later, god would answer that, and he would take his lamb on beams of wood and put one blood here, one spot of blood here, and one spot of blood there forming a triangle from heaven to earth.
Put them together, and you have the star of David, the covenant of god.
That is what it is all about. That is what Calvary is. That’s what the crosses. It’s passover.
It’s the beams of wood and the lamb on there.
So the cup of judgment, the 2nd cup, take your cup.
Remember when the lord said, father I was just there in yet seventy.
Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me, yet not my will, but your will be done.
This represents the judgment of the firstborn son, Messiah is the firstborn son of god and the lamb.
And this is to remember the price that he gave that someone gave his life for you.
You are blessed. You are loved.
You are more loved than you could or be loved in this world by the love of god who gave his life.
Doesn’t matter if you when you feel it or when you don’t, that does not change the love of god for you.
On Passover, we remember the lamb, the one who gave his life.
There is no greater love you will ever.
I will ever know We we don’t even know the half of this love. No greater success.
No greater thing you can ever have. No treasure. You can never have greater than the love of god.
If you have the love of god, you are rich in this world.
And so we wanna remember he lifted us up and here is the blessing.
Bless than are you, lord god, king of the universe who creates the fruit of the vine.
And now we’re gonna in a moment, we’re gonna partake of it, but remembering, this is the 2nd cup the judgment that you will never know because someone else took it for you forever.
Partake of the of the cup So think about the message of Passover.
The message of Passover is I am saved by the blood of the lamb.
I’m set free by the blood of the lamb.
Am new by the blood of the land, and it’s written.
Well, I’m gonna I’m gonna give you something before we’re gonna the next cup you have is the 3rd cup.
Now the 3rd cup is the communion in its full form.
And that that special piece of bread that you hid, that is the bread of the communion.
But before we do that, this would be the time if you were at a home, You would have the you’d have the meal.
So instead, but we’re spiritual. I’m gonna give you a spiritual meal. Hopefully, you ate a full dinner.
But I wanna give you I’m gonna give you a mini message, which is different every year.
I was praying about what to share. Now Passover. What is Passover?
Passover is a holiday. Passover means the holiday.
But going deeper, To go deeper, I went to the Marx Brothers.
In one of the marks, the great Jewish scholars, in one of the movies, Growcho says to Chico, they’re going over some plans, and they Chico mentions a levy.
A levy is something in a river, but it also is the Hebrew word for Levi.
And there’s a play on words. You wouldn’t think so in the Marks Brothers.
He says, oh, the levee and and groucho responds. I think we’ll just pass over that.
Now it’s a play on words, which you wouldn’t catch.
Passover is a Jewish holiday, but Passover is also a verb. To pass over. That’s not an accident.
It goes back to the book of Exodus. It says you’ll take a lamb.
You will spot your house with it.
And then it says, I will pass through the land of Egypt strike down the gods of Egypt.
And when I see the blood of the lamb, I will pass over you.
The lord will pass through the land, it says, but when he sees the blood on the door post, the lord will pass over that house and not allow the destroyer to come to your house.
So Passover is the holiday. One word. Passover is two words. It’s not an accident.
The word for passover in Hebrew is Pesach. Try it. Pesach.
PASA comes from a Hebrew root word. You know what it means? It means to hop.
It means to skip over. It means to leap over. And it means to passover.
So from that one act, that one event, you get the holiday of passover.
So passover is an act It’s a holiday.
And not only that, but you know what the Passover lamb is called?
The Passover lamb is not called the Passover lamb in the Bible. The Passover lamb is just called the Passover.
The name of the Lam is Passover.
In fact, when it says it doesn’t say kill the Pass lamb. It says, kill the Passover.
So the name of the lamb is Passover.
And then you come to the new testament, and what does it say?
Throughout the New Jersey, Messiah is the lamb. He dies on the day of the lamb.
And then it says, you know, I remember at once I went to a passover with my relatives.
It was the family relative passover, and I brought my new testament secretly in my pocket.
And when I kinda good by the way, I opened it up. I just opened it up.
And you know what it opened up to? It opened up to 1st Corinthians for Messiah, our Passover.
Has been sacrificed. And even in the Greek, the word for Messiah, he is the Passover.
The word in Greek is Pasha from Pesach.
In fact, if you go outside of America to any Latin country, they don’t call They don’t call it Easter what’s coming up.
They call it Pascua or the Passover all around the world. Messiah, it says our is our passover.
Now imagine if you were there 3000 years ago, And the shadow of death and judgment is coming on the land.
Comes coming to your house. It’s like a storm coming to your house.
But if on the door post of your house, you’re inside the house and on the door post is the blood of the lamb.
That judgment is gonna pass over your house. The blood of the lamb, the judgments pa passing over.
So the lamb was called the Passover lamb because it had the power to cause judgment to pass over you.
Now think about that. Who is Messiah? He’s the lamb There was judgment coming on. We all deserve judgment.
We all have sinned. There’s all there’s a eternal judgment.
Yet, is the lamb by which the judgment passes over you?
Because when you came to the lord, what happened? That was passover.
It was his passover when he died, but it was your passover when you said yes to it.
And judgment passed over your life when you said come into my life, lord. Jesus coming to my life.
Put your blood upon me. Save me from this moment on. He is your passover.
Now tonight, if you don’t have that, you’ve got a problem because there’s judgment.
That’s why you need to be born again.
For those of you who are born again, It all began when you took that.
You took the lamb to your heart.
So if you have the blood of the lamb in your life, Then no weapon formed against you will prosper.
No condemnation will touch you. You are saved by the blood of the lamb.
In Egypt, the blood of the lamb was put on the the posts of the door, but on calvary, it was put on the beams of the cross.
But it’s the same thing. You see that night of Passover, once that Passover came, once it passed over, they were free.
It was all over. They were free.
They were knew they were as if they as if they were new people kind of like born again, not saying they were, but it was like that new beginning.
The chains broke off It says if anyone is a Messiah, when you said yes to Messiah, it says you are a new creation.
The oldest passed away and the new has come. The old is gone.
The past has no has no say in your life has no claim on your life because the blood of the Passover lamb sets you free from everything that has ever been.
So the Passover lamb was like the Salvation, and what is the name of Messiah?
Yashua Salvation, but his name is also Pesak. I he is the Passover.
But it doesn’t just stop there.
What I shared, you know, the last part of the pastor, which is the communion and a special thing at the end that goes to the to the coming of the lord.
That’s that’s a shorter part, but I prayed for a word for you right now. It doesn’t just stop there.
The lord says when I see the blood, I will pass over. How does that apply to your life?
It’s gigantic. God saw the blood on your life, and now the judgment has passed over forever.
But you are a child of god now. If you’re born again, you’re a child of god.
You have to do the same thing that god did. What do I mean?
There are a lot of things in this world that are not right.
That are evil, that are sinful.
There are people who sinned against you, who hurt you, wounded you, abandoned you, betrayed you, came against you, It could have been something to happen in your life, in your childhood, in your teenager, in your adult years, whatever, and you’ve been holding it in your hearts.
And what you’re holding is judgment.
And the thing is when you see the blood, you have to pass over it.
When you see the blood, you have to lift the judgment. You have to let go.
You gotta release it. You gotta forgive.
Whatever they did to you, when you see the blood, you’re gonna pass over it.
They but they abused me. God knows it. But when you see the blood, you gotta pass over it.
They betrayed me. They wounded me. Okay. But when you see the blood, you have to pass over it.
What is stronger? What they did to you or what god has done for you? Which is stronger?
The sins of man or the blood of god, the love of god.
If you say the sins of man, then your sins aren’t forgiven.
If you don’t forgive them, you’re saying their sins are stronger than the blood, the love of god.
That’s safety If their sins are stronger, then so are yours, but, no, you gotta choose 1 or the other.
Choose either choose the sin or you choose the blood.
And I’d rather choose the blood because you forgive your forgive him. This is Jonathan Khan. Thanks for watching.
The return of the goths is available literally everywhere, Amazon, wherever books are sold, and god bless you.
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